In The Moment

Yoga, dance & movement Classes, Workshops and Retreats in Glasgow, Argyll and the West Coast of Scotland. In The Moment, Centre for Yoga, Movement & Wellbeing.

Hatha Yoga
Ta**ra Yoga
Yin Yoga
Tai Chi
Five Rhythms Dance

We also host regular workshops, details of which can be found on our website.


In the last two years keeping In The Moment alive has held a lot of heartache, but never more than today.

With the agreement of my landlords in allowing only a token rent to be paid; through the generosity of some of you who have made donations big and small; and by using up all of my reserves I have been able to keep In The Moment alive during the lockdowns and the brief period we were allowed to open in 2020. Since re-opening in the summer last year, activity has been very slow and difficult to encourage and re-build. My landlords were again initially very reasonable in allowing the rent paid to increase as bookings and activity increased, however in the autumn of last year they began to demand full rent. This was simply not going to be possible, given that so few hosts could be persuaded to return to live, in-person, events. In the intervening period there have been a lot of discussions to try and find a solution and I had recently begun to feel a little bit more hopeful with the return of a few more classes and other events. However this is still not enough to make things sustainable, and the landlords are simply not prepared to wait any longer (something which I feel is very shortsighted and makes me wonder what was the point of all the effort, sacrifice and heartache in keeping the studios alive over the last two years) and they cannot be persuaded to continue my tenancy.

This has been confirmed only this morning, and so it is with the heaviest of hearts that I now have to tell you that the 1st Floor Studio and the Therapies Room will close after 28th February. Any bookings in these rooms will be transferred to the 2nd Floor Studio until 31st March, when this room will also close, bringing In The Moment to an end. 😢

I have not yet been able to consider the future of In The Moment Online, but I will be in touch about that as soon as possible. I'm also still open for bookings in the 2nd Floor Studio during the remainder of February and March.

I realise this is going to be very difficult for you if you are currently using the studios and, if that's the case, I will now be in touch with you individually to confirm what will happen.

From the bottom of my heart, thankyou for using the studios for your classes, workshops, courses or other events over the last 10+ years, and thankyou for coming along and participating in all of these activities. A lot of good has been done. A lot of people's lives have been enhanced. A lot of you have developed your skills and careers as hosts, teachers, therapists and group leaders. I am grateful for the fellowship and community which I have been very happy to be part of and which I will miss very much.

There may be more to say over the next few weeks so I may well be in touch again but, for now, I wish you the very best for your future and I hope we may still keep in touch somehow.

If you are continuing to take part over the next few weeks... enjoy the last few moments.

Namaste and very best wishes.


Timeline photos 31/01/2022

Catherine’s Biodanza classes re-started in-person at In The Moment 22nd November to 13th December and then from January ’22 onwards. Contact Catherine for details.


Live Hatha Yoga clases in covid-secure studios, weekly with Graeme. Starting 15th Sep. Booking essential.

Timeline photos 11/01/2022

8 Week Mindfulness & Meditation Course for Grounding & Insight with Patricia Galavis, 12th Jan - 2nd Mar.
The aim of this course is to explore deeply and practice meditation & mindfulness techniques based on the Zen tradition to develop and deepen not just a sense of physical and energetic grounding but also the understanding of your true nature.

Timeline photos 03/12/2021

Deepening the Practice with Gary Carter – 4th & 5th December ’21
A few places left for this yoga workshop & masterclass. Inspired by the pioneering approach of Vanda Scaravelli, Gary has developed his own way of working, combining 30 years of experience teaching yoga and myofascial anatomy, with a foundation in competitive cycling, body building, Shiatsu, Structural Integration and yoga.


Live Hatha Yoga clases in covid-secure studios, weekly with Graeme. Starting 15th Sep. Booking essential.


..well not exactly, probably an “invitation to gather with people for more meaningful reasons” is a better description of what`s boiling in my mind.

I want us to have a community that comes to practice yoga together, not just as a form of exercise, but yoga as a philosophy and way of living.

Life is filled with change , but the mind likes to cling to the same old ways of thinking and repeating old patterns. The practice of yoga serves one ultimate goal: To facilitate constructive change and to make the mind totally aware of the true self. Our perceptions expand as we acknowledge that we are all connected to something greater – to the cosmic whole.

Yoga is a celebration of the freedom we experience in our minds, bodies, hearts and souls.

So I guess I am simply hoping to find people who will want to celebrate life with me and enjoy gathering to meditate, breathe, heal,grow and connect.

Every Monday 18.30 - 20.00

"In The Moment" 72 Berkeley Street, Glasgow


72 Berkeley Street

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00