Caroline Lucas, London Videos

Videos by Caroline Lucas in London. MP for Brighton Pavilion and former co-leader of the Green party

I'm beyond furious. I just asked the Minister *12* questions in my Urgent Question about the Govt's commitments at #COP28. I didn't get *a single* answer. She spoke for just 49 seconds, and all she could confirm was:

1) the Sec of State has gone to COP.
2) there is a Department for Energy Security & Net Zero.
3) her grand-daughter cares about the planet.

How can we do our jobs as MPs, holding the Govt to account, when they abuse Parliamentary procedures like this?

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Other Caroline Lucas videos

I'm beyond furious. I just asked the Minister *12* questions in my Urgent Question about the Govt's commitments at #COP28. I didn't get *a single* answer. She spoke for just 49 seconds, and all she could confirm was: 1) the Sec of State has gone to COP. 2) there is a Department for Energy Security & Net Zero. 3) her grand-daughter cares about the planet. How can we do our jobs as MPs, holding the Govt to account, when they abuse Parliamentary procedures like this?

My reaction to this smug and short-term #AutumnStatement, from a Chancellor seemingly on a different planet to rest of us. The cost of living crisis continues, we still have the highest inflation in the G7, and people are still living in cold and damp homes. This was such a missed opportunity to invest in public services slashed by 13 years of Tory austerity cuts. We need a #GeneralElectionNow.

In just 12 short months in the job, Rishi Sunak has tried his best to torch the UK’s climate agenda, and drag us into a dangerous culture war. The #KingsSpeech happening today is a crucial opportunity to put that right - so have here are 5 Bills that Rishi Sunak *should* be announcing: - a Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill - a proper Renters Reform Bill - a Fossil Fuel Phaseout Bill - a Green New Deal Bill - an English Right to Roam Bill These could all help reduce the cost of living, tackle the climate emergency, transform our economy & help mend our broken relationship with nature. Our country - and planet - can’t wait.

One year ago today, Rishi Sunak was appointed our new Prime Minister. And over the past 12 months, he has willingly taken a wrecking ball to our climate. It doesn’t have to be this way. But our country - and our planet - can’t afford another year like this one. Rishi Sunak – it’s time to end the climate destruction, step up the climate action, and call a general election now.

The #RentersReformBill is unforgivably late - but I'm glad it's here. Tenants face huge energy bills, cold & damp homes, soaring rents and limited rights. But this Bill needs more ambition - renters in #brighton & #hove are still being ripped off on a daily basis with sky-high rental cost. Since 2011, renters here paid £530 million more to landlords than if housing costs had matched wages. We need a national system of rent controls with local flexibility, and a ban on no fault evictions *now*. My speech in the House of Commons yesterday 👇

Rishi Sunak's statement on #NetZero feels like a punch in the stomach. He's lied to the public. He's dodging scrutiny. He's trashing our children's futures. Enough is enough. He's not fit to govern. He simply has to go.

The Climate Change Committee has released a report today on the Government’s progress towards net zero - and it’s utterly damning. When we’re in an urgent race against time to tackle the climate emergency, with the PM himself warning we're at one minute to midnight, his own Government is dawdling in the slow lane. Boris Johnson might claim to be world-beating, but on emissions reduction, he's climate-cheating: you can’t con your way out of a climate emergency. We know what needs to be done – a street-by-street home insulation programme, restoring our natural carbon sinks, and keeping fossil fuels in the ground - why won't this Government just get on and do it! Here's a clip of me talking to Sky News this morning:

You need to watch this. A Government Minister refuses to answer my question on why flights are cheap, and trains are so expensive. Yet I’m shushed by the patronising Tory Committee Chair, when I dare to do my job holding the Government to account. We need answers, not more obfuscation from Tory boys 💪

I moved on to the City and the Bank of England to protest about banks' continued funding of the fossil fuel developments which are driving the climate emergency Here's my speech there @ExtinctionR xrebellionuk

I had the opportunity to speak in a debate on building safety in the Commons last night. I spoke about the way people living in blocks below 18 metres in height have been left to pick up the cost of remediating building defects themselves, the cost of "waking watches" and the lack of support for leaseholders whose buildings have fire safety issues which aren't linked to cladding Here's part of my speech

Why we need global vaccine equity
I spoke at an online rally last night, one year on from the WHO declaring a pandemic, to demand vaccines freely available to everyone, everywhere.

Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill
Last night I opened a parliamentary debate on the Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill, calling on the Goverment to respond much faster to the climate crisis. The current 2008 Climate Act is hopelessly out of date and needs to be strengthened and the year when the UK will host a critical UN climate summit is the year to do it. Here's part of my speech on the #CEEBill

Covid debate in Parliament
Yesterday, MPs debated the Government's handling of Covid. This was my opinion of its record.

Green Party fundraiser video