ABundanCe Chiropractic and Family Wellness

We are passionate about helping you move away from pain, tension, stress, to live an abundant life. We have a holistic view on health.

"The power that made the body, heals the body", B.J.Palmer, the father of Chiropractic. The human body is self healing and self regulating. ABundanCe our mission is to empower families and individuals to reach their full health potential physically, mentally, emotionally, naturally with Network Spinal and Somato Respiratory Integration ĺSports Therapy, massage, meditation, for you to achieve your

Photos from ABundanCe Chiropractic and Family Wellness's post 23/07/2024

This review typifies the changes people experience with the researched proven, science and art that is Network Spinal Chiropractic care at ABundanCe Chiropractic and Family Wellness with Chris Bundy who helps you reset and upgrade your nervous system effortlessly. Relief from



Thanks for review Wright

"I had been recommended to see Chris through a friend, so grateful I took this opportunity.

Chris asked some really thought provoking questions, which actually took me by surprise.
Like how old are your children?

Explaining they are 50 weeks apart with a little giggle is completely normal to me.

Explaining that my first son was breech, I went through the trauma of having him turned, which actually lead to 4 day labour, 2 epidurals because they didn’t hit the spot first time, followed by an emergency C- section. To then go through an almost identical experience 50 weeks later without any aftercare, had just been normalised.

When Chris pointed out the toll these events would have taken on my spine and nervous system, 16 years ago it made me stop and think. Why didn’t anyone in the medical world think to tell me, how to help myself recover from the trauma.

Chris’s sessions include, breath work, such a powerful simple tool, affirmations bringing in the voice and sound help the vegas nerve wake up and move things through and of course his chiropractor magic, which is so subtle, little flick here and there.

Within 1 hour, my shoulders and hips were aligned. I had more movement in my neck and I could actually touch my toes. I also released emotions my body had been waiting patiently to let go of.
I felt lighter and had more love and compassion for myself.

I went through a lot to birth my beautiful big boys. I actually did deserve a medal and to be celebrated, my body deserves all the aftercare needed to restore my nervous system that controls everything I do.

I’m excited for my next appointment and would highly recommend Chris 🙏"

Many thanks for allowing me at ABundanCe Chiropractic and Family Wellness to help you with your health and for a really comprehensive review, the biggest form of gratitude. Look forward to more magic and helping others who are stuck and looking for more energy, pain freedom, joy and vitality or who are looking to make a shift in their awareness of what is really possible when unstuck!..


Thanks for the testimonial Laura Kennedy Amazing how the body responds to some care. Helping the brain body connect to the disconnected stress to release stored tensions, physical emotional mental so the body can function to its highest potential each entrainment building in the last.


So grateful to Jack for sharing his experience at ABundanCe Chiropractic and Family Wellness Change in awareness, better, faster, if not immediate physical changes, incorporated a healthier lifestyle, better emotional regulation, unstuck subconsciously what was preventing him from moving forward in life...The power of the body to heal itself when properly aligned so the brain communicates better with the Whole body to.produce extraordinary healing and better wellness.
Grateful for allowing me to help you with your health, to increase your strength and wellness. Greatest form of appreciation is in recommendations and testimonials.


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Thank you for suppprting me, Chris Bundy and Chiropractic and Family
If your nervous systems have been helped from 3days old to 99yrs and made changes to spines, minds and lives. TIAx


Jack‘s brief immersion into care. Many thanks for allowing Chris Bundy to help upgrade to help get to the root of , , , , adjust the , changes minds and lives. It certainly makes sense to invest in your health now to live happier healthier more aware connected inside so you can be more resilient on the outside. Why pay later when the present As is to be present, is a gift.. HNY- Happy New You. Look forward to assisting you on your joyrney to soon


Many thanks for your review so grateful that you are entrusting your health with ABundanCe Chiropractic and Family Wellness


A little reminder..Thank you Dr Judy L Scherx
"Healing can feel worlds away, all it needs is the right catalyst.
In times when pain takes over, it feels like it has been there on and off forever - and so, you plow through and keep going anyway because what else can you do?
It often feels like nothing is ever going to help the anxiety, the screaming back pain, the stomach aches, the headaches, the fear. Pain presents with many faces.
You may feel as if you're on a crazy merry go round loop gone rogue.
You have not surrendered completely, but you have given up. Given up your power, your voice, your possibilities, all while the pain says, "I won't leave you alone because you can't keep doing you the same way you've always done you - so I am here to remind you that you need to listen differently and make different choices both in your body and in how you are paying attention”.
Our society teaches us: when pain is present; it is bad, when it is not there, it is good.
No one taught you another way to listen and connect with yourself without trying to push the pain away; in that place of connection, you learn to honor something deep and primal within you that has been waiting to be heard. From that place you ultimately heal. And yes, I'm referring to real pain; sciatic pain, migraines, debilitating anxiety - you name it.
If you're willing and ready to live your life from a place of greater integration and wholeness, there is a way.
When you find the right catalyst which provides energy for healing it can start to create a little space where there was none, life heals.
The catalyst may be someone seeing you, I mean REALLY seeing you. The catalyst may be getting support for you to SEE or FEEL yourself differently. It may be an aligned touch, or a song that stirs your soul, or a ceremony that burns up something that doesn't serve you any longer. It could be having an authentic conversation or taking a stand in a way that allows your voice to be heard. But of all of these, YOU seeing and experiencing yourself differently is the most powerful.
Energy is all around, yet often it can feel hard to access ... because you've not been taught the value of the experience of self connection in a real and empowered way. Begin with a small opening that brings you into new ways to heal and that opening can grow with support and practice. What seemed worlds away, will come into view. What you will discover is that YOU are the most powerful ingredient to your healing. You, engaged with your body and life in a new way, in a way that allows you to find space, peace, ease, awareness and love.
You are that powerful."
Judy L. Scher
ABundanCe Chiropractic and Family Wellness regulation,


What to do with about a Google review that isn't being shown on my page?


So grateful for feedback which helps others find what they're looking for, getting unstuck neck, back pain, sciatica headaches lack of sleep low.e energy and a whole host of other symptoms that ABundanCe Chiropractic and Family Wellness can help your brain and body deal with better ..

" I just wanted to say thanks SO much for the entrainment again last night - it was simply incredible. I am so grateful. We are due to come to Cornwall in July and I'm genuinely trying to think how we can fit coming to see you with that- I'd love for my partner and boy to experience it too...

Hope you're feeling good after yesterday"


"Hey Chris
Great to see you again. Thanks for a brilliant entrainment. Still feeling connected and clear today. What a fantastic start to the bank weekend. You are truly a master of chiropractic and network. It was an amazing experience to have the entrainment..
Mark B

Improved Brain Development in 37 Children Undergoing Chiropractic Care for Correction of Vertebral Subluxation: A Retrospective Analysis of Health Outcomes | Vertebral Subluxation Research 28/02/2023

The last few years have left parents feeling less than confident in western medicine & we get it! Parents NEED to trust in us and what we are doing as regulated primary health care providers, as we are the experts in MSK and Nervous System deregulation and the knock on effects this has on the whole body and brain.. Especially after 2020 (....2021, 2022....)

Dear parents, who NEED data, need assurance. We will help you. Are that someone?

We provide concrete evidence to parents who may struggle to understand the abstract idea of chiropractic.

Sensory outcomes had an almost linear improvement across all treatment plans with an average of 62.6% improvement in food choices, sensory sensitivity, and sensitivity to pain.

This data was pulled from 's recently published study “Improved Brain Development in 37 Children Undergoing Chiropractic Care for Correction of Vertebral Subluxation: A Retrospective Analysis of Health Outcomes”.

Have you had a chance to read this publication? You can find it linked in our bio or by clicking directly here: https://vertebralsubluxationresearch.com/2022/07/10/1830-chiropractic-brain-development/?fbclid=IwAR2eDO_gwfNxrteRY7-xyjYiG01t3BU4Me5e5N6FE6uKycuGLave6pazQc0
ABundanCe Chiropractic and Family Wellness

Improved Brain Development in 37 Children Undergoing Chiropractic Care for Correction of Vertebral Subluxation: A Retrospective Analysis of Health Outcomes | Vertebral Subluxation Research Improved Brain Development in 37 Children Undergoing Chiropractic Care for Correction of Vertebral Subluxation: A Retrospective Analysis of Health Outcomes Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic, Volume 2022 . Sarah Hock, DC, CACCP & Amy Spoelstra, DC Journal of Pediatric, Mater...

The Prefrontal Cortex - The Reality Check - 30/12/2022


The Prefrontal Cortex - The Reality Check - Your prefrontal cortex is a vital part of your brain that makes you who you are. This suggest the way your spine moves influences who you are.


Blanks, Schuster and Dobson investigated the quality of life and wellness associated with people who regularly receive NetworkSpinal chiropractic care. This study, the largest of its kind, consisted of 2,818 chiropractic patients attending 156 different chiropractic offices. An overwhelming 95 percent of the people involved in the study reported a strong connection between receiving chiropractic adjustments and experiencing a healthy, more active, improved quality of life. 95 percent of these people said that chiropractic had met their expectations and 99 percent wished to continue regularly scheduled chiropractic care.

This study and many others all draw the same conclusion; chiropractic adjustments can eliminate or decrease pain and illness, while improving quality of life.

Chiropractic care has also been found to produce statistically significant improvements in general physiological functions of the body. The following is a list of functions that can be improved through chiropractic adjustment:

Range of motion
Heart rate variability
Autonomic function
Endocrine function
Cardiovascular function
Immune system
Muscle strength
Overall athletic ability
Neurocognitive functions
Information processing
Visual acuity
Reproductive hormones
Recovering time
Reduced labor times

If you and your family haven’t already made regularly scheduled chiropractic adjustments a part of your healthy lifestyle, make it a habit starting today. In the long run, you’ll enjoy a better quality of life and numerous health benefits- thank you Daniel Knowles!


NetworkSpinal For Practice Members - EpiEnergetics 11/10/2022

For your information. Several short important videos on what Network Spinal Chiropractic is all about..

NetworkSpinal For Practice Members - EpiEnergetics What is NetworkSpinal all about? YOUR GUIDE TO THIS COLLABORATIVE JOURNEY… All true healing and transformation begins with a Conscious choice for MORE! The founder and creator Donny Epstein D.C. describes what to expect on your epic journey beyond ordinary healing in the office of chiropractors tr...


The posture, shape, tension, tone of your spine is equal to the posture, shape, tension, tone of your life. - Donny Epstein
AUGUST 23, 2016

This from the American Institute of Posture

Does Back PAIN CAUSE Poor School Performance?
The research has consistently shown incidences of recurrent back pain in school children. 13.1% of children between ages 10-16 present with low back pain and 21.6% of students aged 16 and above present with back pain (Jones. M.A., Stratton. G., Reilly, T. & Unnithan, V.B, 2004). From these studies also, recurrent back pain was linked to disabling consequences including loss of physical activity and absenteeism, which adversely affects school performance for children.

Relationship between school performance and back pain
School performance and back pain are significantly related, demonstrating the need for postural hygiene programs in schools. A study of 270 children found that children who reported having cervical and/or lumbar pain had poorer school performance than children who were asymptomatic. (Salminen, 1984). Salminen (1992) also found that low back pain was the third most common form of pain interfering with schoolwork and leisure activities. Of the children who experienced back pain, 35% reported disabling low back pain and were aware of recurrent or continual pain.

Solutions to back pain in school children

Encourage proper postural habits

To improve school performance, children who maintain proper posture have the advantage over their classmates. Not only is upright posture the most intelligent posture, it also prevents neck and back pain which can distract students from their studies. The effects of back pain and postural distortion patterns are far more serious than just feeling uncomfortable at school. With persistent postural distortion patterns, there are many pathologic consequences that can prevent children from having a normal development. Thus, teaching children to be mindful of their postural habits will instill within them healthy lifestyle habits.

Use of exercise balls

Children on average sit from 6-8 hours per day during a typical day at school. Not only should children be taught how to sit with proper posture, they should be given the equipment that supports them being seated in this posture. An inexpensive, yet effective way to provide ergonomic equipment to children is the use of exercise balls instead of chairs. While seated on exercise balls, children have greater core activation and trunk stabilization and are able to move around with comfort while maintaining proper postural patterns.

Schilling et al. (2004) demonstrated that the level of engagement was higher and in-seat behavior was better of in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) when seated on exercise balls instead of regular school chairs. While seated on exercise balls, the children had better trunk stabilization, a demonstration of how the sensory-processing theory translates into effective practice in a classroom context. Better engagement and behavior allowed teachers to provide more effective instruction.


In conclusion therefore, it is evident that back pain adversely affects school performance as stated in the aforementioned research studies. Therefore it is highly recommended that proper postural habits and the use of exercise balls are embraced by school-aged children to prevent early onset of back pain.

Posture By Design, Not By Circumstance


Jones. M.A. (2004). A school based survey of recurrent non-specific low-back pain prevalence and consequence in children, 284-289

Salminen, J. (1984). The Adolescent Back: A field survey of 270 Finnish School Children. Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica, 315: 1-122

Salminen,J., Pentti,J. & Terho,P.(1992).Low back pain and disability in 14-year school children. Acta Paediatrica, 81:1035-1039. doi: 10. 1111/j. 1651-2227.1992.tb 12170.x

Schilling, D.et al (2003).Classroom seating for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: therapy balls versus chairs. Journal of Occupational Therapy, 57(5) 534-541

ABundanCe Chiropractic and Family Wellness

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1 Meeting Street

Opening Hours

Monday 4pm - 6pm
Tuesday 12pm - 7pm
Thursday 3pm - 5pm
Friday 12pm - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 12pm

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