Mind Over Matter Nutrition, Liverpool Videos

Videos by Mind Over Matter Nutrition in Liverpool. Nutritionist MN.Nutr & Menopause Health Specialist - Supporting women to navigate menopause with ease

Tonight’s live talking all things behaviour change, the cornerstone of driving sustainable, long term change!

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Tonight’s live talking all things behaviour change, the cornerstone of driving sustainable, long term change!

Overwhelm is one of the first things clients talk to me about when we discuss menopause. It often feels like a switch has flicked overnight—suddenly, we can’t remember things, and brain fog leads us to feel like we’re going mad. This was me, I kept thinking, don’t worry you’ll be fine, you’ll get everything sorted! Yet weeks and months went by, and I just couldn’t catch up with myself. Everything felt too much. I could sense the overwhelm start to creep in every Sunday night… Here was another week… Another week where I’d get to Monday, then it would collapse like a house of cards… Or that’s what it felt like! Sometimes, we just need that support and coaching and asking for help isn’t a weakness; it’s a strength. Although menopause doesn’t come without challenges, with the right support, we can shift gears and regain control. And this is when I reached out to @charliebeestone Charlie was someone who always seemed to have everything under control, despite huge and diverse goals but I also knew he had systems in place to support him, helping him to create space between brain capacity, tasks and creativity. So here I am, all actions cleared, clarity on the week ahead and plans in place for upcoming activity. In just a week I seem to have time to myself for the first time in about 18 months, so I’m off to enjoy it ☺️ And no Sunday night dread or overwhelm either 🙌🏼 Have a great Sunday afternoon 🥹

Stepping Into Your Identity 🤩

Before approaching your health with a hope and a wish, focus on understanding what will truly help you long term! Drop me a message if you have any questions.

Inflammation - another term being used to scaremonger! Without it, we’d be dead!

The changes in taste and smell during menopause are predominantly due to a decrease in Oestrogen levels. These changes can differ widely amongst women and you may not even notice any changes but if you’re in menopause and find yourself more drawn towards hyper palatable foods such as sugar, fat and salt this may be due to these foods being more appealing to compensate for the diminished sensory experience.

Sometimes menopause can create such overwhelm that a simple task can send you over the edge Creating a simple to do list really helps remove overwhelm from my day but also provides some structure and focus. A simple but really effective strategy What strategies do you use to support you each day? Drop a comment and let me know 🩷

Talking all things women’s health 💕

Time is running out to grab your discount offer on my programme starting 8th January 2024 Want to know how to navigate Menopause, Nutrition and everything in between, then drop me a DM with the word 'Thrive' Invest in yourself, because it has never felt better! 🩷 FYI - Pause the Reel to read

As we approach the final weeks and days leading up to Christmas, we find ourselves attending more meals out and Christmas parties. I often hear people using terms such as Treat, Good, Bad etc and then beating themselves up with what they've eaten, totally forgetting that their attendance at these social occasions has brought them connection, friendship, joy, togetherness and often some stress relief at this time of year. For many menopausal women, the morality of food has been shaped by years of exposure to fad diets and diet culture. It's important to recognise that these influences can create a distorted perspective on the relationship between food choices and personal worth. What we need to realise is that food has no inherent moral value. When we start to label foods as 'good' or 'bad,' or use terms like 'treat' and 'cheat,' we are implying that the morality of our choices extends to our character or worth as individuals. In reality, food is neither virtuous nor sinful; it is sustenance that serves various physical and social functions. It's crucial to create a healthy relationship with food, acknowledging its nutritional impact without attaching judgment to our personal choices. As women navigate through the menopausal phase, it becomes even more important to break free from the constraints of societal expectations and embrace a more compassionate and balanced approach to nourishment, allowing us to enjoy the festive season without unnecessary guilt or stress 🎅🎄

As a woman who commenced menopause transition at the age of 36 due to Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), I've come to realise the crucial role exercise plays in maintaining overall well-being. Despite being inconsistent with my exercise routine for a long time, everything changed when I discovered a supportive PT and with that a supportive community. This group of individuals not only encouraged me but also played a pivotal role in helping me establish a consistent fitness routine aimed at improving my long-term health outcomes. Exercise for me is never about burning calories; Its to: - Build physical strength - Support cardiovascular health, a particularly important aspect for women experiencing early menopause - Enhance sleep quality - Boost energy levels - Foster emotional and mental well-being On this journey, exercise has become more than a physical activity—it's a holistic approach to nurturing my body and mind during this unique phase of life. Combining exercise that i enjoy with a great balance of nutrition, at 52, i'm in the best shape of my life, physically and mentally ❤ #menopausewellbeing #Menopause #menopauseexercise #menopausesupport #community #boxing #menopausefitness

Walking - The superpower we never knew we had, often known as NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) AKA non planned exercise but also a way to expend energy! Expending energy - I have worked with clients who have used this as a sole purpose to burn off energy from foods they’ve eaten, which can often lead to disordered eating behaviours . Walking can aid with digestion following meals and reframing this is helpful, as opposed to beating ourselves up for something we enjoyed. Walking is a brilliant opportunity to get outside, especially if you are working from home, working from home the last few years has resulted in people working much longer hours and not getting outside at all! As a society we’ve become much more sedentary in our way of life and just adding some movement to your day can drive positive health outcomes Everyday I look for the glimmers in everything outside, the sunshine ☀️ the things I never notice when I’m driving 🤩 people watching 🥰 the list goes on I notice during midlife how my joints are a little stiffer so some brisk walking is brilliant to loosen up the joints, support heart health and improve energy levels Don’t worry too much about the number of steps, just do more than you did yesterday 🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️

We are always looking for the next expensive supplement that can help us but often don’t focus on the basics first Sleep can become more challenging during menopause due to hormonal changes and associated symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. Here are some sleep tips for menopausal women: * Maintain a consistent sleep schedule * Keep your bedroom cool and dark * Have your last meal at least 2 hours before bedtime * Turn off the tech (screen time/TV) at least an hour �before bedtime * Create a bedtime routine * Avoid stimulants like caffeine after noontime * Relaxation techniques and meditation can be helpful * Avoid strenuous exercise before bedtime