Natal Hypnotherapy

UKs leading provider of hypnobirthing downloads, books, classes in person and online hypnobirthing course - Est 2001

Pregnancy Affirmations colouring book: Feel calm, focused and positive during your pregnancy 25/01/2023

“Pregnancy Affirmation colouring book” - A fabulous new colouring book for any pregnant woman who is looking to feel calm, positive and relaxed - enjoy colouring each page as your mind focuses on the single positive affirmation while colouring in the gorgeous patterns. 100 pages of positive affirmations and gorgeous designs
Plus get a bonus 30 top tips for pregnancy and birth from expert Maggie Howell, mum of 5 and founder of Natal Hypnotherapy which has helped over 150,000 women.

Pregnancy Affirmations colouring book: Feel calm, focused and positive during your pregnancy

Pregnancy Affirmations colouring book: Feel calm, focused and positive during your pregnancy A fabulous colouring book for any pregnant woman who is looking to feel calm, positive and relaxed - enjoy colouring each page as your mind focuses on the single positive affirmation while colouring in the gorgeous patterns. Over 50 positive affirmations and gorgeous desings. Plus get a bonus 30 ...



Feel and be more positive this December with my Positive Affirmations Advent Calendar - 24 positive affirmations to print out and put up on the wall/fridge/bathroom door.

Photos from Natal Hypnotherapy's post 25/10/2022

*** NEW*** Birth affirmation cards(pink and purple themes available)

Birth affirmations are a wonderful yet simple way to help you stay positive, peaceful, and focused during your pregnancy and labor. An amazingly powerful and lovely way to help ensure your mindset is prepared and supported before and during your birthing experience.
This downloadable pack of 30 unique cards have a single, simple statement for you to focus on, which will help increase your confidence and keep you in a calm, positive mindset.

Ways to use your affirmation cards:-

Postcard sizes. Print these off onto cards and then place them around the house – on the fridge door, on the back of the bathroom door and so on. Or print a set and bind them with a treasurer's tag or ring to make a flip book. Have this by your bed and read one each morning or bedtime.

Smaller Cards: print these off onto cards and cut them into individual cards. You can then have them as a small pack of cards to carry in your bag. Or you can place them all in a bowl and each time you walk past, pick one, read it and spend a few moments really connecting with the words. As your pregnancy develops, decide which affirmations are most effective for you.

Why not print an extra set of cards ready to have in your birth bag

Photos from Natal Hypnotherapy's post 16/10/2022

**NEW** “Pregnanct Affirmation colouring book”. - A fabulous new colouring book for any pregnant woman who is looking to feel calm, positive and relaxed - enjoy colouring each page as your mind focuses on the single positive affirmation while colouring in the gorgeous patterns. 100 pages of positive affirmations and gorgeous desings.

Plus get a bonus 30 top tips for pregnancy and birth from expert Maggie Howell, mum of 5 and founder of Natal Hypnotherapy which has helped over 150,000 women.

Pregnancy Affirmations colouring book: Feel calm, focused and positive during your pregnancy

Photos from Natal Hypnotherapy's post 16/10/2022

Super excited to announce the publication of my new “Pregnancy affirmation colouring book”. A fabulous colouring book for any pregnant woman who is looking to feel calm, positive and relaxed - enjoy colouring each page as your mind focuses on the single positive affirmation while colouring in the gorgeous patterns. 100 pages of positive affirmations and gorgeous desings.

Plus get my bonus 30 top tips for pregnancy and birth. Available now on Amazon 👍

Photos from Matthew Manning's post 31/07/2022

The power of oxytocin!


Something to make you smile.


Every single one of us is unique

Timeline photos 09/03/2022


Kissing your baby changes your breast milk. Did you know that the undeniable urge to cover your baby in kisses serves a biological purpose? When a mother kisses her baby, she samples the pathogens on baby’s face, which then travel to mom’s lymphatic system. Mom’s body then creates antibodies to fight those pathogens, which baby receives through breast milk. What?! Amazing, right? For 9 more amazing facts about breastfeeding visit and for everything else you may need to know visit


Un expected (calm home birth)

"I started feeling contractions on and off while painting the nursery at about 11 am! I assumed that they were just Braxton Hicks and so I carried on painting and ignored them. I continued having mild contractions at intervals all day though I was not in any real discomfort so I just got on with the usual every day things. My husband got home at about 6 pm and I mentioned to him about the contractions but as it was 8 days before my due date we both assumed that nothing was really happening. We sat down for dinner and I started contracting at more regular intervals. This time they were lasting for longer and didn't seem to be stopping so I started recording timings etc. We sat down to watch TV but I found it hard to get comfortable so I spent much of the evening rocking on my exercise ball and wandering round the room. We went to bed at around 11 pm but I couldn't settle and found lying down uncomfortable so I walked round and round the bedroom swaying in a funny sort of dance movement (I don't normally do dancing!).

I asked my husband if he thought we should phone the hospital and he said that it was up to me and maybe we should leave it and see how things were in the morning. I agreed and went back to bed but I couldn't keep still so I decided to phone the hospital and ask their advice. I still didn't really think I was in labour I was so calm. At 12 30 am the midwife arrived and listened to the baby's heartbeat which was fine and she observed me had a cup of tea and intimated that she might go home and come back later when things were actually happening!

She said it was obviously very early labour but she would stay for an hour or so and see what happened. After that things are a bit hazy but I know that the midwife commented that the contractions seemed to be getting stronger and kept asking if I needed pain relief but I felt so in control that I refused. Not long after that the contractions changed and I felt like pushing. At that point I was given an internal and told that I could push when I felt a contraction. The midwife told my husband to ring the hospital and ask them to send the second midwife for the birth as it wouldn't be too much longer. Pushing felt really natural I just did what my body told me to do and at 3.53 am our beautiful baby girl was born weighing 7lb 11oz. About 5 mins later the second midwife arrived having missed the exciting bit! "


Happy new year

Take a moment to enjoy Mama Sloth and her three children 🦥🥰

These are needle felted sloths! Original source here


"I am the happiest mum, grateful forever for the hypnobirhing and Maggie Howell!!! Natal hypnotherapy helped me to understand what the body is doing during labour, thus be more in control, overcome fear and allow the body to do what it needs to, to birth the baby. "

Antibodies in breast milk remain for 10 months after Covid infection – study 04/10/2021

The amazing super-power of breast milk. New research finds if a breastfeeding woman is infected with Sars-CoV-2, she will continue to produce virus-neutralising antibodies in her milk for up to 10 months afterwards.

Antibodies in breast milk remain for 10 months after Covid infection – study Researchers believe such antibodies could be used to treat people with severe coronavirus

Photos from Don't worry be happy's post 30/08/2021

Love and protection felt by all mothers - and yes many of them show the wide range of emotions felt by all from exhaustion to frustration to love and joy


"This course is giving me so much. I'm realising what I could have done differently with my first birth giving.

And I must say I did a 1:1 hypnobirthing course before our son was born, but your online course is giving so much more valuable information than those sessions did and I'm feeling much more empowered and I'm getting more confident that I can stay calm and relaxed no matter what route my birthing takes"

Timeline photos 25/08/2021

Kids are climbing the walls takes on a whole new meaning!


From friends to family to TV programmes, so many women are quick to tell their horror stories – in fact it sometimes feels like a competition – “ohhh my labour was 28 hours” ….”that’s nothing, my labour was …..” And these stories can have a really negative influence on the way a mum-to-be feels about labour.

BUT in reality, for all the horror stories you may hear, there are just as many wonderful, positive births.

We have received over 1000 wonderful birth stories from women who have used our approach to prepare for birth.

As an antidote to any negative stories, click below and we will send you an inspiring positive birth story every few days. Read them as they come in, or put them in a folder for inspiration at a later date.


A bit of fun!


If you are unsure about doing Hypnobirthing or want to find out a bit more about, then have a quick listen to these parents


One of the BEST DECISIONS I have ever made!

Nicole lives in the outback in Australia took this course for the birth of baby Cade. She is 2 hours away from her nearest antenatal class so this course was perfect for her. She had a really tough time with her first birth so was desperate to have a better experience this time round.

"Doing the online course was one of the best decisions I have ever made! It gave me a really good understanding of my body and birth and gave me the confidence to trust in my body. I was really able to enjoy the whole thing as I felt so in control, was totally able to cope with the pain and keep a level head. Even though I was induced I was able to do it all without any pain relief. Even my obstetrician commented on how well I was doing.

After the birth I felt nothing but pure happiness. I couldn't wait to tell my family and friends how wonderful my birth was - I even described it as blissful and immediately after I said to my husband I definitely want to do this again!!!

Thank you Maggie for your amazing course and your support. Even though we never met I felt like I knew you and your voice instantly calmed me when I put my ipod on. I cannot recommend this course highly enough, I think this preparation is crucial for the best birth possible!!!!”

The complete online course is just £39.99


Boy it is hot!! Here are some more top tips to help you cope and stay cool.

Click here for more top tips


It is finally beginning to feel like summer!! However, with a mini heatwave coming over the next few days, I thought you might find my top tips to help you stay cool, calm and collected useful.

My eldest son was born at the beginning of September and that August was a particularly hot one. So these tips are based on some of the things I did to stay cool.

Some of them are pretty obvious but it is nice to have a list to check on if you feel you have run out of ideas. There is also a pdf for you to print off and put on the fridge as a prompt when you have run out of ideas.


Here are a few fun facts about Natal Hypnotherapy. As a small business it is useful sometimes to look back and take stock of what you have actually achieved! This was a fun exercise and made me smile - especially seeing how many countries we have reached!

Is there anything else you would like to know about Natal Hypnotherapy?


Some approaches to hypnobirthing like to use different words such as calling a contraction a surge - I am not overly keen on the word - what do you think?

Lucy felt the same as me:-

"When I was preparing for the birth of my daughter I was very aware that I would probably be birthing alone, without any support other than the midwives.

So I started looking for something that would help me when preparing and during labour.

I looked at many different hypnobirthing options thinking that it sounded like something I'd really like to try, but I kept coming up against the 'surge' wall... It really irritated me that contractions were constantly referred to as 'surges'.

As someone who likes to call something by its real name I found the word surge very distracting and not very helpful, and then I found Natal Hypnotherapy!

Maggie doesn't shy away from the realities of childbirth, she uses the words you hear from your health care team, she doesn't deny that it's hard work, but she also put it all into context and helped me understand where my fear of childbirth stood in how my labour would go. She gave me the knowledge and skills to be able to manage my own labour and the pain involved in it.

My 9lb12oz daughter was born at home, at 3am, in the middle of a heatwave and without any pain relief! To this day its still my greatest achievement! Especially considering how traumatic the birth of my son had been 2 years before. I never expected to be able to get through labour without pain relief!

And I'd managed it! In fact, it was just hard work, not overwhelming like if thought it would be.

I can't thank Maggie and Natal Hypnotherapy enough for the skills I've learnt, and I'm very excited to be able to use them again for baby number 3!


Trust your instincts......

When you are faced with a decision or something you are unsure about when it comes to your pregnancy, birth or baby, stop for a moment, close your eyes (if it is safe to do so!), tune into the feeling you are having or the sound of your heart beating, and ask yourself the question – what should I do? What feels right? Why do I have this problem?

Give yourself a moment to allow any instinctive response to come to the surface. Always take the first thing that pops up. Often we dismiss that and allow our conscious thinking brain to take over with a “yes, but …”. Make a note of what the first feeling or thought was. Even if you chose to do something else, that is OK – you have connected with your instinctive response.

Throughout all my pregnancies and my parenting journey, whenever I have been faced with a decision or concern, my first question to myself has always been:

“What would Mr. and Mrs. Stone Age have done?”

• Would they have tried to force their baby to be born before it was ready?
• Would they have cut the cord straight away?
• Would they have put their babies in a cot?
• Would they have kept their babies at a distance from them for long periods of time?
• Would they have given up breastfeeding before their baby could eat?

Quite often that would give me the answer I was looking for.

One of the most effective ways of becoming more in tune with your instincts is through the use of hypnosis. By regularly communicating with your subconscious, you will learn to listen to your body, to trust your body, to tune in to the millions of years of birthing knowledge in your DNA, and so ultimately reduce fear and allow yourself to birth instinctively.

When you begin to practise hypnosis, you are not only becoming more instinctive and reducing any fears, you will also begin to get an increased sense of empowerment that you are in control of how you prepare for birth, and that this is something you are doing for yourself, which will help create the change that you want.

During pregnancy and birth many women often feel as if they are on a conveyor belt, a small part in a big system – seeing different midwives, hearing all kinds of dos and don’ts, reading all kinds of horror stories and traumas associated with pregnancy and birth, and so on. As your pregnancy progresses, the harder it becomes to let all that simply “bounce” off you and to allow yourself to trust your body simply to get on with the wonderful job of growing and developing your beautiful baby.

However, when women begin practising hypnosis, so much of the associated anxiety becomes less pronounced, the advice and the horror stories seem more distanced, and women comment on how calm, centred and at peace they feel – especially the women who were particularly anxious before. It is as if the ancient, primal part of your brain is enabling your need to trust and stay calm, thus blocking out the neocortical activity which is full of all the “what ifs” and things that could go wrong.

You soon begin to understand that all that worry and concern does not actually change anything – they are all just thoughts, which, if anything, can be damaging to you and your baby’s mental and emotional well-being.

So if there is nothing that you can do about it right now, then there is absolutely no benefit in worrying about it.

In the very rare instances when there is something to be concerned about, those mothers that are in tune with their instincts simply “know”. Many women have presented themselves to the hospital or to the midwives, saying that there is something that needs attention, and they are usually right.

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The story behind award winning Natal Hypnotherapy

Hypnobirthing with Natal Hypnotherapy is an easy, affordable way to learn relaxation and breathing techniques to help you:

• overcome fear
• reduce pain in labour
• feel more confident in your body
• feel more prepared to give birth to your baby
• learn stress management techniques to have a calm birth

Whether you a pregnant mum or a birth professional, there is always a lot to learn about birthing.

Maggie Howell - Founder of Natal Hypnotherapy

My name is Maggie Howell and I am the founder and voice of Natal Hypnotherapy. I am so delighted that you have stopped by to read about how Natal Hypnotherapy can make a massive difference to your birth experience.

• Over 150,000 women have used Natal Hypnotherapy
• Over 115,000 people have watched my birth video
• I've personally trained over 1200 midwives on what hypnosis is and how they can best support women using it.
• Over 3000 midwives and birth professionals recommend my work
• My professional training course is accredited by the top UK organisation for Midwives, the Royal College of Midwvies
• Several WORLD champions and gold medalists have chosen to prepare for birth with Natal Hypnotherapy
• We have more than 10 awards from leading organisations and publications .

So how did all this begin?

Videos (show all)

*new* pregnancy affirmation colouring book - over 50 gorgeous patterns to colour while focusing on a positive affirmatio...
How to stay cool
I am the happiest mum, grateful forever for the hypnobirhing and Maggie Howell!!!
How many positive birth stories have you heard? A couple, four or five, none???
Is Hypnobirthing for you?
One of the best decisions I ever made
Boy it is hot!!  Here are some more top tips to help you cope and stay cool.Click here for more top tipshttps://www.nata...
Staying cool this summer
Sacral pressure during labour
Shaking the apples - reducing adrenaline in labour
Does Hypnobirthing guarantee a natural birth?What are your thoughts?
Learning to relax at willAn untrained mother would find it very hard, if not impossible, to suddenly relax at will durin...



Unit 2, Riverside Business Park

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 3pm
Tuesday 9am - 3pm
Wednesday 9am - 3pm
Thursday 9am - 3pm
Friday 9am - 3pm

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