Marilu Wren - Energy Coaching


When life gets tough, let me help you to release shock and trauma, restore emotional balance and resource your future self for resilience using EFT & Energy Medicine bringing peace and calm into your life


The clothes and jewellery I wear during a session don’t happen by accident. The colours and crystals I choose are intentional and help me to create the best & highest vibration for a coaching session. 🤎

They are part of the tools I use to support my clients in working through their limiting beliefs or past wounds that need clearing. ❤️

The client may not notice them in our sessions, but that doesn’t mean they don’t reap the benefits of the healing vibrations in the room (even for online sessions!) 🧡

I also ensure that I ground & clear my energy before every single session, so that I arrive calm, composed and centred ready to work with my client.💛

I will often light incense and use my powerful sound bowl to add another layer of vibration into the room. This preparation alongside my pre-session meditation are vital to me, both aligning me with my energetic toolkit and also ensuring I bring in the right energy to illicit healing & change. 💚

Finally the mandala canvas behind my head isn’t just for decoration, the clients is also being exposed to the magic and power of Sacred Geometry whilst we work. 💙

These are the groundworks and principles I choose to bring to each client session, even before they begin!💜

Never underestimate the healing power of energy and the toolkit that’s available to you too. 🤍

If you would like to know more about how I work book a FREE Clarity Call @ and let's chat! 💞


In discussing a client’s health timeline recently, I saw each pertinent moment she shared like a row of stiches throughout her life. 🪡

These moments can be tests, treatments, clinic reviews, blood draws or chemotherapy for example; each coming with its own level of anxiety, worry and fear, creating the catch of a stitch each time. 🪡

I find EFT tapping and meditation such powerful ways to help release the emotions that are tethered into the energy field, at these challenging moments in time.

But I believe that one of the most important aspects to look at is the original diagnosis, that first stich which starts with a knot. 🪢

I’ve heard it said that the shock of the initial cancer diagnosis can be responsible for secondary cancers and whether this is true or not, the impact of those unexpected words will no doubt have a powerful effect on the client’s energy.

The body’s initial reaction will often be to go into flight, fright or freeze, my client’s response was to feel like she was filling with water and then faint to the ground with weak legs.. a definite freeze response.

Her body’s immune system won't function optimally until this freeze response is deactivated, and until then I see that every shock or stress that follows it will pull on this initial knot, compounding the damage to the body.

After a powerful tapping session my client shared that it felt like I’d “wrapped it all up” and she allowed it to be released with the positive tapping rounds at the end.

She was delighted to share that she felt so much lighter afterwards and after 8 years no longer felt she was carrying this heavy weight around, recognising how much healthier this was for her.

The thread of shock had finally been released.🪡


In a client session today we got to talking about the role of Motherhood over the ages. It turns out as women in our 50’s our upbringings were similar, we were taught that our needs were not important and that we had to sacrifice them for our family.

It won’t come as a surprise that this is a crock of sh*t!

You will often see me talk about not being able to give from an empty cup.☕ It’s really important that we both recognise and give ourselves permission to stop and meet our own needs.

Not only for our own physical, emotional and mental wellbeing but also to benefit those around us.

The analogy I used was it’s like wearing layers of clothes:

👚 We have the Shirt of being Me
👕 with the Jumper of being a daughter
🧣 and maybe a sibling Scarf
👖 As a wife we wear the trousers (see what I did there?!😉) &
🧥 Motherhood brings a heavy duty Overcoat.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a privilege to be able to wear these layers and enjoy these valuable relationships, but it can be hard work and exhausting.

Your own needs are being smothered and stifled under all these roles.

During the healing process I believe it is essential to be able to give yourself time to strip off and not only rediscover who you are under all those layers, but also to give yourself permission and take a break from wearing them.

To find the power to say “No” or “I need some time to myself”

As a result of doing this for herself, my client reported that she no longer had to clock watch during her valuable rest time and was really able to sink into switching off. The result…

“Mum, you are so much relaxed!!”

It’s a win, win I’d say!


Today is one of the best days of the year for me. Why?

It’s Fly Day. It’s the day that the baby swallows have found the strength and courage to leave the nest and test their wings.

I’ve watched them be fed, nurtured and grow over the last 3 weeks in my outbuilding and today they’ve found their independence.

I watch them with tears in my eyes, ridiculously proud of the faulty, jerky flights and in awe of Mother Nature.

Whilst I had nothing to do with this particular pattern of growth and ascension, I do feel this same feeling of pride and gratitude when it comes to my clients.

Whilst I see my work as creating a container, a nest, in order to provide the nurture and nourishment for them to grow, it is for them to find the courage to take that first step to leaving the security of the nest, of the known.

I resource them to the best of my ability with my experience, training and skillset in order for them to find a new type of freedom and resilience.

As I watch the baby swallows exaltations in the sky from my office window, I’m in the process of creating my FREE Resilience Roadmap to support anyone who wishes to find the courage for the next step.

Stay posted as I hope to have this powerful resource, packed with insights, recordings and PDF’s available by the end of the holidays.

In the meantime if you are interested to know how I can help you test your wings, please book a free Clarity Call to discuss how energy coaching can work for you @


In a client session today, the limiting belief of “I can’t rest too much, as it’s lazy” came up.

My client is facing a chronic disease with includes chemotherapy as part of her treatment plan, it’s so important that she listens to her body and rests, to give her time to heal.

She has put in a tremendous amount of work into her healing journey, embracing the energy work we are doing together with both hands, whilst also dramatically changing her diet.

She regularly takes time out to tap, meditate & journal as well as physically resting her body, but is reluctant to rest too much.

In terms of the High Striker she’s almost striking the bell. 🛎

She’s using the “Hammer” of treatment, resources & support in order to ring this bell of healing, but something is holding her back…

We worked together on the inner voice of:

🗣“I have to ensure I’m achieving something”
🗣“When I rest I’m being Lazy”
🗣“I’m not supposed to relax”
🗣“I’ve got things to do”

This was her younger self-talking, the inner child who’d absorbed all these messages from parents & teachers.

When we addressed the analogy of striking the bell, she said the younger version of herself was standing at the side telling her:

🗣“Don’t hit it too hard”
🗣“You’ll get in trouble, if you ring it too loud”

We tapped on the critical inner voice & guilt, whilst also engaging with her heart centre, which was gently teasing her & reassuring her that she just has to relax and that she’d really benefit if she doesn’t give in to this inner critic.

All the tension my client had arrived with in her Solar Plexus, her power centre, relaxed & felt much lighter. She felt excited about moving forwards & ringing her “Bell” as loudly as she could.

What is holding you back from ringing your bell of self-care? 🛎

What inner critic are you listening to, that is holding you back?

If you’d like to talk about how Energy Coaching & EFT can support you on your Healing Journey, please book a FREE Clarity Call with me at and we can discuss how it could help you too.


I love working with other holistic practitioners as they are often able to "go there" much quicker, having done their own work over the years.

I loved this testimonial from Chris, who was delight to work with and one of my rare male clients. As he explains, often our issues are like onions, we think we've done the work and cleared issues, only to realise there is another layer to work through!

He also described to me how he was:

"no longer able to connect with the feelings he started the session with, as though they have been completely released, roots and all, like they were never there at all"

Imagine that, to be able to really get to the root cause of a limiting belief and pull it up like a w**d. 🌱

EFT really is powerful stuff!✨⚡️💥

If you are curious as to whether EFT Tapping would work for you, please feel free to book a complimentery 15 min Clarity Call with me at


I loved chatting with Nikki at Vetiver Vibes recently who hosts a fantastic podcast with a focus on essential oils.

We talked all things EFT and how it can help with a variety of conditions., whilst also looking at the impact of stress on our bodies and lives.

I demoed a round of tapping and also showed how we can use EFT to help us with our mindset, limiting beliefs and overwhelm.

If you fancied listening to my dulcet tones and learning more about Emotional Freedom Technique, then click play! 😘

(Also please feel free to share with anyone who you think would be interested or may benefit from the magic of EFT Tapping.🙏 )

Enjoy xx



I don’t call myself a Healer, but instead I share my knowledge, experience & tools with clients, so that they can implement them and create the right energetic environment for their body to heal; emotionally, mentally & physically.

I see myself more as the Guide and my client as the Traveller, while I share the map and direction, it is they that have to choose to take the steps on the healing path and do “the work”.

This symbiotic relationship is an honour to be a part of and it’s also a privilege to accompany them on their healing journey.

I am humbled to have guided a client through her cancer journey for the last 3 months. Her breast cancer from 2017 returning to both breasts & lymph this time, alongside hotspots in her lower spine.

She was scared and frightened in the face of bleak treatment and short odds as according to the doctors it was “a lot worse than we thought”. She embarked on 4 rounds of chemo and changed her diet dramatically whilst also asking me to support her as well.

She has been an incredibly willing and perceptive Traveller, who knew nothing of the world of energy, meditation, breathwork or EFT Tapping.

In our time together, both in person and online, I have shown her how to ground her energy, quieten her worrying mind with meditation and truly lean into relaxation.

Showing her how powerful breathwork can be in her moments of overwhelm and using it to still her pain body; whilst also revealing how to create & maintain a deep sense of calm moving forwards.

She willingly grasped the concept of how important it was to not be stressed, otherwise her immune system would switch off.

We’ve talked about the power of language, the energy of words and how maintaining a positive mindset was crucial to the healing process.

I’ve shown her how to travel into her body in order to listen & communicate with it.

She has truly embraced this somatic questioning, appreciating how powerful and informative those quiet, whispered conversations can be, revealing a personality in her cancer that is trying it’s best to heal and keep her safe.

In our Tapping sessions together we’ve:

🧭 Created a timeline of her medical history and the emotional situations that ran parallel
🧭 Recognised and cleared the unhealthy emotional patterns in her life
🧭 Looked at her shock & stress around the diagnosis and treatment of past illnesses alongside this cancer second around time
🧭 Cut cords from relationship dynamics that are holding her back .
🧭 Explored Inner child work to clear the root cause of her limiting beliefs and emotional dynamics.

When medical appointments loomed, I shared energetic tools that created a future self that felt resourced and calm; creating healthy boundaries around her conversations and able to speak up for her needs with doctors and family.

We’ve leaned into the Woo and drawn Oracle Cards which reinforced the issues that needed to be worked on, whilst also supporting the healing & growth she was doing.

During meditation I’ve created Sacred Healing spaces for her to visit and draw down light and love into her body, whilst I’ve used visualisation to help her flush her spine of stuck emotions & energy.

We discussed how to protect her fragile energy during appointments and the power of calling in the energy of her guides, spirit animals and passed loved ones.

She also loved to sink into her Sound Healing Sessions, feeling warmth radiating around her body, bringing her a deep sense of calm relaxation and inner peace.

Our work has emboldened her with a sense of sovereignty and empowerment she didn’t know was possible, giving her back a sense of control and belief in her ability to heal.

As a result of this powerful journey my client has been able to:

🧭 Release unnecessary responsibility and create a healthy balance in familial dynamics
🧭 Work together and on her own to soothe any intense emotions or upset when they arose.
🧭 Use meditation to create a vital energetic space for her body & mind to heal.
🧭 Breathe into & release her pain enabling her to reduce her pain Meds by over 70%
🧭 Feel empowered and in control of her treatment and her healing process.

After a MRI & Pet Scan, the results this week showed that:

🧭 There was a dramatic reduction in her spinal tumour, with the bone growing back as well.
🧭 Her R/Breast tumour has shrunk to the degree that no cancer is detectable
🧭 Her L/Breast lymph tumour has shrunk by over 60%

Needless to say we were both thrilled and she feels like she’s tapped into her secret power and that she can easily take on the rest of the journey.

We will continue to work together whilst I'm also encouraging her to meditate daily and continue to resource herself with journalling and self tapping.

I know that my protocols are powerful, but to witness this in real time is truly humbling and heartening.

I feel truly blessed to be able to share this work with others.

As my client commented this week “Miracles can happen”, but just remember that the Miracle is You!

If you would like to know how I could support your cancer journey book a free Clarity Call @

Marilu Wren - Energy Coaching Empowering stuck women using EFT & Energy Medicine by clearing limiting beliefs & emotional blocks.


When your client goes from Cinderella 🧹 to "Rockerfella"💃 in just one session 🥰


Love this really clear description of EFT in the press today. A powerful and increasingly popular therapy that helps with so many different issues;

🫳 PTSD & Trauma
🫳 Pain & Stress
🫳 Anxiety & Overwhelm
🫳 Fears & Phobias
🫳 Limiting beliefs

Forget the fact that a controversial person is highlighting the technique, as it doesn't take away from the research that shows how quick & effective EFT can be.

If you'd like to find out how EFT could support you please feel free to book a free 15 min Clarity Call @


Photos from Marilu Wren - Energy Coaching's post 17/05/2024

The Cancer Journey can be many things:

- Lonely
- Scary
- & Intense

So it’s a great idea to create a network of both friends and family to comfort you on this healing journey and maybe also to consider complementary practitioners that can listen, support and help you too.

EFT and meditation are both powerful tools that can benefit you at all the different practical stages you may face:

- Diagnosis
- Sharing the news with family
- Treatment/Surgery
- Chemo
- Prognosis

Alongside all the emotional and mental processes you may experience:

- Shock & denial
- Stress & overwhelm
- Anger
- Guilt & blame
- Embarrassment
- Sadness & fear

You don’t have to do this alone, so please feel free to reach out today and see how we can work together through this difficult time.

[email protected]


I'm so looking forward to sharing the impactful yet simple processes of EFT next week.

The power of this form of psychological acupressure never ceases to amaze me. Did you know that this evidence based modality has the ability to transform your life by:

👉 Easing your pain
👉 Calming your mind
👉 Destressing you
👉 Releasing limiting beliefs
👉 Empowering you
👉 Helping you sleep

All are welcome, even if your skeptical! There's no pressure other than to be curious about this odd thing they call Tapping!

If you would love to know more check out the event details @


What do you day to yourself that you wouldn't say to your best friend?

Be kind and remember your inner child is always with you & listening.

💃 You are amazing

💃 You deserve the best

💃 You are enough

And now say it aloud x


I'm super excited to be collaborating with the gorgeous Natalie in Torcross to hold my first Introduction to EFT Workshop event.

If you've been curious about how EFT Tapping can support you with:

👉 Pain &Trauma
👉 Stress & Anxiety
👉 Overwhelm
👉 Sleep
👉 Fears & Phobias

I would love to welcome you into the world of EFT Tapping by inviting you to this free Workshop on Tues 7th May @ 1.30pm at this beautiful seaside location.

This informal meet up with be all about showing you how to Tap and what to say in order to ease your physical, emotional & mental discomfort.

We’ll be exploring how it works and why you need it in your life!

This is a no commitment event, but if you are interested in what you learn, you would be most welcome to join my ongoing monthly events at Start Bay Studio on the first Tuesday of every month.

For more information and to book your space please visit:

Photos from Marilu Wren - Energy Coaching's post 20/04/2024

After a powerfully uplifting, educational and hilarious week, I think it should be mandatory for women to step out of their lives so they can grow & heal with other women.

For years female relationships have created a Sisterhood wound for me from family & school onwards. Sadly others have felt the need to hurt, mock, betray or judge me. It's run deep but I've never lost faith in women.

This amazing week in Spain run by my incredible mentor Mary-Jane ( Practitioner Training) has not only led me to finally meet my amazing fellow EFT trainees in person (who have ceasely and selflessly support my EFT journey) but also to meet a new wonderful & inspirational group of women.

I felt every conversation was relatable, a true meeting of minds and each connection an emotional hug with sooo much laughter.

I felt a lightness to my energy and a peace in my full heart with an acceptance around where I could be authentically me.

Thank you MJ for creating a powerful & passionate arena of growth on all levels, filled with beautiful souls & invaluable wisdom.

I urge you to find your tribe and bathe in their love... it worked for me 🥰

Photos from Marilu Wren - Energy Coaching's post 20/04/2024

After a powerfully uplifting, educational and hilarious week, I think it should be mandatory for women to step out of their lives so they can grow & heal with other women.

For years female relationships have created a Sisterhood wound for me from family & school onwards. Sadly others have felt the need to hurt, mock, betray or judge me. It's run deep but I've never lost faith in women.

This amazing week in Spain run by my incredible mentor Mary-Jane (EFT Practitioner Training) has not only led me to finally meet my amazing fellow EFT trainees in person (who have ceasely and selflessly support my EFT journey) but also to meet a new wonderful & inspirational group of women.

I felt every conversation was relatable, a true meeting of minds and each connection an emotional hug with sooo much laughter.

I felt a lightness to my energy and a peace in my full heart with an acceptance around where I could be authentically me.

Thank you MJ for creating a powerful & passionate arena of growth on all levels, filled with beautiful souls & invaluable wisdom.

I urge you to find your tribe and bathe in their love... it worked for me 🥰


You are who you are today because of your past.

I've met so many powerful inspirational people who have agreed that they wouldn't change their past as it's made them who they are today.

Stay strong and please be assured that if you're going through a tough time at the moment, you will come out stronger and better.. I promise. 💪


Whilst we do not wish for or welcome adversity, I have found that these moments hold my deepest learning and have helped me become increasingly resilient to life’s curve balls. without them I would not know what truly matters, I would still attach value to things and status.

My road to resilience has been humbling and elevating in the same breath. I welcome (in hind sight) every one, in fact I dance in the rain of each issue, for they have gifted me with tools, ideas and perspectives that make life, good or bad, wonderful and enriching. I can now find the joy in it all and am grateful for every moment.

Moving forward I choose to invest in resourcing myself regularly so that I am able to meet the next challenge with grace & gratitude, to move beyond stress and fear, able to embrace change.

By using my tools to keep me grounded I help my body stay out of fight and flight and put myself in a better position to see the gifts in each stage and embody any learning.

I see my job as helping others to find the answer within themselves too, to trust themselves and connect with their intuition. To feel resourced ready to face life’s adversities.

If you feel that you would benefit from working with me or are curious as to how I work, please feel free to book a free 15 min Clarity Call



We all have a Medicine Woman inside of us.
It’s an energy you can call forth.🙏🏽

True leaders don’t create followers,
they create more leaders.

🖊image : 🪶


A healer is not someone you go to for healing. A healer is someone who helps you to find the key within you, for your own ability to heal. x


We all have a Medicine Woman inside of us.
It’s an energy you can call forth.🙏🏽

True leaders don’t create followers,
they create more leaders.

🖊image : 🪶


After taking some time out over the winter, I feel that Spring brings a fresh direction for me and my work. I’ve felt this need to contract and go within, to let go of any preconceived ideas of what I “should” be doing and feel into where I want and need to be.

Alongside this period of contemplation, I’ve been supporting my parents through a very challenging time in the winter of their lives; whilst also focussing on my husband’s cancer diagnosis and treatment.

I’ve needed all my energy and focus to be on my loved ones and I’ve been so grateful that I have the energetic resources and tools to keep me strong at this time.

These latest developments come after a 2 decade cycle of dealing with adversity in different forms and building up my resilience muscle in order to cope. I understand how hard, stressful and overwhelming shocking life events can be.

I’m lucky I have the mental and emotional resilience in order to see me out the other side and I’ve built on this personal strength over the years by investing in my wellbeing and now my training in EFT, Kinesiology & Energy Medicine.

Moving forwards it feels right to now offer support and healing to others who are facing tricky, stressful & overwhelming situations or life changes, whilst also remembering to include the loved ones around them, who also feel the ripple effect of their position.

I will also be offering Energy Healing both in person @ Modbury Therapy Centre and remotely. I have adjusted my website accordingly and you’ll be seeing more and more resilience tools being added to support you as well.


Why do I prefer to work with women👩‍🔧👩‍🚒? Because:

👮‍♀️ We have the ability & desire to grow

👷‍♀️ We’re not afraid to go deep

👩‍🍳 We’re not afraid face the tough questions

👩‍🎓 We have the capacity for resilience

👩‍🔬 We're open to learning & growing

👩‍⚖️ We're more likely to leave ego by the door and be wrong

We’re not perfect though. We’re not always great at putting ourselves first as we're hardwired to nurture & invest in those around us, at times leaving ourselves until last.

So how can I help women put themselves first & invest in themselves?

💞 I love to create a sacred, safe space in which women will feel heard, held and healed.

💞 I have a passion for empowering women to discover their resilience & their hidden strengths but not at a cost to themselves

💞I love to resource women with energetic tools that allow them to show up feeling grounded & empowered.

💞To be ready to face life’s challenges with grace & gratitude, not react and fall into stress when life proves demanding.

💞 I love to uplift women, helping them to realise just how powerful they truly are

At the centre of my heart is championing women, who I admire as creative, multi-talented and true goddesses; whatever stage of life they are at, we all have aspirations to grow and develop and that’s where I can support them best.

If I can help women to shine and reach their full glorious potential, whether as a student, mother, entrepreneur or employee than I’ve done my job!

If you'd like to know if I'm the right person to support you, visit and book a free Clarity Call and let's see if we're a fit x


A long standing client is about to let me go.. and I couldn’t be happier

In his words “it’s time for me to fly”

We’ve spent months exploring & healing his frustration & anger towards his father and his dysfunctional relationship with women.

And now he’s discovered the most powerful & healing relationship of all.. with himself.

He’s gone from erratic, selfish & disconnected to grounded, thoughtful & trusting.

He no longer seeks validation or approval from others, but is now able to come back to himself, connect with his intuition and work from his heart centre.

I beamed with pride yesterday at how far he’s come and all credit to him, he’s done the work; he’s explored those dark places and spent both time, money and energy on dissipating those unhelpful emotions & dissolving his limiting beliefs.

Whilst he was kind enough to acknowledge my role in his healing journey, he also said that tapping on his own has made a huge difference.

He found that he didn’t want to “save” the feelings to bring to our sessions, but instead felt empowered enough to connect and tap on them in real time, as they were happening.

I’ll be the first one to say that tapping with your Practitioner is a fantastic way to discover & heal those hidden wounds and deeper negative thoughts, but I would also always advocate tapping in the moment.

It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with EFT, not only am I able to use it to empower & support my clients, but it’s also the most incredible take home tool for them. They are able to use it as and when those uncomfortable feelings arise, allowing them to listen to what their body is reflecting to them and tap, calming their Amygdala and bringing them back to centre.

If you are interested to know more about how EFT might be able to help you, please feel free to book a complimentary Clarity Call with me and learn how this amazing self-help tool can support you too.

Photos from Marilu Wren - Energy Coaching's post 07/02/2024

Take time to notice the details...

❤️ Look Down

🧡 What do you see?

💛 What can you hear?

💚 What can you touch?

💙 Pause

💜 Breath

🤍 Connect

🤎 Ground

💝 Heal

Keep it simple...


I heard this quote on a podcast last night and saw how powerful it was in it's simplicity.

We are all in charge of our destiny...everything, every object, every event... started with a thought followed up by an action. 💥

What are you thinking about today? 🤔

Where does you focus lie?👀

On positivity or lack & judgement?👍👎

What is inspiring you to take action?💫

We have no idea where those steps of action will take us.. until we start the journey.🧍‍♀️

Don't let fear or lack of confidence stop you from taking these steps. 🚶‍♀️

No one else is going to do this for you you. 🏃‍♀️

The journey starts from within. 🌈

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Helping you & your business to reach their full potential.

At Hera Holistic we are passionate about helping Female Entrepreneurs balance their lives, maintain their vitality & confidently run their businesses, through Mentoring and Kinesiology.

We use seminars, one-to-one sessions and podcasts to support and educate women to improve their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing and reach their full potential.

For the entrepreneur we offer mentoring and consultancy, that will not only help you with stress and goal setting, but also help you to grow and develop your brand.

By creating an empowering and nurturing environment we help you move forward with confidence and a renewed sense of energy & balance in your life and work.

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2 Woodlands, West Buckland

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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B Extra Pills UK B Extra Pills UK
Kingsbridge, TQ72LD

👇✅😍 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐩 𝐍𝐨𝐰! 𝐁𝐮𝐲 𝐍𝐨𝐰! 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞! 👇✅😍

Vision Express Vision Express
64 Fore Street
Kingsbridge, TQ71PP

Visit Vision Express Opticians at Kingsbridge, book an eye test, and receive expert advice on

Soul Path Awakening Soul Path Awakening
The Linhay, Fursdon, Sherford
Kingsbridge, TQ72BD

Meditation and self growth

South Hams Area Wellbeing South Hams Area Wellbeing
Kingsbridge Fire Station, Duncombe Street
Kingsbridge, TQ71LR

SHAW aims to support people in their wellbeing through access to healthy and social activities.

Coastal Oasis Retreats Coastal Oasis Retreats
Bolberry, South

Welcome, fabulous souls, to our little coastal oasis! If you're here in search of wellness, connection, friendships, stress-relief, and some serious relaxation vibes, then congrat...

Helen’s Sound Meditation Helen’s Sound Meditation
Kingsbridge, TQ7

Creating immersive Sound Journeys using beautiful instruments including Hang & Gongs, for relaxation.