RYZE Fitness & Personal Training

RYZE Fitness & Personal Training

Certified freelance Personal Trainer based in the margate and Kent area.


Here’s some real truths about fasting to help you on your way towards your goals.
Forget what the mainstream media says they are designed to keep you in the loop so you keep falling for the same old tricks so they can sell you there “ Get Fit fast programs”


Set a goal and go after it.
It doesn't have to be life changing just little steps to change your life, see having smaller goals allows you to be proud of each single element of progression, instead of aiming for this huge jump that will take you weeks maybe even months to accomplish that may ultimately burn you out due to the lack of reaching your goal.

Focus on smaller breakdowns of that overall target and aim to reach those smaller steps instead.

Let your brain thrive off the little improvements as the end of the day an accomplishment is still an accomplishment.

Photos from RYZE Fitness & Personal Training's post 09/10/2023

Saturday was a great day to test my fitness two games back to back in 23°c heat

First was Ashford HC 2s Vs Canterbury 5s
Tough match notes I took from the game was need to believe more in myself.
Found a few times in the game I tried to play too safe instead of making a impact in the game. (Photos 1-3)

Second game was 4s Vs marden 3s
I stepped up my confidence got really stuck in the game but should have taken the shot instead of looking for the pass as was able to beat the oppositions defense a few times.
(Photos 4-5)

Notes for the week believe in your abilities and skills and to not focus on mistakes but to learn from them and make sure the next game is better.


Pressure is essentially in the mind of the beholder, ultimately it is the interpretation an athlete has of their situation see the mind plays tricks on us out of fear or embassament in stressful situation so then the athletes normal response goes into cruise control or full shut down in a competition or a matchday.
pressure is basically all in your head, your mind creates anxiety when under stress, learn to view pressure as an opportunity to challenge yourself and overcome it using both your physical and mental skills.

All the above is why preparation is key to overcoming this pressure, preparation prepares the mind to stay focused and to embrace the moment and show them what youve got.

Here's my top 5 tips to overcoming pressure and to prepare yourself.

• Embrace the moment

• Breathe (put some music on pre comp/match to help you breathe

• Focus on your game (don't over think remember what youve practiced)

• Visualise/self positive talk (remember you belong and that you love what you do)

• Stay confident and focus on only what you can control. ( you can't control everything but you can control how you respond)

Remember you do this as you love what you do, not every competition or match will be perfect don't aim for perfection aim to put in 110% on the feild.



It's a common misconception that we don't have enough time to make our dreams happen.

We seem to believe we don't have enough time to focus on ourselves but yet will still look in the mirror and say I wish I could look better in my outfit and even some people compromise our outfit to make us feel better about ourselves to what we know is being masked.

I used to wear this mask to my body shape as I was too skinny and even used to wear hoodies on hot days just to pad myself up, but time is only the enemy if you make it.

The average workout is between 30- 45 mins that's only 4% of your day to make the changes you desire so badly. This can be done in the gym before work or even before you get home after work this would not only allow you to wind down and spend some time to self focus but also not going home prior to the gym will decrease the chances for your mind to take over and create excuses that ultimately lead to you not following your plan.

To succeed you need to stay committed, focused and willing to even work through the days when you really can't be asked for self improvement to truly test us to say
"No I'm going even if I'm not feeling it, I'm going to turn. Up and make it happen!!"

Learn to enjoy these up and down moments as overtime it will get easier as you see the results in the mirror staring back at you, while your Inner self cheering away at every milestone reached.

If you need any support or help with time management feel free to pop me a message on Instagram or Facebook.
I'm always happy to give advice and guidance as needed.

Thank you for spending the time to read this hope this helps.


Why do you workout? What's the spark you to get up and get in shape?

Mine is my son oscar, at 29 years old I'm starting to feel the effects of my age but that's not my sign to stop as it's "harder", it's actually my sign that I needed to push myself a bit further.

I'll be the first to admit the last few weeks I've neglected my training, no excuses no reason should have stopped me except life just giving me a kick in the crown jewels, but now I've realised, now it's my time to get back up again not for me but my son, see he needs his dad to keep up with him whether that's playing football or hockey or daily activities and help him grow and develop and to protect him.

So I have a plan to really push myself once more to continue to be that active dad that my son loves.

As a personal trainer I get how we can all seem intimidating and like we are going to drill sergeant you through each exercise, but myself for one understands that life can get in the way and that sometimes we need a plan that week can stick to that works around your life.

I understand the morning thoughts before a session when you feel sluggish and feel like I can really be asked, but that's where I step into encouraging you to just push through this session and I promise after your be glad the session is finished but ultimately proud of yourself for pushing through.

Even before stepping into a session you can suffer with anxiety worrying about others, but with that I'd guide you through and make you feel comfortable and ready to smash your session.

It's you Vs you the end of the day but with a little help from a personal trainer you can make it YOU PROUD OF YOU.


I think we can all agree Burpees are the worst. But they aren't for everyone especially anyone with a limited range of motion in the hip joint or with different back problems.

I have to admit I love Burpees but I know most people would take a hard pass so I have a few alternatives to the dreaded Burpees.

• Plank or plank jacks.
• Squats or squat jumps.
• Squat thrusters.
• Hand release push-ups.
• Sprawls.
• Jumping jacks
• Kettlebell swings.
• Caterpillar walk and plank jack.

But why do we encourage burpees?
Because burpees double as cardio and strength training, the exercise is a go to choice for anyone who wants to burn calories and fat. In just one minute, you might be able to burn upwards of 15 calories. Over time, this will mean helping you lose fat. The burpee provides practically a full body workout.

so will you be adding Burpees to your workout plans? Or maybe your take a hard pass and add in an alternative?


There are many barriers that can affect an athlete, these can normally be one of two types from mental or physical barriers or as say mindset and preparation barriers.

When it comes to a mindset barrier this is a factor that is most common in all levels and experience. Typically though, athletes encounter mindset barriers to their performance and suffer with anxiety during matches, this lack of confidence in their own ability can result in mistakes being made due to the nerves or even making rash decisions in a attempt to prove to themselves that they are a "good player", this have positive impact if the attempt was successful but also can have a downward spiral if unsuccessful.

When it comes to performance anxiety the best way I find helps me is prepare mentally by putting on some upbeat music and think about the game and what your role in the team is and how you can impact the game in that role. Allowing yourself to focus and center your mind will lead to feeling more confident when it comes to game time.

Preparation barriers normally come from time management or even over confidence believing that they don't need to improve or simply use the excuse of I'll do it tomorrow,
Whether that is a workout in the gym or at home but can also be not turning up to team training. Repetition and consistency are the key elements to improving as an athlete in any discipline in sport or competition.

Any serious athlete at any level will tell you it's as much about the mental preparation as it is physical so always remember to take the time to prepare and train, no matter your experience or level you compete at everyone can always make improvements towards perfecting part of your game performance.


So Thursday I've been working with a group of players from Newcastle hockey club where we have been working on movement and agility at the local park.

Every athlete needs to focus on body control and movements as to be honest it's not as fun. So people generally tend to ignore the off the ball movements and control. This isn't down to being lazy it's down to players who genuinely don't realise that their body can be pushed more and more out of it's comfort zone.

The body naturally adapts to "comfortable versions of a stance or body shape" when it comes to attempting a set of movements.

So with our sessions I've been focusing on quick movements, i.e pace changes, acceleration training and the minor foot work to help the group prepare for the season ahead.

Key points Working on agility enhances reaction time, Athletes who work to improve their agility also see improvements in their overall athletic abilities, including in critical areas such as balance and stability, coordination, body control, cognition, and recovery time.

Photos from RYZE Fitness & Personal Training's post 23/07/2023

Had a great run today out in the Sunderland rain, time to get off my maintenance runs and start increasing my distances again.

Made a rookie mistake aswell got to Sunderland docks to do my mid run body weight exercises and left the run clock on instead of pausing it🤦‍♂️

Oh well we learn, onwards and upwards as my nan used to say.


Exciting times ahead!!

So ahead of the new season have allowed for me to have the honour in getting all the players that want to get in some extra match fitness training.

This is always something Ive wanted to do not just training a group but training a group of players both males and females with a range of sessions that incorporates cardio work, agility, body control all to prepare these amazing people for the 23/24 season.

Sessions starting next Thursday

If your interested in getting some extra fitness sessions in and play for Newcastle HC or thinking of joining us feel free to send me a message and we will get you welcomed in.


Another hard session with Keith again today, but did I he complain? Nope
Did he say I'm cruel with this circuit? Yep

But did he complete it and felt good for it
Yes, he did he smashed this one out of the park in the end 👏

At 50 Keith still is still pushing for his goals and playing for regional team and further on he demands the best from himself for his health and his hockey.

I am really enjoying training these brilliant hockey players I'm so blessed to be able to combine my passion and my work together, I've always trained myself to improve as a player and now being able to share my knowledge and being apart of these players journey as they aim to get stronger fitter or even faster ready for the upcoming season is nothing but joy from me.

If your a hockey player looking to imptovr your fitness and agilty for the season or even just someone looking for a trainer that's friendly and driven to get you the results you are aiming for aswell as willing to show you some sustainable workouts that you can do from the comfort of your own home using small amount of equipment.

then feel free to send me a message, and we will get cracking.

Photos from RYZE Fitness & Personal Training's post 12/07/2023

Some images from Mondays summer league match up.
(See image 2 for a laugh)

So, the summer league comes to the end, and this is where the real season begins.

We lost 2-1, and I definitely didn't take my chances. But every mistake we learn from can't wait for the season to commence.



Photos from RYZE Fitness & Personal Training's post 24/06/2023

Finally, back after an emotional few days.
Client sessions and bookings will resume as normal today.

Can't wait to get back to working and doing what I love. I may only have a few clients, but I love being a part of their journey and being able to take the time and helping my clients overcome their barriers.

I can say I don't want 20 - 30 clients as for myself. I find the more you have, the less personal it becomes for me my aim would be to have 5 -10 clients at most to allow me to stay focused on each individual client as I don't do any of the copy and paste plans, every plan is unique and designed to get my clients the best results as each client is different and have Individual needs, struggles and strengths.

If you're looking for a personal trainer in the North East of England, feel free to pop me a message even if it's just to discuss and would like to find out the services I offer to see if I'm the right match for you.

Photos from RYZE Fitness & Personal Training's post 19/06/2023

Another great summer training game in our summer league match it ended 1-1 great effort from all the lads and ladies can't wait to push on with this great club.

After a few outings really loving how the new stick feels 🏑
:extreme 100


I'll be taking a break from 19th till the 25th of June. Due to having to travel down to kent for family reasons.

Please note I will still reply to messages and consultation requests but meeting dates will be set for 25th June onwards.

Thank you for patients and understanding



Saturday catch up post.

With the sunshine beaming down me and Keith decided to switch up his PT session today and take it outside to Sunderlands Mowbray Park.

We focused on resistance running using a 15kg weighted rucksack and using the natural terrain of the park and the benches to our advantage to help prepare Keith for his next step.

We started off with a jog around the various twists and turns of the park unweighted.

Then we moved on to the weighed movements...

Hitt-styled training with the bag 20 seconds sprint 10 seconds jog

After each lap of the park, we added in some bench jump-ups 8 with weights still on and various other movements such as
Bulgarian split squats 8 slow reps, and bench-aided push-ups changing grips each round to work all areas of the upper back.

And then to allow Keith to get his own back we race one lap around the park but with myself having the weighted bag on (as who doesn't love a good race??)🏁 🏃

Photos from RYZE Fitness & Personal Training's post 13/05/2023

Great session on Thursday with my man Keith!!
Now he's a official over 50s Yorkshire and north east county player we are stepping up our training now looking to

Speed test under a HIIT training of 10 work 20 rest 8 rounds.

we also focused on strengthen his back and core while implementing a few leg in game movements with weights.

lunges with with the bar 10 strides each leg, rest 30 seconds repeat 3 times

Bulgarian split squats to failure rest 1 minute repeat 3 times till failure.

Back squats 8 with 75% max weight
Then 6 with 80% max weight

Kettlebell carries till failure 75% max weight.

Finish with conversational deadlifts 75% max with 2 second hold, repeat 8 times.

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟✨🌟🌟If your looking for a personal trainer or even just looking for some advice feel free to message me or even book a free consultation on my website in my bio.


Another session Smashed by Keith the other day.

We focused on game simulation situations and weighted movements.

Keith made it to his first major milestone and now is a part if the Yorkshire and north east hockey team for over 50s 🏑

Next step is pushing his limits to prepare him for England over 50s trials.💪🏼


All they see is the end result!!
Every step, every sweat, every tear put into doing what you love to get to where you want to be people will never see.

Even every asking moment when your there at your local gym or even at your desk having moments of self-doubt, the o my person that sees all of that is you.

Your fitness/ life journey is and always be you vs you, so I say never compare yourself to the person sitting across from you, as you don't know how far they have come to get to where they are now.

Success isn't always followed by a roaring crowd or a huge paycheck as no amount of screaming spectators or money can ever fully insure your health and well-being,
Sometimes people train for sports performance or simply train to be able to run around with their grandkids when they are older or even just to feel good and healthy, these are all perfectly good reasons to be proud of yourself.

Success in your fitness journey is not always measured by how others perceive you, it's how you feel about yourself and the things you have committed to and achieved.


Back to doing what I love 💪🏼

Keith squating like it's hot on Monday hitting 70kg ( he hates leg days)😅
safe to say he felt this one for the next
few days.

Still onwards and upwards we keep pushing💪🏼

Photos from RYZE Fitness & Personal Training's post 23/04/2023

Today at the gateshead International stadium glacier hosted the glacier games and athletes from across the United kingdom came to compete.

What a incredible day to be apart of with some brilliant athletes that really gave it their all!!

Met some really class athletes today never been to a event like this where you genuinely feel like part of one big family 👪🏋️💪🏼


So the cycle session today was meant to run from 6.30 till 7.15 but it didnt 😱

Myself and the class was so pumped from today's session when I asked who fancies a few more there was a few that was like hell no 😅 but to the 80% of the group that shouted yeah well done and a massive thank you for pushing me and yourselves that little bit further.

Vibes was high and we all ended up walking out there soaking but we had a great time, honestly can't wait for the next one!!


Another cracking session from Keith last Friday before his trial.

This man keeps pushing himself for the sake of the sport he loves, no matter the obstacle I place in front of him he keeps pushing through them.

"Even if he says he hates me at the moment"😅

Update: Keith was successful in his trial for the Northeast over 50s hockey. 🏑✅

Over the next months, he will be pushing to go for O50s England.
Either way in Keiths own words he's enjoying the journey no matter destination.

So I say Let's go and get it 💪🏼

Photos from RYZE Fitness & Personal Training's post 18/04/2023


There is no better feeling then after high energy workout and then seeing happy sweaty faces.

Really loving these classes now, my confidence is in a high and my voice is getting louder ( Im definitely not the loudest of people)

Bring on the next one🚴


With Keith's over 50s hockey trial fast approaching to compete in London representing north Yorkshire.

With his focus being on increasing his mobility and sports conditioning today we focused on some cardio by using Plyo boxes, and weighted movements, and tried to make it as enjoyable as possible with the trial being on Saturday.

Wish him luck!!
I promise if his trial is successful I will get him to take a snap for us in his new kit.
(even he's a bit camera shy).


Great spin class today.

Energy from the group was TOP CLASS always great to see a group of smiling faces even after a good sweaty workout.

I know there is a fee creases to iron out, I know that's me being very picky at my own work but as always practice makes perfect👌


Great session with Keith today.
At 49 and still pushing himself to be faster and stronger for the sport he loves "field hockey".

Warm up 5 mins

Back to back set
80kg dead lift  6-8 reps
Box jumps x10
Half kneel overhead press x 6 reps - switch arm 15kg (can go higher)

Rest 60 seconds Repeat 3 x

Bent over row or cable half kneel row
8reps x 3 sets 40kg
Last set hold at the top of the row for 2 seconds

Rest 30 seconds between sets

Dumbell 4 way lunge 2x 15kg dumbells (with 3 second hold at the bottom)
X 3 -4 sets

rest 30 seconds

Suitcase carry 20kg left hand left hand 20steps
Right hand 20 steps (control your core)
Repeat 2x

No rest

On the mat 10kg plate over head as you contract switch legs Etc pretend your running up the wall slowly
12- 16 reps

Class stuff from Keith lets smash it again next session 💪🏼

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 22:00
Thursday 09:00 - 22:00
Friday 09:00 - 22:00
Saturday 17:00 - 22:00
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00