Roberta Rose Massage

Professional Massage, Bodywork and Holistic Therapist based in the West End of Glasgow. SMTO member with many years experience.


Relaxing now at home after a meditative sound journey with this morning (what do you do on a Sunday morning)?! in Bearsden. Was lovely to see one of my clients there too.

I've invested in myself these last few days, going for a Reiki session on Friday evening with
I have to say both the Reiki and the Sound Healing was quite turbulent to start as the busy mind went into overdrive and full monkey mind kicked in. The ego wanting to hold on tightly to self will, the spirit wanting to tap into the guidance of the Universe.
These healing immersions have helped me to find the balance again between mind, body and spirit and i feel relaxed, calm and at ease.
Tommy uses his voice as an instrument which was just beautiful - all the sounds were.
Alison offers reiki with crystals and I felt very well cared for.
Thank you Alison and Tommy!

I bought my first drum last night and it's going to arrive this week. Since doing the sound healing course last November I've been considering the route to take with this. When I saw and heard this drum I knew it was the one to get me started on this journey. I can't wait to share its sound with you once it arrives. I'll be incorporating sound into massage sessions as part of some special, limited edition massage treatments. I'll share more about this with you soon 🌟


Discussing with a client this week, using the breath;
one single, mindful, deep breath as a way of pausing before reacting. But its more than this, a pause between different 'areas' of life can help to suggest 'pace' (of life).

Perhaps you are required to wear a variety of hats at the moment?

OK not everyone wants to live life in the slow lane like me 🀣, but giving space to the nervous system to go into underwhelm rather than overwhelm can help bring about clarity of mind and help us to make better choices.

When I first trained as a massage therapist I believed that every second of every treatment needed to be spent performing a specific massage stroke (gotta give folks value for money)!
Although it's still an important part of the way I work, to remain in contact with you throughout the treatment, I now know that pausing (taking a mindful breath) and waiting for the body to feedback is as important, if not more important than continue to keep pushing more and more into muscles. There is intelligence in the body (not just the brain) if we get quiet enough to hear it.

Yep all that from one single, mindful, deep breath.

Try it yourself when switching from work to home life, particularly if you work from home.

There's Power in the Pause.


New kids on the block!

Foot balms from made here in Scotland. Gorgeous, rich and nourishing balms with almond and olive oils, beeswax and essential oils.
Let me know if you would like me to incorporate these into a treatment along with a lovely relaxing foot massage!

The little cymbal things are called 'tingsha' and they make a lovely gentle 'ting' sound. I use them for clearing the energy in the therapy room between clients and also to signify the beggining and end of a massage treatment. They are often used in meditations to signify the start and end of a session. Their 2000 hertz sound helps clear the mind from disturbances whilst bringing us to an aware but peaceful state.

I hope to see you on the couch soon,
Roberta 🌟


Reiki works πŸ’›


'Back to school' massage special offer.
Flash sale !

Kids back at school?
Needing some 'you time' after the Summer holidays?

Take advantage of Β£10 off all 60 minute massage treatments until 25th August 2024, ONLY at West End Physio.

TO BOOK: Either msg me directly or call West End Physio on 0141 370 1256 and book using code SCH10 at time of booking so that the discount is applied to what you pay on the day.

Thank you 🌟


"The nerves that control unconscious processes such as the heart beat, can sense distress and trigger a maladaptive fight or flight response.
Our hearts are extraordinarily sensitive to our emotional system, to the metaphorical heart".
The heart can actually weaken as a result of intense stress or grief. This has been discovered in the last 2 decades and known as broken heart syndrome.
Lovely little TED talk here by Sandeep Jauhar (link at bottom) explaining the scientific connection between the physical and the emotional heart.

One of my signature 'moves' during a massage for stress reduction or if the person is beareaved is working on the chest and heart area in a way that i have adpated as my own. Many times clients comment on this being a favourite part of the massage. Inspired by a wonderful treatment I had years ago by when I was going through an intense period of grief, this treatment focusing on the heart really helped during that time.

Hearts can become so 'guarded' as we hold onto painful emotions but massaging this area can help to calm the nerves and give space for these sometimes difficult emotions to move through us ❀️


Only appointment left today. Let me know if its for you πŸ’œ

Photos from Roberta Rose Massage's post 03/08/2024

I came to massage during a particularly stressful time in my life and it was the catalyst for (the start of) healing at a deeper level.

It was the start of connecting to myself through somatic practices (yoga, breathwork, meditation, movement and sound therapy) to get 'in' the body.
Being 'in' our bodies allows us to access who we are, including our strengths and our truths.

Anyone who has experienced trauma may have the experience of not feeling safe in / abandoning their body.
Massage has helped me to feel safe in my body and it has opened the door to other ways of supporting myself and improving my wellbeing.

This book 'the body keeps the score' by Bessel Van Der Kolk is a must read for anyone interested in this subject.

Here I am on holiday, beaching and sea swimming with one of my best friends. Truly 'in' my body.
I am not 'healed' and I am not going to heal you. Its a process. What I can do is share with you my experience of spending the past 12 years healing and holding space for others to find their inner strengths and truths πŸ’œ


This is me post massage on Friday with friend and fellow massage therapist Lesley.

At the start of this year I decided to put my money where my mouth is and have monthly massages. Before this sometimes I would go 3-4 months sometimes without getting a massage (a bit like a plumber with an unfinished bathroom).

I'd set up a subscription service for a handful of clients as the research supports that regular massage has a cumulative effect on the body. A bit like muscle memory the body 'learns' how to relax; with practice the body learns how to let go into relaxation quicker.

I now see and Emma Well Being Complementary Health.
Finding the right massage therapist is like finding the right hairdresser - this is going to be different for everyone but once you find them, they are worth their weight in gold!

Since starting to receive regular massage I have felt these differences;

βœ”οΈ Reduced anxiety / able to deal with big emotions more easily.

βœ”οΈFind prioritising other areas of self care easier too - this has been a biggie!

βœ”οΈ Recover quicker from gym work outs.

βœ”οΈ Enjoy having a massage in the diary to look forward to.

βœ”οΈ Increased feeling of connection as I get to know my massage therapists better.

These are my personal experiences only however my experience of working with people longer terms is that these life improvements (and many more) are true for many people.

If you would like to book in please do or if you would like to arrange a 15 minute phone call to see if I might be the right massage therapist for you, then please just send me a wee msg. Thanks 🌟


Let me know if its for you πŸ’œ


Lower back pain? I have one appointment left before I break for my Summer holiday. Tuesday 16th July at 3 or 4pm. Milngavie therapy room. Let me know if its for you πŸ’œ


Sharing to remind me of this today!


Hello friends,

I hope you're all having a fab Summer so far. I'm enjoying the lightness of spirit that this season brings for sure.
I have a handful of appointments left for July.

With some new massage techniques to boot, if you've been experiencing achy or painful hips / lower back recently then this could be an ideal time to book in.

Let me know if one is for you.
Thank you 🌟

Photos from Roberta Rose Massage's post 26/06/2024

It was my birthday yesterday and I got this book that i've wanted for ages as a gift. It's by Ruth Werner and it's going to help me to understand more about conditions and how massage might be helpful for them / how better to help someone with X through massage.
Life is a continuously learning ey. So grateful.

* Haircut and necklace also birthday treats, the former from me to me and the latter from my gorgeous bf πŸ’™


Best patient centered care there is. So grateful to be part of this amazing team of movement specialists 🌟

At West End Physio we never see age or stage as a barrier to you getting back to what you love to do. We focus on the solutions and never take you away from exercising - there is always a way round! We have various appointment options for you including shorter consultations for simple issues. Get yourself sorted before heading off on holiday by calling us today on 0141 3701256 or booking online via our website at


Never stop shining your light!!

There will be people who try to dim your light - don't let them. Keep showing up being authentically you and you will attract the people who are meant for you.

Happy Summer solstice friends. May the abundance of the season shine on you πŸŒŸπŸ’›πŸ’«

Photos from Adventure Paddleboarding's post 19/06/2024

A few weeks back I put a women riding a stand up paddle board on a vision board I created with Mary Elizabeth McConnell Wellbeing. I've wanted to bring more joy and fun into my life. Well this certainly ticked that box. Being out there on the water was a meditation in itself. What a beautiful Country we live in, so much beauty all around me. AND I only fell in twice in 2.5 hrs ! Love it. Thank you to Lucy at Adventure Paddleboarding for showing me the ropes and being my guide. Can not recommend highly enough if you want to try out 'sup' boarding yourself. Just for the pure joy of being alive!


I am at Wilton Street Summer Fete this afternoon offering chair massage to folk. Pop down if you're in the area and enjoy a relaxing 10 minutes on the massage chair!


How is massage helpful as a healing tool for physical and / or emotional pain;

I'm not going to massage away your pain, that's not what I mean. It is a 2 way process of commitment to change. I am not going to fix you - you are going to fix you (with my support)!

Without getting too geeky! When we receive massage or helpful touch, the body enters a space of rest and repair (the parasympathetic nervous system). Only in this place can healing take place. If we are not in rest and repair then we're in fight / flight / freeze (the sympathetic nervous system) and the body has more immediate responses to deal with.

There are various ways to enter rest and repair, for example yoga, movement, meditation, Mindfulness practices to name a few.
Only from a place of rest and repair can we hear what our intuition or innate healing system is trying to tell us. That's why massage can be a great tool for healing as it's an easily accessible modality, less invasive than talking therapies for example and gives space to the receiver to integrate the various parts of oneself that might be needing to be heard as part of any rehabilitation.

It is especially helpful if the receiver has deeply embedded self beliefs around recovery from pain. This starts with curiosity around where these beliefs have come from.

This is where West End Physio Glasgow stand apart from the rest. Their approach to treating chronic pain, using Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT) takes into account these behavioural psychologies. A multi facetted clinical reasoning framework and an evidence based approach.
No longer is the mind body connection something of the woo woo variety. Massage can help as part of the recovery tool kit.

In order to let go, we need to get closer to and gain an understanding of that which we are wanting to let go of.

If you are experiencing chronic pain see a physiotherapist first before coming for a massage, in order to rule out anything which may require medical intervention.


That's me full now for Sunday. Thanks to everyone who has booked in.
If you would like an appointment with me at West End Physio I am there every week Weds 9-3 and Thurs 12-6.

Thanks ! 🌟


We can learn constantly from animals.

Here is Ozzie in the moment with his ball. Not worrying about the time when another dog stole his ball. Not worrying about another dog being better at ball catching than him. Not worrying about the ball throwing ending. Just enjoying the present moment. Thanks Ozzie!

How do you behave with your ball? Do you need to let go of the grip a little to allow you to throw it further?


Yesterday I joined and 3 other women to do a vision board workshop.

The process was very relaxing, enjoyable and revealing!
At first just cutting out pictures and words that resonated, not reading too much into why. As the sticking part of vision board started to commence, inner messages started to reveal themselves.

Today I have some clarity around some areas where I felt a bit stuck.
The main question which came up for me through this process was 'Am I living in line with MY core values and beliefs'?
If you feel a bit stuck in direction with any area of your life, vision boarding is a lovely, gentle way to coax out the truth / help you see more clearly / manifest what you really want in your life πŸŒŸπŸ™πŸ’›

Mary will be holding more regular vision board workshops in Milngavie soon.


One Sunday a month I am at
I have appointments for next weekend.
Pm me or go online at to book.


Thank you to every client this week who trusted me with your body.

The theme of this week's clinics has got to be disconnection and how this creates disease in the body.

Beliefs can be so strong and set in people. The first step is often helping someone become aware that they hold these beliefs in the first place and that its OK to make space in their busy lives for self care.

" I am so busy I don't have time for myself"
What we resist persists.
If we ignor the bodys signs (stress, fatigue, dull skin and eyes, forgetfulness, irritability, headaches, stomach aches etc etc etc) then the body will find another way to make us sit up and LISTEN! sadly this is usually in the form of illness or pain.

What self care looks like may change over time and that's OK. For example you may have used to get up every morning and meditate but that doesn't work for you anymore. No problem!
Let's get quiet enough and close enough to the body to find out what it needs in terms of self care NOW. This is connection.

Helping clients find a spark and then handing over the reins... this is self efficacy and is the approach to healing that I adopt. It has to come from within the individual in order to work. If you want help finding that spark then coming for a massage is a really great way to get things started ✨️


Tell me please?
What are your biggest health and wellbeing challenges? Drop your challenges in the comments please.


At West End Physio we have a 48 hr cancellation policy, however if we can fill the appointment we would always rather do this than charge someone.

Let me know if this one is for you 🌟


I know someone who doesn't let this weather get them down! We can take the lead from animals in this respect - its only a bit of summer rain ! Just what's needed to clear the head after a day in the therapy room 🌟


Only appointment left this week, today at 13.15, West End Physio Relax, soothe, reset; feel rested in expert hands.


My friend Mary's offer in support of mental health awareness week πŸ’™


Definitely, how we percieve the World is usually our biggest challenge, including negative self talk around things that we are more than capable of doing, but a voice tells us we will fail. Affirmations can help change this disposition into that of a more positive frame of ourselves.

Say affirmations in the present person, in the mirror, several times a day and see if your 'frame' changes after 1 week.
Here's one to try if its feels like it fits;

I am strong, capable and worthy of X (this promotion, this relationship, this big event).


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Mauna Kea Massage & Wellbeing - My Story

Hi I’m Roberta and I’m the founder of Mauna Kea Massage & Wellbeing.

Mauna Kea (maw-nah-kee-yah) is a sacred mountain in Hawaii, over half of which is situated below sea level! Just like our bodies, what we see is above skin level but it’s the complex highway of muscles, connective tissues, nerves, organs and cells below skin level that are benefitting when we receive massage.

I became fascinated with the human body during a particularly stressful period in my life. I noticed how stress manifested in my physical body and I felt drawn to massage and holistic therapies to support myself. I trained as a massage therapist in 2013 and it was the catalyst for my own healing at a deeper level.

Life can bring about all sorts of challenges. Massage and holistic bodywork facilitates ones journey inside. It gives us quiet space to listen to what the body is telling us it needs, (mentally, physically and spiritually) supporting the holistic healing process. The essence of Mauna Kea Massage & Wellbeing is about reaching ones peak; to the highest point of what you personally are looking to achieve. With massage and holistic therapies what is touched at skin or β€˜peak’ level has a fundamental effect on the below sea workings of the human body. At the base of any peak is a strong and resilient foundation. I absolutely love working with people in this way and I cannot wait to help you reach that quiet place in which to nurture your true potential.

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Totally get that not everyone likes dogs, that's why I keep Ozzie in another room when you arrive for your massage. Howe...
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Clearly not my voice lol! Just playing around with video software. Being a massage therapist and really just wanting to ...
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My new massage couch has arrived!Why is this big news? Because it's all about having your comfort at the core of what I ...




Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 9pm
Tuesday 10am - 9pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

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