APS Psychotherapy

APS Psychotherapy

Grief mourns the past. Anxiety focuses on the future. Calm is in the moment. πŸ™

APS offers assistance with: Depression, Anger Management, Childhood physical and emotional abuse, Bereavement, Anxiety,
Low self esteem, Narcissism, S*xual dysfunctions, S*xual confusions, Weight issues, Food Disorders, OCD, Relationship difficulties.

APS Psychotherapy & Counselling - Holistic Therapy Counselling NLP - South Woodford 25/06/2023

We have a couple of new members on our team.

All peers are qualified, insured and belong to their individual organisational memberships.

We have served South Woodford, Wanstead and the surrounding areas for 21 years now.

We work internationally and locally.

So if you are looking for a fabulously well qualified, insured and ethical


Pick your choice and give us a ring on 0208 556 4984.

Our sister company www.ayanay.co.uk has therapists across the country and beyond so please do check our therapy directory out as we have the strongest assessment process in the field of .

Always happy to help.


APS Psychotherapy & Counselling - Holistic Therapy Counselling NLP - South Woodford Here to help you 7 days a week, all therapists are fully qualified and experienced in a range of issues.

Interview with Professor Windy Dryden. 30/12/2022

One of my favourite interviews with a peer. of (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

I have a soft spot for Windy as he is someone that I hold dear. He is not only a peer, I class him as my friend. He is the best example of a brilliant therapist and man.

Full of fabulous advice, knowledge and someone to aspire to and despite being so well known, is a humble man with oodles of humour too.

I truly loved my time with him. ❀

Interview with Professor Windy Dryden. Windy Dryden attended our Luxury CPD training Retreat, presenting Single Session Therapy on behalf of www.ayanay.co.uk He is a fabulous CBT Therapist and gre...

APA ~ Ayanay Psychological Accreditation 28/12/2022

Last day of appointments until 2023.

I've always believed that this is the hardest time of the year for so many struggling.

I open the door in an ad hoc fashion and whoever wants an appointment can have one.

Then back to my normal structure of times and dates next week.

I have a responsibility and I take that responsibility seriously.

Christmas provokes so much in so many and it can be fantastic, it is also the greatest reminder of for, abandoned, financial and .

My life is and assisting those that need

And Christmas is the time its required the most so Christmas I hold onto, I get my time. I can give to others amongst my time.

If you require support my sister company www.ayanay.co.uk has incredibly ethical and qualified therapists.

www.apspsychotherapyandcounselling.co.uk also has incredible peers if you are looking for local help.

Reach out. You aren't alone. They will assist. They are there.

In the meantime, its all just another day in a calender and A New Years gift to yourself is to remember life changes daily. Life is phases and the best we can do for ourselves and others is keep going.

May I take this opportunity to wish all those that have supported me, my business, my life, the very very best of 2023. ❀


APA ~ Ayanay Psychological Accreditation

APS Psychotherapy & Counselling - Holistic Therapy Counselling NLP - South Woodford 16/11/2022

Popping on here as I ought to at least let people know I still have an organisation. πŸ˜€ www.apspsychotherapyandcounselling.co.uk

I am very busy with appointments so do not really push my advertising, but I do have excellent peers.

APS has served clients for 20 years now in South Woodford, London E18 1BD and we will continue to do this. My network is large and wide.

So if you are looking for help please call.

Christmas coming can be a very very stark reminder of what many have lost so sharing a little poem with all those in mind and saying.......

Please Please reach out to others when feeling down. There are many many great people who love to help others, who are ethically trained and insured. Who I'd recommend to my own.

You will never be ignored by I always and do recommend. So as a reminder........ring over Christmas because I'd rather help then ignore anyone. So for those of us who do like Christmas spare a tiny thought and give an act of kindness over You might never know your impact, but a call can save a life. A call can be enough. 1 person can be enough. Think of just 1 person you know whose alone and ring them. Just 1.

Some people love Christmas.
Some people loathe it.
Some are reminded of all their years.
And with that falls tears.

So many without family.
So many completely alone.
So many with ones who hurt them.
Who live in dangerous homes.

Where drink becomes a norm.
Its Christmas all the same.
The norm is rage in Captain Morgans name.
Every Christmas is the same.

Some don't have family.
No one to pull the crackers.
Their wife died long ago.
Their husband and children too.

Some are facing loss.
Its not a happy time.
Enhanced by expectations.
Of wonderful amazing Christmastime!

The pressure, the finances, provoke so much.
Stress stress stress.
So remember just a hug, just a touch,
Can be just enough and the very best.

What matters is kindness and care.
As kindness and care can be rare.
Be kind to yourself too, its just 1 day.
Tomorrow the stress will slide away.

So take care one and all.
Pick up the phone and call.
Let someone know they are on your mind.
Give the best gift, the gift of ❀


I wish all the very best throughout November, December, January onwards, to one and all.

APS Psychotherapy & Counselling - Holistic Therapy Counselling NLP - South Woodford Here to help you 7 days a week, all therapists are fully qualified and experienced in a range of issues.

APS Psychotherapy & Counselling - Holistic Therapy Counselling NLP - South Woodford 03/09/2022

Our team of therapists truly do incredible work. We have been in South Woodford for now 20 years and have served the community across that time, working with those that have the courage and motivation to want a different way of being.

We have survived as a business through extensive challenges and we are still here. πŸ˜€

Our prices vary. But every counsellor/psychotherapist is and work to guidelines.

If you are looking for help, please do visit www.apspsychotherapyandcounselling.co.uk and take the next step to creating the life you want to live.

APS Psychotherapy & Counselling - Holistic Therapy Counselling NLP - South Woodford Here to help you 7 days a week, all therapists are fully qualified and experienced in a range of issues.


I use swimming for my

The power of channelling negative into positive is always helpful.

The trick is to bring all the negative thoughts and feelings to the surface of your mind and let your body do the rest.


Gosh I barely get time to advertise on my own Page, mainly as I have enough on already.

But I do want to acknowledge I have now worked with clients since 2002.

20 years.........

And I have only just realised.

The power of
The power of
The power of

Is truly .

And I can vouch for how it changes life. I am not the same young woman when I started therapy and therapy training.

Living a life thats what you want rather than what history dictates is the most freeing of lifes anchors and creates a wholly different perspective and change.

Wow Even I'm a tad blown away that its been a whole 20 years this year. πŸ˜€

Have a wonderful day all.


Believe people's not their words. Don't depend too much on others or to expectations. Rely on yourself & keep your in check, this is how you develop .


If you would like to know more about how my sister company works, our aims and membership benefits please do get in touch.

Have a wonderful day today. πŸ’™πŸ’›

While other bodies hold once a year, we dedicate every Thursday to hearing from our & those interested in joining us. Would you like a direct chat with our CEO Vonnie Crosbie to ask her advice on issues you've encountered within the therapeutic arena? Perhaps you're looking to become a counsellor but don't know which course to choose, or you're wondering whether APA membership is right for you? Book an appointment this Thursday via DM, telephone or email [email protected]

APS Psychotherapy 17/10/2021

I am politically minded. I am someone that admires the courage of clients, I am someone that believes in change.
Are you?

APS Psychotherapy Grief mourns the past.
Anxiety focuses on the future.
Calm is in the moment. πŸ™

APA ~ Ayanay Psychological Accreditation 07/10/2021

Can we please all you for any examples you would care to share on a single thread.

My sister company www.ayanay.co.uk is helping to create equality re employment and studying for all and .

It is the 1st time in its history PSA has made such a strong commitment to highlight the reality of Mental Health manipulation by VOLUNTARY registers.

It is on the back of APA's work to showcase the closed recruitment, misrepresentation, and Educational corruption, that this is happening.

We are only interested in ensuring that clients have access to Qualified Therapeutic professionals at the point of need. This is prevented by traditional VOLUNTARY register who block access for financial gain. Costing lives in the process.


Having had a long conversation with the PSA today explaining our stance on the manipulation of...

Employment (Mandatory Accreditation via Voluntary charities)
Memberships with no appropriate policies in place.

We are collating evidence to provide to the PSA in relation to the awareness they intend to create across the country, leading hopefully to changes across the entire systems in MH.

Please use this thread to share any situations you know of, have been affected by whether as a student or looking for employment to enable us to share the vast problem in the current landscape of MH.

Please also share this across your own networks and offer the opportunity to share directly via this group or [email protected]

This is ultimately about opening opportunities up for employment and studying and removing the bottleneck that leads to increases in su***de.

This is relevant in reducing su***des in relation to the lack of ability to gain appropriate care via services including the .

All of your messages with your permission we will share with The PSA as requested by them.

We have a number of examples ourselves, but would like to hear from you too all in the one place.

Examples of "Forced" membership requirements" re studying and employment roles, combined with unresolved complaints you may have made to organisations you are attached to.

Thanking you. We have a futher meeting with them over the next couple of weeks, date to be arranged to discuss this further.

Making a change that makes a difference. πŸ’™πŸ’›

APA ~ Ayanay Psychological Accreditation Offering Therapists and Counsellors the first opportunity to be recognised for their self-awareness,Β capacity and capability. Discover the benefits of APA Membership today.


Please do share.

This is a FREE EVENT..

Supported by Businesses around the country. We understand the impact of We know ***de is extensive.

We want to change that. Lets help those who support us. πŸ’›πŸ’™

Thank you in advance for sharing. πŸ˜€


BITIMO Masterclass 19/09/2021

Whose here that works with

Please do share. is real and businesses have supported this event across the country. πŸ’›

Aiming to prevent ***de not stand by and feel sad at the statistics. 😒

Let us help those that do their best for you.


BITIMO Masterclass BITIMO Bag It - Tag It - Move On Transition for Ex-Military, Blue Light Professionals & their Person of Significance.


So very true. πŸ˜€


Please do support my sister company www.ayanay.co.uk as we work towards creating change in the world of MH.

Creating opportunities for qualified professionals to gain employment combined with putting the public first. Having met with management this morning and been encouraged to go further, this is immense news and we need your support to implement those changes. For those that would like more info please join our fb group where all our up to date information is released first.


To keep up with ALL our latest news and get yourself involved in creating change that makes a difference.

Video beneath a summary of our meeting with the this morning.

We work for you. πŸ˜€




Did you know. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€


APS has wonderful peers and excellent connections within the world of

If you need therapy for any particular area of growth in yourself that you'd like to change, please don't hesitate to ask for help.

I can send you in the direction of counsellors/psychotherapists that are:

Self aware.
Fully qualified.
Have supervision in place (ethical requirement).

And most importantly, all my close peers care deeply about the clients they work with.

They understand the courage it takes to seek out help.

We see you as Courageous, emotionally intelligent, proactive and motivated for wanting to create a better life.

Let my peers help you navigate through your thoughts and feelings and learn a healthier, happier way to live YOUR life.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

Stay blessed and well. πŸ’™πŸ’›


Enlightenment is Awareness. Many are aware of my political side. Desire for change to make the world of MH a better place for ALL.

Discussion is appropriate.

I am being the bearer of bad news, but it is appropriate you are aware.

Many are unaware of the situations, my sister organisation, APA, fights for change on.

Many don't like to hear truths of how bad other organisations are. But its important you know who you support and whether they reflect your ethics, morals and standards.

Did you know many of you pay a charity, that damages you all, and there is no blame on you for things you may not know about said charity. I paid them for 18 yrs.

Did you know they affect your finances or many of your finances depending on your situation, by weaving into the world of recruitment, only so and so, thats attached to so and so can get a job.

So not based on your qualifications, not based on your experience and yet consistently hurting therapists pockets financially. Yet we have it in writing that they don't want to hurt finances. Yet they do.

Did you know they wont talk to Child Protection when it comes to an At risk situation. We know this is fact.

Numerous complaints re a member have been submitted to them directly in relation to an AT RISK SITUATION involving a Minor online. I saw the tweet myself. I researched said individual. I was horrified at what I found.

PSA ramped up on said charity and requested they do something. They did.

They added a few lines to their SM policy and wrote said individual a "letter of advice".

They refused to speak to Child Protection Teams whom APA informed of said risk.

Thats the charity many of you pay. There is no blame, but is this what you truly want to be attached to?

A charity that prevents study unless you pay them. So FORCES students who know no better and are vulnerable in relation to their studies.

A charity that stops thousands from being employed despite being qualified.

A charity that does not resolve complaints appropriately and allows Bullying towards its members and does nothing barr a few lines on a policy, to change that.

A charity that ignores Child Protection Teams despite the sheer danger to others involved here.

They have power through fear and domination.

You absolutely ought to know who you are paying, how they act and decide if you support that.

There are multiple memberships out there, not just us. People will see this post as hoping you all change and join us. Of course that would be fabulous, but go wherever you are comfortable. Dont see my words as begging you to join APA. I just want you to be aware.

See my words as shocking, see it for the it is and decide if you keep supporting them or you find somewhere that values you and your profession and the clients within. Wherever that might be.

But do know Do know who you are paying to distort, manipulate and hinder others, even Child Protection teams! The most vulnerable. πŸ’›

Its a sad world of MH when the is everything the opposite of what I stand for.

And I will not be silent any longer!

Behind The APA Benevolent Fund 21/07/2021

Behind our reasons why a benevolent fund. πŸ’™ on www.ayanay.co.uk

Behind The APA Benevolent Fund With The ONLY UK based Benevolent Fund for Therapeutic Professionals, APA is leading the way in support for professionals, when they need it most.You can sup...


The pandemic has brought with it a massive increase in people with eating disorders either developing or worsening, yet there are so few specialists in this field. Trying to treat a client without the right knowledge can actually do more harm than good. If you’d like training to work in this field, we highly recommend the courses run by Bernie Wright & Deanne Jade at National Centre for Eating Disorders. If you are a counsellor specialising in Eating Disorders & Obesity, we at APA would love to hear from you. Apply for FREE for our Recognition of Specialisation badge by submitting an essay of maximum 3000 words detailing any relevant experience & qualifications you have working in this field & why you believe you classify as a specialist. We want clients to be able to find the support they need as we build our brand based on congruence, integrity & transparency.

Submissions to [email protected]

Photos from Ayanay Psychological Accreditation APA's post 27/06/2021


It's , a day to rest, reflect, rejuvenate & recharge, ready for the week ahead. What are you up to today? Have a peaceful one.πŸ’›


It's Saturday, the sun is shining, we hope you have a lovely day whatever you're up to. What are your plans today? What are you thankful for today? Let us know in the comments.πŸ’›

Our Story

APS joined forces last year with www.hivegroupuk,co.uk as APS went into suspension last year after I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer. Myself and Dave Sleet joined forces to create an organisation combining my skills and his skills to create projects leading to employment for therapists, to offer expert supervision from experienced therapists and to encourage ongoing professional development to enhance good practice. But overall to help therapists live the life, they educate and offer to clients through increasing clients self awareness and desires to lead a more accepting life, leading to resilience and conscious awareness to manage lifes journey.

We created www.ayanay.co.uk Ayanay stands for leaders, torchbearers, mavericks of change. We are all changemakers. We are all enterpreneurs. We are all amazing and in charge of our own destiny. APS alongside others within Ayanay intend to create a wave of change for clients, therapists and those interested in increasing their self awareness and attaining a stronger resilience to life and live it to the best of our ability. I thankfully am in remission.

Fluent in Frued and Wisdom From Within. Relationships with ourselves lead to good relationships with others.

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Num. 10 The Shrubberies, George Lane