Coveo Qubit

Coveo Qubit, here to make ecommerce better. Qubit started life in 2010 when four Googlers flew the nest in search of fresh challenges.

This was a pivotal time in the world of analytics - businesses knew they had to have more insight, yet no solution seemed able to deliver the clarity needed. At the same time, the consumer world was moving quickly. They started shopping on tablets and mobiles - even on the move. They became harder to satisfy, and had a voice where anyone could tune in and support them. Everything came together at

Timeline photos 28/12/2021

We couldn’t have said it better. With ecommerce growing to over $5.4 trillion* in 2022, it is time for you to step up your game.

👉🏽 Be sure to follow to find out why a relevant ecommerce experience is more important than ever, as well as useful tips and insights on how to achieve it 🤓.



Merry Christmas from the Coveo team! 🎄 🎁

It has been quite the year, full of victories, challenges and learnings.

Like many other companies, we had to cancel our plans for an in-person Christmas celebration, however, that didn’t mean we couldn’t have some fun virtually (even though, of course, it wasn’t quite the same).

As 2021 comes to an end, we wanted to highlight one big learning that we keep coming back to year after year: IT IS ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE. 🌟

Every single person matters.

That colleague who is always there to answer your questions,

the person who comes up with the craziest ideas,

those who’ve taken it upon themselves to share the funny memes on Slack,

that person who always forgets to unmute on Zoom,

the colleague who is always down for a virtual coffee,

and even those whom you’ve never met in person and who live somewhere across the globe.

Thank you to our brilliant team, and Merry Christmas! ☃️

Design a top 1% ecommerce strategy for 2022: solutions for omnichannel, supply chain, and personalization 25/11/2021

Let's be honest, a winning ecommerce strategy requires more than great ideas; it requires great tools 🛠️

In this blog, the third and final one of the series, we showcase the technology available to address the challenges and objectives observed in the ecommerce space.

Furthermore, you can use it as inspiration to stay ahead and differentiate your 2022 strategy.

👉 Check it out here:

Design a top 1% ecommerce strategy for 2022: solutions for omnichannel, supply chain, and personalization Explore the technology available to address the challenges and objectives observed in the ecommerce space and get inspiration to design your 2022 strategy

Timeline photos 25/11/2021

What. A. Day! Time to pop the champagne! 🥂 🥂

🎉 We're celebrating today! 🎉

Celebrating that all our hard work has paid off and that Coveo is now listed on the TSX!

We know, we know... it's awkward to boast about one's own achievements, but hey, if you can't make a big deal out of going public, then when can you? 😁

Thanks to our employees, partners, and clients around the world. We couldn’t have done this without all of you! 👏

p.s. You can find us as $CVO.

Shopper trends to expect this season: How does your retailer’s experience compare? 19/11/2021

🤔 Did everyone initiate their Christmas promotion in October? Are other retailers struggling with inventory? Is this what all shoppers are doing?

We've created a 3-part blog series for ecommerce leaders who want a quick and accurate overview of what shoppers are doing, what other retailers are focusing on and relevant ecommerce solutions which can help inform ecommerce plans for 2022.

In this blog, the first one of the series, we’re sharing key shopper trends which you can expect during this period. These trends coincide with the predictions we made back in 2020, based on nearly 700 million insights.

Check it out:

We want to hear from you. Are you currently observing the same trends? Are there any others you would add? Let us know in the comments ⬇️

Shopper trends to expect this season: How does your retailer’s experience compare? A 3-part blog series for ecommerce leaders who want a quick and accurate overview of what shoppers and retailers are doing this season.

Infographic - Rediscovering product discovery. 17/11/2021

💡 The opportunity: 28% of consumers will shop more online this holiday season compared to 2020*.

👉 The challenge: 31.4% of consumers are shopping with more brands than ever before*. This means that companies MUST create a memorable, differentiated and delightful online experience.

* Data from our survey of 1500 US and UK consumers in July 2021

Check out the infographic for more insights:

Infographic - Rediscovering product discovery. See the results from our 2021 consumer survey on shopping trends in ecommerce, post covid pandemic. Garner insights on what customers want from ecommerce.


🛒 Ecommerce, aka 'the battle for consumers' attention'.

Distractions during the online shopping journey represent one of the biggest challenges for ecommerce teams, as they often lead to abandoned carts and lost conversions.

Find out how River Island, one of the top retailers in the UK is designing its online journey to inspire visitors to complete their purchases.

➡️ Click here to view the case study:

7 ways personalization is impacting the luxury retail ecommerce sector 11/11/2021

Why personalization is the new champagne 🥂

Luxury retail’s differentiator has always been world-class customer service and in-store experiences that truly resonate. But today, luxury brands can no longer rest solely on that.

Our latest blog deep-dives into what it takes to create luxury shopping experiences online and transmit the same sense of exclusivity that only a glass of champagne achieves in-store.

➡️ Check it out:

Let us know in the comments. Do you think truly "luxurious" shopping experiences be created online? 🧐

7 ways personalization is impacting the luxury retail ecommerce sector How has personalization impacted the online luxury experience? We share ways retailers appeal to both new and old luxury buyers with effective use cases.

Photos from Coveo Qubit's post 10/11/2021

👉 See how the world’s leading makeup company influences the customer shopping experience online.

MAC Cosmetics is the world’s leading makeup company with unrivalled expertise and quality of products.

Since 2018 the MAC ecommerce team has been using Coveo Qubit’s technology to make every onsite interaction more relevant.

Explore how the MAC team supports the customer shopping experience online using social proof ⬇️ ⬇️

Download case study here:

Photos from Coveo Qubit's post 08/11/2021

👉 Is your 2022 ecommerce strategy *actually* aligned to shoppers’ behavior, pains and motives?

Our team conducted a study with 1500 consumers in the US and UK on what really matters once potential shoppers land on your site. The findings suggest that customer overwhelm and product discovery, are key challenges for brands to address in order to remain competitive.

Explore more actionable findings that will support you in crafting your ecommerce strategy for 2022 ⬇️ ⬇️.

Download the ebook:

Why most product recommendation technologies are out of date 03/11/2021

Should you trust the ecommerce advice you get? 🤔

If you’re in the world of ecommerce, you’ll know that there are no shortage of blogs and articles sharing “X ways to boost online revenue”, or “Y tips to prevent cart abandonment”.

But how much of that advice is actually useful and delivers ROI?

Below are 12 of the most commonly shared strategies to improve the ecommerce experience, increase conversions and boost average order value.

➡️ Let us know in the comments, what has and what hasn’t worked for you? Is there any advice you would add?

1. Offer a personalized shopper journey
2. Create a loyalty program
3. Highlight user-generated content
4. Optimize your website *every* week
5. Create a community
6. Use a/b testing
7. Make the most of referral programs
8. Simplify the experience and remove friction
9. Create urgency and scarcity
10. Make your product descriptions *very*detailed. (Yes, shoppers do want to know the sort of pocket you’re referring to when you say something is “pocket-sized”)
11. Facilitate finding products
12. Offer relevant product recommendations (maybe check out this blog to ensure you’re doing it right

Why most product recommendation technologies are out of date Understand the differences between machine learning based recommendations and sequential deep learning.

Timeline photos 28/10/2021

🤔 Wouldn’t it be great to be telepathic?

As merchandisers, figuring out what goes on in the minds of shoppers prior to purchase is the greatest enigma, especially when it comes to ecommerce.

While it may be impossible to know *exactly* what people are thinking, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to make the customer journey as seamless as possible.

- Is the product description accurate?
- Are reviews and ratings highlighted and prominent?
- When applicable, is sizing or fit information available?
- Are top rating or trending badges featured?

Every single detail matters when we consider that 55% of shoppers need more convincing when shopping online than in-store.

Learn more about consumer behavior and how you can respond in our latest blog:


The good news: 42% of US consumers expect product recommendations to be uniquely tailored to them and will favor brands that meet these standards.

The bad news: Over one out of every three shoppers think that recommendations are not actually tailored to them.

(Findings from our 2021 survey of 1500 consumers in the UK and US)

Discover how ecommerce leaders *actually* inspire purchase:

Infographic - Rediscovering product discovery. 26/10/2021

🤔 How much are you investing in optimizing the digital journey?

It is no secret that creating a truly engaging digital journey, the type that gets your website bookmarked by shoppers and generates word-of-mouth, requires investment. The sort of investment that *takes time* to be approved.

We’ve gathered some key stats on consumer behavior to help you create a case for optimizing your ecommerce site in 2022.

For example, did you know that 31.4% of consumers are shopping with more brands than ever before? 🤯 ​​

Check out our latest infographic to discover the *real* reasons why investment in a seamless and engaging digital experience is a must to stay competitive in the ecommerce world.

👉🏼 See full infographic:

Infographic - Rediscovering product discovery. See the results from our 2021 consumer survey on shopping trends in ecommerce, post covid pandemic. Garner insights on what customers want from ecommerce.

Photos from Coveo Qubit's post 22/10/2021

Reducing friction at checkout has been, for decades, where ecommerce teams have invested the majority of resources.

However, recent research suggests that optimization higher up in the funnel may be the key to increasing conversions.

Indeed, the #1 reason shoppers leave a site is because they are not able to find the products they are interested in.

Are you addressing the Product discovery challenge? Drop a 🔥 in the comments if product discovery is already part of your ecommerce strategy.

Interested in learning more? Check out how leaders are inspiring purchase in our latest ebook:

Photos from Coveo Qubit's post 20/10/2021

What mindset does it take to be amongst the top UK fashion retailers? 🔝

River Island is one of the most well-known and loved brands on the UK high street.

They consistently strive to provide superior customer experiences, both in their physical stores and online, which is why they've adopted a laser focus on online personalization.

Use this case study to learn about the ROI you can expect from personalizing the digital journey and get inspired with different use cases for your fashion ecommerce site.

👉 River Island case study:

Photos from Coveo Qubit's post 19/10/2021

If you could do ONE thing to optimize your ecommerce site before the holiday season, what would it be? 🤔

It’s mid-October and for those of us in ecommerce, it means that all purchase orders have been placed and Christmas catalogs are done. So what is one thing you can do now to move the needle before code-freeze?

These are 4 things you can be thinking about.

Let us know in the comments, what is your biggest needle-mover to increasing ecommerce conversions?
💡 For curious minds: Explore more consumer behavior insights to guide your ecommerce strategy ahead of the holidays in our recent blog:


It is with great pleasure that we announce that today, Qubit has joined Coveo, the relevance company.

Our teams, based in over 10 different countries, are extremely excited for the synergy that this partnership will bring and the unparalleled leverage it gives us to disrupt the ecommerce space.

In the words of our CEO, Graham, “We’re delighted to be joining Coveo’s mission. Our two businesses complement each other perfectly across both technology and expertise and are aligned to deliver a total solution for the benefit of our customers' success.

We look forward to delivering more business value to our collective customers as we roll out our integrated offering that drives forward the next level of personalization.”

Cheers, to a new age of ecommerce 🥂

Photos from Coveo Qubit's post 15/10/2021

BIG news! 📣. We’re extremely excited to announce that Qubit is joining the Coveo family!🎉

In many ways, the Qubit today is very different from what it was when it was founded over 10 years ago.

We’ve seen employees come and go, products fail and succeed, campaign success and failure…. but through it all, the Qubit essence has remained. This is all thanks to our PEOPLE, both customers and employees, who, with their time, effort and ideas have got us to where we are now.


It can be tricky to pinpoint any one decision or moment which led us to this place, but if we had to choose... these 3 would rank high up on our list:

1. Early on, we recognized the power of real-time data for the future of ecommerce and committed our engineering resources to build a sophisticated data pipeline at the core of our product.

2. We realized that personalizing for ‘retail’, ‘travel’ or ‘eGaming’was not enough. And so our people developed industry-specific expertise in sectors like fashion, beauty, airlines, OTAs and Sportsbook. This has equipped us to provide unparalleled strategic insights for the companies we work with.

3. Personalization is a BIG space, and businesses can decide to be ‘jack of all trades’, or develop an indisputable leadership in a niche. We opted for the latter. Our focus on personalization for ecommerce alone, means we can empower clients with infallible strategies and tools, as well as the most advanced AI developments in the industry.

These are some of the brilliant, resilient and slightly obsessed minds that made it happen 🧠

Timeline photos 01/10/2021

Shopping habits adopted over the last year and consumers plan to keep shopping online despite store openings.

Timeline photos 30/09/2021

Search is the number one way in which shoppers find products once they’ve landed on site. Read the blog to learn more:

Timeline photos 29/09/2021

Discover how effective badging strategies are proven to boost engagement, drive up conversion rates, and increase in session revenue.

Timeline photos 28/09/2021

2021 will be the biggest online holiday shopping season ever, but if you’re not prepared, you may miss out. Here are 6 important stats to know ahead of the holidays.

Timeline photos 28/09/2021

Explore how MandM Direct implemented the appropriate recommendation strategies based on their customer's journey in the purchase funnel and boosted their revenue. Download the case study:

Timeline photos 27/09/2021

Our team conducted a study with 1500 consumers in the US and UK on what really matters once they have landed on your site. Find out more:

Timeline photos 17/09/2021

Qubit surveyed 1500 US & UK consumers in July 2021 to better understand the future of ecommerce. Find out what we’ve discovered:

Timeline photos 16/09/2021

Nearly 9 in 10 shoppers say they are faced with an overwhelming amount of product choices some, always or most of the time. Learn more:

Timeline photos 15/09/2021

Learn how Kurt Geiger’s ecommerce team looks to further its use of social proof in increasingly sophisticated and unique ways to acquire new customers and expand its loyal following.

Timeline photos 14/09/2021

For the 1st time ever, ecommerce sales reached $100 billion in Nov. 2020. This year looks to be even more lucrative. Learn how to take advantage here.

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Videos (show all)

Merry Christmas from the Coveo team! 🎄 🎁 It has been quite the year, full of victories, challenges and learnings. Like m...
It is with great pleasure that we announce that today, Qubit has joined Coveo, the relevance company. Our teams, based i...
See Qubit in action - Book a demo with us and find out how Qubit adds value at every stage on the journey towards advanc...
Personalization for the Pros - Qubit Brand Video
Happy International Women's Day 2019!
Fantastic morning at Google for our #London edition of 'Power through peaks with purpose driven #personalization'. Thank...
It's been an incredibly busy week for us here at Qubit. We have been at a number of events around the world:- SAP Custom...
What a fantastic week it has been @hubspot #inboundmarketing #Boston #marketing #digital
Tips from Qubit on training your AI
Mobile site personalization for improved product discovery
Tips from Instagram on being mobile first
3 lessons from Netflix for mobile commerce



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