Meta Fitness Solutions, Kettering Videos

Videos by Meta Fitness Solutions in Kettering. Offering The Highest Quality Of Personal Training To Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals.

πŸ”₯ 160KG New Personal Best πŸ”₯

Exactly 3 months ago I set a goal to achieve 160KG 1 rep max deadlift by the end of summer. Finally it is done βœ….

Work continues πŸ’ͺ

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πŸ”₯ 160KG New Personal Best πŸ”₯ Exactly 3 months ago I set a goal to achieve 160KG 1 rep max deadlift by the end of summer. Finally it is done βœ…. Work continues πŸ’ͺ

πŸ”₯ Tomorrow marks exactly 3 months since I attempted my first personal best conventional deadlift at the time πŸ”₯ Very happy with the progress I made during this time. Went up from 1 rep, all the way up to 9. Although technique is not yet perfect, I am working on it πŸ’ͺ When I was younger, I always avoided deadlifting because of all the bad reputation that it was getting due to the risk of injury. However, I have never been more wrong in my life and I wish I started doing them much earlier in my life. Yes. The risk of injury is high, but so is with any other exercise that you perform at the gym. What matters is your mindset, and how you approach everything in life. If you approach it with a negative mindset, then the risk of injury can become higher due to your own beliefs and past experiences as suggested by researchers. Therefore I would like to bring some positive light and list some benefits of deadlifting: β€’ Reduces lower back pain β€’ Boosts your metabolism which helps to burn more calories. β€’ Works both on your upper and lower body muscles. β€’ Improves posture β€’ Great strength builder, especially for your back and legs. β€’ Strengthens tendons and ligaments, which can reduce the risk of injury. Remember πŸ‘€ Progress takes time ⏳ Can't wait long enough? πŸ€” Time will pass anyway πŸ™‚ It is up to you how you spend it πŸ‘

New Personal Best - 150 KG πŸ”₯ Progress is slowing down in comparison to the first few weeks. It took me exactly 1 month to go up by 10 KG in weight. It may not seem as significant but it sure as hell feels like it πŸ˜… Some of the things that helped me to get through this 4 week plateau was introduction of Romanian Deadlifts and Back Hyperextensions. These exercises emphasize development of glutes and hamstrings, which I currently feel are my weakest muscles, especially during the lift off phase πŸ‘€ I have almost 3 months left to go up to my target goal which is 160KG by the end of summer πŸ’ͺ

The majority of the population naturally internally rotates their shoulders on the daily basis, due to sitting all day. This eventually leads to different imbalances in your posture which can affect your quality of life as well as your physical looks. Do you suffer from bad shoulder mobility? Do you have symptoms such as cracking shoulders? Tight shoulders? Feeling uncomfortable sensations/pain in your shoulder area while performing different daily movements or during your workout? If any of these descriptions sound relatable to you, then look no further and try out this stability/mobility exercise - External rotation press. This exercise mainly focuses on your rotator cuff muscles specifically in the Infraspinatus, supraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis areas, to a certain degree. In short, this is a great exercise to correct your shoulder imbalances by targeting your rotator cuff which plays a vital role in stabilizing the shoulder joint. The majority of shoulder-building exercises are movements performed overhead, which puts extra stress on your joints, especially in the higher weight range, increasing the risk of injury if you are lacking shoulder stability/mobility. Therefore, it is very important to perform this exercise as it improves your shoulder mobility and stability if performed on a consistent basis. My recommendation would be to perform this exercise whenever you find it convenient as long as you can stay consistent with it. I personally prefer to do it at the end of my workouts, as it's not a very physically demanding exercise. However, you can also do it on your rest days or as part of your warm-up as well. If you are just starting out: 1x10-15 reps should be more than enough as it is still better than overlooking mobility work whatsoever. However, if you are a more advanced and consistent gym-goer, then going for at least 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps is highly recommended. Make sure to go very light in terms of weight so that you can emph

πŸ”₯ New Personal Record on conventional deadlift 1RM = 140KG πŸ”₯ Really happy to see weight gradually increasing on weekly basis. Newbie deadlift gains kicking in πŸ˜… This month I went from 120KG -->140KG. Technique can always be improved, especially on this set as there is some uneccessary back involvement during lift-off phase. Hopefully next week I can correct it. Goal is still to get to at least 160KG by the end of summer πŸ’ͺ

πŸ”₯Deadlifting session attempt in comparison to last weekπŸ”₯ (Improvements have been made πŸ’ͺ) This time I managed to get 120KG for my last set without dropping the weight as well as looking more in control of it. Although I planned to use wrist straps, I wasn't able to due to not receiving them on time from amazon πŸ˜…. Now my plan is to practice at getting better and more efficient at the movement as well as increasing my grip strength, which right now, I feel is my main area for improvement. To improve that I will reduce my working weight and increase the training volume by alterating sets and reps as well as rest periods to optimize different energy systems. 120KG------>160KG by the end of summer. Let's get back to work 😀.

After 6 months break, came back to conventional deadlifting. Last set 1x - 120KG. I consider deadlift my weakest lift because it is something I practised the least out of all compound movements in my life. Although the movement looks jerky with lots of back engagement rather than lower body I am still happy I managed to kind of get it πŸ˜… taking into consideration that I did 4 sets before this and fatigue started accumulating. The plan is to attempt the same lift next week using wrist straps and see if my technique improves, as you can clearly see in the video I dropped the weight because my grip gave in. So I assume usage of wrist straps could improve it. The goal is to get at least 160KG by the end of summer πŸ’ͺ. Time to get back to work!

Trigger session
πŸ”₯ ''Trigger sessions’’ πŸ”₯ One of my favorite approaches as a PT is to keep my clients active on their non-workout days, or simply on the days when they are unable to work out. This approach is very simple and effective and doesn’t take much time to complete. The main benefits of trigger workouts are: πŸ‘‰Emphasizes more frequent movements throughout the day which directly transfers onto your main lifts and exercise movements.πŸ‘ˆ πŸ‘‰Makes working out seem short and simple.πŸ‘ˆ πŸ‘‰Does not require a lot of equipment, in this case, all you need is resistance bands.πŸ‘ˆ πŸ‘‰These workouts don’t take too long to recover from and can be done on daily basis.πŸ‘ˆ πŸ‘‰They are fun to do and you can alternate exercises every single workout.πŸ‘ˆ πŸ‘‰Each exercise promotes self-efficacy in different movements as well as improves your mobility and technique.πŸ‘ˆ πŸ‘‰As it is something that you can do over and over again for a short period of time, it can be viewed as an accessory workout and each exercise sends the signal to your body to focus on building more muscle.πŸ‘ˆ Each of these workouts should last no longer than 5-10 minutes, and you should mainly focus on movements. You don’t want to overload yourself; instead, you want to just simply focus on going through the movements, which is enough to send the signal towards your working muscles to stimulate growth. This video has been done unscripted, raw, and fresh just like a chicken breast before you cook it 😁 The video solely serves the purpose of shortly explaining the trigger sessions and showing some examples of how to perform them. Trigger sessions should not be treated as main sessions, as they are only here to provide some extra stimulation and could be used as part of active recovery. If you are looking to train with a PT, then look no further and book your free consultation on: Or simply contact me on: Email: [email protected] Phone: 0773