Life After Yachting

Helping superyacht crew around the world find success when you are ready to move to an onshore lifestyle and secure a fulfilling land-based career.


Merry Christmas, everyone! Whether you're celebrating at home with loved ones or off on a yachting adventure, we hope it's a memorable one. To our hardworking crew members who might be feeling a bit down working during this festive period or missing home, hang in there. Your time to kick back, enjoy those well-deserved tips, and reunite with friends and family is just around the corner. Cheers to the spirit of the season! 🎄🌟

📸 M/Y Legend

ECOMER - Yachts du Coeur - Yachts with Heart - master video 12/11/2023

ECOMER - Yachts du Coeur - Yachts with Heart - master video Video of quite a fiew Yachts with Hearts events since 2010 in 2"30" Come and join hands with us in our Yachts with Heart human chains. We are also looking fo...


Did you know that people changing careers later in life is becoming increasingly common and widely accepted? According to studies, individuals are now changing careers an average of 5-7 times in their lifetime, and many of these changes occur after the age of 30 or even 40.

This highlights the adaptability and resilience of individuals, proving that it's never too late to pursue new passions, learn new skills, and embrace different career paths, regardless of age.

Considering a career outside of yachting but you fear your age will withold you from making a success in a new career path? We're here to tell you to EMBRACE THE WISDOM OF YOUR EXPERIENCE!

Yacht crew members, no matter their age, bring unparalleled skills, adaptability, and resilience. Believe in yourself and the boundless opportunities that await once you make the decision to transition ashore. You've got this! ⚓️🌍


Introducing Career Maps for Superyacht Crew | OnboardOnline 07/09/2023

🌟 Exciting news in the superyacht industry and something we're proud to be a part of 🛥️

Raising the Bar, a think tank of experts from across the superyacht sector, is thrilled to unveil - providing detailed career maps for superyacht crew in all departments.

In a remarkable act of voluntary collaboration within the industry, we've joined forces to create these valuable career maps. We're grateful to have the Superyacht Alliance for Professional Standards as our host 🙏 These career maps are a game-changer, guiding crew members at every junction of their journey.

Each department's map meticulously charts the 'route', offering an overview of potential pathways and realistic progression timelines. No more guesswork—just clarity and confidence in your career trajectory. The pathways also provide a comprehensive rundown of qualifications required at each stage. We're aligned with the International Association of Maritime Institutions (IAMI) and the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA), and we promise to keep you updated with any changes. 📚🌊

The hope is that training schools and recruitment companies will share these career maps with both prospective and existing crew to highlight the wide range of career options available within the superyacht industry. We hope that senior crew will also share and use these career maps as they mentor, support, and encourage their juniors to develop.

A key driver of the initiative is to engage, inspire, and retain superyacht talent, with plans to extend the career maps to shore-based roles offering guidance and support for crew ready to transition ashore.

For the full story, click the link below 👇

Introducing Career Maps for Superyacht Crew | OnboardOnline Raising the Bar, a thinktank of industry experts has launched a new website - - providing career maps for superyacht crew.


Longevity. What a minefield! 🤯 New boats want longevity but want you to start next week, seasonal work gives you gaps that need to be meaningfully filled and when you head ashore trying to explain longevity on boats verses the concept of longevity on land is tricky.

Get straight in your own mind on how best to describe your experience when approaching any new role. It can all be justified but you need to be confident when challenged about it.


It can be scary applying for positions ashore after you've been at sea for years. Your first application might be bad. Your first interview might be bad. Your first job might be bad. But you can't ever have a successful career ashore if you don't start...

Whatever your motivation is to transition from superyachts to shore-side, just start!


Don’t get lost! Crew life quickly teaches you to put yourself at the bottom of the priority list. When you move back into ‘the real world’ it can be hard to make the adjustment to putting your own needs first. It takes a bit of self-coaching to remember that you are number one in your life!


Ambitious? Life gets hectic and you can get lost in the present. Remember to take the time to check in with what you want to achieve long term and which 'mountains' you need to overcome to stay on track with those goals. What drives you will change over time so its even more essential to check regularly into your motivations and ask yourself if you are moving forwards to achieving them.

Everyone needs a plan, but first you need to know what you really want to achieve.


How is it August? 🤯 If you have been putting off your plans for the end of the season, now is the time to start thinking about your next steps. Dual season, training, chill out time? What is in store for this winter? Planning now, however hard it is to fit in and consider a time beyond the next day onboard, will pay off in the long run.


Sailing to Success or Anchoring to Love? We're here to let you know it's okay to choose memories over money.

Life is all about making tough choices and finding the balance that brings us happiness. Being a part of the yachting world brings incredible opportunities, adventures, and a good salary that allows us to live a comfortable life. At what expense though? Sometimes, that means prioritizing the moments we spend with our beautiful families. Don't get us wrong, a fat paycheck is enticing, but time is a precious commodity that money can't buy.

Here are 3 tips to help you with the decision of whether to transition ashore and how to do it:

1 - Remind yourself of your values: Think about what truly matters to you. Reflect on what makes your heart smile and let that guide your career choice.

2 - Seek advice and learn from others: Connect with ex-yachting professionals who have successfully achieved work-life balance shoreside to glean insights from their experiences. Networking, career counseling, or even online communities like can provide valuable guidance on finding that dream career.

3 - Embrace the gig economy: With the rise of freelancing and side hustles, you have more opportunities to create a career that works around your family life. Explore your passions and consider turning them into a flexible income source.

Share your thoughts in the comments below! Have you managed to find that perfect balance between a job that pays enough and allows allow satisfactory amount of time with your loved ones? We'd love to hear your stories!

📸 Burgess Yachts


Here's your daily reminder to take a break from the mid-season chaos, and use it to revel in the stunning and awe-inspiring destinations that only a yacht life can bless you with. A lot of these places are once-in-a-lifetime experiences that you won't get the opportunity to visit again. Don't miss it while you're there!


Seeking guidance for your next move? Finding a mentor to help you thrive in your career or bounce ideas off can make a world of difference! Here's a few tips on how to connect with a mentor and reach out to them for support:

1. Identify the right match: Look for someone who has excelled in your field of interest or possesses expertise in the area you want guidance on.

2. Conduct thorough research: Dive into their background, achievements, and any previous mentorship experiences. Ensure their values align with yours for a meaningful connection.

3. Reach out thoughtfully: Personalize your message to show genuine interest. Express your admiration for their work, share your aspirations, and explain why you believe they would be a perfect mentor.

4. Offer value in return: Remember, mentorship is a two-way street! Highlight what you can bring to the table, be it skills, fresh perspectives, or genuine enthusiasm.

5. Be flexible and respectful: Understand that successful mentors tend to have busy schedules. Offer various avenues for communication, like video calls, emails, or even occasional meet-ups. Respect their time and commitments.

6. Establish clear goals: Share the specific areas you seek assistance with, whether it's refining your business idea or leveling up your career. Clear goals will make your mentor's guidance more effective.

7. Nurture the relationship: Stay committed and consistently update your mentor on progress, challenges, and milestones. Value their inputs and be open to constructive feedback.

8. Express gratitude: Remember to be appreciative of their guidance and show sincere gratitude for their support. Small gestures like sending a thank-you note can go a long way!

So, unleash your confidence and take that leap! Find a mentor who can empower you as you chase your dreams. Remember, the best connections often start with a single message.


Mal-de-mare? 🤢 When seasickness means you are sick of living on it rather than it making you physically ill... that's when you know its time to make a career change!


Lost your ‘boat family’?

As much as your crew mates can drive you crazy, moving ashore to a non-yachty location can leave you feeling a little lost and without people around you who have any comprehension of your previous lifestyle.

Reach out! There are a ton of communities popping up and arranging gatherings to provide a supportive network for ex-yachties.

You don’t have to feel like a fish out of water!


Titta Uoti-Vaisanen, founder of Life After Yachting has made a splash in the Finnish news!

Recognising the importance of raising the profile of our industry in new and exciting markets to better grow, sustain and influence for the better.

Life After Yachting represents Titta's philosophy to put these principles into practice for the benefit of crew throughout their careers.


Know when to quit.

If you are finding the job a daily slog and its making you miserable, it is probably time to go. Do the following apply to you?
• You feel exhausted and rinsed out.
• The environment is toxic
• You cannot foresee any future progression
• You feel undervalued
• You do not recognise yourself anymore

The hardest thing in yachting is the diversity in working environments, each boat is different and it can be hard compare options. Jumping ship from a decent owner who perhaps undervalues you can be huge gamble if you end up on a toxic boat. It is the same with a job ashore, you may well be burnt out from crew life but life ashore may not be the whole answer.

Whatever you choose remember there are always options, life can change in a second so if your gut instinct is the time is right, go for it.


Another week, another country!

The opportunities for learning a new language in a yachting career are abundant. Either through other crew members, time on watch or when lucky enough to get ashore and practise what ever the locals are speaking.

Adding more languages to your skill set has obvious benefits once you head ashore and there are some great apps to help you on your way.

Top ones include;
Babble, Pimsleur, Preply and Lingo Pie.


A way of life…

Yachting is one of those careers that is all encompassing and not often understood by outsiders. Its very much like leaving the military or a sporting career. When you leave it there is a huge change and one that you might not expect to have a huge emotional reaction to. However, for crew who leave after a decent stint there is such a significant period of adjustment its helpful to be aware of the recognised stages that humans experience during such seismic change.

Stage 1 Facing up to the inevitability of change, transition planning, retraining/acquiring new skills finding a support network.

Stage 2 Making the break with the old life, being kind to yourself and acknowledging the need for mental and emotional adjustment.

Stage 3 Building and committing to a new way of life, find a place in a new community and a new sense of self.

There will be an element of grief and loss, but ultimately a chance for renewal and growth.

Nautilus International 15/06/2023

Its sad to say that as with all workplaces some crew experience bullying onboard. Infact it is one of the most common reasons given for departing a boat. There are procedures in place to address issue, approaching your line manager or yacht management if the line manager is the root issue. The difficulty is having enough proof.

Nautilus have spent ten years helping to tackle bullying in the maritime sector. If you think you are being bullied click the link below to download a 'Protect & Respect Guidance' guide to help you identify your experiences, along side some well-defined advice.

If you are being bullied-

• Research the vessel’s policy on course of acton
• Document instances (times, dates, witnesses, feelings evoked)
• Speak to the bully (again document), with a witness so if you later make a complaint, they cannot feign ignorance.
• Share with a trusted colleague for support, reach out to Nautilus if you are a member or make use of the excellent Yacht Crew Help 020 3713 7273 by phone, text or email.

Nautilus International Nautilus International is an independent, influential, global trade union and professional organisation, committed to delivering high quality, cost-effective services to members, and welfare support to necessitous seafarers, their dependants and other maritime professionals.

Timeline photos 13/06/2023

Considering leaving yachting to study?

Here are a few things to consider-
1. Will the course benefit your career? Its essential to make sure you research the content and likely pathways it leads to carefully.
2. Will it lead to fulfilling a personal goal instead?
3. How will it impact your finances, lifestyle and social life?
4. Have you looked at all the options, often there are a variety of roots to gain qualifications or learn new skills, so find the best one to suit you rather than the first one found on your search engine.
5. Stay focussed, its great to get the opinion of others but ultimately a financial and time-consuming investment in yourself needs to be right for your unique perspective.

Timeline photos 08/06/2023

Lost your motivation?

Losing your mojo can leave you feeling adrift.

If you feel like you have lost your way it is time to give yourself a break and rediscover what your values are. In yachting it is all too easy to lose yourself, the role requires you to put others before yourself. It asks you to get along with the team and therefore sacrifice a lot of what makes you, you.

To rediscover your motivation, you need to give yourself the space to rediscover you – the individual.

Timeline photos 06/06/2023

You have to be joking!

It is International joke day today. We all know that crew members love a laugh, enjoy a prank and like to keep each other chipper. Even when the engineer has told the same one over and over and over again.

Bringing the humour into work keeps everyone’s spirits up the world over. So spread the love today and share your best jokes with us!

Timeline photos 01/06/2023

How far are you willing to go?

For most crew in the Med its time to start moving, and often far from home. For the junior crew this is where it gets exciting. For a lot of the more senior members onboard who don’t all get rotation, this is when they are often resigned to months away from their families.

If you intend to stay in yachting longer term but know you would like a family, this in-balance in family life will become a feature of life. It’s not easy for either parent to navigate and can be a huge source of tension. Often when the absent parent gets home, exhausted and ready for a break, there is a long list of jobs waiting and the need for the other parent to use that extra pair of hands whilst they are available!

Unlike in other similar absentee careers, such as the military or professional sport, there often isn’t an understanding support network around the parent left behind.
The key to making it work is different for everyone, but for sure planning ahead, honesty and communication are essential. Being kind and empathetic is essential onboard but remember to keep it up with family too!

Psychological First Aid 30/05/2023

Look, Listen, Link.

If you think a member of your crew is struggling, or if you are feeling under stress and need a path to help, click the link below to download Yacht Crew Help's psychological first aid tips poster designed by Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Dr Pennie Blackburn.

Keep it on your crew board for all crew to access.

Psychological First Aid Yacht Crew Help is a free and confidential multilingual helpline for professional yacht crew available all day, every day

Timeline photos 25/05/2023

How to leave yachting with your head held high? 🤔 Top tips for handing in your notice with grace-

✅ Know/Follow the etiquette expected.
✅ Communicate in person before you put it in writing.
✅ Be confident of your reasons for leaving, whilst showing appreciation of the opportunities you have enjoyed in role.
✅ Be succinct, clear and direct.
✅ Do not let rumours evolve beforehand.

It is always daunting, but if you have reached the conclusion and decided to leave it is best to be honest with your employer and yourself.

Timeline photos 23/05/2023

⚠️ Looking for an ex superyacht stew with strong service & event coordination skills ⚠️

This is the perfect opportunity for an ex superyacht stew to be part of a top team working for Superyacht Foodie Experience in the South of France.

Bring your superb organisational and service skills, positive attitude and all out enthusiasm to this shore based, part time role.

A chance to remain connected to the yachting industry, but dip your toe into the wider world yachting has to offer.

Could lead to full time in the future and guaranteed to expand your experience and connections.

Send your CV to [email protected] if you think you'll be a good fit or to ask for more details about the position.

Timeline photos 18/05/2023

“How to Begin” | Sometimes the hardest part of making a huge life change is where to start. In this book Michael Bungay Stanier gives a clear path to identifying your priorities and forming a plan of how to achieve them.

If you need a kick start this book could give you the steps you need to find direction.

Timeline photos 16/05/2023

Nil Points or the full 12?

Eurovision was this weekend, did you get to watch?
It can be a marmite experience and often can highlight the different crew personalities onboard. Some will go all out, dress up, glitter, and give their own intricate analysis of each act. Others will want to retreat to their cabin with a good book, quiet podcast or their own preferred music genre.

Differences like this can create niggles in tired crew that can fester season long. Being foisted together in a small, stressful environment without the chance of escaping those irritating clashes of tastes in downtime is a big feature of crew life.

Being able to compromise, show tollerance and keep your irritation from boiling over is of the greatest skills you learn as good crew and it will be one of your most marketable elements that stand you apart when you leave.

Just remember hold your breath and count to ten!

Timeline photos 11/05/2023

Hats off to !

The first woman to win a solo round the world race; The Golden Globe. After 8 months at sea, she arrived in Ville des Sables d’Olonne, having made history.

The mental strength for anyone to undertake, let alone win, such a physical and mental challenge is inspirational.

She said “I never thought I would give up… I never doubted I would get to the finish line.”

Never doubt yourself!

Timeline photos 09/05/2023

Desting is calling! Have you always felt there was some greater calling out there for you?

British monarch, Charles III was crowned this weekend and finally is able to fulfil his destined career. Not that we advocate waiting quite so long to achieve your goals 😉

Most of us are lucky enough to have more choice in our own destiny a little earlier in our lives, but the new monarch has certainly shown dedication to his purpose in his patience and focus.

What job would you like to start at the age of 73?

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Life After Yachting

Welcome to the first 100% free online portal set up to help superyacht crew around the world find success when you are ready to move to an onshore lifestyle and secure a fulfilling land-based career.

Think of the Life After Yachting portal as a professional match maker to help crew find the best onshore connections. Whether you are a crew member looking for onshore work, or a company looking to hire the best of the best yacht crew globally, this platform allows you to present the skills and experiences you have or require, and from that optimise your connections, allowing you to organise secure virtual meetings and online interviews.

Many captains and crew find it hard to transition to a fulfilling onshore role when they are ready to leave life at sea. The superyacht industry is a wonderful and very niche sector so it can be hard to find new employers who understand the skills crew have and are happy to bypass the issue when yacht qualifications are not transferable to other industries.

Life After Yachting will bring together great employers such as shipyards and superyacht services, alongside businesses from alternative luxury sectors who actively want to employ yacht crew, and value the aptitude and experience they can bring to their company.

Videos (show all)

Med 2023 has begun!MYBA kicked off this years Med season in style in Barcelona this week and back in Port Vauban Antibes...
Find your Inner Compass! 🧭Anna Petchell Coaching is our Career Transition Coach and can help you find direction for you ...
Dan Armsden of Crewdentials explains why he wanted to support Life After Yachting in helping crew and the yachting indus...
Happy Christmas from everyone involved in Life After Yachting. 🎄🎉We hope you are all enjoying good food and the best com...





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