
Loving services for Loved Dogs & their Loving Humans. Professional,Personal, Pawesome


🤍🤍congratulations To Patricia McConnell, Ph.D.🩵 the book is indeed fantastic!

What an honor to have The Other End of the Leash, which first came out twenty-two years ago, named as one of the best dog training books of 2023 by Spruce Pets. I’m so grateful!


Lead with love 🤍say no to Abuse !

I have been trying to work out why people on social media love The Dog Daddy and other heavy handed abusive individuals like him.

They defend with the same language their idols use with dogs. Force, attack, abuse.

I saw a post yesterday which said you can learn dog training and behaviour without having any formal education.


Is that type of comment a deep safeness strategy that we fall back on when we have no education in dog behaviour?

Without learning the facts, the truth, the science, the studies - how can we possibly know what we don't know?

How can we make informed decisions?

How on this earth can we know that the 'brilliant' dog trainer on social media we are learning from is actually teaching the truth?

That they know anything about dog welfare at all?

That they are ethical?

Education has a structure you see.

We start learning the basics: The body language of a stressed dog.

Then the deeper stuff: What is happening in the stressed dog's body and what is causing it.

We learn the studies and what they present: That punitive behaviour towards dogs is detrimental to their welfare and their multi faceted health. We learn about the whole health, the whole dog.

We learn to analyse and challenge the studies, the theories and even the facts.

We learn to analyse and challenge everything we see and are exposed to.

Then we analyse the way dogs are treated by social media trainers.

And guess what... we go right back to basics.

The body language of a stressed dog.


How can we possibly learn the crucial aspect of being educated - from a place of non-education.


I can't take any credit for the next part because I asked Chat GPT why people so fiercely defend abusive dog trainers on social media.

This is what Chat GPT told me:

"The phenomenon of people following and defending abusive dog trainers or controversial figures on social media is complex.

Several factors contribute to this behaviour:

Ignorance or Lack of Knowledge: Many people might not be aware of the most up-to-date or humane training methods and might mistakenly believe that the abusive methods are effective or standard practice.

Confirmation Bias: People have a tendency to seek out and consume information that aligns with their pre-existing beliefs. If someone already subscribes to a particular training method, they're more likely to support trainers who use that method, even if it's considered abusive by others.

Authority Bias: The belief that someone is an 'expert' can sometimes overshadow their actions. If a trainer has a substantial following or is well-known, people might automatically assume they are knowledgeable, even if there's evidence to the contrary.

Sunk Cost Fallacy: Individuals who've already invested time, money, and trust into a particular trainer or method might defend them because they don't want to admit they were mistaken or feel they've wasted their investments.

Groupthink: Social media can create environments where differing opinions are mocked or attacked. People might defend a trainer simply to align with the majority view within a community or group.

Emotional Attachment: Followers could develop a personal loyalty to a particular trainer for various reasons, such as personal interactions, success stories, or engaging narratives shared by the trainer.

Desire for Quick Fixes: Forceful or abusive methods might appear to give faster results (even if they're short-lived or harmful in the long term). People often want what they see as immediate solutions to their problems.

Fear of Change: Recognising that a method or trainer is flawed might mean that one has to reassess their beliefs or practices, which can be daunting.

Cognitive Dissonance: When presented with evidence that a favoured trainer uses abusive methods, followers might experience discomfort because of holding two conflicting beliefs. Rather than changing their view of the trainer, they might dismiss the new evidence to reconcile the conflict.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect: Some people might overrate their understanding of dog training. They may believe they're more knowledgeable than they actually are, leading them to support and defend abusive trainers.

It's essential to engage these individuals with empathy and understanding, providing education and alternative perspectives rather than confrontation. Altering deeply entrenched beliefs or behaviours can require time and multiple exposures to new insights".

- Chat GPT

Also, all the above is covered in A Level Psychology.

Education 🐶

Peace ✌️


So sad …

Two beautiful dogs were shot at point-blank range on a canal towpath in East London a couple of days ago. Seven Met officers were there; they killed the dogs. One of the dogs was running away when he was shot.

The press tells us that the dogs were aggressive, that the caregiver of the dogs was aggressive and that the police had no choice. The Met tell us that too.

Now though, when everyone has a camera in their pocket, we don’t need to look to the news for our news. We don’t have to believe the ones with all the power. We can gain a balanced view, one where all the evidence isn’t presented in a neatly packaged opinion handed to us to become our very own.

Well, we can see when we want to.

I won’t describe the video to you because it’s everywhere. If you want to watch it, do – but I wouldn’t if I were you. Yet, if you think the police had no choice – watch it from start to finish, you - specifically you, need to.

Shortly afterwards, more videos came out on social media.

One of the dogs and their caregiver on a train is having a cuddle.

One that shows the ‘attack’ on a woman and her dog that led to the police approaching these dogs and their human. A video that shows a woman screaming and the (now dead) dogs and their caregiver in the background. The dogs were not even looking her way, totally relaxed. Not dogs who had attacked or were about to.

One that shows the family of three being followed by the seven, armed police. Seven.

Everyone has an opinion on who is to blame.

Is it the Met because their officers were not prepared or seemingly capable of de-escalating a situation, and instead pointed guns and shouted at two scared dogs and a man who was just trying to protect them. We all know the Met has some serious dysfunction going on in there.

Is it the officers themselves? Because they pulled the trigger. Twice.

Is it the government because they created laws based on a dog’s breed that made people fear those breeds and ignored the fact that other breeds bite and fight much more.

Is it the press, filled with stories about Bully dogs killing people and savaging kids. The press who tells us that every dog breed is in fact a bull breed when it suits them. Stories which create a woman who sees two gentle looking bully dogs and grab her own little one, to run squealing away.

Is it a society that tells us people without homes are lesser somehow, that their dogs matter less? That their lives matter less?

I think it’s all of these. And I also think it’s you and me, because we allow it to happen.

We allow our opinions to be guided, we allow ourselves to be good little people who work and pay our taxes. We allow the fearmongering, divide and conquer approach by the government and press to divide us.

We also assume. We assume that someone different from us will harm us in some way. We assume that someone hasn’t got a home because of their own behaviour, because there is something wrong with them.

We assume that bully breeds are aggressive and stay out of their way.

And we forget, or simply don’t know, that our society is built on trauma. The brain on trauma for a child doesn’t develop. It leaves the child to grow into an adult who never feels safe. It makes that adult vulnerable. They make bad choices; they are always one breath away from their own trauma response. Trauma is a simple as not feeling safe regularly. They might use drugs and alcohol to escape the feeling.

Who knows what Louie Turnbull was feeling that day, we can be pretty sure he wasn’t feeling safe and for good reason. He was attacked by seven police officers. He didn’t stand a chance.

We can be pretty sure what Marshall and Millions were feeling that day though. The dogs were terrified. Their body language screamed fear. And for good reason. And because they were bully breeds, held on the lead by a man who didn’t fit society’s view of what we should be, they were killed.

When I kissed my dogs goodnight last night, I realised I was doing exactly what Louie Turnbull was doing with his dog on the train. I was breathing them in. I love them so much. I touched them the way he touched the dogs he was caring for.

And once again, for Marshall and Millions, and for Louie and for all of us. I cried.



The last dog behaviour consult I did really upset me, purely because I wanted to help the dog more than I could – because I couldn’t bring her home.

My heart physically aches when I see a dog being marched along in a Halti, looking like they have given up.

I was a dog trainer for about 10 years, but I wasn’t really suited to it. I could do it. I just didn’t really want to.

Not everyone who advocates for dogs wants to be a dog trainer and that’s fine. Look at all the amazing dog people in the world who are simply not interested in one-to-one training and behaviour.

The writers, the masseurs, the creators, the coaches and so many more.

You can advocate for dogs in any way you like, and you will still make a huge difference. You might even make a bigger one than you would if you were doing daily training.

Don’t be scared to try something that doesn’t already exist in the World, it might be just what the world needs.

Similarly, don’t be worried about creating your own version of something that does exist, you’re unique and can bring something unique to dogs who need it.

If you get an idea, try something, try running with it. You never know what could happen.

Add the service, make the page, write the book or make the video.

Everyone started somewhere.

Everything was the twinkling of an idea once.

Home Grooming Tips | VERY Basic Pomeranian Groom 27/11/2022

I have recently had pleasure to spend a bit more time with lovely Pippa & her beautiful human mum, who happens to be a groomer : here are some tips on how to groom your Pomeranian .
If you are looking for an honest , genuine advice on grooming : ask Sacha of Le Wag ; grooming is her true passion & her knowledge of methods & products is simply inspiring .

Home Grooming Tips | VERY Basic Pomeranian Groom Hey! I am back again with another tutorial! This time we are talking all about grooming at home, specifically with your Pomeranian! There has been a high dem...

Open House London 2022 05/09/2022

Open House London 2022 Open House Festival is the capital’s largest annual festival of architecture and design, from 8 - 21 September. Tours and talks will take place in King’s Cross.


From London with love🤍

Will Young chains himself to gates of controversial puppy breeding site 18/11/2021

Will Young chains himself to gates of controversial puppy breeding site Will Young is urging people to take notice of a factory in Cambridge breeding beagle puppies for laboratory testing.

Photos from Chirag Patel's post 31/10/2021

How fabulous!


Love this place 💕💕💕




Brilliant advice ❤️

😩 One of the biggest concerns of partnerships working with me this year, especially as we emerge out from lockdown, apart from reactivity, general puppy/teenage issues and car chasing has been working to avoid Seperation Anxiety.

Seperation Anxiety can be a really tough nut to crack and requires you and your training/behaviour professional to be 100% on the same page - some things you might get away with doing half arsed but sep anx is not one of them.

⚠️ Tips for avoiding Sep Anx ⚠️

❤️ Do. Not. Let. Your. Pup. Cry. It. Out. No matter what your trainer, family, friends, postman, lollypop lady, brain surgeon, estate agent, hairdresser WHOEVER says...Those first few weeks/months are crucial to your relationship and not worth sacrificing. We actually now know that this can cause trauma and can put your dog at risk of stress related issues later in life.

❤️ I personally, where possible, try to have pups sleeping with owners in bed, that way at the first sign at stirring for a wee you can pop a lead on and stand in the garden. Failing that, have your pup in a crate and keep it at your bedside dangling your hand in for reassurance.

❤️ Never. Ever. Ever. Lock your dog in their crate without first introducing it in a positive way. Where possible take your dog to the loo with you, but unless you have an extremely confident pup that will be so obsessed by a chew they won't notice your absence or presence when you get back chew or not. Crates are so so so easy to posion by using them inappropriately - but I'll do a seperate post on that.

❤️ Do not make the mistake of accidently 'poisoning' the use of puzzle toys, chews and Kongs - so many people make the mistake of thinking just because their dog is left with a food toy they are happy. The reality is leaving a food toy down only when you leave your dog and then leaving if your dog is anxious can make the food toy a precursor to Bad Thing Is About To Happen, or dogs with milder sep Anx issues may eat the food, then get frantic when it runs out - in a similar way if you use treats to lure your dog into somewhere your dog finds unpleasant, they may eat the treats then try to leg it.

❤️ Rather, use them as everyday life enrichment so they aren't precursors to Being Tricked Into Being Left Behind, then only after a strong reward history of them being used in everyday life pop out a room whilst they are being used, or go onto the garden, some dogs you might have to take nanosteps with and just get up and walk a step away from the sofa.

❤️ If this is easy for your dog and not a big deal and your dog chooses to stay away from you despite finishing a puzzle toy, then you could start by using a baby gate and closing it for 1 second, and opening 5-10 times a day.

❤️ Gradually double the amount of time you leave your dog for, 2 seconds, 4, 8, 16, secs etc. Once your dog has mastered 2 minutes behind a baby gate try pulling the door to a couple of cm, a quarter closed, a third, half, 3/4, almost fully, fully closed using the same method.

❤️ Once you are able to leave your dog in a room for 5 minutes with the door shut, try doing it for 5min but after putting your shoes on, your coat on, picking up your keys, looking at your shoes.

❤️ Then try shutting the door then turning the key, then opening/closing the front door/locking up/sitting in the car/sitting in car engine on, running engine for 15 seconds, reversing out the driveway, pulling out the driveway, walking 30secs down the road etc. Once you have built up seconds at a time a 15minute absence you can then start to increase by a minute at a time.

❤️ If your dogs stress bucket is already full, make it much easier by allowing them to decompress first.

❤️ Do not rush. Fast is slow. Slow is fast. Slow and steady wins the race. Building up 5 minutes at a time is wayy too fast for the majority of dogs.

❤️ Invest in a camera that can be viewed on your phone (I use alexa show drop in).

❤️ If you have 2 or more dogs please train them seperately if possible. You want them to be able to chill even if the other needs a vet.

❤️ Keep 3 emergency dog sitter contacts on your phone and fridge. Stuff your freezer with Kongs with super stinky stuff inside just incase you have to go to A&E and no one can get to your dog in time. They are an EMERGENCY solution and are NOT a replacement for sep Anx prevention training. Your dog will most likely regress if this is used, but it is a damage limitation exercise.

❤️ Best of all, work with a force free behaviourist or at least a knowledgeable and experienced ff trainer.

The Good Guardian's Guide 08/06/2021

One of Our favourite Dog loving professionals🤍thank you dearest Sally Gutteridge🖤

The Good Guardian's Guide Learn how to change your dog's behaviour and build your relationship - all through meeting their natural needs.


💙🐾🤍How fabulous!

Timeline photos 27/05/2021

Dog is for life 💙 we are lucky to know humans who understand this. Our dogs are part of the family & for life .

Kiwi came to Battersea after his owners were unable to cope with the responsibility of caring for a puppy. At Battersea, he was able to receive the training and love he needed before finding a wonderful new home! 🥰

We urge owners to think carefully before getting a puppy, and if you do need to give one up then please take them to a rescue centre rather than abandoning them or selling them online. 💙


Why anyone would want to do this to anyone else is beyond me.


Adorable 💙

Eva Klinkenberg - Scientific and Medical Illustrator 26/04/2021

Especially for Frenchie Pawents 💙 Thsnk to talented & generous Eva Klinkenberg. Thank you !

Eva Klinkenberg - Scientific and Medical Illustrator Unique medical, scientific and surgical illustrations for your work, research, and studies.


Master !

Arcade Game, 2003


Guilty of kissing 💋
However I would agree with the list below. Please be your dogs safe space , Respect their boundaries, know when to back off, keep your dog happy by leading them gently .

Alway monitor children when they play , interact with your beloved companion ❤️

Tomorrow marks the start of National Dog Bite Prevention Week. I've noticed some folks are sharing the "memory" of this photo, so thought I'd repost it, and hope it's helpful.

[Edit to add: the download requires a subscription to the journal but if you PM me I can send the pdf to you. Please give me a day or so to do that.]


Because we think cats are fab too 💙


‘ Find your moment of YES ‘ of it’s such a steal phrase !

“Find your moment of YES!” By Raychel Hill at Pet Peeves Animal Behaviour & Teaching
What desirable behaviour have you noticed and reinforced in your pet/child/partner today?! 😆
(Positive reinforcement works for all species!)


Dogs, Humans, Fashion : we love this !

Harry’s made me promise he’ll still get his picture on the grid even though there’s a new kid of the block 🙊 we all know how much he loooooves our pics 😬😂👍🏼

He’s my first baby, he’s not going anywhere... whether he likes it or not ❤️ (but I think it’s inevitable that we might become a trio at some point 😜)

We thought we’d make our return in the new(ish) ‘Simply the Vest’ sweater vest which is perfect for spring walks and garden visits 😉👌🏼 AND there’s a new post on the blog that teaches you how to adapt the pattern to make this gorgeous bib version (more in stories) hope you like it ❤️ happy Sunday pals!

Photos from Love My Human's post 17/04/2021

The best place in London for all things posh for your pampered pooch 🐾🖤

Chirag Patel and the "Bucket Game" - The Other End of the Leash 16/04/2021

When Patricia McConnell talks Chirag Patel ... one simply agrees.

Chirag Patel and the "Bucket Game" - The Other End of the Leash I wrote about Chirag Patel, as a rising star in the dog training world in July of 2018 (or, a million years ago, in the Before Times), and am loving the opportunity to write about him again. What he calls “The Bucket Game” has gotten a lot of attention lately, as well it should. I’m […]

Photos from Dogstroll Doggy Daycare in SW London's post 16/04/2021

I Love Dogstroll.

The owner Mark, is one of the nicest people in dog business. He really does care about dogs & their well-being.

I recommend this place to clients who are looking for a boutique, dedicated & bespoke daycare for their canine family members .

Some of my most treasured dog clients changed to Dogstroll & I was delighted to observe a great improvement in their behaviour. Seing my beloved dogs becoming calmer & better socialised is more than any human recommendation.


Whatever you do ... do what you love 🖤

Leaver, 1992


Pumpering your pooch is in 🖤

Pampering does not have to cost the earth and you never have to feel guilty about lathering up your bits. Remember at Dug and Bitch I only make simple, natural organic products, no chemicals, no additives, no parabens.

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From London with love🤍





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