Pavneet Energy Healer

Pranic Healing is based on the principle that the body is a self repairing entity, possessing the in


Just over 2 weeks to go now until has 4 back to back courses on... here in the UK!! πŸ₯³

Starting with Inner Buddhism Revealed on Wednesday 28th August! So excited to have a full 5 days being immersed in such beautiful energy! Energy I really can't put it into words!

Learning, growing and evolving never stops!

I won't be taking any bookings for Wednesday 28th August to Sunday 1st September.

Posted β€’ Only three weeks to go! Join Master Stephen Co in the UK for prosperity courses. For more information and registration click on the link above.

Photos from Pavneet Energy Healer's post 05/08/2024

A new client came across me this weekend just gone. Even though he was over 100 miles away it made no difference to the ability to channel these healing energies and be off assistance to help in a variety of ways.

Forever grateful to be on this path, to have Master Choa Kok Sui's blessings and teachings, to be of service to those who are seeking help with whatever difficulties they are currently experiencing.

If you or anyone you know needs help, whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally. Take the first step and get in touch for a FREE consultation to find out how I can assist and have a Pranic Healing treatment plan tailored specifically for you.

Bookings and enquiries...

πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104

Distant Healing Available Worldwide Monday to Sunday.


Spent yesterday practising the very first level of Pranic Healing with such an amazing soul and instructor, . Huge bonus, it was in my home town of Leicester!!

Being a pranic healer doesn't mean once you've done many levels, that you know everything, that your learning ever stops. It's quite the opposite. The more you study, the more you realise how deep Master Choa Kok Sui's teachings really go and how much more depth there really is.

Practising and revisiting the fundamentals ensures the practice and the healings continue to be done, are just as they're intended. Giving you a chance to refine your skills and you ALWAYS learn something new!! Plus sitting in that energy, doing the Meditation on Twin Hearts as part of a group with fellow pranic healers...really is something else!!

Revisiting the first ever course I ever took in Pranic Healing gave me time to reflect just how much my life has changed, how priceless the teachings are and how we all, no matter, who we think we are or what we have been through, have the ability to learn techniques to help heal ourself of our conditions and/or programming, help others and just completely transform our life as we know it.

Hand on heart, if it wasn't for that very first course, I wouldn't be living this life I could only have dreamed off. To have the tools to facilitate healing and to be of service, is just incredibly soul satisfying.

For more information head to


About to partake in a Special Meditation on Twin Hearts to bless the World with peace and harmony. Grateful my family came over to take part too!! Although they're all sat downstairs because we can't all fit in my healing room, I might just go join them!! πŸ™Šβ€οΈ

Conducted by one of our Teachers, the amazing Les Flitcroft. Guiding us through a meditation to bless all the war torn areas, people affected by natural disasters and unrest around the world.

The link was sent out to my clients and those who have taking part in the Twin Hearts Meditation I run. Check your inbox!!

Although it's a free meditation, donations are welcome to MCKS Charitable Foundation UK.

Photos from Pavneet Energy Healer's post 12/10/2023

Om, Aum, Amen, Ameen & Ek Onkar.

Why is it important to purify ourΒ soul?

We're constantly projecting and recieveing energy. Have you ever been around people and without speaking to them, you can somehow tell, if they're happy or angry? Subconsciously we pick up their emotions. So, how many people do you interact with and how many emotions are you absorbing? How many are positive and how many are negative?

The Om/Aum mantra helps us to disintegrate negative emotions by purifying our souls of these lower energies.

But isn't Om a Hindu mantra?

In Christianity they describe God as...
Omnipotent - All Powerful
Omnipresent - Present Everywhere
Omniscient - God is All Knowing

Can you see how all the words used to describe God, start with Om.

In the Kabbalah, book of Zohar. One of the 72 names of God is
β€œAleph Vav Mem”.
Aleph - Stands for A
Vav - Stands for U
Mem - Stands for M
AUM being another name for God for the Kabbalists.

Judaism, Islam and Christian prayers end with the Amen. The word Amen is also a simplified version of the mantra Aum meaning β€œIn the name of God, so be it.”

In Sikhism, Ek Onkar means there is only one God and said to have originated from the Omkar mentioned in Upanishads and is a stretched form of Om.
The way it is written, ΰ©΄ has a striking resemblance.

I thoroughly recommend taking a class near you by Master Choa Kok Sui on Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul πŸ™

Look out for these classes by our Teachers,
Les Flitcroft
Master Stephen Co .org


Fully certified in the next level of Pranic Healing! This course blew my mind!! I saw 10 cm disappear from my partners waist! I then treated her upper arms and thighs with 2 cm reduction per arm and 3 cm of each thigh!! Holy moly! I could barely believe my eyes!!

You see, certain color Pranas have the power to disintegrate and remove fat, wrinkles and lines from our system to create a healthier and better-looking body. In fact, the lines and wrinkles of the face are storehouse of negative and unpleasant feelings and experiences such as anger, fear and grief. When these emotional garbage is cleared and released, the face automatically looks younger, brighter and revitalised.


πŸ’– Protocol for Breast Reduction
πŸ’– Protocol for Breast Augmentation
πŸ’– Additional Protocols for stubborn energy
- other areas maybe treated to either reduce in size or make larger.


πŸ’– Pranic Weight Loss Protocol

- Loose the excess weight to look thinner
- Regulate your appetite and remove the excessive cravings for food and sugar
- Remove the negative emotions that contribute to the weight gain
- Increase your will power to withstand your desires for excessive intake of food

PRANIC FACE LIFT (6 sessions)

We remove the lines and wrinkles of the face to create younger and brighter looking skin

πŸ’– Protocol to treat eye bags
πŸ’– Protocol for eyelid tuck
πŸ’– Protocol for chin tuck
And a few others!

To book a FREE consultation for any physical, mental or emotional dis-ease or ailment, get in touch to discuss how I can help.

Bookings and enquiries...

πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104

Distant Healing Available Worldwide Monday to Sunday.


Kick starting .events absolutely stunning 2 day retreat out in the countryside with a Meditation on Twin Hearts! πŸ’žπŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ

Deeply grateful to .blog and for giving me the opportunity to lead many ladies through this incredibly simple yet powerful meditation given to us by our teacher, Master Choa Kok Sui. πŸ™β€οΈ

The Meditation on Twin Hearts changed the whole course of my life. Now, my only goal is not only being of service to as many souls as possible but giving them the opportunity to experience this meditation, so they too may experience such joy, happiness and inner peace.

If you're local to Leicester, you too can join me at my next Twin Hearts Meditation, June 5th at 7 pm in the beautiful Botanical Gardens in Oadby!

There is no charge, all I ask is that you help support our charity: MCKS Charitable Foundation UK

Providing caring, compassionate support to people in need.

Our charity provides schools across the country with food, toiletries and sanitary products so that children have consistent access to essential supplies through our School Pantry Cupboards.

We also run breakfast clubs and provide emergency supplies over schools holidays and during exam times for children and families who may be struggling.

Donation link...

Thank you πŸ™β€οΈ

Bookings and enquiries...

πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104

Distant Healing Available Worldwide Monday to Sunday.


Extremely grateful to be able to help and incredibly humbled by the kindness and love my clients express.❀

I feel unbelievably fortunate knowing the reason my soul is be of service. To help as many souls as I can, all with the blessings of God, my Spiritual Teachers and Guides. Without the help, protection and guidance of the Higher Being's there is absolutely no way I'd be able to channel this healing energy. That's why I remain disciplined in my spiritual practice. To carry on being able to help, to heal, to transform souls, quite literally, all over the world...

For the rest of my Life. πŸ’–πŸ™

⭐ Currently there is an offer on for Black Friday. I highly suggest a block booking for optimum results. These can be tailored to your individual needs. ⭐

Now taking bookings for 2023.

To book a free consultation or to make an appointment, get in touch!

Bookings and enquiries...

πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104

Distant Healing Available Worldwide Monday to Sunday
In person healings available Monday and Thursdays.



Bad day? Or had one recently? When things don't seem to go right or you're carrying the a heavy heart from experiencing lower emotions, whether it be hurt, anger, grief etc.

We tend to put on a brave face, masking it to others, that we're completely fine. Trying to resist the sad feelings or feelings of despair about how we truly feel.

I've been guilty of this many times as I'm sure all of all have, right? So, at times to combat it, we try to focus on the good things we have but still end up feeling preety burned out or exhausted.

But guess what? Highly evolved beings from all walks of life, whether it be Buddha, Jesus, Shiva, Muhammad, Guru's or Saint's ALL had their days of suffering & their fair share of sorrows.

We will all experience every single emotion on the spectrum, from the highest of joys to the depth of tremendous pain. But we can learn from it. Everytime we feel a lower or negative emotion, view it as a red flag. It's drawing your attention to something that needs to be changed or a lesson we need to learn.

Harbouring any kind of resistance is kind of like driving around with a flat tyre πŸš— if you actually had a flat tyre, you would do anything to fix it before continuing with your journey, would you not? Yet, we're guilty of doing it everyday in terms of our emotional life. So, how long can you actually drive around with a flat tyre without ultimately breaking down❓️

Accept wherever you currently are. Hurt, pain or any negative emotion, is actually there to educate us about our own inner weaknesses and to help our souls evolve.

Bad days or any suffering are lessons & instruments for the soul to learn from & help to perfect it.

No great spiritual being would have been who they were unless they had some sort of adversity or enemies even. So, make peace internally, with the people or situations causing you any type of pain/negative emotion because they are actually our biggest teachers in life. Learn the lesson and then...


If you are struggling to let ANY lower emotion go or simply just need energising, please get in touch.


Amazing evening advanced cancer protocol masterclass led by one of our teachers

Even though I have helped cancer clients in the past, the information Les went over provided such valuable insight and information. Plus we had the opportunity to practice the whole protocol from start to finish. Priceless and incredibly grateful for the additional training. πŸ™

We have a very precise protocol we follow when helping relieve cancer patients of their symptoms, as the main chakras which are affected on the energy body are the same. However, we have added steps to take, if the cancer has manifested on particular parts of the body, such as the breast, lungs, liver, brain, colon etc.

The proper pranic treatment consists of 4 main steps...

1️⃣ Cleansing
2️⃣ Normalising Chakras/Energy centres
3️⃣ Stimulation of the immune system
4️⃣ Breaking down the cancerous cells

If you or anyone you know is affected by any variation of cancer, please get in touch to book a FREE consultation.

Or for any other concerns you currently have whether it be with your physical, mental, emotional or even spiritual health, get in touch.

Bookings and enquiries...
πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104


Due to the current hardships the World is currently facing, I've decided to offer a special package at a discounted rate, a tailored made package, specifically for you, consisting of a treatment for ANY physical ailment, plus one for ANY psychological concern too.πŸ™πŸ’–

All you have to do is...

1️⃣ Pick a physical ailment...
⚠️Respiratory system, e.g., Asthma, Cough, Covid etc
⚠️Circulatory system, e.g., Heart ailments, High Blood Pressure, Stroke etc
⚠️Gastrointestinal system, e.g. IBS, Diarrhea, Constipation etc
⚠️ Musculoskeletal system, e.g. Muscle Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Stiff Neck, Arthritis etc
⚠️ Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain
⚠️ Reproductive system, e.g. Irregular Menstruation, Sterility, E.D
⚠️ Urinary system, e.g. Urinary tract infection, Kidney and Bladder Infections etc
⚠️ Headaches, Migraines, Insomnia
⚠️ Reducing the rate of Ageing...

And so much more! Any physical ailment manifests on the energy body first, so ANY condition can be treated.

2️⃣ Assess how you are feeling, emotionally and mentally. What would you like help removing?

See, emotions affect not only our energy body but our physical body too, lowering energy levels aswell as our immune system. Long periods of stressful situations or any lower emotion, will eventually result in a condition, physical or emotional.

Some clients benefit from just 1 or 2 treatments, however a serious of treatments maybe needed for effective results depending on the condition.

Distance Healing Available Worldwide.

Bookings and enquiries...
πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104


Mixture of physical and psychological treatments today. Some in person and some treatments, sent 1000s of miles away to clients overseas. πŸ™

Any dis-ease in the physical, mental or emotional body HAS to start of as dirty energy somewhere, which is most likely suffocating a certain chakra(s) of prana, the vital life-force we all need in order to physically exist.

How many thoughts do you have a day? 1000s and 1000s right? Could be anywhere upto 80,000. How many are positive, how many are negative? Negative ones tend to get stuck deep within certain chakras, altering how we would think or feel. Too much of a certain emotion can leave you stressed, anxious or depressed (to name a few) because that's the program that certain chakra is now running.

My job is to help pull them out, clean up the chakra and energise it with fresh prana. Restoring it to it's natural state so it can easily pull in fresh prana and eliminate the diseased energy.

When left unattended, that dirty energy will eventually lead to some sort of psychological or even physical ailment.

Illnesses manifest in your energy body BEFORE they appear in the physical body.

We have protocols at our disposal for practically every condition under the sun.

To book a FREE consultation, get in touch and we can talk about any concerns you currently have with your physical, mental, emotional or even spiritual health.

Bookings and enquiries...
πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104


Lovely end to such a busy day! Woke up at 6 am to do my spiritual practice. Then had a jam packed day of healings with a couple of unscheduled emergency treatments.

Ranging from coughs, colds, painful shoulders, hay-fever, constipation, trauma, stroke, stress and anxiety.

It was nice to sit down later in the day for a couple of hours and refresh my mind aswell as pick up new and interesting information from in regards to a very special meditation.

Meditation on Twin Hearts.

The very first one I ever participated in, changed the course of my life...forever.πŸ™πŸ’–

If you're local to Leicestershire and would like to experience this meditation with me, get in touch!!

Here are some scientifically validated Impact of the Twin Hearts Meditation...

πŸ’–Β Happier, Calmer and More Peace
πŸ’– Increase Focus
πŸ’–Β Increase Memory Recall
πŸ’–Β Increase Gamma Wave Activity

Incredibly grateful that are always on hand, offering support and guidance in so many different ways.πŸ™β€οΈ

Bookings and enquiries...
πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104


Many of us just don't realise,
That how we feel internally,
Whether it's our...

πŸ’– Our inner peace
πŸ’– Stillness
πŸ’– Emotional calmness
πŸ’– Our clarity

Isn't only just based on what we are going through in our day to day lives.

Every single one of us, are also being hit by external energies. Some are good and some are...not so good.

❓️Ever felt like you're becoming too sensitive to other people's emotions or drama's?

❓️Ever feel zapped when talking to someone who is unhappy, complaining or sick?

❓️Ever felt drained after being in a certain place which may have dirty energy emitting from the ground?

❓️Ever felt under a psychic attack, whether it maybe intentional or not?

If so...Get in touch so I can scan your energy field, clear the gunk you may have absorbed from other people or surroundings and cut any energy cords that may STILL be draining you of your precious lifeforce energy, your prana!

πŸ™ˆ Functioning somehow on 2/3 hours sleep!! Wanted to wake up at 2 am so bad to watch Master Co live!! Stayed up studying and healing until 6:30 am, then got ready for our Arhatic Practice!! πŸ₯³

Bookings and enquiries...
πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104



Always incredibly grateful and humbled by the kind and positive feedback I recieve, it's just so heartwarming particularly when people experience the inner bliss that can be experienced during the Meditation on Twin Hearts. πŸ’žπŸ™

Thank you I really appreciate your kindness and I'm really happy we got to have this experience together! πŸ’–

If you're local to Leicester, come join me every Monday at 1:30 pm to experience a Twin Hearts Meditation led by Master Choa Kok Sui.

Spaces are limited so please book in advance. It's completely FREE!

For healing, whether it be for something physical, mental, emotional or even spiritual...
Get in touch for a FREE consultation using the details below.

Distance healing is offered worldwide.🌏

I haven't physically met the majority of my clients as the energy can be transferred to you and the healing can begin, no matter how far you are from me, no matter what country you live in. It still blows me away!!

Bookings and enquiries...
πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104


Last of the 3 most powerful Full Moons of the year yesterday! πŸŒπŸ’–

As Holy Master Djwal Khul said through Alice Bailey "The time of the full moon is either a time of crisis or a time of opportunity".

During a Full Moon, a tremendous amount of Divine Energy showers Earth, which magnifies everything around us AND within us!! The good aswell as the 'bad'.

For many people this can be a time of crisis as their unregulated emotions may go up and down but for souls on the spiritual path, it's an AMAZING opportunity to use this massive downpour of energy to not only purify and cleanae ourselves and our chakras but to bless our families, loved ones, projects and the entire Earth!!✨️❀️

Hency why a Full Moon, can be viewed, both as a time for crisis or OPPORTUNITY!!

Personally, it's was such an amazing day!! The energy has been crazy, pushing me to make the most of every minute!! Not only did I get to participate in the Full Moon Meditation with Master Co but also able to start revisiting and studying Pranic Healing Level 1 with my beautiful study partner and start working on inner purification for Loving-Kindness!

ALL in addition to starting of that beautiful day with our daily Arhatic Meditation and practices!!

Kind of wish it was a Full Moon everyday!! πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆπŸ’– The energy has been surreal!!

If you didnt know, the effects can not only be felt on the exact time of the full moon but also roughly 2 days before and 2 days after!! So, if you missed can still catch energy!

Bookings and enquiries...
πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104


Monday I had the bestest day I've had in so long!! The opportunity to have a conversation and a healing by one of our Masters ! An amazing, amazing soul!!

Incredible experience and the way I felt immediately after and still, 2 days later is completely unexplainable!!

The kindness and words from this great teacher, just brought everything into so much perspective and have given me, just...such a zest for life!!!

Beyond excited to live my life to the absolute fullest and to reach my highest potential in order to help as many people as I possibly can!!

I'll FOREVER be grateful to not only Les but also Master Choa Kok Sui and my Spiritual Teachers for absolutely all I have and all my soul will achieve. πŸ™πŸ’–

I been smiling like a Cheshire cat since!! πŸ˜ΈπŸ˜‚


In the last 24 hours I've found white feathers under our dining table, in our lounge, 'wardrobe room' and on my pillow!! Rather strange when someone hates having any windows open in the house!!

Not many people know or realise, but we have Angels of energy healing all around us, not only guiding us, but waiting to come to our aid!

The Angels are with you RIGHT now, all you have to do is let them know you want their help and they will be at your side in an instant, ready to heal not just your mind but your body and soul to with their incredible celestial energy.

Angels are much more than just Messengers. The world Angel comes from the Greek word Angelos, meaning messenger. But they are much more than just that.

Angels are also...
πŸ‘Ό Guardians
πŸ“š Record keepers
πŸ‘©β€πŸ« Guidance councillors
πŸ§šβ€β™€οΈ Muses
πŸ‘­ Best friends
πŸ₯Έ Teachers

And in dire circumstances...
πŸš‘ Emergency responders

Angels love you absolutely unconditionally. No matter what you do, they will ALWAYS support you and stand by your side. Kinda like family, but better, because there's no judgement!! πŸ’–

But best of all, Angels are natural healers and can help you heal anything from a headache to a broken heart to a blockedΒ chakra. All you have to do is ask for their healing touch, because EVERY single Angel is an Angel ofΒ energy healing.

Take some time to remember times in your life when you recieved a message of love and healing from an Angel. It might have been a special sign from a loved one no longer on this plane, a healing phonecard from somebody you haven't spoken to in a while or a comforting hug when you needed it most.

Messages take all shapes and forms,
An Angel is ALWAYS there. πŸ™πŸ’–

Bookings and enquiries...
πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104

Distant Healing Available Worldwide.


Had such an amazing day at the clinic today! Meeting new and existing clients and having the opportunity to help them gives me more joy than you can ever imagine, especially when they're all so kind and generous with their words!!

Incredibly humbling to hear such kind words, making what I do even more satisfying to my soul. πŸ’–πŸ™

Twin hearts meditation was particularly the highlight of my day as hearing the feedback of the experiences during the meditation reminded me of the unexplainable feelings I experienced during my first twin hearts.πŸ’ž

Today's in person healings consisted of...

* chronic back pain
* regeneration of organs
* hyperthyroidism
* asthma
* diabetes
* anger & resentment
* stress & anxiety
* fibromyalgia

One more spot available should you wish to join us next week at 1:30 pm.

Bookings and enquiries...
πŸ“§ [email protected]
☎️ Call / WhatsApp 07743 916 104

Distant Healing Available Worldwide.

Videos (show all)

Next Meditation in Oadby, Leicestershire is on Monday 6th May at 7 pm. All are welcome! Drop me a DM to register your at...
Fully certified in the next level of Pranic Healing! This course blew my mind!! I saw 10 cm disappear from my partners w...
Kick starting absolutely stunning 2 day retreat out in the countryside with a Meditation on Twin Hearts! πŸ’žπŸ§˜...
Extremely grateful to be able to help and incredibly humbled by the kindness and love my clients express.❀ I feel unbeli...
Bad day? Or had one recently? When things don't seem to go right or you're carrying the a heavy heart from experiencing ...
Bad day? Or had one recently? When things don't seem to go right or you're carrying the a heavy heart from experiencing ...
Amazing evening advanced cancer protocol masterclass led by one of our teachers @lesflitcroft Even though I have helped ...
Due to the current hardships the World is currently facing, I've decided to offer a special package at a discounted rate...
Mixture of physical and psychological treatments today. Some in person and some treatments, sent 1000s of miles away to ...
Lovely end to such a busy day! Woke up at 6 am to do my spiritual practice. Then had a jam packed day of healings with a...
Many of us just don't realise,That how we feel internally, Whether it's our...πŸ’– Our inner peaceπŸ’– Stillness πŸ’– Emotional c...

