Nicola Willis

Nicola helps corporate women working in the Insurance Industry ditch self doubt and build incredible confidence to achieve limitless success in their careers.

She is a fully accredited Coach and NLP Master Practitioner.


🌹 Coach in Your Pocket 🌹

I have one space left for my 5 day voice note coaching experience 😁 so I’d like to give a little more info based on questions I’ve had about it!

When you sign up we will connect via Messenger or Voxer and you get 20mins per day to send as many voice notes within the 20 min cap and i will respond via voice note within 2 hours (with no cap on the length of my replies to you)

This is a chance to move through ANY current feeling, behaviour, emotion, block and resistance that you’re facing in your life ❤️

For example one client is juggling a lot of different things, feeling overwhelmed and needs clarity and motivation to move forward and another lady is looking for business guidance and confidence coaching.

I use a blend of intuitive guidance, channeled messages, traditional coaching, NLP and magical energy 😜 to move you into higher frequencies, more positive mental states and get you RESULTS

It’s great to have me in your pocket, so to speak! As it’s real time: when you NEED the help.. there I am!

No more waiting a week for your session, we deal with your situation in real time for fast and powerful outcomes and shifts 🙌🏼

If you’d like to take this last spot message me lovelies!


The time has come for all the Starseeds and Healers and Lightworkers to make themselves known…

It’s time for everyone on the planet to step into their true soul purpose and truest expression of themselves.

We are leaving behind the old paradigm of struggle, control, hustle and burn out and into a new world of ease, flow, abundance, love and light: whether you consciously realise this or not, it’s happening!!

As a Soul Coach and healer I can help you navigate your journey to finding the real you and activate the highest version of yourself so you can live a life free of struggle and pain 💜✨


😟Sometimes we don’t have time! 😟

Listen I get it. You would love to work with a coach but feel like the time commitment is a little too much.

I feel this to my core!! Scheduling an hour or more each week is difficult especially when you’re busy juggling a million other responsibilities! 😶‍🌫️🫣

(And we are human too! Sometimes the time comes for your session and you’re not well, or you’re tired or you just don’t have much to say at the time!)

I get it!!! Some of my biggest breakthroughs with my own coach have been during Voxer voice note chats.

🔥The energy is different.🔥

It’s in real time, you have a question and it’s answered. ➡️

You shift the energy, you challenge a belief, you shift your perspective. Boom… instantly!

Imagine feeling overwhelmed or stressed about something or in need of someone to help you / keep you on track but you have to wait another 5 days until your session! Ugh! 😒

With my 5 Day Voxer Package you get little old me in your pocket to coach and guide you in any area of your life you need assistance:

💕 Self Worth / Confidence/ Self Love
💙 Relationships
✨ Spiritual Journey / Ascension/ Psychic development
💡 Manifestation
🙌🏼 Business / Career Blocks

I am also able to provide remote healing and activations during these packages too!! ✨🤍

The investment is just £222 for 5 days.

If you’d like to take one of my 3 spaces, comment or message me!


🌹5 Days Private Voxer Coaching🌹

Hello my loves!! From me and little Archie bum!

I feel very excited to be opening just 3 spaces for 5 days of private 1:1 coaching inside a Voxer container (voice notes)

We start on Tuesday 28th and this will be perfect for those of you looking for a “coach in your pocket” to motivate you, ignite inner confidence, connect you to your soul, provide psychic guidance on any issue you’re facing and move you powerfully towards your goals in just 5 short days!

❤️ Investment is £ 2 2 2 ✨

DM me if you feel this is for you!

I won’t be offering any 1:1 services again until May so if you’re keen to experience powerful coaching in an easy and effective way, this is for YOU!

Lotsa love ❤️

Photos from Nicola Willis's post 14/03/2023

Venice Day 2… 🇮🇹🍝🍷🌅

Photos from Nicola Willis's post 12/03/2023

Celebrating my birthday and our 5th Anniversary 🎉😍🇮🇹🥰💕✨

Photos from Nicola Willis's post 06/03/2023


A lovely but FREEZING day at for Charlie’s birthday 🥳

Great variety of animals! As you can see the donkeys love me 😆


Today has been dreamy 💕🙏🏻✨ and much needed xx


Soaking in this adorable face while I can ❤️🥰🤍


Me and my littlest love 💚💚💚

Photos from Nicola Willis's post 20/01/2023

Got these lovely gifts from the hubby today just because 🌹🔮✨. Thank you my love 😍


Never forget how POWERFUL you are ✨🔮 I know it’s a cliche but your thoughts literally dictate how your life plays out so please be careful with what you think on a daily basis!

I’m sat in gratitude after a lovely week of readings and bookings from clients and now enjoying a nice meal with my family 🙏🏻❤️🔮

Thank you thank you thank you!! # # #


Be thankful for what you have while striving for more of what makes your heart happy 💕

Wishing you all a fab night and a wonderful 2023 🎆

These 2 little humans have made my 2022 an absolute joy and I can’t wait to see what next year holds for us as a family 💃🤩💃

Photos from Nicola Willis's post 16/12/2022

Today has been a breakthrough day 🤍

I am going through another transition and major upgrade in my spiritual ascension and instead of letting the fear take over (like I did last year) I am listening to the guidance from the Universe (angels/guides/God) and I am SURRENDERING.

What do I mean by this?? 🫣😆

Instead of freaking out due to an unexpected money issue… I remained calm. I did breathwork exercises (that were conveniently sent to me on an email out of the blue… thank you Universe!)

I had the urge to do Kundalini yoga… my body needed to move that stagnant energy and FEAR out of my body.

Kundalini exercises help to ground you and move energy in your 3 base chakras which are the same Chakras which keep you in survival mode!! (And repeating lack stories around money) 💰

I then did a beautiful 10 minute 3rd eye activation meditation…. WOW I felt reconnected again for the first time in months.

All the beautiful colours were back, the visions, the messages from my higher self - YESSSS 🧚🏼‍♀️

I then grabbed a journal to write all my worries out alongside some powerful affirmations to reframe them. Quick and easy method to shift your focus from lack to creation.

And then…. Went for a snowy walk to the shops.

I NEEDED to get out. Fresh air. Nature. Blue skies. Cold crunchy snow under my feet.

Are my ‘problems’ still there? Yes.

Do I KNOW that I am supported and divinely guided and that all will work out? Also Yes.

Trust trust trust.

Trust yourself and the process.

2023 will see the full awakening of my gifts and I can finally set in motion what I need to do to help the masses 🤍🙌🏼🤍

In the meantime… I have presents to wrap for a certain someone’s birthday tomorrow 🤩🥳 🎁


The darkness cannot win when you have a truly grateful heart and passion in your soul 🤍
Knowing you’re divinely guided and protected at all times allows you to surrender and trust that what is meant for you will never pass you by.
There’s no room for suffering anymore… the paradigm is shifting.



Merry Christmas!🎄

Had a child free night in Cambridge and it’s been wonderful 💕✨🙏🏻


🥂🥰 Time for Us ✨🤍

Cambridge here we come xX


Who’s with me? 2023 loading 🤗😎


Hands up who wants to feel: 🤚

🔆 truly energised!
🔥 lighter and calmer
🧊 clearer on what they want to manifest in the next month
✨ free from fear, doubt and worry
😘 an increased sense of well being

Well if so my darlings come and join me this Wednesday at 7pm UK 🇬🇧 for my New Moon Ceremony!

The ceremony will take around 30-40mins and you will be feeling uplifted, supported by the universe, connected to yourself and spirit, clear on exactly what you want to call in for the next month and feeling free, energised and excited!!!

I will also be channelling a beautiful group healing during the ceremony to remove any unwanted negative energy you want to release ahead of the new month. 💞

All of this for £5! The cost of your glass of wine down the pub or your daily coffee and cake! 🍰

If this sounds up your alley then drop me a 🌙 emoji below and I’ll pop you over the payment deets and Zoom link!!

I’m excited to host this event.


Do you know in your gut there’s “something more” to life and feel called to develop your connection to the Universe?

Do you feel restless?

Do you feel misplaced in the world?

Do you have a longing for “home” without really knowing where that is?

Have you spent most of your life trying to “fit in” or hiding in the Spiritual Closet? Afraid of what others think of you and knowing deep down you are a little different (in a good way!!)

If reading this strikes a chord or makes you feel emotional, the likelihood is you’re a Starseed Soul.

But due to the hectic and busy ways we live here on Earth, most of the time we don't hear the subtle calls of our souls. We ignore the very reasons we are here and dismiss them as nonsense or we simply don't understand.

This leads to unfulfilment and many wasted years doing jobs that aren’t a fit for us or staying in relationships for all the wrong reasons. Most people just accept that “this is how things are” because they don’t have the guidance to see the bigger picture (the entire picture, it’s HUGGGGE!!!)

So I am delighted to be offering 2 different Starseed Soul Purpose Readings and I am looking for case studies to have these readings at introductory prices.

I will be offering a “Star Origin” Spread for £33.33 (increasing to £77.77)

What you came to Earth for
What you came here to HEAL
What you came here to LEARN
Current obstacle
Your true Soul Calling

And offering a “Heaven, Heart & Earth” Spread (£44.44 increasing to £88.88)

Consider a particular area of your life you’d like guidance and I will provide a reading of the following:

Guidance from the Star Keepers showing you the bigger perspective
The hearts deepest prayer
Guidance from Earth detailing the grounded action needed
The obstacle - what's standing in your way
The outcome - currently being manifested
Grounded action - baby step you are being asked to take

If you'd like to book in to be a case study, please drop me a comment below and I will send you all the details!!

Cannot wait for this ✨🪐💫

Photos from Nicola Willis's post 12/11/2022


Due to a student having to cancel their place on my next Activation Method class, I am looking to fill the space at a hugely discounted rate.

Instead of £1111, you will pay just £777 for BOTH Levels!

Take a look at the pics below for all the information on this amazing certification.

This is perfect for coaches, healers, psychics and entrepreneurs looking to expand their soul led business.

Level 1 teaches you all you need to be able to heal yourself on multiple levels and change who you are being so you can free yourself from blocks and barriers and become an energetic match for manifesting (real talk... I'm talking big manifestations).

Level 2 certifies you to be able to use the Activation Method on your own clients and facilitate these amazing changes on other people. It's a fantastic way to boost your income as a business owner, especially during these hard times.

The Level 1 class is Saturday 19th November and Level 2 classes are Saturday 3rd December and Sunday 4th December 2022.

The price will never be this low again, so if you have been on the fence, snap up this discounted space and come and join me next Saturday!


Start 2023 free from your past and ready for a future that will blow your mind. You deserve it!

If you'd like to take yourself on a journey where you dive into the depths of your soul, uncover deep rooted fears and blocks and powerfully shift them for good, then the Self Activation Certification is definitely for you.

Level 1 is a live, one day class, learning everything you need to transform your mind, soul, and physical body to move you from pain into power.

To heal your deepest fears and blocks and make you an energetic match to call in your wildest desires.

Wanting more money? More success in your career? To boost your business? To heal from a terrible relationship? To remove feelings of inadequacy? To stop being a people pleaser? To finally understand why you behave the way you do and get to the root of why it's been playing out for you this way?

The list goes on.... this one day training will be the best thing you could gift yourself this year.

Then if you want to become certified in this method yourself so you can use it on your own clients, then you move onto Level 2 to become an Activation Method Practitioner!

Which is a 2 day training starting on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th December 🙂

Start 2023 free of your past and ready for a future that will blow your mind. You deserve it!

L!nk for level 1 and level 2 Activation Certification in bio - we start on Saturday 19th November!


Night night world 🌎 from our world xx


🫶🏼 I’m looking for 5 ambitious, Spiritual Coaches / Energy Healers / Psychics looking to BLOW UP their coaching business! 🫶🏼

If you’d like to become an Activation Method Practitioner, my next class for Level 1 (Self Activation) is in November.

Then we move onto Level 2 the first week of December 💃

I’m limiting it to 5 people this round as I enjoyed the intimate energy of my last class and I got to give the students so much 1 on 1 help and guidance ✨

Imagine ending 2022 with another income source, being able to powerfully transform the lives of your clients AND most importantly… yourself. 🙏🏻❤️

For more information please message me.


Here I am!! 😉😉😉


Beautiful blooms to celebrate a beautiful 9 month journey 🌹❤️ thanks to my love # # #

Photos from Nicola Willis's post 20/09/2022

Hello friends!!

Before I have my baby I wanted to put it out there to the Universe that my 2nd cohort of students will be starting their journey of self healing and to become Activation Method®️ Practitioners in NOVEMBER!!

The doors are now open to secure your space 🥰🙏🏻

🌟 Level 1 is the Self Activation Certification *which has to be completed if you want to move onto Level 2. But you can also do this as a standalone course if you want to learn the method to heal your own blocks but don't want to use it on your own clients

🌟 Level 2 is to become a practitioner in the method so you can add this modality to your business, or even start your own Spiritual/ Healing business 🙏🏻💫

DM me for more info.

If you're in the US or Canada, don't fear! My classes are at appropriate times to suit everyone so you can join live! 🌠


😤 Feeling SUPER STRESSED with your current situation?? Here's the reason why! 😤

Watch, like and share if this resonates and DM me for tips on how to identify and shift these energy blocks and leaks 🪠🪄

Photos from Nicola Willis's post 04/09/2022

🧚🏼‍♀️Sometimes you just want answers.

🧚🏼‍♀️ Sometimes you just want a helping hand to find the way.

🧚🏼‍♀️ Sometimes you need a go to guide to help you navigate a world of conflicting information and confusing, contradicting ideas.

This is exactly how I felt about manifestation for years.

Until I realised it does get to be easy (promise!!) 😄

And I don't mean just thinking positively and hoping that your vision board comes to life.

I'm talking about the secret sauce to align you to the frequency of your desires. 🔥

Getting you to change who you are at a core level so you become a true magnet for manifesting the life you want to create.

🥰Back in 2021 I created my Rapid Manifestation Method which has been used with dozens of ladies now who are having fantastic results.🥰

I moved this into a self study programme as I get that we are all SO busy at times, we just want an accessible, powerful programme that you can go back to time and time again.

3 beautiful 1 hour modules covering:

💜 Module 1: Discovering YOUR specific spiritual block

We start by learning the basics of manifestation (the science behind manifestation and all of the “woo woo” behind manifestation). This gives you everything you need to know so you understand how it all works and why

What exactly is blocking your manifestations: emotional fears, energetic blocks, generational trauma, past unhealed trauma in this life. We get you clearer on what may be holding you back.

Discovering YOUR specific block: we go through a guided meditation/hypnosis that will help you get clarity on what blocks are stopping you from being a manifestation queen

💜 Module 2: The Rapid Manifestation Method explained!

We explore the 9 steps of my bespoke manifestation method

Cntd in comments


A little Sunday fun for ya.

School of Rock 🎸🤟🏼 by a sleep deprived mum of a toddler, 35 weeks pregnant, hot and bothered in yesterday's make up, loving life.


You're welcome.

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Ohhhh HELLO little raver!!Hes got the moves mate!!This made me laugh more than it should've! 😆🤣💃🏼🕺Go on son 🤗🤩



20-22 Wenlock Road

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm

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