Mind Over Matter Nutrition

Nutritionist MN.Nutr & Menopause Health Specialist - Supporting women to navigate menopause with ease

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 02/09/2024

August Dump - it’s been special 🥹

1. Empowered challenges
2. Fun times and bushtucker trials
3. Discipline and consistency back in the gym
4. Boat Trips
5. Open Roads
6. València Nights
7. Back on the road
8. North to South
9. Beach Walks
10. Special Friendships
11. White Parties
12. La Cala Vibes
13. 18th Celebrations

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 02/09/2024

When we focus on fat loss as a goal during menopause, we are often driven by the instant gratification of seeing quick results to keep us motivated, yet quick results are usually preceded by massively restricting food intake, which is more often than not unsustainable long term.

Here are 7 reasons that are keeping you stuck when you have a fat loss goal;

🎯 Lifestyle and behaviour change are key to long-term success, focusing on weight loss only is like training for a marathon by doing squats, you'll never achieve your ultimate goal.

🎯 Whilst overly restricting food may appear acceptable in the short term, it can ultimately result in health issues and nutrient deficiencies, compromising your long-term well-being.

🎯 Carbs aren't the enemy, and the idea of targeting specific areas for fat loss is a myth.
Embrace a balanced approach to nutrition for lasting results, without eliminating entire tood groups.

🎯 Fasting isn't a magic fix; chasing shiny new trends may lead to overeating later in the day, leaving you feeling unsatisfied and further away from your goals. Focus on a protein rich and filling breakfast to increase your energy and help reduce snacking.

🎯 Go to the gym to build strength and mental resilience, not to burn calories. Focus on the holistic benefits of exercise, nurturing and supporting both your body and mind.

🎯 Scales are not the only measure of progress, in fact, you can completely change how you look and feel without the scales even moving.

🎯 Embrace imperfect action, perfection isn't possible; progress lies in your effort, not a flawless plan.

We're often consumed by the pursuit of the perfect body, often to the detriment of our health.

If you're looking to lose fat, improve your health, and feel great about yourself in menopause, without restriction, then keep your eyes peeled for more details regarding my end of September coaching intake.

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 30/08/2024

You have Insulin Resistance or think you may have - What can you do?

This is where it's really important to seek advice and support from professionals who can support you.

Firstly opt for appropriate testing to confirm if you are Insulin Resistant, this may include HOMA-IR, fasting insulin levels and blood glucose which are carried out by medical professionals.

Working with a professional to help you with Nutrition support is also key to long-term success.

Frequently, we hear that weight loss is a key factor in aiding the recovery of insulin resistance, which is true. However, an excessive focus on the scale's numbers can lead to pursuing weight loss at any cost, potentially exacerbating the situation and creating unnecessary stress. This is particularly significant in menopause, where the ability to cope with stress may diminish.

Lifestyle and behaviour change is the main aim, as repeatedly losing and gaining weight, also known as weight cycling, can exacerbate insulin resistance, and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

The amount of carbohydrates does affect blood glucose levels independently of weight loss too, therefore, consuming slow-release, high-fibre carbs alongside protein and healthy fats can alleviate the stress placed on the cells.

Consider engaging in a form of exercise that you enjoy; resistance training is a good option as it assists with glucose management but finding something you can stay consistent with is also helpful.

If you found this useful or have any questions, please drop a comment below or alternatively drop me a DM.

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 28/08/2024

Menopause symptoms commence and hangovers get worse 🤕

Sound familiar?

As we go through menopause, it's crucial to understand how alcohol can affect our bodies and minds.

Being on holiday often means I drink more alcohol but I’m really mindful of how much i consume and making informed choices really helps me avoid the post drink anxiety, low mood and fatigue.

If hangovers have got worse for you since menopause commenced, drop a comment and share your experiences below

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 26/08/2024

Just 5 of the things menopausal women think they have to do to lose fat during menopause...

5 things that lead menopausal women into an unsustainable lifestyle that's often miserable.

5 things that are just not required for sustainable fat loss in menopause.

I’ll be opening up spots at the end of September for 1:1 coaching. If you’re looking to lose fat and improve your health, without doing any of these 5 things, then drop me a DM and I’ll add you to the waitlist.

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 24/07/2024

Embracing menopause means embracing change. Yet, often we focus on buying the magic elixir, hoping for big results that don’t come.

Quick fixes may seem tempting, but they often overlook the deeper needs of our changing bodies during menopause.

Embracing sustainable habits and behavior changes during menopause is key to long-term health and wellness.

Will it be easy?

Maybe. Maybe not.

But nobody I know who has implemented habit and behaviour changes has ever regretted doing so.

£21 for 21 days – it’s probably cheaper than the pot of supplements sitting in your cupboard that you don’t even need!

If you want in, drop me a comment with the word ‘challenge’ below and I’ll get you started 💖

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 21/07/2024

Embracing body positivity during menopause means recognising and celebrating the strength and beauty of your body, regardless of societal standards.

Sometimes, we can feel overwhelmed by the pressure to look and feel a certain way at this stage of life. We may be bombarded by societal expectations and self-imposed standards, leading us to feel inadequate or unfulfilled. However, it’s important to pause and take time to acknowledge and embrace where we are right now.

By focusing on health, well-being, and self-compassion, it’s possible to navigate these changes with confidence and grace.

Menopause is not an end but a new chapter filled with opportunities for growth, discovery, and renewed purpose.

So let's focus on internal qualities over external appearances and defining beauty and success on your terms.


FREE activities for children and young people are taking place in Knowsley between 22 July and 30 August this summer. Bookings for activity places can be made via the One Knowsley website. Find out more 👇🏼
https://orlo.uk/QRDLw Knowsley SNAP

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 05/07/2024

Turning 53 is another great time for self-reflection.

A time to also share some words of advice and wisdom.


Do you often find yourself chasing after the latest menopause trend?

You know, the one that promises to solve everything once and for all...

Whether it's the fancy pot of pills or the exotic diet.

But what about the real solutions, the ones that actually bring lasting results?

Isn’t that what matters most to all of us?

So what stops you from investing in what truly works long term?

Share your thoughts in the comments below

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 29/06/2024

We often think we need to make huge changes to achieve a goal and this is often what stops us from even starting yet implementing small incremental habits is what will bring about sustainable change and with it, results!

I had tried going to the gym numerous times over the years, l’d probably last 2 weeks and that would be the end of that!

8 years ago I wanted to start strength training, I was diagnosed with osteopenia and this was the main driver for the change.

Osteopenia is the precursor to osteoporosis, meaning a reduction in bone density.

However, I knew the motivation to improve wouldn’t last, and I had to start embracing the creation of habits with intentional but imperfect action to keep me focused.

- I decided I’d attend the gym twice a week (Realistic)
- I’d set my gym clothes out the night before (Creates a focus on going and sets me up for success)
- I’d check in with my PT to confirm attendance (Commitment)
- I focused on how I would feel after the sessions (Craving and Reward)

8 years on I’m still going. I’ve swapped and changed my routine over time, some weeks I’ve attended the gym 4 times and some once or twice but the routine and habits I’ve created are embedded as I found something realistic that would work for me and improve my longer-term health!

My bone density has remained stable for the past 4 years, thanks to a balanced diet, regular exercise including walking and strength training and proactively looking after myself.

This stability is key in preventing osteoporosis and risk of fractures as I age.

Let me know in the comments how you’ve implemented habit change and how you have found it.

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 13/06/2024

Skipping breakfast or "fasting" have become hot topics in recent years.

Although research shows that breakfast isn’t necessarily the most important meal of the day, other research also shows that skipping breakfast often leads to overeating later in the day.

For many menopausal women, skipping breakfast or 'fasting' can often lead to fatigue, and low mood and leave you struggling to focus from early afternoon.

You'll probably then hit the coffee and wonder why you struggle to sleep each night!

If this sounds like you, try the tips in the post for 14 days and come back and let me know how you get on, particularly, eating at regular times as this helps regulate your fullness and hunger cues.

If you have any questions drop me a message


Apprenticeship opportunity 🎉



Before we start working together, I like to get to know you a bit. We then dive into more detail about your lifestyle, nutrition, and mindset—critical aspects of understanding how I can best support you.

The main reason for this approach is that I don't offer a one size fits all solution; instead, I provide a highly personalised and specific strategy tailored to deliver long-term results

My programme isn't a short-term commitment either, it's designed to equip you with lifelong skills and habits for sustained success.

Additionally, my programme is packed with education, recipes, tools, and strategies to support you through your menopause journey, and you get to keep everything for life.

Most women I've worked with have been attending slimming clubs for an average of 22 years—yes, that's not a typo—and for about six months each time.

They estimate they have spent around £3,000 in the process, yet they have now come to me for support because they are in a worse position than when they started.

They feel lost, don't understand how to fix their lifestyle, nutrition, or mindset, and are struggling with what is now happening.

One of my clients shared that she needed to overhaul her diet and was fed up with being in pain. With no support from her doctors, she did some research on how food could help, but it was beyond her to figure out how to implement those changes. She needed help.

My programme will cost you nowhere near what you might have spent on various slimming clubs. In fact, at the current price, it'll amount to a little over 6%, and you'll only need to do it once!

To help you get started, I've created a free quiz that can provide insights into your nutrition, mindset, and lifestyle. It's a great first step to understanding where you are now and how you can move forward.

Comment the word ‘Quiz’ and I’ll get it sent to you.


I'm often asked what I prioritise in menopause, which is never a tough question to answer.

I prioritise feeling good, and that might look like:

Going to bed 30 minutes earlier

Going out for a walk

Sitting down and having dinner with my family

Catching up with friends

Getting in the gym

Putting on a podcast

But it could also look like:

A cup of Yorkshire tea and a Dairy Milk

Taking a relaxing bath

Reading a good book

Spending quiet time alone

Meditating or practising mindfulness

The key is to listen to your body and mind and to do what makes you feel your best, whatever that may be.

So tell me...

Yorkshire Tea or Tetley - What's your cuppa of choice?



That’s the word my client used when I asked her to describe in one word how she felt after completing my Thrive Through Change program.

Free from dietary restrictions.

Free from low energy levels.

Free from confusion.

Free from pain.

But the best of all, ‘Free’ to live her life on her terms now she has a toolkit of skills and knowledge to support her.

8 weeks from Surviving to Thriving 💖

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 04/06/2024

Habits help streamline your daily routine, reduce mental effort and improve overall well-being.

Menopause can be an overwhelming time for many women as they may experience various physical and emotional changes due to hormonal shifts. Yet, habits can positively impact your life, from physical health and emotional stability to productivity and personal growth.

Habits and behaviour change don't need to involve making huge changes or taking a lot of time. Changing one habit could have a cascade effect.

Consider 10 minutes of box breathing before going to bed, this may have a positive impact on your sleep, meaning you wake up refreshed and less stressed.

What about walking for 15 minutes each day? This level of exercise soon adds up over a week and can improve mood, boost energy levels, and aid digestion after meals especially if you’re feeling bloated.

Why not try drinking a glass of water when you wake up, keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day can help with hot flushes and night sweats.

Adding an extra portion of vegetables with your evening meal can increase fibre intake and support your gut health.

Sounds simple... yet so effective.

What habits are not...

They're not about extreme diets or radical changes; they're not about removing your favourite foods or smashing the gym 7 days a week.

They're about adopting small, sustainable changes that support long-term health and well-being.

Please drop a comment with 1 habit you would like to change and I'll message you some tips to help you implement it, or alternatively drop me a DM.


The hormones that link menopause and sleep are estrogen and progesterone, both of which decline during menopause. This decline affects the body's internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm or sleep-wake cycle.

Estrogen, in particular, also helps regulate body temperature meaning you can experience higher body temperatures with less estrogen, impacting your sleep quality too.

The increase in many people working from home over the last couple of years may be exacerbating this issue, less time outdoors and working under artificial light.

So, If you're experiencing menopausal symptoms and poor sleep is one of them, ensure you are getting some morning sunlight, even if it's cloudy.

Morning light exposure helps regulate circadian rhythms, boosts melatonin production at night, and stabilises body temperature, improving sleep quality.

This is one of my non-negotiables now, and you don't need to go far either. Although I like to get out for a walk, headphones in and a good podcast on.

But, If you are strapped for time, maybe have your morning cuppa at the back door, still in your PJs before the rest of the house wakes up. Bliss!



Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 30/05/2024

Women often fear that lifting weights and consuming protein will result in them becoming bodybuilders, but this misconception couldn't be further from the truth.

Imagine your muscles as the foundation of a house. Just as a sturdy foundation is essential for a house to stand tall and endure storms, your body requires muscle mass to remain strong and resilient, particularly during menopause.

Losing muscle is akin to allowing that foundation to crumble, leaving you susceptible to health problems and reduced mobility. When combined with declining oestrogen levels, this situation becomes even more challenging.

Muscle isn't solely about size and strength either; it also plays a key role in metabolism.

If you're currently experiencing menopause, you've likely experimented with various fad diets over the years, resulting in weight loss and regain cycles. Maybe you viewed 'thinness' as the epitome of health and allowed your weight to dictate your self-worth.

Now, I don't oppose women striving to lose weight; in fact, I work extensively with women who have weight loss as their primary goal. However, what I do oppose is women resorting to drastic calorie restriction, over long periods, in pursuit of rapid weight loss, which can jeopardise their health and potentially lead to conditions like Sarcopenia later on.

It's crucial to incorporate various training methods too, alongside optimising protein intake, whether at the gym or at home, particularly in Menopause and especially when aiming to reduce weight. Options such as resistance training to preserve muscle mass and enhance strength, yoga to enhance balance, and core training to promote stability and posture.

This doesn't mean spending hours training either!

Remember, if weight loss is your goal, prioritise doing it safely. If you're observing individuals achieving significant weight loss in short periods, believe me, they are doing so through a drastic reduction in calories, which can be harmful to your health if not properly managed and supported.

Sound familiar?

If you'd like to discuss this further then drop me a DM

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 27/05/2024

When one of my current clients opened up about her goals on our initial call, this one stopped me in my tracks.

Was this something I could help with?

Was it within my scope of practice?

We discussed everything about her health and lifestyle to establish a plan specific to her.

She had been experiencing some health issues, along with menopause, and aimed to manage her symptoms without HRT.

HRT isn't for everyone for many different reasons, and that's okay; there are still strategies to help and support you*

My client had also been in pain for a while and struggled to understand how to manage it effectively, she had stopped running as a result.

The plan we implemented considered all of my client's needs and made her feel extremely comfortable.

She had previously attended a slimming club where the approach made her feel uncomfortable and lacked understanding of her needs and what wouldn’t work for her. So much so she never went back!

We focused on several areas such as nutrition, stress management strategies, lifestyle changes, and some movement that could be done at home.

My client has been on a real journey throughout my Thrive Through Change Programme and achieved a whole host of great results, some of which were unexpected.

But, when we caught up over Zoom last week, I was stopped in my tracks once again: "I'm free from pain."

There is nothing more satisfying as a coach than watching clients go on a journey of behaviour change and nutrition education and seeing them flourish with everything they have learned and implemented. Witnessing their transformation is so rewarding and reaffirms the importance of personalised support and guidance in achieving health and wellness goals.

*Please Note: Anything relating to HRT should be discussed with a medical professional.


Menopause is still an area where we need lots more studies.

Please get involved in this one if you can.

If you need more details please email Dr Kirsty Roberts. Details are on the post.


Doors will be closing on Wednesday 15th May at 9pm for this round of my Thrive Through Change Programme.

If you’re on the fence and have any questions, drop me a DM or email me using the email button on my page.

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 10/05/2024

How my menopausal clients are going from ‘dieting’ to living their best life, with a new found confidence all year round!

Interested to find out more?

DM me the word ‘Thrive’ for more details

Doors will close for this round on Wednesday 15th May


Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 08/05/2024

📌I'm opening up 4 spots on my Thrive Through Change Programme📌

Many women turn to me because they've exhausted every diet out there.

They're overwhelmed and fed up, tired of chasing the next 'magic bullet' or hoping the latest trend will finally work.

But hope alone won't bring about change, hope is just a wish without a plan!

Creating lasting lifestyle changes requires some effort, planning, and organisation.

Yet, imagine investing a small amount of time for long-term results – results that lock you into the fulfilling lifestyle you've yearned for.

Time will pass regardless, so why not use it wisely, instead of wasting it on endless cycles of dieting?

My programme isn't about 'dieting'.

My Thrive Through Change programme helps you unpick everything you have been told in the past and gives you the skills and knowledge to cultivate a sustainable, nourishing relationship with food and your body.

If you'd like to find out more, DM me the word 'Thrive' and we can chat.

Doors will close in 7 days ready to start your 8 week journey from the 20th of May

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 07/05/2024

When we focus on fat loss as a goal during menopause, we are often driven by the instant gratification of seeing quick results to keep us motivated, yet quick results are usually preceded by massively restricting food intake, which is more often than not unsustainable long term.

Here are 7 reasons that are keeping you stuck when you have a fat loss goal;

❌ Lifestyle and behaviour change are key to long-term success, focusing on weight loss only is like training for a marathon by doing squats, you'll never achieve your ultimate goal.

❌ Whilst overly restricting food may appear acceptable in the short term, it can ultimately result in health issues and nutrient deficiencies, compromising your long-term well-being.

❌ Carbs aren't the enemy, and the idea of targeting specific areas for fat loss is a myth. Embrace a balanced approach to nutrition for lasting results, without eliminating entire food groups.

❌ Fasting isn't a magic fix; chasing shiny new trends may lead to overeating later in the day, leaving you feeling unsatisfied and further away from your goals.

❌ Go to the gym to build strength and mental resilience, not to burn calories. Focus on the holistic benefits of exercise, nurturing and supporting both your body and mind.

❌ Scales are not the only measure of progress, in fact, you can completely change how you look and feel without the scales even moving.

❌ Embrace imperfect action, perfection isn't possible; progress lies in your effort, not a flawless plan.

We're often consumed by the pursuit of the perfect body, often to the detriment of our health.

If you're looking to lose fat, improve your health, and feel great about yourself, without restriction, then keep your eyes peeled for more details about my May programme coming shortly.

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 30/04/2024

When it comes to eating well for health, we often jump into the next diet fad that can actually worsen our health without you realising.

My programme teaches you the fundamentals about nutrition and the drivers for fat loss, whilst improving your health, empowering menopausal women to navigate this transitional phase with confidence and vitality.

I don’t take many women into my programme at any one time because I ensure there is dedicated support directly from me at all times.

One place has already gone so if you’re interested in joining, drop me a DM with the word ‘Thrive’ and I’ll send you the details

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 25/04/2024

The success of my Thrive Through Change programme, in terms of goals being achieved for menopausal women has been phenomenal.

Although most women sign up with a fat loss goal they leave with so much more.

And that includes a toolkit of skills and knowledge to never have to diet again.

If you’d like to register interest, drop a comment below with the word ‘Thrive’ or a DM if you prefer and I’ll send you over more details next week


Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 24/04/2024

Most clients come to me with a fat loss goal but we don’t just focus on this area. I support clients to understand habit and behaviour change, alongside overall health improvements too.

This feedback is from one of my current client check ins. My programme and approach goes way beyond just fat loss, it goes deep on how clients feel about themselves, helping them realise that they don’t need to restrict themselves or make drastic changes.

Helping menopausal women understand the key fundamentals of nutrition so they never have to ‘diet’ again is something I’m really passionate about, as it supports them to feel empowered and thrive, especially through their menopause journey.

Focusing on fuelling right, feeling great, increasing energy, picking up on triggers of IBS and becoming more mindful has been a game changer.

Focusing on key habits and being consistent has led to 2kg loss in 3 weeks also.

Always a joy to see women take back control 💖

Photos from Mind Over Matter Nutrition 's post 23/04/2024

I’m considering creating a menopause mastery quiz to help us navigate this transformative phase with confidence.


If the answer is yes then drop me a message or comment the word ‘Me’ and I’ll crack on with building it 💖

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Videos (show all)

Tonight’s live talking all things behaviour change, the cornerstone of driving sustainable, long term change!
Overwhelm is one of the first things clients talk to me about when we discuss menopause. It often feels like a switch ha...
Stepping Into Your Identity 🤩
Before approaching your health with a hope and a wish, focus on understanding what will truly help you long term! Drop m...
Inflammation - another term being used to scaremonger! Without it, we’d be dead!
The changes in taste and smell during menopause are predominantly due to a decrease in Oestrogen levels. These changes c...
Sometimes menopause can create such overwhelm that a simple task can send you over the edge               Creating a sim...
Talking all things women’s health 💕
Time is running out to grab your discount offer on my programme starting 8th January 2024Want to know how to navigate Me...
As we approach the final weeks and days leading up to Christmas, we find ourselves attending more meals out and Christma...
As a woman who commenced menopause transition at the age of 36 due to Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI), I've come t...






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