Yoga with Rayner

A relaxing, gentle, yet powerful class which teaches breath with asana and balance.

Photos from Yoga with Rayner's post 10/07/2023

We did Earth Chakra Yoga today, and it was so good. My three regulars came, and they were relaxed by the end of the class. One student had hurt her lower back, so I was mindful to do lots of knee hugging, the child pose, and grounding postures that work on both sides at the same time. By the end of the lesson, she said she felt so much better, and her lower back and tailbone felt like a sponge. We were exchanging energy between our root chakras and the Earth, so it made sense.

Focusing on the breath, exhalations released tension, anxiety, and old stake energy. Mother Earth helped a lot in keeping her children safe and healing them well. I explained although we're all mothers, we're still daughter's of Mother Earth, and we offered her our prayers of gratitude for nurturing us and our families and for keeping us safe.

Earth has always been the most healing element for me. Maybe because I'm an Aquarius, up in the air, I need grounding more ❤️

No more teaching yoga at South Bookham Space for two entire months 😭 My next class will begin with the second chakra, Mother Water, on 11th September.

I was looking at chakra singing bowls, but to get seven would be so expensive. Maybe I'll bring a guitar to play the chords which resonate with the chakras instead. I feel the singing bowls would be better, though.

We have lovely incense for each chakra class, a Buddha water fountain in the north, I being crystals for the coloured chakra every time, and I've even bought some colourful mandala tapestries to hang on one of the mirrors.

Once I make more money selling my SciFi and Urban Fantasy books and comics, I'll buy a decent clip-on Bluetooth microphone so I can record my classes and my voice sounds clear.


I thought we could do a full moon yoga session this Monday. I even bought myself a little book called 'Moon Yoga' to read before hand. I used to do the Moon Salutation back in my twenties. There was another type of Goddess Salutation I used to perform, too, facing each of the four directions, but I can't quite remember it. In yoga and many pagan traditions, the moon is seen as the feminine. Yin yoga is feminine, too, with floor postures being held for extended periods of time (while comfortable.)

Photos from Yoga with Rayner's post 08/06/2023

Throat Chakra Next Week! I'm feeling better now and look forward to seeing you. The throat chakra is the fifth chakra and the fifth element: ether. Ether is considered the most subtle of the five elements. The Sanskrit name for ether is akasha. Ether is sometimes referred to as space because it is the space that the other elements fill. Ether has the properties of lightness, airiness, and spirituality. It has also been equated by some with the concept of consciousness. Yoga practice can help increase one’s awareness of ether.

The Vishuddha deals with truth, and it is blocked by lies.

Location in the body: the throat

Colour: blue

Meaning: communication

The third chakra on the list, the throat chakra, is all about communication.

It’s the link between mind, body, emotions, and speech. How well are you able to express your needs or speak your truth? It also acts as a gateway between the human and the divine, between the ethereal higher chakras, and the grounded, earthly chakras below. Because it has a role to play in expression, the throat chakra is also vital for creativity.


I listen to my own inner knowing.

I trust my conviction and act on my truth.

I live in the truth. I communicate my truth. I am the truth.

I speak with authenticity, grace, and courage.

I am expressing myself with clear intent.

I am learning, and I am growing. We are all learning and growing.

My voice matters.

I express myself creatively through speech, writing, and art.


Wear blue when working on the throat chakra. Light blue, turquoise, electric blue. They’re all good. Dark blue is closer to the colour of the spiritual third eye chakra, though.


Blue food keeps our throat chakra energy fine tuned. But there are few blue foods and using food to heal the physical body becomes less prevalent as we move up the chakra system to the spiritual chakras. Here are some of the few blue foods which exist as edible flowers, seafood, fruit, and vegetables: bluefish, Atlantic lobster, blue crawfish, lingcod, blue cornflower, blue pansy, blue pea flower, starflower, indigo milk cap (mushroom,) blue potato, blue corn, blueberry, bilberry, plum, purple-blue grapes.

Hydration remains important for the brain, mind, throat, and purity, so keep up your uptake of water and organic herbal tea.


Playing and listening to music is a wonderful method of balancing all the chakras. You can find plenty of free music, too.
These are the notes which resonate with the different chakras:
- Root Chakra: G
- Sacral Chakra: A
- Solar Plexus Chakra: B
- Heart Chakra: C
- Throat Chakra: D
- Third Eye Chakra: E

Something Else

Gargling saltwater, singing, and chanting are all good for the throat chakra. Also, it’s good to really listen to someone when they talk and not rushing in to give your opinion or to relate it to you.


There are honestly so many fantastic meditations which you can do. I always listen to guided meditations on YouTube, while sitting in the cross-legged position, sitting with an erect spine on a chair, or lying down on my back. I’d like to take this time to invite you to open YouTube and type in the search bar either: guided meditation for the throat chakra/guided visualisation for the throat chakra/yoga nidra for the throat chakra. I have recommended yoga nidras and meditation to my yoga students before, which have worked well for me, but everyone’s different. Often with meditation, it’s best you explore what you feel comfortable with, especially with guided meditation. You may prefer one person’s voice over another’s.


You can take a bath with essential oils (only five to ten drops) massage (five drops per ten millilitres of carrier oil) rub on the radiator, or place a few drops in a diffuser or oil burner. If you’re interested in essential oils, it’s well worth studying them from a book or on the internet. I love using lavender oil. It’s the safest out there and can be applied neat, as a drop on the pulse point. I love sandalwood for grounding me, and I love geranium and frankincense, too. If an oil smells good to you, it means it is good for you at that point in time. If the smell is off-putting, then don’t use it.

These essential oils help with healthy communication and expression, as well as good listening skills, and speaking your truth well: chamomile, eucalyptus, basil, cypress, peppermint.

Crystal Healing

All blue crystals are great for helping to balance the throat chakra, as are turquoise crystals. You take a bath with them, place one on your throat when you lie on your back in savasana, put a clean one in your glass of water (don’t swallow it,) carry it in your pocket, or wear it as a bracelet, pendent, or necklace. But like people, crystals absorb energy from their surroundings, so it’s good to cleanse regularly. I don’t mean with soap and water. I mean, you can cleanse crystals with any of the elements. You can place the crystal on the earth outside, rinse with water, burn incense and let the smoke float around it, or place it in the garden during a full moon. You can then imagine white light streaming up your spine from the earth and out of your heart, then that white light targeting the crystal and surrounding it, cleansing it.

You can sit with the crystal and feel the energy from it, then stare at it, looking at the patterns and faces within its contours and planes. And don’t forget, you can sleep with it under your pillow.
These crystals are all great for healing and balancing the throat chakra and any emotions or physical ailments associated with it: aquamarine, turquoise, lapis lazuli, blue kyanite, angelite, azurite, blue lace agate, sodalite, and blue apatite.

A Short Sacral Chakra Yoga 22/05/2023

A Short Sacral Chakra Yoga Listen to your body. If you feel discomfort, adjust or come out of the pose. Yoga is not a competition. It's you-time. You don't have to hold the pose/asana ...

Root Chakra Yoga 1 22/05/2023

Root Chakra Yoga 1 Disclaimer:Practice yoga carefully. I can't keep you safe. Please listen to your body and only do what you feel comfortable doing! Come out of the pose if I ...


Yesterday was all about the transforming energy of the solar plexus. My students were relieved to see me again after two bank holidays. Nice to feel needed 🥰

Root Chakra Yoga 1 22/04/2023

Root Chakra Yoga 1 An intermediate hatha yoga class, for balancing the root chakra, Mulhadara. The root chakra is connected to the element, earth, and balancing and stimulating...

Root Chakra Yoga 1 22/04/2023

Root Chakra Yoga 1 An intermediate hatha yoga class, for balancing the root chakra, Mulhadara. The root chakra is connected to the element, earth, and balancing and stimulating...


Grounding Yoga Tomorrow

Root Chakra Yoga 1 14/04/2023

I've finally made a voiceover for one of my yoga videos! It took hours and hours but took much longer to export and upload. Oh my gosh! Oh, well. If someone gains transformative healing from it, it was worth it. Blessed Be, Mother Earth.

Root Chakra Yoga 1 An intermediate hatha yoga class, for balancing the root chakra, Mulhadara. The root chakra is connected to the element, earth, and balancing and stimulating...


I don't use this page anymore because it's linked to my SciFi account.

This is the page I use for yoga now.


On new moon Monday, 10:30, S.Bookham Space, we'll focus on, creativity, and healing through the element water.

Image: Muladhara Chakra Infographic. First, Root Chakra Symbol ... 05/09/2022

On 12th we'll start our ascent up the chakra ladder, focusing on self-healing and releasing blockages. I've dug up my old notes from my chakra yoga teaching bag.

Image: Muladhara Chakra Infographic. First, Root Chakra Symbol ... Found on Google from


Next beginner's and improver's yoga lesson will be when the kids are back at school: Monday Sep 12th 10:30-11:30am.

I am now doing six week block payments which fit in nicely with term times. The block is in-a-row lessons. I cannot forfeit a class if you cannot make it due to an emergency or sickness. I must pay to rent S. BookhamSpace.

Blocks can work out cheaper than the pop-ins.

Block of six: £60 for 6 hours of six lessons.

Pop-in: £13/hour class

In September, we'll be working up the six majar chakras, starting at the root. We will cover the five elements, their essences, colours, and I'll brinf crystals in and play music at that chakra's frequency.

We will meditate, always focus on breath, and generally love ourselves and respect those elements with gratitude, oneness, and peace. Connecting with nature will do us all good on so many levels.

Those six weeks fit nicely in the school term, right up to the half term. Rayner Jamie Ye

Because we won't be covering the seventh chakra in that time frame, I will share a crown chakra one hour session with you, via a pre-recorded class.


2 students have paid for block-classes, so my yoga definitely recommences after the summer holidays. 2 sessions left b4 then.

Timeline photos 02/06/2022

I won't teach on Friday evenings anymore because of lack of students. My new classes will be term time Monday mornings, 10:30-11:30am, term time only. Oh yes, you can come for a free taster class. Still in the beautiful hall with huge mirrors at South Bookham Space


A great 1st class. Only 1 student, but shared knowledge on mindful breathing & strengthening the pelvic floor asanas/postures.

Photos from Yoga with Rayner's post 14/04/2022

Yoga with Rayner

Unite your body, mind, spirit, emotions, and heart on Friday evenings with me, Rayner. This beginner's Iyengar class is also suitable for those who have done some yoga before. We will take care to focus on correct alignment in key asanas (postures.) My classes won't only balance you physically, but also mentally, giving you courage to follow your dreams by unblocking obstacles in your life. We will perform meditations and visualisations, too.

I've practiced yoga since I was twenty. I'm now forty-two. Before my first conscious inhalation, while raising my hands to the sky, I self-studied various yoga books and copied the diagrams, writing and re-reading important information about how to position the body and breathe slowly and evenly throughout. That was when I was twenty, two years after a near-fatal motorbike accident and many operations. The daily practice of Yoga changed my life for the better, and it still does, even after becoming a mother of two. For the first six months, I did yoga every day for one hour without the help of a teacher. Using a mirror helped very much. I completed my Yoga Teacher's Diploma from the Kevala Centre in Torquay in my early twenties, not long after graduating.

Although I taught yoga in Bali and England, I've never been solely a yoga teacher. I taught English as a Second Language in Indonesia, China, and my hometown, Oxford for many years, and I also taught Science and Biology at an International School in Shanghai. Since having children, I've written and self-published four science fiction series, and as I continue working as an indie author, I want to share my knowledge of self-love through yoga.

Different people have different needs, so I'd like to hear from you and know about any health concerns. Your body doesn't have to be flexible or balanced to learn yoga. That comes with time, patience, and daily practice. I was as stiff as a plank when I started, and I kept falling over when performing the tree. Yoga is NOT a competition.

Whether you drop in or pay for a block of ten-in-a-row classes, please make sure you haven't eaten a heavy meal for four hours beforehand or a snack for two. Please bring a yoga mat, too, and wear comfortable clothing.

For more information:

[email protected]


Timeline photos 13/04/2022

Chakra work for physical and mental healing.

Photos from Yoga with Rayner's post 04/04/2022

I like to heal not just my body through yoga, but also my heart, mind, emotions, and spirit. I love to bring light into my aura and meridians/nadi through energy healing. Asanas and meditations focused on stimulating and balancing chakras can be very beneficial as can different frequencies of music, seed mantra chants, affirmations, crystals, fragrances, and visualisations.

See all the elements which can come together and be united as one throughout yoga. I'll keep it simple to begin with: mindfulness of the breath and correct posture alignment. Though I hope that once I find the right students, we can focus on these energy bodies, too.

Yoga is not a competition. All beginners start off stiff and little imbalanced. Perfection is imperfection with the mindset to succeed.


Silent but grounding. Mulhadara Chakra. Mother Earth.


Mulhadara Chakra. I'll ground myself to Mother Earth during the next few days with asanas, healthy food, visualisation & exercise

Photos from Yoga with Rayner's post 27/03/2022

Recent update. It will be teaching yoga at Bookham Space from 22nd April and every Friday between 6:30-7:30pm. First 3 students, willing to pay for a block of ten one-hour lessons (in a row) will get 25% off. That's only £75 for ten lessons. Then that covers the rent of the hall plus a bit towards my insurance.

For others a block of 10 lessons will be £100, whereas drop in will cost £13.

If I can get eight students to pay for block lessons, I'll only teach them and not accept drop-ins. Then the class will remain relatively small, and I can be of more help to individuals' needs.

Please contact be if you are willing to pay for a discounted block. Only first 3 accepted xx

Timeline photos 22/03/2022


Yoga with Rayner 1 19/03/2022

A half an hour Iyengar yoga lesson with a few simple but empowering postures/asanas.

This is my teaching style. This is me teaching my friend.

Yoga with Rayner 1 Although I'm a sci-fi and fantasy author, I was also an English as a foreign language, Biology, Science, and Yoga teacher in the past. I want to heal people ...

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Silent but grounding. Mulhadara Chakra. Mother Earth.



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