Twelve Wealth Management

We look to establish strong, long lasting relationships with individuals/businesses based on trust and honesty.

We do our upmost to ensure that clients meet their financial goals and aspirations in a tax efficient manner.

Reduce your Capital Gains Tax bill by splitting assets with your other half 13/06/2024

Thinking of selling your second ? Cashing in a share ? When you sell an asset that’s gone up in value since you bought it, you may have to pay (CGT) on your profits.

There are several ways you can this tax bill, including splitting or giving to your spouse or civil partner.

Read on to find out how splitting your assets with a spouse or civil partner, along with other , can help you get on top of .

Reduce your Capital Gains Tax bill by splitting assets with your other half Thinking of selling your second property? Cashing in a share portfolio? When you sell an asset that’s gone up in value since you bought it, you may have to pay Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on your profits.

Why income protection is more than just a safety net 30/05/2024

Income offers the peace of mind that your home, family and lifestyle aren’t affected if you’re unable to work because of illness or injury.
It means you won’t be using tomorrow’s money to cover today’s expenses – so you protect your savings and stay on track for the future.

Loss of earnings due to illness isn’t uncommon, so it’s worth talking to a to see how income protection can help protect the financial of your family.

SJP Approved 07/05/2024

Why income protection is more than just a safety net Income protection insurance pays a regular monthly amount if you can’t work because you’re unwell, or suffer an injury that results in a loss of earnings. Knowing that, if you suddenly couldn’t work, the mortgage and bills would still be paid, can take a real weight off your shoulders, and mea...

Don’t leave your family an avoidable IHT bill 23/05/2024

Families paid £4.6 billion in (IHT) through the first seven months of the 2023/24 financial year (April to October) – up 12% on the first seven months of 2022.

Many people know that they can money to reduce their IHT , but not everyone knows how workplace and death-in-service benefits can be ringfenced to avoid .

Seeking expert and practical support can help you reduce the value of your estate during your lifetime, meaning that your will owe less IHT in the future.

SJP Approved 11/04/2024

Don’t leave your family an avoidable IHT bill Inheritances can be life changing. An inherited lump sum can send children or grandchildren to great schools, or on great gap years. They can mean a mortgage paid off early, or a new business launched.

The Financial Clarity Scorecard 16/04/2024

Are you confident in your financial future? Do you know if you're making the most tax-efficient decisions when it comes to your investments and assets? Take our Financial Clarity Scorecard quiz to assess your current financial situation and see where you can make improvements. Don't wait until it's too late to start planning for your future.

Quiz url:

The Financial Clarity Scorecard Do you have clarity over your financial future? Take this quick, free quiz to find out and get your free Financial Clarity Report.

What’s changing and what’s not – your new tax year checklist 09/04/2024

The economic outlook is brighter, but it’s still vital to ensure you’re using all the allowances and exemptions you’re entitled to. Check to see if any recent changes to , , or will affect you.

It’s a good point to take stock, review your and against the current landscape. Do get in touch with us – and make sure you’re making the most of all this year.

What’s changing and what’s not – your new tax year checklist In a welcome move in his Spring budget, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt cut employee National Insurance Contributions for the second time this year. But with tax thresholds frozen, many people find themselves slipping into a higher tax band – and paying more tax.

How you can make the most of your ISAs before tax year-end 27/03/2024

There’s still time to make some tax-smart tweaks to your and – your family will feel the benefit. Investing in a mix of Cash and Stocks and Shares ISAs may give your the best chance for greater .

Having a regular catch-up with your is always a good plan, but coming up to it’s even more important. Especially if your long-term plans or circumstances have changed in the last twelve months.

Get in touch via [email protected] or call 0207 744 1600 to book your no obligation 1-2-1 consultation meeting.

The value of an ISA with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

An investment in a Stocks and Shares ISA will not provide the same security of capital associated with a Cash ISA.

SJP Approved 19/02/2024

How you can make the most of your ISAs before tax year-end ‘Max out your ISAs.’ It’s the tax year-end mantra that’s all too familiar. But the mantra needs a little refining. While it’s key to put as much into your ISAs as you feel comfortable with, ahead of 5 April, it’s just as important to make sure that what you do hold is still giving you re...

Reduce your Capital Gains Tax bill by splitting assets with your other half 22/03/2024

Selling an asset may mean you need to pay (CGT) on any gain you make. There are several ways you can this bill, including splitting or giving to your spouse or civil partner.

Whatever you decide to do, we’ll help you make the most tax-efficient choices you can and take advantage of all available and . That way, you’ll pay the right amount of – and no more.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select, and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at any time. The value of any tax relief is generally dependent on individual circumstances.

SJP Approved 28/02/2024

Reduce your Capital Gains Tax bill by splitting assets with your other half Thinking of selling your second property? Cashing in a share portfolio? When you sell an asset that’s gone up in value since you bought it, you may have to pay Capital Gains Tax or CGT on your profits.

How to mitigate your Inheritance Tax bill 18/03/2024

Nobody wants a large bill to be the biggest legacy they leave their family. Gifting, passing on pensions and life assurance are several options for mitigating your liability. Starting your inheritance planning early and taking can have a direct impact on your family’s financial after you’re gone.

The further ahead you plan your IHT mitigation , the more powerful your will be. The end of the is a good time to talk about with us. Get in touch today.

The value of an investment with us will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at any time. The value of any tax relief generally depends on individual circumstances.

Will writing involves the referral to a service that is separate and distinct to those offered by St. James's Place. Wills and Trusts are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

SJP Approved 20/02/2024

How to mitigate your Inheritance Tax bill Nobody likes talking about death, and many of us aren’t that keen about talking money either. So it’s not surprising that many of us put estate planning, and IHT strategy, on a back burner.

Using pensions and ISAs to reduce your tax bill 13/03/2024

Creating a flexible, tax-efficient plan to suit you, and everything you’re planning to do, usually means using a combination of , and potentially, other types of investment too.

Choosing the best way to balance that mix is down to personal choice, and your plans for the short- and long-term. Questions to consider may be how much money you think you’re going to need, when you want to start accessing that money, and even whether you want to pass money on.

It’s a personal choice and making the right decision can feel complicated. That’s where can make a huge difference to your future .

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will link directly to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.

The levels and bases of taxation, and reliefs from taxation, can change at any time and are generally dependent on individual circumstances.

SJP Approved 20/02/2024

Using pensions and ISAs to reduce your tax bill Many of us will face bigger tax bills this year. With the personal allowance frozen until 2027/28, plus the additional rate threshold dropping to £125,140, taxes will increase by £40 billion by 2028, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies.2

Navigating the Spring Budget: Opportunities for Tax Efficiency and Financial Planning 08/03/2024

This year's arrived a tad earlier than usual amidst a backdrop that's become all too familiar in recent years: rampant speculation and anticipation. Much of the pre-budget discourse centered around potential pre-election , with reductions leading the pack, and the balancing act of tax increases, notably targeting non-Domiciles and in furnished holiday lets.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.

The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time and are dependent on individual circumstances.

SJP Approved 06/03/2024

Navigating the Spring Budget: Opportunities for Tax Efficiency and Financial Planning This year's Spring Budget arrived a tad earlier than usual amidst a backdrop that's become all too familiar in recent years: rampant speculation and anticipation. Much of the pre-budget discourse centred around potential pre-election tax cuts, with National Insurance reductions leading the pack, and...


📣 Heads up! Changes are on the horizon for Capital Gains Tax.
From 6 April, the allowance is set to reduce to £3000, potentially impacting your tax liability on property or valuable assets sold post this date. ⚖️
If you're contemplating the sale of an asset or property, now might be the time to act and leverage the current tax-free allowance. 🏡💰
Let's navigate this adjustment together to ensure you make the most of your financial decisions. Time is ticking! ⏰. Contact Twelve Wealth Management today!

Taxation rules can change at any time and are dependent on individual circumstances.

Twelve Wealth Management is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James's Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) The St. James's Place Partnership' and the titles `Partner' and `Partner Practice' are marketing terms used to describe St. James's Place representatives.
SJP Approved 16/11/2023


We're excited to introduce Twelve Wealth Management as a valued sponsor of Bournemouth Rugby, offering expert financial guidance to our members. 🏉 As we gear up for the end of the tax year, they bring a timely reminder to optimize your ISA allowances for maximum tax benefits! 💼 Here's a friendly message from Twelve Wealth Management:

📅 As we approach the end of the tax year, a friendly reminder to seize the opportunity and optimise your ISA allowances for maximum tax benefits! 💼 If you haven't done so already, now is the perfect time to make sure you're making the most of your ISA allowances. 📈
Let's work together to ensure your financial goals align with smart, tax-efficient decisions. 🚀 Don't miss out on potential savings - let's make this tax year end a strategic financial win and contact Twelve Wealth Management today! 💰
The value of your investment can go down as well as up. You could get back less than you invested. Taxation rules can change at any time and are dependent on individual circumstances.

Twelve Wealth Management is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James's Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) The St. James's Place Partnership' and the titles `Partner' and `Partner Practice' are marketing terms used to describe St. James's Place representatives.
SJP Approved 16/11/2023

The Financial Wellbeing Scorecard 29/02/2024

Are you financially prepared for the future? Use our personal finance tool to discover your financial wellness score and what this means for you and your family. Take The Financial Wellness Scorecard quiz to find out how you can secure your income, wealth, succession, and protection.

Start here:

The Financial Wellbeing Scorecard Is your money leading you in the right direct or taking you away from where you want to head? Find out the answer with this free assessment. Tailored insight report direct to your inbox in 2 minutes or less.

WeekWatch - 26/02/2024 27/02/2024

Even the most level-headed investor can find themselves swept up in the inevitable ups and downs of markets. Understanding the that underpins our patterns can help take the out of money and lead to better decisions.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.
SJP Approved 26/02/2024

WeekWatch - 26/02/2024 After the 1929 Crash and Great Depression, it took Wall Street 25 years to recoup its losses. Last week, Japan’s Nikkei 225 Index broke that record as it finally surpassed its 1989 high.


Test your tax savviness today, and discover how you can be proactive and assertive with your approach for a strong financial future. Take our personal tax quiz now.


📅 As we approach the end of the tax year, a friendly reminder to seize the opportunity and optimise your ISA allowances for maximum tax benefits! 💼 If you haven't done so already, now is the perfect time to make sure you're making the most of your ISA allowances. 📈

Let's work together to ensure your financial goals align with smart, tax-efficient decisions. 🚀 Don't miss out on potential savings - let's make this tax year end a strategic financial win and contact Twelve Wealth Management today! 💰

The value of your investment can go down as well as up. You could get back less than you invested. Taxation rules can change at any time and are dependent on individual circumstances.

Twelve Wealth Management is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James's Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) The St. James's Place Partnership' and the titles `Partner' and `Partner Practice' are marketing terms used to describe St. James's Place representatives.
SJP Approved 16/11/2023

Making the most of your ISAs before tax year-end 18/01/2024

We’re all used to checking we’ve made the most of all those annual tax as we head into . But it’s also the perfect time to review whether you’re still getting value for money from your . With many of us still needing to keep a watchful eye on family finances, you want to be sure that any money you are able to save is going to work hard.

Contact Twelve Wealth Management today for and to help you navigate the complexities of the tax landscape and set the stage for a financially successful year ahead!

The value of an ISA with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.
SJP Approved 10/01/2024

Making the most of your ISAs before tax year-end We’re all used to checking we’ve made the most of all those annual tax allowances as we head into tax year-end. But it’s also the perfect time to review whether you’re still getting value for money from your Cash ISAs. With many of us still needing to keep a watchful eye on family finances, ...

Tax year-end 2023/24 15/01/2024

What are your main aims in life? If they include buying a , helping your get off to the best start, in style, or passing on your wealth to loved ones – then effective is vital.

Making the most of your tax reliefs and each year can help you build the financial future you want. So it’s important to ensure you’re taking full advantage of those before the end of the tax year on 5 April 2024.

Tax year-end 2023/24 What are your main aims in life? If they include buying a property, helping your children get off to the best start, retiring in style, or passing on your wealth to loved ones – then effective tax ...

What makes a good board for a growing company? 22/06/2023

For you to reach the next level in your business journey, you may need to adjust your strategy. This can mean bringing in new skills and capabilities.

But what makes a good board for a growing company?

What makes a good board for a growing company?

How to deal with rising costs: six ways to boost efficiency 15/06/2023

Faced with difficult market conditions, many SMEs will be looking for cost improvements and efficiencies to help protect their squeezed margins. Here are six ways to keep a lid on costs in your business.

How to deal with rising costs: six ways to boost efficiency

Financial factors impacting the LGBTQ+ Community 13/06/2023

LGBTQ+ people face unique challenges impacting their earning potential and decision-making around finances. Many factors present issues when it comes to wealth accumulation.

Financial factors impacting the LGBTQ+ Community

Business intelligence for start-ups: how to tell your story in numbers 12/06/2023

Keeping track of key financial metrics such as sales, costs, profit and cash flow, and analysing them regularly, can help you ensure your business is in good health.

Business intelligence for start-ups: how to tell your story in numbers

As Carers Week begins, we answer your FAQs about finding and funding care 07/06/2023

Since most people who own a home or have some savings are required to self-fund their care, carers sometimes assume that they personally aren't entitled to any financial support

As Carers Week begins, we answer your FAQs about finding and funding care

How to reduce your Capital Gains Tax bill 02/06/2023

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is a complicated area of tax-planning and can trip many of us up. It's wise to get your head around CGT and take financial advice, so you don't end up paying more than you need to.

Here's some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about this often-misunderstood tax.

How to reduce your Capital Gains Tax bill

Employee ownership: Pros and cons of selling your company to your staff 01/06/2023

For SME owners, employee ownership can be a challenging exit option. But an increasing number are finding it worthwhile, as it has substantial attractions for the owner, the staff and the business.

Employee ownership: Pros and cons of selling your company to your staff

Paid off your mortgage? Time to invest in yourself 19/05/2023

When you pay off our mortgage, you'll have money that's freed up by no longer having mortgage payments.
Rather than see this money dissolve into household budget or day-to-day spending, consider how powerful it could be.

Paid off your mortgage? Time to invest in yourself

Do dementia sufferers have to pay care home fees? 16/05/2023

For Action Week we take a look at the higher costs sufferers have to pay for their care, why this affects women more than men and who pays for care.

Do dementia sufferers have to pay care home fees?

How much does private education cost? 10/05/2023

Private can be affordable, providing you plan properly and give yourself as much time as possible to save. In the current economic climate, can you afford to go private?

How much does private education cost?

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