
With 35 London locations to choose from, and over 1000+ classes a week - MoreYoga is London’s most affordable yoga on your doorstep.

Dedicated to diversity and inclusivity, MoreYoga welcomes everyone to our spaces to discover the positive impact yoga will have on your life - both physically and mentally. Whether you are a beginner or have been practising yoga for years, we have classes to suit every level and flexible pricing options to suit every budget.


Ready to take your practice to the next level? Join us for our 50-hour Rocket Yoga Teacher Training Part 2 with !

💡 Our upcoming Rocket Yoga Teacher training will deepen your practice and teaching skills, show you a progressive approach to the practice and sequencing, provide a historical perspective of the asana practice, and advanced adjustments, techniques, and drills to add to your practice and teaching.

📅 17th – 22nd October
📍 MoreYoga Cannon Street
💰 £750

🚨 If you’ve completed Part 1 of our training or hold a 50-hour Rocket training certificate, we invite you to join us directly for Part 2 of our Rocket Yoga Teacher training.

Learn advanced techniques, connect with a vibrant community, and become a certified Rocket Yoga teacher. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to grow! 🧘‍♀️✨


New to Yoga? It's all about starting. Yes, the first step can be daunting, but the journey is rewarding!

🌞 Our Morning Flows are the perfect way to kick-start your day.

👣 Want to master the basics? Our Foundations Flows are designed just for that.

🌜 Craving a calming end to a hectic day? Flow to Restore is here to ease you.

👫 At MoreYoga, we are all about inclusivity, no matter where you are on your journey. 😃 It's time to embrace the practice and the incredible benefits it brings.

👉 Ready to transform your daily routine? You are welcome here 🙏


Rediscovering Your Yoga Practice 🍂

As the days get shorter and the weather cools down, it's time to embrace the new month and reconnect with your yoga practice. While summer might have taken you away from the mat, now is the perfect opportunity to rediscover the peace and benefits it offers.

Here's how to get back into your yoga groove:

✅ Book in advance: Plan your classes ahead to stay committed.

✅ Find your favourite: Stick to a consistent day and time for your practice.

✅ Make it non-negotiable: Treat your yoga time as a priority. It's not just about exercise; it's about nurturing your mind and body.

Remember the incredible benefits of yoga:
💪 Physical: Improved flexibility, strength, and balance.
🧠 Mental: Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression.
✨ Spiritual: Increased mindfulness and self-awareness.

Let's make September a month of renewal and growth on and off the mat!


You might have heard the term 'rebound' in a Yin Yoga class.

You've probably asked yourself what are they and why do we use them 🤔⁠ ⁠

A 'rebound' is what you feel after a yin pose 💆‍♀️⁠ ⁠

After stressing the connective tissue with a Yin asana for 3-10 minutes, you might feel a sense of fragility in the target area. When you come out of a Yin hold and lie on your back or side, come to child pose or sit cross-legged, you might feel pressure dispersing away. After a minute or so, the sensation changes into a sense of peacefulness 🛌🏿⁠ ⁠

So, when we give ourselves that time after each Yin posture, we allow our bodies to rearrange themselves. ⁠ ⁠ Just remember: The Power of Yin is time, not effort.

Give yourself that time in between poses to experience the benefits of the practice entirely 💇‍♂️


A journey of self-discovery and awareness 💫

Can you think of a time in class when your teacher asked you to focus on a specific sensation in your body?

It might have felt uncomfortable or even annoying, but it was through this discomfort that you truly began to understand the depths of your practice 💡

Yoga invites us to explore the hidden corners of our being and to shed light on the areas we often neglect. It's about immersing ourselves fully in the present moment, embracing both the pleasant and the challenging 🔥

Through this exploration, we can discover our true potential and a deeper sense of peace and connection 🙏

Quote by Jason Crandell.


Are you feeling overwhelmed and burnt out? 🤯

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle. But remember, self-love is essential for your well-being 🌱

No need to be constantly busy to be productive, remember taking time for yourself is just as important. That's why incorporating "me time" into your weekly schedule will make a difference in how you feel 📅

Want to prioritise self-love in your life? Here are a few tips:
💫 Set daily intentions.
💫 Practice mindfulness.
💫 Learn to say no.
💫 Take a digital detox.

Remember, you deserve "me time"! 💕

Photos from MoreYoga's post 29/08/2024

➡️ Meet The One-Legged Standing Postures ⬅️⁠
(some of them)⁠ ⁠

Standing balances can be annoying! The wobbles can make us feel out of control, like a baby giraffe learning to walk. ⁠ BUT, working on standing balances helps you build strength in your muscle and joints and makes your brain sharper! ⁠ ⁠ So next time you're getting frustrated when balancing in one leg, remember your body & mind are getting stronger 💪 ⁠ ⁠

1. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana A / Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose A⁠ ⁠
2. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B / Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose B⁠ ⁠
3. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana D / Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose D⁠ ⁠
4. Vrikshasana / Tree Pose⁠ ⁠
5. Virabhadrasana III / Warrior III⁠ ⁠
6. Ardha Chandrasana / Half Moon Pose⁠ ⁠
7. Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana / Revolved Half Moon Pose⁠ ⁠
8. Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana / Standing Splits⁠ ⁠
9. Standing Figure Four Pose⁠ ⁠
10. Garudasana / Eagle Pose⁠ ⁠
11. Natarajasana / Dancer’s Pose⁠

Which is your favourite??


Since 2016, we've been committed to offering affordable yoga classes in London 🌟

Revolutionizing the yoga scene with our warm and welcoming vibes 🧘‍♀️

Join us for as little as £1 for your first month, then £44 monthly (2 months minimum, new clients only) 🥳

Ready to establish a consistent yoga practice on without breaking the bank? ▶️ Join us at MoreYoga 🌿

Photos from MoreYoga's post 27/08/2024

🌟 Join Our 8-Week Yoga Therapy for the Mind Course! 🌟

Are you looking to manage stress, anxiety, or mild depression? Our Yoga Therapy for the Mind course is designed just for you!

This 8-week journey blends yoga, mindfulness, and therapeutic techniques to help you understand and improve your mental well-being.

▶️ What is Yoga Therapy? Yoga Therapy is a holistic approach that tailors yoga practices to individual needs, addressing both the physical and mental aspects of health. It’s a powerful tool for healing and maintaining mental wellness by integrating breathwork, movement, and mindfulness.

What You’ll Learn:
✨Techniques to manage stress, anxiety, and depression
✨ Tools to enhance concentration and emotional resilience
✨ Insights into the mind-body connection

The course covers different themes each week, enabling students to become more aware of any unhelpful mental patterns, perceptions and habits, and develop tools to manage them better. Each 2hr class broadly follows the same structure with each week building cumulatively on the learning from previous weeks. Students are given homework at the end of each class to practice daily along with reading material to support your learning.

About Veena Ugargol :
Veena is a Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist, EMDR and a Yoga Therapist for Mental Health with 10 years’ experience of treating depression and anxiety disorders within the NHS and privately.

📆Course Dates: Saturdays from 2:30pm - 4:30pm, starting 5th October
📍Location: MoreYoga Tower Bridge, London
💌 Price: £250

Limited spots are available!

Bookings close on 16th September 2024. Prior to the course, you’ll receive a client form to ensure it’s the right fit for you.

Join us for a transformative experience and take the first step towards a healthier mind and body 🍃


A dance between pushing and letting go 🌾

The Control/Push:
🔥Challenge Yourself: Yoga offers so many poses, each designed to challenge your body and mind in unique ways. Pushing yourself within your limits can lead to increased strength, flexibility, and balance.

🔥 Find Your Edge: The edge is that sweet spot where you're physically and mentally challenged but not overwhelmed. It's where growth happens.

🔥 Set Intentions: Before starting your practice, set intentions. This could be anything from increasing flexibility to finding a moment of peace. These intentions can guide your push and help you stay focused.

The Surrender/Let Go:
🍃Let Go of Expectations: Yoga isn't about achieving perfection. It's about the journey, not the destination. Let go of expectations and embrace the process.

🍃 Listen to Your Body: Your body is a wise teacher. Pay attention to its signals. If you feel pain, back off. If you feel a sense of peace, let it wash over you.

🍃 Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the key to surrendering. Focus on the present moment, the sensations in your body, and your breath.

Remember, the dance between pushing and letting go is a lifelong journey. It's about finding balance, honoring your body,and discovering the peace that lies within 💖

Quote by Joel Kramer 💫


35 Locations at your fingertips! 🖖

Did you know we have 35 locations around London? 👀

With 35 London locations to choose from and over 1000+ classes a week - MoreYoga is London’s most affordable yoga on your doorstep. Dedicated to diversity and inclusivity, MoreYoga welcomes everyone to our spaces to discover the positive impact yoga will have on your life - both physically and mentally. Whether you are a beginner or have been practising yoga for years, we have classes for every level and flexible pricing options for every budget.

We've got you! 🖤



This is something that worries lots of newbies! No, you don’t have to be flexible to start a yoga practice! The beauty is that once you start, your flexibility will increase gradually with a regular practice – improving mobility, posture, & muscle coordination ✅

One of the best things about Yoga is that anyone can practise and benefit from it—no matter how flexible they are, what size they are, what race they are, what gender they are, or what religion they practice 💖

Join us at MoreYoga 🙌



September is around the corner, and if you're wondering if you should give yoga a go, we're here to tell you YOU SHOULD!

➡️ It Helps You Cope With Stress⁠ When you practice yoga regularly, you learn techniques you can bring to your day-to-day life, increasing your stress resilience. ⁠ ⁠

➡️ Improves Your Cardiovascular Health⁠ Some styles of yoga like Vinyasa can be quite fast-paced and get your heart rate up. This is excellent for your cardiovascular health. It gets your blood pumping, your oxygen flowing and improves your stamina! ⁠ ⁠

➡️ Increases Strength, Mobility and Flexibility⁠ Who said Yoga can’t make you stronger? Because they clearly haven’t been in chair pose for more than 1 breath! The truth is yoga boosts your muscle strength and endurance while also increasing flexibility and mobility. ⁠ ⁠

➡️ It Will Make You Mentally Sharper⁠ When you first start yoga, conscious breathing, body awareness, transitioning from pose to pose, balancing on one leg or on your hands, marrying breath and movement are quite challenging. All this makes your brain sharper. ⁠ ⁠

➡️It Helps You Get In Touch With Yourself⁠ A big part of the yoga practice is to truly connect with our bodies and our minds, to bridge the gap and connect to how we feel. ⁠ ⁠

All in all, yoga goes beyond movement and poses and a regular yoga practice can have a positive effect on all aspects of your life – from physical health to mental health. It can improve your mood, your sleep and your outlook on life.⁠

Photos from MoreYoga's post 20/08/2024

Yoga teaches us the importance of treating our bodies with kindness ✨⁠ ⁠

That means not forcing our bodies into shapes that don’t feel right 🙅 ⁠ ⁠

That’s why the yoga props are so important because they can support your practice as you develop it. ⁠ ⁠

✨ Yoga Mat: One of the most important things when it comes to enjoying a good practice is the yoga mat. You want them to be grippy and moisture absorbent so you don’t slide. This is key for us; that’s why we created our yoga mat. You can use them in all our studios and purchase them from our website for your at-home practice. ⁠ ⁠

✨ Blocks: Blocks offer support for your practice. They can bring the floor closer to you when you need it, so you can find a stretch without hurting your body. ⁠ ⁠

✨ Strap: Straps are great for yoga poses that require binds or when you need support holding a leg up. ⁠ ⁠

✨ Bolster: Bolsters are mainly used in Restorative Yoga. They support our body comfortably so we can relax into poses. ⁠ ⁠

✨ Chair: Chairs are not only for chair yoga! They can be used to help us balance and help us get into restorative inversions.


🌿 Top 5 Ways To Nurture Your Mind and Body🌿

In today's fast-paced world, feeling overwhelmed and stressed is almost a given 😅

So today we bring you holistic wellness techniques to incorporate into your self-care routine:

🧘🏻‍♂️ Yoga: Beyond physical strength, yoga calms the mind, reduces stress, and improves overall well-being.

📍 Acupuncture: This ancient practice uses tiny needles to stimulate specific points on the body, promoting balance and healing.

👣 Reflexology: Applying pressure to specific points on the hands or feet can alleviate pain, improve digestion, and reduce stress.

🍃 Naturopathy: Embrace the healing power of nature with holistic treatments like herbal medicine, nutrition, and lifestyle changes.

👃 Aromatherapy: Experience the therapeutic benefits of essential oils through massage, baths, or diffusers.

Do you have any other practices that help you find balance? Let us know in the comments!

Photos from MoreYoga's post 17/08/2024

In The Neighbourhood is back in London’s Victoria Park with & we're bringing the FREE Yoga 😍

▶️ Check out our Timetable:

MoreYoga Class Schedule // Monday 19 Aug
5pm - 5:45pm - Vinyasa Flow -
6pm - 6:45pm - Mandala Flow -
7pm - 7:45pm - Power Flow -
8pm - 8:45pm - Slow Flow & Meditation -

📍E3 Stage (Please bring your own yoga mat)

🖤Class Descriptions 🖤

Vinyasa Flow:
Switch off, tune in and find your flow in this popular Vinyasa practice focused on syncing movement to breath in a flow designed to build heat, endurance, flexibility and strength. Expect different options throughout the class to suit your practice and what you need, encouraging you to listen to your body, clear your mind and reconnect to your breathing.

Mandala Flow:
In Sanskrit Mandala means “complete” or “circle”, in this class we will focus on flowing through each element, creating heat and prana throughout whole system as you move in a complete circle around your mat. This practice uses all four points of the compass and will begin and end with a soothing yin pose to balance out the body, mind and spirit. Expect to be challenged by the dynamic choreographed sequencing of Mandala Flow, to get upside down and to have a lot of fun in the process!

Power Flow:
Our fun and fiery Power Flow classes are designed to challenge you, to build strength and work up a sweat at a pace guaranteed to get your heart racing. This practice is creatively designed by our amazing instructors to share their own styles and favourite juicy flows – expect to work hard, play hard and enjoy that natural yoga high!

Slow Flow & Meditation:
This slow-paced class, inspired by the teachings of TVK Desikachar, combines slow mindful flow with traditional Hatha Yoga postures. The gentle and meditative pace of this practice allows for more precision and quality of the breath, movement and alignment. We'll end with a guided meditation to help you switch off and relax completely.


In yoga, the opposite of being active is not being passive. It’s being receptive 💡

It brings us closer to mindfulness and being present 🙏

Next time you're on the mat, focus on truly listening🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️


Photos from MoreYoga's post 15/08/2024

Looking to improve your backbends? ▶️ 🙌⁠

Prone backbends like Locust pose or Baby Cobra are some asanas that not many enjoy… Because they are HARD! 🥵 ⁠

But what you might not know is that these backbends help build strength in the back of the body and prevent lower back pain ✅ ⁠

In Rocket 2, we do prone backbends before supine backbends. Why? Because they provide a foundation & preparation for the more advanced back-bending postures 🔝⁠


Why do we take the shoes off when entering a yoga studio? 🤔 ⁠

➡️ It's a great way to symbolise the beginning of our mindful time and it's a great way to start our practice, letting go of what we’ve been carrying around all day 💆‍♂️⁠

And, it is a sign of respect for the space! 🙏 ⁠


FAQ: How Many Times A Week Should I Do Yoga? 🤔

The simple answer is as often as it works for you! ✅

Remember, setting new routines is never simple, especially when our lives are busier than ever during the summer. Therefore, we recommend sticking to quality and only practising as much as you can commit to 👍

If you’re new to yoga, as with any new movement practice, the beginnings will always be the worst 😖
Your body will ache, your muscles will be sore, and you’ll undoubtedly ask yourself why you chose to take up yoga 😅

That’s why we recommend starting slowly and building up to three times per week. This will give you enough practice to get results and a chance to rest and recover 🙌

But remember, the more you practice, the easier it gets. Your body will adapt, and you’ll be able to do more over time. Plus, once you start feeling all the mental health benefits, your motivation will go through the roof 🔝

Photos from MoreYoga's post 12/08/2024

Do you get confused with the breath in sun salutes? 🙋

Here are some tips for your Surya Namaskara A or Sun Salute A👇 ⁠ ⁠
💡 The inhale takes you up. The exhale takes you down. ⁠ ⁠

➡️ Try it his way: ⁠ ⁠
1. Inhale Urdhva Hastasana, arms reach up.⁠
2. Exhale Uttanasana, forward fold.⁠
3. Inhale Adho Uttanasana, halfway lift. ⁠
4. Exhale Chaturanga Dandasana, low plank.⁠
5. Inhale Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, upward-facing dog. ⁠
6. Exhale Adho Mukha Svanasana, downward-facing dog (stay in your downward dog for five full breaths).⁠
7. Inhale Adho Uttanasana, halfway lift ⁠
8. Exhale Uttanasana, forward fold. ⁠
9. Inhale Urdhva Hastasana, arms reach up. ⁠
10. Exhale Tadasana, mountain pose. ⁠ ⁠

✅ For beginners: Take an extra breath in your high plank before lowering to Chaturanga. And take an extra breath to step from your downward dog to the top of the mat. ⁠


Finding balance at the end of a hectic week feels amazing 🌟

If your week has been crazy, we've got you covered ✅

Our studios are open this weekend to help you find the peace of mind you're looking for 🥰

Ready to relax and recharge? Join us! 🌿✨


In a fast-paced world, we're often encouraged to do more and be more 🌎

Remember the Yin principle: not everything requires effort—some things need time 🌿

A wonderful quote by Paul Grilley 💭✨

Photos from MoreYoga's post 06/08/2024

Feeling overwhelmed? Anxiety got the best of you? is here to help!

Try Liz's sequence to calm back your mind and nourish your body 🧘‍♀️

💫 Mountain Pose (Tadasana): A grounding pose to help you come back to your body and reconnect to the earth.
💫 Tree Pose (Vrksasana): A standing balance to help refocus your mind and recentre your energy.
💫 Puppy's pose (Anahatasana): A nurturing pose to help slow down & promote rest.
💫 Seated Twists: Twists help to ease tight muscles and unravel physical & emotional tension.
💫 Reclining Bound Angle (Supta Baddha Konasana): This soothing posture promotes a sense of calm. Focus on your breathing, slowing it down and allowing your body to be completely supported by the earth below you.

These poses, along with mindful breathing, can work wonders for your mental well-being 🙏

Ready to give it a try? Join us for a Yin yoga class and experience the difference 🥰


Meditation, It's Not Always Easy, But It's Always Worth It 🧘‍♀️

Let's be honest, meditation can be tough! Even experienced meditators have days when their minds race. But remember, progress, not perfection, is key 🤗

Here are some tips to help you build a consistent meditation practice:

▶️ Start small: Even a few minutes of daily meditation can make a difference.

▶️ Be kind to yourself: Don't get discouraged by wandering thoughts. Just gently bring your attention back to your breath.

▶️ Make it a habit: Treat meditation like brushing your teeth – a non-negotiable part of your routine.

▶️ Explore guided meditations: Our Wellness TV platform offers a variety of guided meditations to help you focus.

Remember, every meditation session is a step towards mindfulness 🧘


Making Yoga a Habit: Your Guide to a Consistent Practice 🧘‍♀️

Creating a lasting yoga habit can be a journey, but it's worth it! Let's break down how to make yoga a regular part of your life:

1️⃣Find Your Why: Discover your motivation for practicing. It could be stress relief, flexibility, or a calm sense.
2️⃣Listen to Your Body: Yoga is personal. Let your practice evolve with your needs.
3️⃣Consistency is Key: Even a short daily practice is better than a long, infrequent one.
4️⃣Embrace Discomfort: Yoga can challenge you, but growth happens outside of your comfort zone.
5️⃣Take It Off the Mat: Incorporate yoga principles into your daily life for a holistic experience.

Ready to start your yoga journey? Lock in our best price: £1 First Month, then £39 a month (offer ending soon)! 😍


August: Your Chance to Recharge and Refine 🧘‍♀️

August is often seen as a quieter month in yoga studios and gyms, but we see it as the perfect opportunity to step back, recharge, and re-focus 🙏

At MoreYoga, we believe this is the ideal time to deepen your practice. Enjoy a more spacious studio, more attention from our teachers, and a chance to establish a consistent routine 💯

Let's make August a month of self-care and transformation. Join us for classes that will nourish your body and mind 🥰


A little reminder that **this moment** is all we can control ✨


Every pose looks different on everyone-and that's perfectly okay! 🌟

Your body is unique, and so is your practice. Instead of focusing on how your neighbour looks, bring your attention inward. Listen to your body, honour its limits, and celebrate its strengths 💪

Remember, yoga is not about achieving the perfect pose but the journey and connection with yourself🌿

Embrace where you are today and trust that your practice is perfect just as it is 🙏💚

Photos from MoreYoga's post 25/07/2024

Inversions make you feel like you’re on top of the world, but… THEY ARE SO HARD 🥵

But it is not getting there that matters. It’s all about the journey 🏔

Whether you want to get upside down or not, these alternatives will help you build strength in your upper body and hopefully cure some of the “inversion fear”! ▶️

🔝 So, the big question is: what do you struggle with the most when it comes to inversions? ⬇️⬇️



SOHO BRANCH, Marshall Street Leisure Centre, 15 Marshall St, Soho

Opening Hours

Monday 06:30 - 21:00
Tuesday 06:30 - 21:00
Wednesday 06:30 - 21:00
Thursday 06:30 - 21:00
Friday 06:30 - 21:00
Saturday 07:00 - 20:00
Sunday 07:00 - 20:00