Off Leash K9 Training London

Text Us! 07520 619 933
All Breeds | All Issues | All Sizes Voted "Best of London" 3 years in a row!

Off Leash K9 Training is an off-leash dog training business teaching obedience to dogs of all breeds, sizes, and ages. We specialize in private lessons, dog behavior consultations, and teaching owners to understand why their dogs do the things they do in order to create a strong bond between the owner and dog. We thrive off of seeing the joy in both the dog’s and the owner’s faces when they have m


Chester the Labradoodle sunning himself (this photo was not taken today!) whilst his trainer tries to find the perfect angle to show off Chester's best side.

Jokes on the trainer though..... Every side is Chester's best side!

If you have been thinking about training to work on your dog’s Off Leash capabilities, General Behaviour or just that you would like to further improve on the commands they already know, please get in touch with our team via our website (Link in our Bio) or on 0203 890 3400 for a free 30-minute telephone consultation with a certified OLK9 trainer. Alternatively, we can be reached through social media or message us via Google. Our trainers are used to all breeds and quirks and can’t wait to provide the same training and care they have provided to all the dogs that have come to us up until now.

☎️ - 0203 890 3400
📧 - [email protected]


Frankie the Doberman and Soesje the Mini Dachshund taking a quick breather during their training (and the rain) before getting right back into it.

Whilst all the dogs have a large amount of individual 1 on 1 time with the trainer for the trainer, it is also highly beneficial that where possible they get to interact and either train or more importantly play with other dogs. They are in a new place for a length of time being put through fairly intensive training, which is all going to be a bit unnerving and scary at times for them.

By allowing them the social interactions with other dogs they can bond and share the training as well as enjoying play time with a new friend.

If you are looking for a trainer who has your dog’s best interests at heart and will commit everything they have to increasing your dog’s obedience and in turn boost your enjoyment of dog ownership, then give us a call on the number below for a free 30 minute telephone consultation with a certified OLK9 trainer or check out our website linked in our bio and below to see what training programmes we offer.

☎️ - 0203 890 3400
📧 - [email protected]


'My, My what big ears you have Sheba!!
All the better to hear when my order of one pup cup is ready!!'

Sheba the German Shepherd showing off her new found attention on who is giving the commands. As a young German Shepherd she found herself easily distracted by everything going on around her and was worked hard to recognize commands being given and following them first time around.


Have you ever seen a happier chap than Ronald the French Bulldog just chilling in the sun?

Ronald's training included the works. He had no stop button just always wanting to be on the go which included ignoring the commands for him to stop and slow down.
He also was not keen on other dogs and young children.
Over the two weeks the trainer worked on his understanding and ability to carry out the commands given before slowly introducing him to the stimuli that caused him worry and tendency to react to.

Here he is showing off how proud he is of knowing his commands and cant contain his smile!


Troy the Cockerpoo came to us with full of enthusiasm and energy as the breed is known for. However he had a habit of being rather full on when greeting people jumping up at them.
His energy also meant he pulled on the lead everywhere at 100 miles an hour wanting to get to the next exciting thing.

During his Two Week Board and Train he learn to walk loose leash heel and how to greet people properly which he quickly understood to equal more attention as people were more likely to be affectionate when he didn't jump up to give them kisses!

We are proud to say he passed his training with flying colours and now enjoys the attention as he calmly walks around with his owners.

If you are looking for a trainer who has your dog’s best interests at heart and will commit everything they have to increasing your dog’s obedience and in turn boost your enjoyment of dog ownership, then give us a call on the number below for a free 30 minute telephone consultation with a certified OLK9 trainer or check out our website linked in our bio and below to see what training programmes we offer.

☎️ - 0203 890 3400
📧 - [email protected]


Most of our trainers have their own dogs who become pseudo trainers support the visiting dogs in their own training often being used as examples as to how to preform the commands.

That doesn't mean they are always happy with the visiting dogs as seen by Luna the Beagles expression when Martin the Irish Setter came for his 2 Week Board and Train to help retrain his previously OK recall and tendency to want to say hello to the ladies.
However they did grow to be good friends and as you can see Martin is very happy to have a new friend to spend time with.


'Never work with Animals or Children,' Is attributed to American actor and comedian W.C. Fields, with his reasoning that they will often upstage and steal the show.

As you can see here our trainers did not get that memo and often work with multiple dogs at the same time.

Here is Moose the Golden Retriever and Toto the Cairn Terrier and the trainers own dogs showing off their high level of place next to a busy main road so they could have their picture taken all lined up like they are ready to drop the album of the year!


'No Dad, I am not jealous that you are spending all your time looking at other dogs and not spending time with me. I am just here to help you answer your emails!'

Lulu the Husky/German Shepherd cross supporting Ben the office guy with his admin jobs of editing and uploading of pictures as well as giving her own input on emails and what should be the reply.


When your a small pup in a big world a lot of things are going to seem big and scary with all of the noises. Especially when all you want to do is say hello and greet people!

Goose the Staffordshire Bull Terrier came to us being an overly friendly pup who liked nothing better than jumping on unsuspecting people to get them to play with her whilst out in public along with being scared of going on public transport and not being able to settle.

Over the Two Weeks she was with us the trainer worked on her over-friendliness to people and other dogs as well as conquering her fears of being on public transport. We also worked on getting her to settle in public settings such as cafes.


'Think happy thoughts and they will shine from your face like sun beams'.

This quote by Roald Dahl sums up Benji the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the happiness he is showing in this picture. Is there a better feeling that sitting in the sun eyes closed just enjoying the warmth on your face.


'Sorry to bother you but I was told this was the dog trainer. I am here ready for my training! Please can you direct me to my accommodation?'

Tyson the Rottweiler has been an eager participant in his training spending his time learning commands such as Recall, Down, Place and increasing his response time to carrying out those commands.


Kilo the Cane Corso taking a well earned break in the shade after being put through his paces on recall by his trainer.

The Cane Corso is a smart and trainable breed, and often described as having a noble bearing due to their lineage. The Corso's lineage goes back to ancient Roman times, and the breed's name roughly translates from the Latin as 'bodyguard dog.'

Typically they stand around 28 inches at the shoulder and often weighing more than 45kg, with a large head, alert expression, and muscles rippling beneath their short, stiff coat, Corsi are intimidating looking dogs.
They can be very assertive and very confident with a history of being guard dogs and peerless protectors.
Their imposing appearance is their first line of defense against intruders. As one person described themt, 'An understated air of cool competence, the kind of demeanor you'd expect from a professional bodyguard, is the breed's trademark.'
Corsi are intelligent, loyal, eager to please, versatile, and intensely loyal to their humans, but are also assertive and willful, and it is always recommended you do your research on the breed before taking one on.


Frankie the Doberman had heard the horror stories of make up shopping but never thought he would find himself in that situation of actually going!

Thankfully none of the products are tested on animals, instead he got a Gold Star for being so well behaved in the shops and putting all of the training he had been learning up till now letting his trainer get her manicure in peace.... and would like the record to show that he definitely did not take part in getting a doggy make over whilst there!!


Our trainers are never sure what breeds that they will get at any one time. Sometimes they can be roughly the same size and other times they can be like these two..... Little and Large!

Eevee the Pomeranian and Arlo the Irish Setter maybe slightly different in size and whilst it can create some challenges when doing joint training sessions, as you can see on their faces they are enjoying (maybe Eevee just slightly more!) their day out.


Leo the Rottweiler/Poodle cross reminiscing on this dreary Saturday afternoon of when it used to be blue skies and sunny!

If you have been thinking about training to work on your dog’s Off Leash capabilities, General Behaviour or just that you would like to further improve on the commands they already know, please get in touch with our team via our website (Link in our Bio) or on 0203 890 3400 for a free 30-minute telephone consultation with a certified OLK9 trainer. Alternatively, we can be reached through social media or message us via Google. Our trainers are used to all breeds and quirks and can’t wait to provide the same training and care they have provided to all the dogs that have come to us up until now.

☎️ - 0203 890 3400
📧 - [email protected]


Its the weekend!
And Lucky the Labrador cant wait with the weather over the weekend looking better than the last couple of days.

Lucky has training along side some great days out with his trainer planned for the weekend and is hoping to be able to meet up with more dogs who want to be friends.

Do you have any plans for big walks this weekend?


Moose the Golden Retriever giving a master class in how most of us are most likely wanting to spend our time on this miserable day.

Chilled out, enjoying life getting all the attention whilst keeping cozy and dry.

A big part of the Board and Train Programmes is to include rest and relaxation time for the dogs who stay with the trainers. The course is an intensive two week course for the dogs and the last thing we want to do is for them to burn out. So the trainers ensure that there is plenty of down time for cuddles and play time throughout the training.

If you are looking for a trainer who has your dog’s best interests at heart and will commit everything they have to increasing your dog’s obedience and in turn boost your enjoyment of dog ownership, then give us a call on the number below for a free 30 minute telephone consultation with a certified OLK9 trainer or check out our website linked in our bio and below to see what training programmes we offer.

☎️ - 0203 890 3400
📧 - [email protected]


Arlo is a beautiful example of an Irish Setter who is part of a rich breed history.

Setter's fall under the gun dog category originally used to locate game during hunts. They were known for their technique of crouching low and as if frozen to the spot also known as setting, (I wonder were they got their name from?!) pointing out where the game was for the hunters to locate it.

The original Irish Setter is most likely to be a combination of different gun dogs with the original Irish Setter we see today with the rich red coats originated from the endangered Irish Red and White Setter. Rather than the colour they mainly have today they used to be mainly white with brown patches of fur.


When you have to pull out the cute as a button look to try and encourage the trainer to give you that delicious treat that they are dangling just out of reach just so they can take yet another picture of you!

Kilo the Cane Corso showing that even though they are usually described as miniature horses in terms of their sizes even they have perfected the art of the puppy dog eyes to try and convince people to give them delicious snacks!


As any teacher will say an attentive student is the best kind. One that focus's on what your saying and listens and acts on the teaching first time is the goal.

How they achieve that goal is the hard bit. Ensuring that your students are engaged and focused on what you are saying and understanding what you are saying is a constant learning curve for the teachers as every student is different.
It is no different when it comes to training dogs. At Off Leash K9 Training London we use a balanced training programme that allows for multiple options when it comes to training the dogs who are enrolled on our programmes. This provides the trainers with many strings to their bow for every type of personality.

Our goal isn't to strip away your dogs personality and make them into a well trained robot. Our aim is to have a dog who is well trained in all aspects of General Obedience whilst still being the dog who you fell in love with for all of their quirks and fluffyness!!

Wilbur the Labrador here is demonstrating his breeds intensity when it comes to learning with his sole focus on his trainer and the commands given.


As September rolls in we are left wondering where this year has gone! It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating the new year and looking forward to the prospect of meeting lots of new dogs for their training.

Rocky the White Swiss Shepherd has been one of those dogs who has spent 2 Weeks with us on our 2 Week Board and Train Programme perfecting his commands such as walking to heel, recall, down and as you can see in this picture he has sit down to a tee!

Whilst we know it is a bit early to be thinking about Christmas just yet (at least in our minds it is) we know that people are starting their planning already. If you are hoping to be able to take your dog with you or have a house full and are wondering if your dog could do with some topping up on their skills. This could be to give you piece of mind that the turkey isn’t going to suddenly disappear when no one’s looking, or when you finally manage to get out of your food coma for that Boxing day walk and would love to be able to let your dog roam off lead knowing when you call they will come back why not give us a call on the number below for a free 30 minute telephone consultation with a certified OLK9 trainer or check out our website linked in our bio and below to see what training programmes we offer.

☎️ - 0203 890 3400
📧 - [email protected]


When it rains we wear Stylish Raincoats!!

Toto the Cairn Terrier and his new group of friends showing off their stylish wet weather gear ensuring that none of them get a cold due to being to wet and cold whilst out on training or walks.

Our trainers work in all weather conditions (although are more likely to want to do as much of the trainer indoors when the weather is terrible and who can blame them!) But as we all know, even if they are training indoors, dogs still need to use the facilities and unlike cats don't have a specifically designed place for them to do this.

If you have been thinking about training to work on your dog’s Off Leash capabilities, General Behaviour or just that you would like to further improve on the commands they already know, please get in touch with our team via our website (Link in our Bio) or on 0203 890 3400 for a free 30-minute telephone consultation with a certified OLK9 trainer. Alternatively, we can be reached through social media or message us via Google. Our trainers are used to all breeds and quirks and can’t wait to provide the same training and care they have provided to all the dogs that have come to us up until now.

☎️ - 0203 890 3400
📧 - [email protected]


It may look like Eevee the Pomeranian has got a little to close to the socket with how fluffy and fuzzy her fur looks but we assure you it is purely coincidental!!

She is not happy with the humidity we are having recently with the on off weather as this is making her floof stand on end every time! Having said that she is also not to bother and she loves a fuss and cuddle with her trainer requiring a pamper session every day being brushed to bring her fur back to her perfect requirements!


Troy the Cockerpoo couldn't believe that he hadn't been signed during the summer transfer window! So he was straight onto his Agent (owner) and requested more training so that he was all ready for the January Transfer Window as he is sure he will be ready and at the top of his game by this point!

Whilst we might not be able to train your dog to be good enough for the premier league (something about dogs not being eligible to play) are trainers are the best at what they do with training dogs with all sorts of backgrounds to ensure that they and their owners can have gather a closer bond building a life of enjoyment in any situation they may come across.

If you are looking for a trainer who has your dog’s best interests at heart and will commit everything they have to increasing your dog’s obedience and in turn boost your enjoyment of dog ownership, then give us a call on the number below for a free 30 minute telephone consultation with a certified OLK9 trainer or check out our website linked in our bio and below to see what training programmes we offer.

☎️ - 0203 890 3400
📧 - [email protected]


Just like Zeus the Golden Retriever we are leaping over hump day trying to reach the weekend as quickly as possible!!

Our trainers ensure that the time the dogs spend with them aren't just training 24/7, so whilst it is an intensive training programme the dogs get plenty of time to be sociable with either the other dogs on their programmes, at the trainers local park where they have fostered close connections with local dog walkers who are more than happy to let their dogs engage for a training exercise or with the trainers themselves. Its vital to part of the training that the dogs get time 1 on 1 with the trainers as it helps build the rapport between themselves but also helps the dogs settle in to new environments quicker.

If you are thinking of getting training for your dog for whatever the reason and want to know that they are in the hands of trainers who has the best interest of your dog and will commit everything to providing the utmost professionalism in the care and training of your pup then give us a call on the number below for a free 30 minute telephone consultation with a certified OLK9 trainer or check out our website linked in our bio and below to see what training programmes we offer.

☎️ - 0203 890 3400
📧 - [email protected]

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Videos (show all)

That feeling when you're over halfway through the week and the weekend is in sight!#doglife #dogstagram #dogoftheday #do...
Needing all the love and affection to get through the week ❤️ #doglife #dogstagram #dogoftheday #dogs #instadog #doglove...
Be the envy of your dog friends and give your dog the obedience head start they deserve with one of Off Leash K9 Trainin...
Do you know what drives your dog? Is it food? Praise? Structure and routine? Poppy's enthusiastic recall here was all fo...
Raja, the 10 week old German Shepherd, took part in an In-Home Puppy Lesson this week and his head tilt was so skillful ...
The Sheba Inu is often described to be more cat than dog. Mochi definitely lives up to this reputation. He is very stron...
Lola is enrolled in our Aggression Lessons and this video was taken in the 7th lessons. Lola's owner reached out after h...
Learning to calmly co-exist in close proximity to other dogs is one of the most vital skills you can teach your dog. Mee...
Monty is 5 lessons into our Basic and Advanced Lesson programme. So far we have covered loose leash heel, recall, down a...
Join along as Scout and Amy sort through their dog training supplies. Can you guess what breed of dog Scout is? This is ...
An early morning training walk through Virginia Water before it gets too hot deserves the juiciest of watermelons as a r...
For small breeds (and sometimes large breeds) busy environments can be extremely overwhelming and downright scary. Sousj...




152 City Road

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 3pm
Saturday 10am - 3pm

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