Lucy's wellness, London Videos

Videos by Lucy's wellness in London. Here for the people who are longing to reconnect to their body after years of fighting against it

All we have is this moment.
Let go of all that has been, all that is yet to come
And arrive here.

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All we have is this moment. Let go of all that has been, all that is yet to come And arrive here. 🌸🦋🌿

One part of over coming comparison is to finally acknowledge that everything you see in other people, everything you wish you could be, is already within you.

My therapist told me I need to put myself first after a couple of years of worrying about loved ones health and pouring all of my energy into, essentially worrying about them (without realising). So join me for this five day journey and I’ll be sharing what I’ve learnt along the way 🫶🏻

When u was 20 I honestly thought that I’d never be free from hating myself. I also never thought I’d get to a point where bread was just bread. A lot of my recovery came down to finding the belief that my body was not something that needed to be fixed, constantly altered or decorated and understanding that there was freedom beyond my self hate. There is freedom in trusting myself and my body There is freedom in eating and nourishing myself. There is freedom beyond the rules you’ve set. Lean into it, just to see 🫶🏻

New year can come with so many expectations In a season where everyone is talking about how you can better yourself, how to plan and schedule, how to be a new you. Just know that it’s okay to meet yourself here in slowness, in softness and just be.

There will always be days where my body feels separate from me. When old thought patterns crawl out from the dark even after years of recovery and work. What I’ve found, is that on the days when my body feels alien, when I notice that I’m not feeling ‘good enough’ or ‘pretty enough’ That’s when I create even more space for myself, I hold myself, I allow her to exist without attachment to the thoughts. Because thoughts come and go due to a whole range of factors But that has no relation to my image My body can exist And I can create love for her.

Life can be overwhelming and hard and difficult I sometimes find it helpful to gently remind myself of all the things that I’ve overcome. To actually acknowledge my growth so far and know that even on the awful days I am strong whilst still growing. I think that allowing yourself the space to dwell in sadness, anger, heaviness for a little while is crucial to finding yourself again. And that those hard moments will happen over and over again, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t expanded 🌿

Sometimes I feel ugly but I remember 🫶🏻

Your fear may feel big But your heart is bigger And this version Is the version you needed all along

Good morning angels! Here’s this weeks mini yoga flow 🥰 Big focus on opening the hips and getting rid of any stagnant energy that you might be holding in and around the hips. If you’re looking for a release then this is for you 💕 Offer of 1-1 yoga is available, if you’re interested let me know . . . . #yoga #yogateacher #yogapractice #londonyoga #yogaathome #flowwithme #wellness #health #bodyimage #coach #bodyimagecoach #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #mindfulness #meditation

Start your day off with a super quick energising yoga flow! Lots of twists to wake up the organs and both sides of the body. Allow yourself to feel aligned and ready for the day 💕 . . . . #yoga #yogaflow #flowwithme #yogapractice #yogaathome #yogateacher #health #fitness #mindfullness #wellness #wellbeing #selfacceptance #recoveryjourney #selfcare #londonyoga #london

Exciting things happening over here... Stay tuned! ✨

Lucy’s yoga
A mini yoga flow for if you’re feeling a little stuck and stagnant 💕 Apologies about the quality ☺️

Alright team, It’s time to be kinder to ourselves. here's your reminder: You are a perfect version of you. A beauty and a strength that belongs to you and only you. There's no need to change or aim for a 'better version' of yourself because you already are that version. I know it's hard, but tell yourself, even if you only believe it for that moment, you are incredible just the way you are. Allow yourself kindness and allow yourself compassion. Whatever demons you face, you deserve to love yourself 💕

Slaying those insecurities one post at a time 👏🏻