Mental Help Fairy

Struggling with grief, anxiety, or life after divorce? I specialize in couching for depression, domestic abuse, and stress management for professionals.

Let’s rewrite your story together—reach out today to start your transformation Hi, my name’s Kita, I’m 38 years old and I’m originally from Bulgaria. I live with my two beautiful dogs Zara and Linda . I’ve lived in the UK for the last 12 years running my own businesses for the past 10 years. During the Covid-19 lockdown I realised that it’s time for me to pursue my dream to help others that may ha


Ever feel like something’s just… missing?

You’re going through the motions, snapping into place but still feeling slightly bent out of shape. Then, out of nowhere, you meet someone who gets you—gets you—and suddenly everything clicks. Who knew two slightly dysfunctional pieces could make one perfectly imperfect whole?

Don’t get too cosy. We all know how quickly pins can unhinge. 😉 Here’s to those fleeting moments of feeling whole—cherish them before life unclips your happiness.

**P.S.** Some connections are a little too sharp for comfort. 💥🧷

Kita Tabachka

Photos from Mental Help Fairy's post 31/08/2024

What’s holding you back?🤔

Do you question if someone truly loves you, or are you battling with the shadows of your past? 🧠💔 The struggle is real, but the truth is—your mind can be your greatest enemy or your strongest ally. It’s time to break free from those doubts and step into a new chapter with confidence.

👉 Ready to face your fears and transform your mindset? Let’s talk!


👉Have you ever felt like you’re standing in the wrong room?

Imagine being full of potential, yet feeling like your confidence is always just out of reach. You know you’re capable, but the self-doubt lingers. You have talent, but it feels wasted on the wrong crowd. You deserve applause, yet you often feel like the world looks the other way.

👉Now, picture this:

You’re in a place where your passion is ignited, your soul is nourished, and your dreams feel more alive than ever. This isn’t a fantasy—it’s a choice.

✨Choose where you go.
✨Choose your circle.
✨Choose your crowd.

Be where you are truly seen, where your talents are not just recognized but celebrated. Remember, no matter where you start, you’re always capable of becoming better.💫

KKita TabachkaMental Help Fairy


How do you navigate life when your pockets are empty?

Victor Hugo said it best: "Nothing makes a man so adventurous as an empty pocket." 💸

When the money’s gone and the pressure is on, we discover just how resourceful we can be. It’s in these moments of desperation that our sharpest instincts and boldest ideas emerge. ✨

Struggle isn’t just a challenge—it’s an invitation to rewrite your story. How will you rise to the occasin❓📖

Kita Tabachka
Mental Help Fairy


Every unexecuted idea is a missed opportunity. What are you leaving on the table by not taking action?


Success isn't just about reaching the top—it's about those who hold the ladder. Who's lifting you up? And who are you lifting?

Photos from Mental Help Fairy's post 25/08/2024

A little motivation.....


Imagine you are the kind hand guiding this gentle soul through life’s journey. As you observe, notice the tenderness with which you hold yourself, supporting and lifting yourself up with every challenge faced.

See how you navigate the rough patches, always seeking the light, always trying to uncover the beauty in the simplest moments. You’re not just surviving—you’re thriving, with a quiet strength that deserves recognition.

You, dear one, are a testament to resilience. Every day, you rise, you care, you try, and that makes you extraordinary. 💜

🎨Inspired by Alev Neto

Kita Tabachka
Mental Help Fairy

Photos from Mental Help Fairy's post 22/08/2024

9 Deep Lines That Will Make You Think:


До този, който замина в чужбина, за да търси „щастието“,

Е, как върви великото приключение? Мислеше си, че щом излезеш от границите на родината, животът ще ти поднесе щастието на тепсия, а то се оказа, че си взел билет за еднопосочен влак към „Самотия“ със спирка в „Разочарования“.

Нали се надяваше, че като се махнеш от къщи, всичко ще стане като във филмите – нови приятели, нови възможности, ново „ти“. Ама какво стана? Оказа се, че реалността е малко по-различна, нали? Вместо голямата любов, намери студени погледи и празни усмивки. А „уютът“ на новия ти дом? Да, той е толкова уютен, колкото може да бъде едно кьоше с IKEA мебели, които ти се разпадат под задника.
Самотата ти стана новият съквартирант, а празнотата – най-добрата ти приятелка.

И да не забравяме храната – онези „гурме“ ястия, които струват цяло състояние, но те оставят по-гладен, отколкото беше преди да седнеш на масата. Къде е онази купичка с топла супа и голямото парче хляб, което мама винаги ти даваше, а? А за кюфтетата и лютеницата да не говорим – тук ги няма, нали? Ти си като скитник, който търси дом, но намира само студени стени и празни чинии.

Нали знаеш онова чувство, когато мислиш, че правиш нещо невероятно смело и значимо, а после осъзнаваш, че всъщност си като онези туристи, които се губят с карта в ръка и накрая се връщат на изходната точка?
Да, точно така се чувстваш сега. Мислеше, че щастието е на другия край на света, а се оказа, че си го оставил вкъщи, при онези, които наистина те обичат и при лютеницата.

Ти си заминал да търсиш нещо, което не може да се купи с пари или да се намери в чужда държава – истинското щастие.

Домашно приготвената храна няма същия вкус, когато не можеш да спориш кой ще мие чиниите, а новата държава, с всичките си блестящи възможности, бледнее пред споделените моменти на дивана вкъщи. Но помниш ли онзи ден, когато напълни куфарите със смес от вълнение и „може ли мама да сложи още един буркан с лютеница“?

Стабилната ръка на татко ти, която ти каза без думи: „Ти можеш, но звънни, ако нещо се обърка“. Ето върху това стъпваш сега – комбинацията от амбиция и „ще ми пратят ли колет за Коледа?“…………………………………………………………………………….

#ирония #поезія #поезия


“My worst fear is being stuck.

Being stuck in a place that isn’t comfortable, or that bores me, being stuck with people that I don’t care for, being stuck doing a job I can’t stand.”

—Brooke Baldassare, my worst fear is that I will let my life get away from me and forget to really live it

artwork by Chika Takey


A salary is that generous gift to keep you comfortably distracted from those wild little dreams you once had.


“One of the most misunderstood aspects of guilt is that it is basically about separation from love.

Guilt, and the resulting fear from guilt, are not about feeling 'bad about oneself'. They are basically about being separated from love. If people know they are loved, they are not afraid of their 'badness'. They feel accepted and safe, and they do not have to feel 'good' about themselves to be safe. Love does that. Love is everything.

So if people are feeling bad about themselves, the answer is never to get them to feel better about themselves. The 'self-esteem' trip is a dead end. The answer is to have them feel connected to love. If they feel connected and accepted, they do not have to feel good about themselves.

In fact, they stop being so concerned about themselves altogether and get into love instead. Feelings of badness are not something to be overcome. They are another symptom of the basic problem of disconnection from love. Don't fall into the trap of trying to make a person with 'bad' feelings develop 'positive' feelings. This not the answer. Getting loved is.

One of the most destructive causes of guilt is emotional and spiritual isolation. The maxim to remember is this: An alone self is a bad self. If someone feels alone, he or she is going to feel 'bad'. The answer is not 'goodness', or more self-esteem. The answer is love.

In helping people grow in the area of resolving guilt, make sure that you are on a mission to end internal isolation. If you find people who feel 'bad' about themselves, find the isolated part of their heart and give them grace, love and connection. If you do that, you will cure a lot of the guilt.

This is one reason why abuse victims feel so bad about themselves. The abuse has made getting close to others and trusting very difficult, and isolation takes over their soul. As a result, they feel like a 'bad' person, even when that is the furthest thing from the truth. Love will do away with that state, whereas positive affirmations, although important, will fall short. Reconciliation to love is the answer for guilt of any kind.”

— Dr. Henry Cloud


Пир на сенките

Седим на масата, в мълчание потънали,
Ти и аз – две сенки, които си играят с нощта.
Търсиш нещо по-дълбоко от тяло до теб,
Но илюзията ти стига, защото знаеш, че тя ти носи утеха.

Погледът ти е натрапчив, сякаш ме държиш в ръцете си,
Смехът ми е твоето оръжие, което ме държи близо.
Но не разбираш, че усмивката е само маска,
А тишината – пропаст, която не можеш да прескочиш.

Искаш да бъдеш бурята, която разбива моя свят,
Не просто случайна вълна на повърхността.
Но аз съм скала, която не се покорява,
Непоклатима пред твоите усилия, неподвижна в своята самота.

Смехът ми беше мостът, по който стъпваш,
Но зад този смях стои празнота,
Която дори най-добрите ти шеги не могат да запълнят.
Обичаш ума ми, усмивката и дълбоките ми очи,
Защото там откриваш свят, който никой друг не вижда.

Спомняш ли си първия път, когато ме разсмя?
Тогава си мислеше, че си ме спечелил завинаги,
Но в този миг не осъзнаваше, че усмивката ми е щит,
Който предпазва сърцето ми от това, което никога не можеш да ми дадеш.

Лежим в едно легло, всеки със своята роля,
Ти държиш тялото ми, но душата ми е като дим.
Мечтите ми са далеч, недостъпни за твоите ръце,
А веригите, с които ме обвързваш, са крехки,
Ще се скъсат, защото не можеш да задържиш това, което не разбираш.

Искаш всичко от мен – и тялото, и ума,
Но аз съм загадка, която никога няма да решиш.
Тайнство, което те държи буден,
И всеки път, когато мислиш, че си ме разбрал,
Аз се изплъзвам, оставяйки те да се чудиш – какво всъщност имаш?

Контрастът между светлината на смеха и тъмнината на тишината,
Това е, което ни държи заедно и разделени едновременно.
Танцуваме на ръба на страха и желанието,
Свързани от нишката на нощта,
Но завинаги разделени от светове, които никога няма да се срещнат.

И все пак, ти продължаваш да се смееш,
Вярваш, че един ден ще преодолееш този бездънен кладенец.
Но истината е проста и жестока –
Няма смях, който да запълни празнотата,
Нито усмивка, която да снеме товара на това, което никога не ще бъдем
Kita Tabachka


Tetris Was Fun,Right ?

Once, we laughed as pieces fell,
Stacked them high, and did it well.
But now as grown-ups, we despair,
At life’s blocks falling everywhere.

Where's the kid who loved the game?
Who saw each challenge, felt no shame?
We killed that joy with bills and stress,
Now every block’s just one more mess.

So here’s a tip, before you’re done:
Remember when the game was fun.
Life’s still Tetris, piece by piece—
Laugh again, or find no peace.

Kita Tabachka


He stands with hearts on display,
Bright and red, but they’re not for him today.
A family walks, their joy in hand,
While he watches from a distant land.

He sells the love that he can’t afford,
A silent soul with emotions stored.
In the shadow of warmth, he plays his part,
But knows not the feeling of a full heart.

Mental Help Fairy
Kita Tabachka



✨ You don't truly know me; you perceive a version of me.
✨ What you see in me is a reflection of yourself.
❣️ If you see love in me, it's because love exists within you.
❣️ If you see aggression in me, it's because aggression resides within you.
❣️ If you admire a quality in me, it's because you possess that quality too.
❣️ If you think I'm foolish, take a moment to analyze your own behavior.
❣️ If you dislike something in me, it's because there's something within yourself that you dislike. This shouldn't surprise you...

🪞 I am a reflection of your reality.
📍 You imagine me; I am your creation, and you will see in me only what you recognize in yourself.
📍 If you like what you see in me, embrace it!
But if you don't like it, change it within yourself!


💟 I LOVE YOU because you are the mirror I chose to observe and grow from. 💟

Photos from Mental Help Fairy's post 31/07/2024

Avoiding Comparison: Embrace Your Unique Journey

Comparison in life with others is a double-edged sword. It often undermines our own efforts and progress. We tend to see others' successes without knowing the full story behind them, leading to feelings of inadequacy.

Only you know the hard work, dedication, and struggles you face daily.

Seeing someone excel in an area we value should ignite our passion and push us to work harder. However, constant comparison can also be detrimental. It can breed envy, dissatisfaction, and a sense of inadequacy, overshadowing our unique achievements and diminishing our self-worth.

Everyone's journey is unique, shaped by distinct circumstances and timelines. Instead of measuring ourselves against others, focusing on personal growth and celebrating individual milestones can lead to a more fulfilling and content life.

Recognize and celebrate your own efforts.

Embrace your path, appreciate your progress. Remember, your path is your own. Your efforts are valuable, worthy of recognition, and your worth is not determined by how you stack up against others.

Comparison distracts; focus on your own journey!


Из Музата на Морето

Седя на плажа и пиша историята за нея,
Жената без лице, но със сърце, а може би две.
Много мъже я желаеха, жадуваха да я притежават,
Но тя оставаше сама, чакайки него – невидимия герой.

Тялото й ридаеше, а очите й – сухи като пустиня,
Сълзите й – бисери, скрити в нощната мъгла.
Мечтаеше за човек с лице а може би две, когото никога не бе срещала,
Живееше с него в сънищата си, денят й – вечен мрак, каква шега!

Морето, неин вечен другар, я галеше с вълните си нежно,
Но всичко това беше театър на илюзии, изпълнен с горчивина.
Пишех история за двама, които никога не се срещат а може би вече се познават,
Но в думите ми те живееха, вечно обичащи се – какъв фарс!

Всяка дума беше вълна, разбиваща се в скалите безмилостни,
Всяко изречение – чайка, изгубена в небесата.
Търсех тяхната любов в метафори и рими, както злато в пясъка,
Илюзия, уви, но търсенето беше вечен зов – комично и трагично.

Ръцете ми върху клавишите танцуваха като пеперуди в мрак,
Сърцето ми биеше в ритъм с песента на морето, мощна и вечна.
Мечтите ми за тях бяха крила на ангели, летящи в безкрайността,
Всяка страница – карта на душите им, търсещи пристан тих и сигурен.

Много мъже искаха да я имат, да бъдат нейната звезда,
Но тя ги оставяше да минават, чакайки него – невидимия герой.
Той невидимия я караше да се усмихва, но щом се доближеше – изчезваше,
Каква ирония, каква вечна игра на съдбата – или просто игра на сенки?

Морето беше огледало, в което душата ми се взираше,
Вълните бяха сълзите й, които никога не спираха.
Чакаше любовта, като кораб на хоризонта далечен,
Знаеше, че ще дойде, но кога – неизвестност, вечна.

Хората казваха, че любовта е игра на съдбата,
Но тя знаеше, че е повече – тя е сън, тя е мечта.
Всяка дума беше искра, която осветяваше мрака дълбок,
Всяка страница беше път, който води към светлина – или просто към следващата илюзия.

Сълзите й се смесваха със солта на морето безкрайно,
Всяка сълза беше диамант, блестящ в тъмнината дълбока.
Но продължаваше да пише, продължаваше да чака с упорство,
Защото знаеше, че истинската любов не се крие в реалността – а в следващата глава.

Морето беше нейната муза, нейната вечна песен,
Вълните бяха ритъмът на сърцето й, непоклатими.
Пишещата машина беше компасът, който я водеше,
Към любовта, която ще я направи цяла – или поне ще запълни следващата страница.

И така, седях на брега, с пишеща машина в ръце,
Пишех история след история за двама без лице а може би с две, в която вярвах безрезервно – какъв абсурд.
Морето ме слушаше, звездите ме гледаха от високо, А аз продължавах да пиша за любовта, която ще ме направи и мен цяла – иронично, нали?

Кита Табачка

Mental Help Fairy


The Kingdom of Clownery

In a world where the latest iPhone is more coveted than ancient wisdom, lived a man named Selfie. His name wasn’t bestowed at birth, but earned through relentless vanity. He spent his days perfecting his reflection, each like on social media a fleeting balm for the gaping void within.

Selfie resided in an old castle, not for its history, but for its ambiance—a perfect backdrop for his quest for online validation. The castle, once a bastion of knowledge and valor, now served as a gaudy stage for his hollow displays of wealth and charm. Here, books gathered dust, replaced by silicone, Botox, and the latest fashion trends. Morals and values were ancient relics, long forgotten in the mad dash for fleeting fame.

One day, while sipping a meticulously crafted latte and posing for his next post, Selfie encountered Hashtag. Unlike the surgically enhanced women who orbited his world, Hashtag was real, raw, and refreshingly indifferent to his charms. Her authenticity was like a punch to his carefully contoured face.

“Tell me, Selfie,” Hashtag said with a smirk, “what do you truly love?”

Selfie, ever the narcissist, waxed poetic about his followers, his lavish lifestyle, and the throng of skinny women who flocked to him, more interested in his money than his soul. But Hashtag saw through his facade, right to the hollow man beneath.

“Love,” he declared, “is the rush of a new notification, the adoration of faceless fans, and the thrill of living a life that screams ‘I’m better than you.’”

Hashtag’s laughter rang out, genuine and cutting through the fake atmosphere. “Is that so? I love the moments that aren’t staged, the laughter that isn’t choreographed, the truths hidden in the shadows.”

Selfie felt a pang of something foreign—doubt. His kingdom, built on the flimsy foundation of social media approval, seemed suddenly precarious. “What do you see in me?” he whispered, for the first time afraid of the answer.

“I see a man lost in his own illusion,” Hashtag replied. “A king of nothing in a world where real values are buried under trends, and true connections are as extinct as your moral compass.”

In this kingdom, relationships were disposable, love was a hashtag, and God was as forgotten as the grandparents left in decaying villages. Selfie’s carefully constructed world began to crumble. He saw himself not through the rose-tinted filters of his followers, but as he truly was—a lonely, insecure man chasing shadows in the digital abyss.

In the weeks that followed, Selfie began to dismantle his facade. He posted less, engaged more, and let his true self, flaws and all, come to light. His follower count dwindled, but those who remained saw a man who was finally real.

And Hashtag? She stayed, not because he was perfect, but because he was authentic. Together, they built a new kind of kingdom—one where shadows mingled with light, and love was found in the spaces between the superficial.

Why I Wrote This Story

In a society obsessed with superficiality and instant gratification, "The Kingdom of Clownery" is my darkly humorous critique of our collective descent into vanity and moral bankruptcy. We've traded genuine human connection and timeless values for digital validation and hollow lifestyles. This story holds up a mirror to our faces, reflecting the grotesque reality of our times. My aim is to provoke laughter, thought, and perhaps a spark of change in how we view our lives and relationships. Cheers to a better tomorrow

Kita Tabachka
Mental Help Fairy


Времето е такова, че дори и вятърът би се изгубил в търсене на логика, дали ще сте като последния мохикан или просто ще чакате сиренето в капана за мишки? Четете нататък и ще разберете.

Времето е особено

Полуграмотните са на почит – като плевели в градина на невежеството.
Безчестните са богати – като жаби в блато от злато.
Честните – нечути – като вятърът в пустинята.
Пред Храма ехти светска музика, а Св. Синод си затваря очите – като мечки в зимен сън.

„Искам да съм честен, но ми пречат,“ – казвате в хор, като папагали без криле.

Рядко ще сте пред съдбовни избори, другари.
Развратът иде от малките компромиси и ежедневните мерзости – като ръжда, която яде желязо.

Страхът си ще маскирате като мъдрост – като вълк в овча кожа,
алчността си – като далновидност – като пираня в аквариум,
безчестието – с изкусна аргументация – като гримирана лъжа.

Но не пледирайте за невинност – сърцето ви знае, че е греховна навигация.

Изберете светлата страна, ако искате:
ще е трудно – като ходене бос по тръни,
вероятно бедно – като джобовете на скитник,
може би самотно – като последния мохикан,
и със сигурност несправедливо – като съд без справедливост.

Наградата липсва – като сирене в капана за мишки.

И въпреки това, голяма част от вас ще направи този избор, без грам награда.
Така че, бъдете спокойни – изборът е ваш и не търсете оправдания.
Защото изборът е ваш – честито, сега имате само страдание.

#ТъменХумор #Сарказъм
#ЖитейскиИзбори #Метафори
#Сатира #МораленДилема


The StoryTale of a Tiny Turtle 🐢

Time will tell and time will see,
If this little turtle can outlast the spree.
I’ll remember who I am, with shell and might,
I’ll keep crawling, through day and night.

Life offers a bumpy scope,
Where turtles must learn to ultimately cope.
Try to see some good in every snail,
Even if your life's moving at a fail.

Though things get difficult, struggles are real,
I’ll show courage with each slow-stepped heel.
Persistence, they say, wins the race,
Even if it’s at a turtle’s pace.

Never give up, the path will come,
It’s only a crawl before the sun.
Think upon the wonder of life’s slow track,
And you’ll have strength, with a shell on your back.

Beat the darkness into the past,
Or just hide in your shell until it’s passed.
Waddle in this world, so big and wide,
Or at least survive with some humble pride.

Hold these thoughts when you feel blue,
And know exactly what to do.
Life’s not about material bling,
No object can make a turtle sing.

For here, experience is the play,
In this slow-moving, mundane display.
The universe provides a glimmering direction,
But don’t expect speed, or much affection.

It’ll show you wonders, and maybe a fly,
None of which will help you get by.
And this, my friend, is what’s meant,
Until your turtle time is utterly spent.

So here’s to the turtle, slow and wise,
Living life under the shell’s disguise.
With dark humor and a sarcastic grin,
This turtle’s tale is where we begin.

But let’s be real, my turtle friend,
Life’s a joke that doesn’t end.
Dodging cars, kids, and canine bites,
Avoiding turtle soup with all your might.

Every slow step, a gamble with fate,
Hoping you don’t become a dinner plate.
Your life's a sitcom, one slow, long jest,
With cosmic punchlines, putting patience to the test.

So laugh at the snails and dodge the jail,
Find joy in the mundane, amidst the frail.
For in this grand circus, slow and absurd,
The turtle’s the star—haven’t you heard?

Kita Tabachka
Mental Help Fairy


Inspired by My Clients

The voices in my head whispered, "You were an accident."

It was my mother's voice. I wonder, did she ever say it aloud, or was it the look in her eyes?
Silent, yet screaming: "You were an accident."

Expectations draped over me like heavy chains, leaving me gasping for the air my family breathes. Each encounter with her is a fractured mirror, reflecting my fears, my failures, my shame.
And as always, the voice returns: "You are nothing."

I was the rebellious child, the storm that raged against her indifference.
Did she never ask why?
Or perhaps she knew—it was her form of ignorance,
a refusal to face her own failure.

Her presence, a ghostly reminder of my inadequacies, casts a shadow over every breath. Each glance, a dagger, each word, a wound that never heals. How can I exist in the same space, breathing the same air, when I am nothing more than the echo of her disappointment?

It always felt like she was saying, "You were the thing that ruined everything."

I am often inspired to write poems like this, drawn from the deep pain and voices of my clients. Their stories fuel my passion to help them heal and find their strength.

For more insights and support, follow me at @followers

Reflect: Then consider sharing this poem with others.


"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see." – Edgar Degas

Dear Friends and Art Lovers,

I'm thrilled to share some exciting news with you! As a soon-to-be professional counselor and a certified art therapist, I’m launching my first collection of children’s room posters! 🎨✨

💖 **A Heartfelt Creation** 💖
Each piece in this collection is crafted with love, joy, and a deep understanding of the therapeutic power of colors. These vibrant and whimsical posters are designed to bring happiness, creativity, and a touch of magic to any child's room.

🌈 **Why You'll Love These Posters**:
- **Therapeutic Colors**: Carefully chosen to calm and uplift, making any space feel serene and joyful.
- **Whimsical Designs**: Imaginative and playful, perfect for sparking creativity and delight.
- **Art Therapy Benefits**: Rooted in principles of art therapy to support emotional well-being and healing.

🎁 **Perfect for Every Child’s Room**:
- Looking to brighten up your little one’s space?
- Searching for a unique and thoughtful gift?

These posters are more than just art; they are a tool for emotional growth and creative expression. Stay tuned for the release date and details on how you can bring these special pieces into your home.

Thank you for your unwavering support and encouragement. Your enthusiasm is the driving force behind my creativity!

With all my colorful best,
Kita Tabachka

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RDJ First Time At Stock Exchange 🤩 Young Robert Downey Jr. first time at the New York Stock Exchange in early Florid Miston 2

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“ruff" day


Every Father Must Read
"Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know" by Dr. Meg Meeker:

1. You are very important to your daughter. Be a good example by being honest, kind, and respectful, and show her your unconditional love.

2. Spend time with your daughter. Play, talk, and listen to her. Show interest in her life and let her know you're always there for her.

3. Help your daughter believe in herself. Encourage her to try new things and don't be afraid of failure. Build her confidence so she knows she can achieve anything.

4. Teach her about personal boundaries. Show her how to set limits with others, including family and friends. Let her know it's okay to say no and not do things she's uncomfortable with.

5. Keep her safe from harm. Protect her not only physically, but also emotionally from bullying or peer pressure. Let her know you'll always be there to support and protect her.

6. Teach her about love and respect. Set an example of how to love and respect others. Teach her how to be a good friend, girlfriend, or wife.

7. Share your faith with her. If you have strong spiritual beliefs, talk about them and help her develop her own beliefs. Let her know she can come to you for guidance.

8. Be a hero to her. Be someone she can look up to and admire.

9. Be her friend as well as her father. Let her know you're there for her no matter what.

10. Love her unconditionally. The most important lesson of all is to show her your love no matter what she does. Love her without conditions, and she will grow into a strong and confident woman.

For many more book summaries & self-development articles follow

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Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5pm
Friday 8:30am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 3pm

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