BUSS Model

BUSS Model

Building Underdeveloped Sensorimotor Systems - Training and Therapy

Photos from BUSS Model's post 20/09/2024

Day One of Level Two Training here at the BUSS office - complete! ✅

We're now halfway through Day Two, learning all about how to deliver a BUSS assessment.

Find out more about our upcoming training events here 👇

Photos from BUSS Model's post 13/09/2024

🌼 Happy Friday! 🌼

We were very lucky to have the lovely join us to lead a lunch time yoga session for the team 🧘🏻

It was great to take a moment to breathe, stretch and get moving. We’re going into the weekend feeling very zen … a big thank you to Bryony ✨

From walking to our first jump with BUSS Model 16/08/2024


From walking to our first jump with BUSS Model Our journey with BUSS Model, which increased our family connection, regulation and self awareness.


Have you been on our introductory webinar and would like to know more? Come and join us at the lovely Scrap Creative Reuse Art Project in Leeds for Level One training on 21st/22nd October, with day 3 online on 19th November. You can find out more here: https://bussmodel.org/training/ -one


Development day style - thinking about assessment of shoulder girdle strength, exploring ideas of how we continue to build a community of practitioners and most importantly how we capture the child’s experience of working with us. Topped off with flowers for every member of the team as a thank you for all their hard work, the ubiquitous lunchtime fuddle and a local walk to find the horses we’ve enjoyed watching from our office window for the last 18 months!


BUSS pooch Harry is worried that you might miss out on the chance to learn more about what we do on our Introduction to BUSS webinar on 9th September. Details here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/bussmodel/1202884

Photos from BUSS Model's post 27/06/2024

We had a lovely shared lunch to celebrate our lovely assistant psychologist Hannah finishing her time with us and moving onto her next challenge within the Oakdale Centre group. She has done such a brilliant job whipping our outcome measures into shape and we promise not to mess up her fancy spreadsheet! We’ll miss her 🩵


https://bussmodel.org/register-of-accredited-buss-practitioners/ you can find our accredited practitioners here!!

We are proud to announce that our Specialist Occupational Therapist Jette Lemvig is now an accredited BUSS Model Practitioner after successful completion of her level 3 practicum.

Building Underdeveloped Sensorimotor Systems is a clinical intervention developed by Sarah Lloyd, Specialist Occupational Therapist and Play Therapist for children who have experienced complex developmental trauma. It is a dyadic intervention where the BUSS® practitioner works with and through the child’s parents/carers to improve the child’s bodily and emotional regulation as well as the attachment relationship.

It combines a neurosequential understanding of trauma and attachment processes with sensory integration. When children have experienced abuse and neglect, they are unlikely to have had the nurturing, safe early attachment relationships and movement experiences that allow their foundation sensorimotor systems to develop so that they are functioning well. As such the intervention is founded on three key principles: relationship, playfulness and movement.

To find out more about BUSS® you can watch this video: https://youtu.be/080xZAeJxPE

Photos from BUSS Model's post 20/06/2024

We had a very special start to our team meeting today celebrating Katie Wrench’s nearly book birthday. Amazing cake from The Farsley Cake Co. We’re all in a sugar haze!

BUSS® Level One Training - Inspire Me Events Limited 24/05/2024

Are you interested in learning more about BUSS? Come and join us on our Level One Training in Market Harborough in June, hosted by our lovely colleagues Inspire Me Events Ltd
Details and how to book here:

BUSS® Level One Training - Inspire Me Events Limited Increases participants’ knowledge & understanding of the model, the key tenets of which are movement, playfulness & relationships.


We were more than a little bit excited to introduce BUSS to delegates at the conference today. Even if that was from rainy Yorkshire! We wish we’d been there in real life to say hello!

Photos from BUSS Model's post 08/04/2024

We’re so excited to be back at Rockfield House in Kells delivering Level One training. Having fun playing ducks on the river with different levels of grading to build oral motor strength.


Have you heard about the BUSS Model and you'd like to find out more? Come and join us on our Introduction to BUSS webinar on 29th April. You'll hear from Sarah Lloyd about the background to the model, how it's being used and it's impact, along with talks from parents who have used the model with their children. You can find out more and book tickets here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/bussmodel/1024897

Photos from Igale Lapsele Pere (Family For Each Child)'s post 05/03/2024

Such a lovely day 3 of Level 1 training with Cumberland Virtual School today.

The Theraplay Institute 01/03/2024

American friends - we are excited to be running an online Introduction to BUSS Webinar with The Theraplay Institute
in Chicago on 23rd April. 8.30am-2.30pm CT. Come and join us! Tickets are available here:

The Theraplay Institute The brain and central nervous system of a newborn baby is still at an early stage of development and babies need an attuned adult and lots of nurture and movement experiences to allow them to grow into their bodies on a physical and an emotional level. When babies and young children are in neglectfu...


🌟 Join us for a Day of Insight and Inspiration! 🌟

📅 Date: Friday, 14th June 2024
🕘 Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
💰 Cost: £100.00

📍 Location: Three Swans Hotel, Market Harborough, Leicestershire

Understanding and Supporting Children in the Classroom

Join us for a transformative training event led by inspirational trainers and . Gain invaluable insights into supporting children's unique needs in the classroom.

Morning Session: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Explore the complexities of with specialist trainer Joanna Buckard. Learn how to recognize symptoms, understand terminology, and implement strategies to support children in educational settings.

Afternoon Session: Building Underdeveloped Sensorimotor Systems (BUSS)
Delve into the with expert Sarah Lloyd. Discover how to support children who have experienced developmental trauma by focusing on foundational sensorimotor systems. Gain practical tools and insights to promote regulation and learning.

Who Should Attend: This event is open to anyone working with children and young people.

Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding and enhance your practice! Reserve your spot today. Limited seats available.

For more information and to register, visit our website or contact us directly. See you there! 📚💡


It’s very quiet at BUSS HQ today - Vicky and Sarah off training Swansea Therapeutic Services in Level 1 at this beautiful venue with gorgeous blue skies. Anya and JoRo with our friends at Inspire Me delivering level 2 training. We really enjoy our time around the country meeting people who are so keen to learn and play!

The Theraplay Institute 21/02/2024

https://theraplay.site-ym.com/event/buss-model-april-2024. For our US friends - we’re so excited to be offering a webinar in collaboration with The Theraplay Institute - you can book here.

The Theraplay Institute The brain and central nervous system of a newborn baby is still at an early stage of development and babies need an attuned adult and lots of nurture and movement experiences to allow them to grow into their bodies on a physical and an emotional level. When babies and young children are in neglectfu...

LEAPlets (Apr 2024) 14/02/2024

LEAPlets (Apr 2024) LEAPlets is an 11-week manualised groupwork programme designed to nurture and support the development of attachment relationships and build children’s foundation sensorimotor systems. It’s a very ‘hands on’ group, working with parents to understand their child’s foundation sensorimotor sys...


It will be our pleasure to be with you in Estonia once again.

Igale Lapsele Pere toob taas maale BUSS® (Building Underdeveloped Sensorimotor Systems) Level One koolituse.

Esmalt toimub 22.02.2024 BUSS® mudelit tutvustav veebiseminar (info meie varasemates postitustes), mille järgselt 3-5. juunil on Suurbitannia suurepärase kogemusega koolitajad/praktikud (BUSS® mudeli väljatöötajad) ka Eestis ja jagavad meile oma teadmisi ja kogemust.

BUSS® koolituse esimese mooduli eesmärk on suurendada osalejate teadmisi ja mõistmist sellest, kuidas kasutada seda mudelit 5-18aastaste laste ja nende vanematega töötades. Koolitusel kasutatakse erinevaid õpetamismeetodeid, juhtumiarutelusid, videomaterjale, rühmatöid ja mudeli
rakendamises vilunud lapsevanemate kogemusi.
BUSS® koolituse esimese mooduli läbinud omavad ülevaadet sensomotoorsete süsteemide alusest ning suhete ja arenguks vajalike liikumiskogemuste koosmängust. Osalejad õpivad, kuidas see mudel võimaldab lapsevanematel ja hooldajatel oma lapsi toetada, et pakkuda neile selliseid varasemas elus puudu
jäänud hädavajalikke puudutuste, hoolitsuse ja liikumise kogemusi, mis keha regulatsioonivõimet arendavad.

Eestis toimuval koolitusel käsitletakse ka BUSS® LEAPlets programmi, mis on mõeldud 3-7aastastele lastele ja nende vanematele. Õpitakse, kuidas grupitöö toimub ja kuidas
grupis läbiviidavad tegevused toetavad lapsevanema ja lapse suhet ning lapse sensomotoorsete süsteemide aluspõhja. Selle koolituse osa läbimine tagab gruppide läbiviimisest huvitatutele võimaluse osaleda edaspidi veebi teel kliinilistes supervisioonides. Osalejad hakkavad mõistma laste varase ea kogemusi ja motoorika arengut, sensomotoorsete süsteemide aluspõhja ning õpivad, kuidas saadud informatsiooni kasutades luua hüpotees lapse propriotseptiivse, vestibulaarse ja taktiilse funktsioneerimise kohta. Osalejaid juhendatakse, kuidas kasutada BUSS® hindamisvahendit ja toetada peresid, kes kaaluvad selle lähenemise kasulikkust oma lapsele.

Kuna koolitusgrupi suurus on piiratud, siis tasub hakata mõtlema ja infot jagama.

PS. Reklaam lahti "klikkides" näeb mud infot paremini :). Ja nagu ikka, saab teavet ka meie info e-posti ja infotelefoni kaudu.

Photos from Inspire Me Events Ltd's post 10/02/2024

We are so looking forward to working with you again.


All set with this beautiful view for day 2 of level 1 training with Cumberland Virtual School - what an amazing commitment to growing BUSS practice in Cumbria we’ve seen over the last few years. Such a pleasure to be part of this journey.


We’re loving the new steps! You can’t miss us now 🤩


What a lovely end to the year with a fabulous team.

Encouraging data from our emerging evidence base shared this morning.

Secret Santa

A fabulous Christmas Quiz - the highlight being Christmas movie charades - a close run competition won by the ‘Snowitalls’.

Then a beautiful afternoon tea at The Ivy Asia - how did the lovely Megan polish off 3 crème brûlées?

We are so looking forward to a rest then more exciting times for 2024. Watch this space!


If you've not had chance to listen to Sarah talking to the lovely people at CoramBAAF, you're missing a treat! It's well worth 30 mins of your time! Listen here: https://corambaaf.org.uk/resources/adoption-fostering-journal/our-podcast


Such a treat today to be spending the day with the team from Western Bay reflecting on their practice of BUSS assessments and understanding the rhythm of an intervention. Seeing some lovely creativity, playfulness and imagination as well as reflections on our learning together.

BUSS Accreditation Register - The BUSS Model 08/11/2023


We’re thrilled to have added the first practitioners to be accredited outside of the BUSS at Oakdale team in Leeds to our accreditation register. Congratulations 🥳
Although BUSS is impactful delivered face to face or remotely, our dream is for families to have the choice of working with our team in Leeds OR, if they prefer, to meet an accredited BUSS practitioner closer to home.
You can find the list of practitioners accredited to provide BUSS interventions or who are in training with us here ⬇️ If you’d like a chat about whether BUSS would be a good fit for your family you can contact us at [email protected] and we’d be so happy to arrange to speak.

BUSS Accreditation Register - The BUSS Model Emily Barnbrook, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Director, The Family Place, Hay on Wye – Accredited BUSS® Practitioner

Videos (show all)

Well I never! We’ve made it onto Channel 5 news.So exciting to see the work we’re doing in partnership with a Leeds scho...


