That's Her Business

Beautiful branding, imagery and web design for female business owners. Girls supporting girls doing what they love, from wherever they please.

Bring It 2020 Silver Award Winner




I love my job as a web designer. Love love looooooove. Ok sure, there are bad days. Chasing payments? Ugh. It’s definitely not all rainbows and sunshine….. But for the most part, the web designer life is for me.

As a freelance web designer, you can be creative and solve real problems while having a flexible lifestyle. I also get to collaborate with a mega team of freelance creatives on projects that actually make a difference in the world, which is a huge plus for me.

In this blog, I’m talking about 5 reasons I love my web designer role. And if you’re thinking about working with a web designer or becoming a web designer, I’ve added some tips for you at the bottom.


The making of a mini website - That's Her Business 10/05/2024

The making of a mini-website: Behind the scenes of our latest website launch ⬇️

The making of a mini website - That's Her Business Go behind the scenes with us to find out how we created Marie's mini website and how the whole website design process works.

Photos from Killer Copy's post 29/04/2024

Couldn't be more proud of these ladies... and honoured to be a part of the celebrating! 🥹🥰

Photos from That's Her Business's post 14/02/2024

You’re reading my first post since *checks notes* March 2023

I’ve spent most of my day tryna post for the first time in 11 months 🙃 and I realised I find posting on the grid So. Fkin. Hard. Approx 307635x harder than you’re supposed to. Hence the notes situ I’ve got going on rn.

If I’m being honest, it’s one of the reasons we focus what little marketing time we have on SEO. Hats off to anyone posting regularly without a social media manager 😵‍💫

Anyway, why have I been battling a crashing Adobe Illustrator to feed my long dead grid you ask?

Because the people wanted to be able share a post about our new banger of a service with their pals and I’m nothing if not here to please. (Also because it seems like the sensible thing to do to reach our goal of 20 people in for February but the first one shows off our in-demand-ness better 😎)

We’ve launched SEOyourself to help you DIY your own SEO - yes, even as a complete beginner.

It’s a tenner a month [absolute bargain] and we’ll help you improve your site to make it more user-and-search-engine-friendly.

You get……

📩  2 emails a month

🍎  Easy to digest updates on what the boffs in charge of the search engines are up to

👭  We’ll tell you exactly what those updates mean for you and what you should do next (think TL;DR)

✨  Fresh content inspo for service and product based biz

☑️  Easy to complete weekly/monthly to-do lists to boost your SEO

🗣️  Submit questions for us to answer in the next issue

❤️‍🔥  Welcome sequence walking you through setting up for SEO success

PLUS you’ll have access to our SEO audit tool to get personalised recommendations for your website

^^^ this one is massive. We’re waiting patiently for our first subs to get access to this tool today. See some of the feedback we’ve had so far on this post.

I mean, be still my beating ego.

AND last thing before I retreat back to stories and forget this whole thing ever happened….

The first month is free if you sign-up before the end of Feb.

[Insert cancel anytime you damn well like stuff here]

More info and FAQs are you know where 🔗

Photos from Cassandra Lane Photography's post 02/10/2023
Photos from Killer Copy's post 25/09/2023
Photos from That's Her Business's post 28/03/2023

What a week! 🥹 Bloody honoured to watch my best pal get married in the maddest of cities.

Huge shoutout to my collective of fabulous freelancers and sidekick Jack for keeping running while I partied it up with a bunch of old school friends in Sin City. Jack really got the raw end of the deal looking after the business AND the dog 🤣

The jet lag is lagging haaaaard 🥱 but I’m officially back at work this aft so I’ll be getting back to all emails and enquiries…. just warming up with a few brews because I was still awake at 5am 🙃🙃

March has been a busy one for us (remind me not to book holidays in March lol) so there’s a bunch of exciting branding and web design projects on their way.

We’re currently booking projects starting mid-May onwards so if you fancy launching your snazzeh brand before summer, give us a shout ❤️

Now if you could kindly share your best tips for getting over jet lag that would be grand x

Photos from That's Her Business's post 07/02/2023

Dream project alert for 🥹🔔

Marie holds a safe space to start talking about s*x. To communicate your desires. To explore what feels good for you. And most of all, to take back control and feel truly ALIVE again.

How could we not jump at the chance to work on this project?!

Marie also tells the story of Lilith. The FIRST wife of Adam in the bible. If you haven’t heard of Lilith, we highly recommend heading over to to learn all about her 😈

Swipe to see the results ➡️

Project lead and web design: Yours truly
Branding design:
Personal branding photography:
Copywriting: .copy

I’ve got a few slots left to audit your entire website and find out what’s clicking, what’s not and ultimately make some 🔥 improvements this month. Link in bio to book now 🔗

Photos from That's Her Business's post 03/02/2023

PSA: This carousel took me far too long to put together because I was totally engrossed in the silent episode of grey's and I'm not mad about it but if you could read and maybe give a little bit of love then just maybe the time will not have been wasted thank youuuuu that is all 💖

We're all guilty of talking a bit too much about what we had for lunch, and not mentioning how we can actually help people often enough.

I know I am anyway (yesterday’s meal deal stories can vouch for that 😂)!

So here's how you can soup up your website like it's Carrie Underwood's ex boyfriend's four-wheel drive in 2023...

Sliiiide in the DMs for all the deets or hit the link in bio 🔗

Photos from That's Her Business's post 13/01/2023

Phew, I did it. I posted. Give me a little wave (👋) in the comments to let me know you're still with us please? 😂😂😂

I'll try not to ramble on too much here - I think I always have nothing to say at all or too much to even begin to fathom how to fit in a post?! Anyway, I took a short break (I'm not sure why? MH probs?) and then life happened.

A two week break turned into a summer long break, then we were selling the house, buying a bus, I got the manky flu that's been going around, then Christmas and well you know how it goes 🤷🏻‍♀️

But I am back to serve up the messy daily life of a business owner in one format or another (stories is def the best place to find me for now but I do have some reels in the works!)

Things have changed a little around here and I'll update more as it comes to me but here are the main headlines....

➡️ We officially welcomed .copy to the ranks as our copywriter - meaning you can now get engaging af copy as part of your branding and web design project. YES!

➡️ In home life, we bought a bus (LOL) and sometime around spring we intend to leave Manchester and work from the road, starting with the UK and then possibly onto Europe.

There's so much to say about this huge life decision but for now I'm working on a mini bus tour to show you next week 🚐

Here's a little reintroduction of the best collective that ever collected!!! We've missed you ❤️


3 years ago, I had a dream...

To leave my corporate job, to work from home, and to do what I love.

Pretty cliche, right? 👀

But somewhere along the way, I got lost in all that.

I made business way harder than it needed to be. I got frustrated with the online world. And I felt like I had to sell all these services and think of something new every other week. 🙃

I'm not going to be able to tell you how to make £10k months, how to gain 1,000,000 followers, or any of that s**t (sorry).

All I can say is, I hope you're doing what you love and making time for the things that matter.

The money will come. The impact will come. But what's most important is staying true to yourself and not losing sight of what you wanted in the first place... Freedom and enjoyment, RIGHT NOW. (Not when you've reached that next goal or busted your ass off for years).

I don't really know where I'm going with this but I'm just feeling really content with the work I'm currently doing and the huge white space in my diary every day. (And yes, I still have a comfortable income.)

I know there's a lot of different messaging in the online space that can be super overwhelming if your top motivation isn't "SHOW ME THE $$$".

But this is your reminder to just do your thing. Mute socials if you want to. Strip it all back. Do the things you love in work and life. And be happy. ❤️

(Coming from the gal who officially writes books for a living 😍)

Photos from That's Her Business's post 27/07/2022

Swipe if your website is a 4/10 ➡️




Congratulations to That's Her Business - what a way to start the weekend!! We'll be in contact via direct message shortly!

Thank you for everyone who entered and a huge thank you to the guys at Synetiq BMW!


📢 I’m taking some time off

Next week I’ll be watching RHCP 🌶 at old trafford and then hopping straight in the car and driving us to glastoooo. In prep for the week we’ve waited SO long for, this one was set to be huge (massive understatement 🫠🫠)

I carefully planned client projects around the break, which basically meant cramming as much work into this week as possible. I’m onboarding new clients and there are past clients getting in touch for new things (my heart 🥹❤️). I also reaaaally wanted to get a digital shop launched and I’m overhauling my socials with ’s content charm (HIGHLY recommend) ✨

Not forgetting everything that has to be done to prepare myself for a week of drinking in a field….. something I’m already convinced I no longer have the energy for 😬

But unfortunately, we all know timing is a sloppy arse hole, and covid finally got me. I’ve been in bed for 3 days (seriously who said this thing was just like a cold??????)

I’ve cancelled all of my meetings and plans and I’m taking some time off. I guess this message is a bit late but I’ve decided to take a full two weeks from Weds 15th and I’m aiming to be back Weds 29th / Thurs 30th.

I have no shop to launch and no social content ready to share and what relief I feel. I was bloody stressed about this week and would you look at that? It’s Friday, I’ve done sweet FA, everything is OK and I’m on the mend…. unless you count rewatching desperate housewives as a thing. In that case, I’ve done many many things 🥲🥲

I’m going to get back to emails and messages this evening and then that’s me until I return from the farm. Hopefully rebirthed into a musical goddess but realistically just a stinkier and even more shattered version of me.

Best believe I’ll be back ready to glow up your websites and remind you to be whoever the f*ck you want to be in July 😎😎

See you on the other side 😋


Photos from That's Her Business's post 20/05/2022

Chuffed and suuuuper excited to see our limited Website Glow Up slots getting booked up! If you haven't booked yours yet, click the link in my bio to bag your slot ✨

The shoots are being held at Pollard Yard (our Manchester HQ) on the 31st May - let me know if you're coming!

p.s. I do have one website audit onlyyy slot left if you want to find out how to improve your website but can’t make it on the day for headshots. DM me to book that one 💌

Photos from That's Her Business's post 12/04/2022


it’s time to get to know us again so here’s a little bit about who we are and what we do 🥰

say hiiiii in the comments 👋🏼

head over to stories if you want to get to know us a little better ❤️

📸 + 🥰


I stumbled across this quote on Pinterest (okay, I was searching for branding quotes 😂) and I am here for it.

✨ everything you are, say, and do represents your brand ✨

Remember the teachers who lectured you on how "everything you do in uniform represents the school" or in other words "be a boring well behaved robot at all times and never have any fun or else"? 🤖🤖🤖

Yeah, that's not why love Molly's words. Quite the opposite actually! 😋

It's true. Everything you do represents your brand. The swears you let slip (or shout proudly 😉). Having a moan about your partner leaving their wet towel on your side of the bed AGAIN. The music you could dance all night to and often do.....

So, if this is the case, and you're so full of personality in day to day life, AND your clients love it might I add. Why are you trying so hard to be *professional* on your website and Insta?

Be yourself. Use copy that sounds like something you'd actually say. Ditch the stock images and use photos of your real-life face in clothes you love.

Tell boho aesthetic templates to bore off and let your personality shiiiiine through in everything you do ☀️☀️

Being yourself = credible and unique brand that you love 🥰

Photos from That's Her Business's post 24/03/2022

Chuffed and suuuuper excited to see our limited Website Glow Up slots getting booked up! If you haven't booked yours yet, click the link in my bio to bag your slot ✨

The shoots are being held at Pollard Yard (our Manchester HQ) on the 5th April - let me know if you're coming!


This one's a repost... an oldie but a goldie and includes the word arse a few too many times 😂

Here is your *almost* mid-week reminder that you really do get out what you put in ✨

This ISN'T a hustle til you die post. Bleh. I do not hold the view that you should always be giving your 110% to every task. I hope we all know by now that we need lots of rest and that sometimes it's absolutely okay to half-arse a task or two. In fact, I recommend it. I'm not putting any effort into doing my washing later.

But if there's something you really want to get right - to full-arse (is that a thing?) - the prep work is the best place to spend your energy.

👉 Especially if that full-arsed thing is your branding

The more effort you put into the prep, the better results you'll get. To fail to prepare..... you know how it goes. Branding prep work covers your dream clients, your purpose, values, personality, voice + more......

Why? 👇

Your branding designer wants to get behind your eyes and see how you see your business and how you work with your clients, so we can better understand you and your brand to can create the perfect logo and visuals. Give us the juicy deets we crave!

It's not just us though, this probably goes for just about anything you're working on right now too, it's all in the prep! Getting they whos, whats, whys, wheres and whens down is key 🗝

If you want to get the prep work right for your branding, download my free Brand Clarity Guide at the link in bio under 'FREE stuff' 😘

Photos from That's Her Business's post 17/03/2022

If your website is feeling a bit ‘off’ but you don’t know where to start... we’ve got something for you ⬇️

✨ Your Website Glow Up ✨

Visit THB HQ and walk away with 5+ profesh af personal branding shots and a list of exactly what you need to do to get your website where you want it to be 😍

What's included?

💻 Mini Website Audit - I will look over your website and provide a list of easy to action steps to improve the design and usability + voice notes walking you through it all. You’ll also gain access to the SEO Workbook to begin your journey into optimising your website.

📸 Mini Headshot Shoot - You’ll spend 15 minutes on shoot with at Pollard Yard. Afterwards, you’ll choose your 5 fav shots to use to freshen up your website and ‘gram til your heart‘s content Plus, if you find it too hard to choose, you’ll have opportunity to bag the full lot!

Since the start of the year, we’ve been hearing from people who feel their website isn’t quite ‘there yet' but a full redesign isn‘t what’s needed. Maybe you launched over a year ago, and things have fizzled a bit. Or, you’ve DIYed to a point, and you need an expert eye to help you figure out what’s not clicking.

A Website Glow Up Audit and Headshot Shoot will take you from ‘a bit meh’ to ‘ohh yeaaaah’ in 15 minutes...

✨ You’ll know the exact steps to quickly transform your website and engage your dream clients with better design and colourful headshots to boot! ✨

Limited Website Glow Up slots are now available for 5th April in MCR! Click the link in bio to book your slot 🔗


tell me, is this you?

➡️ you’re not 100% confident with where your website is at right now but it’s *almost there*

➡️ you launched your website over a year ago and you feel like it needs a bit of a spring clean

➡️ you want some funky fresh profesh images for your website / socials

❌ but you don’t feel like you need a full rebrand or redesign (or maybe just not yet)

well it ain’t it your lucky week because and I have something special coming for you tomorrow 🥰❤️

if this is you, what’s the one thing you want to change on your website right now?

Photos from That's Her Business's post 09/03/2022

If you're not getting much traffic then your website probably isn't your problem.

💡 Why? Because the journey to ending up on your website starts long before they land on your homepage.

Ok, you could focus on your SEO and try to drive organic traffic that way but what about your socials and other marketing? Are they doing enough to send people clickety clicking your way???? 🤔

Probably not.

So, now what?

✨ Focus on WHO you're talking to before you set about redesigning your website ✨

Start on Instagram. Actually talk to your dream clients and make your content more about them than you. Find out what they want/need from you. Bonus points if you get yourself in front of them long before they even need your products or services.

People buy from people. People are more likely to buy from people they know and love. ❤️

Have you thought about it this way around before?

Photos from Cassandra Lane Photography's post 08/03/2022

So proud to work with these incredible women ❤️

Photos from That's Her Business's post 07/03/2022

shoutout to my ex clients 😝

are you actively putting people off???


You've probs heard "done is better than perfect" - but what does that really mean??? Well...

DONE + VISIBLE will always be better than "ALMOST PERFECT" + UNPUBLISHED

👆 read that again

I've been channelling this motto in 2022! But, I've been unsure whether or not to talk about it publicly. I obvs don't want anyone to think we do slap-up brands and chalk it up to 'nothing is perfect' (we don't do this) 😂

But the thing is, it's too easy to think our website, portfolio or even Insta post is ✨ almost perfect ✨ and we might as well wait until it's 'fully perfect' until we put it out into the world. But we will never get there. Perfect doesn't exist ❌

You will always be able to make improvements, but the sooner you get your work out into the world, the more time people have to fall in love with your offering!

Hiring a branding or web designer is about more than just getting the job done. It's about accountability too 🤝

My client WhatsApps are full of voice notes about the importance of visibility over perfection... and reminders that websites are not permanent!

In fact, continuing to update and change your website is a GOOD thing 😎

So, If you're a perfection procrastinator, we've got you! Check our Brimful ☕️ highlight to learn more about working with our collective.

…..and yes I absolutely wrote this note out 5 times before I decided to take my own advice and just post 🙃🙃

Inspired by my current fav book F**k Being Humble

Photos from That's Her Business's post 22/02/2022

If you've been attracting low budget, pain in the arse, cross your boundary type clients..... this is for you ❤️

Slides read:

Are you in love with your clients?

Are you a painter and decorator with a love of colour, but your clients only seem to want 50 shades of grey? Or perhaps you’re a children’s therapist, and you’re getting enquires about marriage counselling? Or maybe it’s not about your speciality at all and you’re attracting people who have no respect for your boundaries... and you’re sick of the Monday ‘meh’s

If you aren’t in love with your clients, it might be time to break up with your branding

So, if you want to find clients you love, and who love you too... How do you do it?

1. Know what you want
And more importantly, who you want. To work with clients you love, you have to figure out who falls into that group, and who doesn’t. Look at your current client list... Who’s emails make your heart sing, and who’s phone calls make you want to pretend to be busy? 😬

2. Position yourself
Repositioning changes what your clients associate with you. The colour palette, visuals and language you use tells clients what it’s like to work with you (e.g. bold colours and playful illustrations are friendly and positive). Use your personality to stand out!

3. Fix the first impression
You don’t always have to go for a full rebrand. Update your website homepage or social media profiles so that when people land there, they get the right first impression of you. If you’re creative, show them! Don’t forget to mention exactly who you work with.

We’ve opened THREE Brimful of Branding™ slots to work with us! Check our Brimful ☕ highlight to find out more 🥰

Photos from Joyful Creative's post 21/02/2022

"I'm not a people person"
- me pre-self-employment circa 2017

I am introverted to the bone 💀 and I have to recharge after I spent time with anyone except my dog. But, because it's the day of looooooove 💗 I want to share with you why I love what I do and surprise surprise.... it's actually the people.

The people I love collaborating with. The people I love to see succeed. The people who cheer me on no matter what.

I love working for myself because it means I get to choose my people. Cheers to you lovely lot. Love ya pals 💗

P.S. If you want to be a part of this mushy love fest we call a collective, I'm going to be releasing some dates to work together on your branding and website on stories today 👀

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Videos (show all)

We took over IPSE - The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed's Insta account yesterday and now...




Unit 37, Pollard Yard, 15 Pollard Street East

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 5pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm

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