St. Michael & St. Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church

Northdown Road, CT9 2RD Cliftonville, Kent, United Kingdom

5:30pm-6:30pm Evening Vespers (Asheya)

9:30am-10:00am Matins
10:00am-12:30pm Divine Liturgy
12:30pm- 1:30pm (Aghabii)
1:30am-2:00pm Sunday School
2:00pm-2:30pm Bible study

Cancellations, postponements, and special events will be announced on the wall.


Congratulations Maged & Maro.
There is no greater blessing than a new baby

Photos from St. Michael & St. Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church's post 24/07/2024

Sened's baptism took place on Wednesday July th 10, 2024. Congratulations to the baby and his family.


Dear all, The following link is for our Diocese, please visit the page to check the latest news.

Diocese Media Centre: Ireland, Scotland, NE England & Affiliated Regions Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate. Diocese of Ireland, Scotland, NE England and its Affiliated regions.


The LORD appointed 70 others and sent them two by two.

After fasting, we celebrated the Feast of the Apostles, and today’s Gospel tells us that the LORD appointed 70 others and sent them two by two.

At its beginning, the service needed many servants. The LORD JESUS CHRIST chose 12 disciples, then after that HE appointed 70 others. The book says that JESUS CHRIST sent them two by two.

The cities and villages were very numerous. One person says that if our LORD had sent the Messengers, each one alone, while they were conscious, it would have been possible for the faith to reach a greater number of people. That is to say, if HE had sent the 70, each one alone, they would have preached to 70 cities at one time, but when HE sent them two by two, they would have preached 35 instead of the 70 cities. But in fact, the LORD JESUS CHRIST sent them two by two.

Suleiman the wise says “Ecclesiastes c 4:9 - 10 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.” So two are better than one, and that's why the LORD JESUS CHRIST chose them two by two.

When the LORD JESUS sent the apostles two by two, he gave us a wide range of teachings:

1- An opportunity for love. An opportunity for each person to give his love to the other. He puts the second before himself. As for the one who works alone, he is possessed by selfishness, and GOD does not want to teach his children selfishness.

2- When our LORD JESUS sent them two by two to teach them humility. The success of the service between two people is an opportunity to attribute success to others, but the one who works alone always attributes success to himself and feels that he is the one who worked. If we assume that 2 of the apostles entered a house to preach the good news to us, it would matter to us that this house knows CHRIST. It does not matter whether they knew him through Matthew the Apostle or Peter the Apostle. It does not matter. The important thing is that the family knows CHRIST. When the LORD JESUS CHRISTsent them two by two, selfishness decreased and humility increased.

3- When HE sent them two by two, he gave them an opportunity to cooperate, as no human being is able to do everything alone. There is a story known to all of us, the story of the blind man and the cripple. Two friends, one is blind and the other is crippled. The blind man cannot see and the cripple cannot walk. The idea suddenly came to them that they would cooperate with each other. The blind carries the crippled, and the cripple shows him the way because he can see. The blind become two legs for the crippled, and the crippled become two eyes for the blind man. This is the cooperation that the LORD JESUS wanted to establish among the disciples, so He sent them two by two. Neither of us can do without the other. Can a priest pray Mass alone without a deacon? Can the deacon pray Mass alone without the priest? Everyone has a role
When there is love, humility, and cooperation, the work succeeds, so the LORD JESUS CHRIST sent them two by two.

When HE sent the seventy apostles, two by two, their mission was successful, and they returned with joy and said to the LORD “ Luk 10:17 And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.”
But the LORD JESUS CHRIST spoke to them about a greater joy than the devils submitting to them “ Luk 10:20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.”

May GOD give us the spirit of love, the spirit of humility, and the spirit of cooperation in which I know how to deal with my partner if he is at home, at work, in the church. We work in the spirit of love so that our church will be in glory and glory. Amen .


The Sermon on the Mount

Today's Gospel is on the first Sunday of the Apostles' Fast, based on the words of the LORD JESUS CHRIST in the Sermon on the Mount. The Sermon on the Mount is the Christian constitution, the law of the Kingdom of CHRIST.

THE LORD JESUS CHRIST was walking, and there was a very large crowd with HIM. When HE saw the crowds, HE went up the mountain. The whole sermon was on the mount. It is as if the LORD JESUS CHRIST wants to raise our eyes and raise our minds to the fact that these teachings are above the level of the earth.

When HE went up to the mountain, HIS disciples came to HIM and HE taught them. Who understands the Sermon on the Mount? Whoever draws near to CHRIST, draws near to HIM with his desire, draws near and enters into the depth, and CHRIST himself begins to reveal HIS secrets.

When HE saw the crowds, HE went up to the mountain, and whoever climbs the mountain will rise above the ground, and the earth will remain smaller in our eyes, and when you climb up the mountain, you will not hear the noise that is below... in silence and solitude, and JESUS CHRIST begins to speak.

HIS disciples came to HIM and HE opened his mouth. HE opened his mouth, this is a very big word…. why ? Do you remember the time of Moses the Prophet, when he ascended the mountain to receive the Law? The preparations were great, and all the people were fasting, and Moses was fasting, and no one could approach the mountain, and the mountain was smoking, because our LORD was giving Moses, the Prophet the Law. The view was scary. But now our meek and humble GOD has come down and taken the form of a servant and continues to speak to us. But here the LORD CHRIST himself opened HIS mouth, so the words came from GOD himself, and we will know from this sermon that the LORD JESUS says to them: “Mat 5:21 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Mat 5:22 But I say unto you” who can say, “But I say to you,” because these are HIS words. So HE opened HIS mouth and taught them.
In the Sermon on the Mount, HE did not begin with the forbidden things, but rather with the Beatitudes. It is as if our LORD begins HIS words with us by not telling you not to do, and not to do, and not to do. Rather, HE says, Oh, blessed is the one who does this, and the one who does that, and the one who does that. HE encourages us in our sojourn on earth because we all want to go to heaven. The purpose of the Sermon on the Mount is how we live as children of GOD in the world.

I hope that the Sermon on the Mount will be your constitution in life. I hope that everyone comes out of Mass and enters the house and begins to read the Sermon on the Mount. read it and you will find it in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, Chapters 5, 6, 7. 3 chapters. And say to HIM, O LORD, grant me the ability to carry out these words. Words that appear to be difficult to implement, but these are YOUR words and I am YOUR son. Help me listen to live YOUR words. When you finish reading the Sermon on the Mount, decide that this will be your constitution. There are many people who are with us who memorize the Sermon on the Mount because it is your constitution and the law of your life in this world as a Christian, and as a light to the world and salt to the earth.



Feast of the Advent of the Holy Spirit

Today is a great feast in the Church, which is the end of the fifty holy days and the dissention of the HOLY SPIRIT upon the Apostles on this day. It is considered the birthday of the Church because the Church was established on this day. The importance of this day is because the Christian Church was born on this day, and we can call this day the birthday of the Christian Church… She was born in Jerusalem, and from Jerusalem she went to all the world.

In fact, the story of salvation is not complete without the coming of the HOLY SPIRIT.

Many people focus on the CROSS, which saved him. But the CROSS must be completed by the resurrection, because if the CROSS were without the resurrection, Christ would remain dead and the dead cannot save or salvage, for this the resurrection expresses the life of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

And if Christ did not ascend after the resurrection to heaven, then salvation would not have been completed, because salvation is that we enter heaven and CHRIST entered heaven as a predecessor for our sake. And then salvation is complete by sending us the HOLY SPIRIT to convey to us the effects of salvation.

This is what the LORD JESUS CHRIST said, “Joh 16:14 He shall glorify me” meaning the HOLY SPIRIT glorifies the SON (how, "Joh 16:14He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and proclaim it to you.

That is why today is a great day in the church and a big feast.

Don’t forget that tomorrow will begin the fast of the holy Apostles the fathers. Good News

القداس الالهى الاول يوم الاربعاء من الخمسين المقدسة 22/ 5 / 2024 22/05/2024

The holy liturgy today Wednesday 22-05-2024 From St George Ava Abraam Heliopolis Church with Abouna Angelous El Antony and Abouna Antonious Lami , who visited our Church in September 2022.

القداس الالهى الاول يوم الاربعاء من الخمسين المقدسة 22/ 5 / 2024


I have received a private message with this question & I thought it will be a good idea to answer it in public in case someone else did't know the proper answer.

Q: Can someone please explain pascha?

A: Every day of Pascha week (Monday - Thursday) there are two services ( 5 Hours of prayer each).
The Morning & Evening Service, Monday of Holy Pascha Week in the morning we pray the Hours of Monday & at night we pray the hours of the eve of Tuesday. (In the church, the day begins with the night before, which is why we pray the Eve of Tuesday on Monday night).

Each Pascha service has several canonical hours, 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, & 11th (We also add the 12th Hour on The Eve of Good Friday.

Each hour is composed of the following:
1. Prophesies from the Old Testament
2. The Doxology of Pascha (Thine is the power... said 12 times)
3. Psalm in the tune of Ke Eperto
4. The Hymn Ke Eperto (can be said quickly or in it's own tune)
5. Psalm Reading
6. Gospel Reading
7. Gospel Response (In the name of the Trinity...)
8. Exposition (Explanation of the Readings of the Hour)
9. Exposition Response (Christ our Saviour...)
10. On Good Friday, hymns (such as the triagson in paschal tune) are added to the hours as well as additional reading.

At the end of each hour during the morning service, there are several prayer and prostrations called the daytime Litanies. A similar prayer is prayed at the end of the 11th hour of the evening service but does not have prostrations, it is called the Nighttime Litanies.

May God Bless this Holy Pascha of our Lord and may He grant us the joy of His Holy Resurrection.

St. Michael & St. Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church - YouTube 27/04/2024

"Tomorrow's Palm Sunday service will be broadcasted on our Church's YouTube channel by God's will 🙏. Please subscribe to stay updated!"

St. Michael & St. Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church - YouTube St. Michael & St. Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church, Kent, United Kingdom


We have reached the sixth Sunday of Lent, today's Gospel from Saint John, chapter 9, is about the miracle of healing of the man who was born blind.

The story tells us that The Jews were celebrating a great feast that day and the LORD JESUS was teaching in the Temple and as he was walking out of the Temple.

He saw a man who was born blind
The LORD JESUS stood by the borne blind man and said “John 9:5 As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.” To give proof for that HE spat on the ground and made clay, put the clay on the eyes of the blind man, and said to him, "Go, wash in the Pool of Siloam." So he went off and washed, and returned able to see.

Today we celebrate the Baptismal Sunday, on this day in the early church, baptize the catechumens who are ready for baptism before the Great Week of the Passion to join the Church and participate in the week of the Passion and the Feast of Easter.

You might say thank God I was baptized and became a son of the Lord or a daughter of the Lord and the light entered me. But hear our teacher St Paul the Apostle tell you what.

Walk in? ...CHRIST JESUS…. Walk in the light…. Walk as children of GOD. Baptism is the beginning - this is the beginning - in baptism remain the son of light, do not turn back and throw yourself into the darkness. Never again walk in the dark

Today is a feast. We call it the Sunday of light, May God grant us the heavenly light, so that we may live as children of light, and not as children of darkness.

Photos from St. Michael & St. Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church's post 21/04/2024

Feast of the Annunciation

Today, the Church celebrates the Feast of the Annunciation, and the Feast of the Annunciation comes every year on the 29th of Bramhat, with nine months between it and Christmas, which is the period of the Holy Conception of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Thus, the Feast of the Annunciation is the first of the Lord’s feasts in terms of the order of the events of the incarnation. If it were not for the Annunciation and the dwelling of the LORD JESUS CHRIST in the womb of the Virgin, the rest of the feasts would not have occurred. That is why the fathers call it the origin of the feasts.

On this Feast, we remember the good news of the Arch Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive and give birth to a son and name him. GOD almighty asks permission from the Virgin Mary to dwell in her and take from her a humanity when she is the creation of HIS hands. GOD respects our freedom and our personal will even as HE grants us the greatest blessings.

The intercession of our Virgin Mother be with us, Amen. Good News.


تحتفل الكنيسة اليوم بعيد البشارة ويأتى عيد البشارة كل عام يوم 29 برمهات ، بينه وبين عيد الميلاد تسعة أشهر هى فترة الحبل المقدس بالسيد المسيح . بهذا يكون عيد البشارة هو اول الأعياد السيدية من حيث ترتيب أحداث التجسد فلولا البشارة وحلول السيد المسيح فى بطن العذراء ما كانت بقية الأعياد ، لذلك الآباء يسمونه أصل الأعياد .

فى هذا العيد نذكر بشارة الملاك جبرائيل للسيدة العذراء بانها ستحبل وتلد ابناً وتسميه يسوع ، فالله يستأذن من السيدة العذراء أن يحل فيها ويأخذ منها ناسوتاً وهى صنع يديه، ان الله يحترم حريتنا وارادتنا الشخصية حتى وهو يهبنا أعظم النعم
شفاعة امنا العذراء تكون معنا آمين


Today, the Church celebrates the fifty-sixth anniversary of the Transfiguration of the Blessed Virgin Mary over the domes of her church in the Zaytoun area.
The appearance of the Virgin Mary in the Zaytun area (as narrated by the departed Bishop Athanasius).
News spread to everyone that the Virgin Mary appeared on the domes of the church in Zaytoun, and the media wrote at that time between supporters and opponents, between believers and sceptics, that the Virgin Mary appeared in Zaytoun. Until His Holiness Pope Cyril formed a committee headed by Bishop Athanasius (Bishop of Beni Suef at the time), His Eminence mentioned to me that he went from Beni Suef to the Church of the Virgin Mary in Al-Zaytoun on the evening of April 10, 1968. In the car, the es**rts began asking Bishop Athanasius some questions, but he refused to speak to anyone and asked the es**rt to remain silent and pray.
His Eminence continued his speech, saying: I started my prayers and said to our lady, I am sent by His Holiness the Pope, and the whole world is waiting for a report issued by the Church. Please, if I only see Specters of light, I will tell the Pope that I did not see You, and if I see You for a simple or incomplete moment on the dome, I will also say that I did not see You, and if I see flocks of doves appearing without... Seeing you completely, I will also say that I did not see You, so I am required to see You completely and for a long period until I verify the appearance and write a report to His Holiness the Pope. We all arrived at the Church of the Virgin Mary in Zaytoun at about eleven o’clock in the evening on April 10, and I chose a place where I could see the entire dome. After a short while, I saw unusual lights hitting the dome, and the people were cheering with joy, but I told the Virgin Mary that this was not our agreement, and after a while I saw a bright doves, and the people rejoiced with joy, so I said to the Virgin Mary also, “This was not our agreement. I must see fully and verify this.” The spiritual phenomena continued until two-thirty in the morning on April 10, until She appeared in her full form on the dome, and she was in the position of giving a blessing to the people. Appearance. But for the sake of honesty, I asked to climb to the dome, and I actually climbed the dome and almost grabbed Her feet, but I felt a great earthquake, and I screamed in a loud voice. I witnessed you, O Virgin Lady, and all the people rejoiced with joy, and this heavenly scene continued until half past five in the morning, until everyone was sure, me the first of them. I mean, this is a real, complete apparition of the Virgin Mary, Mother of GOD. Everyone was blessed by it, and after the apparition ended, I went to one of the artists and specialists in drawing and described to him with great detail what I had seen, and indeed the picture of the apparition was drawn as I saw it for nearly two hours or more. I went to His Holiness Pope Cyril VI and told him what I had seen, with a detailed description and with the picture that this artist had drawn. Hence, His Holiness the Pope issued a statement confirming the appearance of the Virgin Mary on the domes of Her church the Zaytoun, and attaching to the statement a picture of the apparition that was written below (as seen by His Eminence Bishop Athanasius, Metropolitan of Beni Suef).

Bishop Athanasius kept publishing this picture behind the books he was writing, whether in interpretation or otherwise. He also kept celebrating this appearance with a special celebration on the tenth of April, and he used to tell this story to his participants in this celebration.

The blessing of the Virgin Mary will be with us all on the anniversary of her appearance, and may God rest the soul of our father Bishop Athanasius, who undoubtedly enjoys living with the saints in the paradise of bliss, headed by the most pure and perfect Virgin Mary, Mother of GOD. Good News.

ظهور السيدة العذراء بالزيتون (كما رواها المتنيح الانبا اثناسيوس)
حكي لي نيافته (نيح الله نفسه) قصة الظهور علي النحو التالي:
توالت الأخبار الي كل الناس ان السيدة العذراء تظهر علي قباب الكنيسة في الزيتون، وكتبت وسائل الاعلام حينذاك بين مؤيد ومعارض بين مؤمن ومشكك بان السيدة العذراء تظهر في الزيتون ، الي ان شكل قداسة البابا كيرلس لجنة برئاسة الانبا اثناسيوس (مطران بني سويف حينذاك)، وذكر لي نيافته انه توجه من بني سويف الي كنيسة السيدة العذراء في الزيتون في عشية ١٠ ابريل ١٩٦٨)، وفي السيارة أخذ المرافقين يسألون الانبا اثناسيوس بعض الأسئلة والذي رفض التحدث مع احد وطلب من مرفقية التزام الصمت والصلاة، وواصل نيافته الحديث قائلا" أخذت اصلي وقلت للسيدة العذراء في الصلاة انا موفد من قبل قداسة البابا، والعالم كله ينتظر تقريرا يصدر عن الكنيسة، فمن فضلك اذا رأيت اطياف نور فقط سوف أقول للبابا انني لم أراها، وإذا رأيتك لوهلة بسيطة او غير كاملة علي القبة ساقول ايضا انني لم إدراكي، وإذا رأيت أسراب حمام تظهر دون رؤيتك كاملة ساقول ايضا انني لم إراكي فأنا مطلوب مني ان إراكي كامل ولفترة طويلة حتي أتحقق من الظهور حتي اكتب تقريرا لقداسة البابا. ووصلنا جميعا الي كنيسة السيدة العذراء بالزيتون في حوالي الساعة الحادية عشر مساء يوم ١٠ ابريل واخترت مكانا يمكنني من رؤية القبة كاملة، وبعد قليل رأيت أنوارا غير عادية تضرب القبة، والشعب يتهلل فرحا ، ولكنني قلت للسيدة العذراء هذا لم يكن اتفاقنا، وبعد قليل رأيت حمام نوراني وتهلل الشعب فرحا فقلت للسيدة العذراء ايضا هذا لم يكن اتفاقنا، لا بد وان إراكي كاملة والتحقق من ذلك، وتوالت الظواهر الروحية حتي الساعة الثانية والثلث من صباح يوم ١٠ ابريل الي ان ظهرت بكامل هيئتها علي القبة وكانت في وضع من يعطي البركة للشعب وتحقق من الظهور، ولكن من اجل الأمانة طلبت ان اصعد الي القبة، وبالفعل تسلقت القبة وكدت ان أمسك بقدميها الا انني شعرت بزلزلة عظيمة، وصرخت بصوت عظيم شهدت لك أيتها السيدة العذراء والشعب جميعه يتهلل فرحا، واستمر هذا المنظر السماوي حتي السلعة الخامسة والنصف صباحا حتي تأكد الجميع واولهم انا ان هذا ظهور حقيمي كامل للسيدة العذراء مريم والدة الاله.. وتبارك الجميع منها ، وبعد انتهاء الظهور توجهت الي احد الفنانين والمتخصصين في الرسم، ووصفت له بالتدقيق الشديد ما رايته وبالفعل تم رسم صورة الظهور كما رايتها قرابته الساعتين ويزيد، وتوجهت الي قداسة البابا كيرلس السادس وحكيت له ما قد رايته بالوصف التفصيل وبالصورة التي رسمها هذا ألفنان، ومن هنا اصدر قداسة البابا بيانا يؤكد فيه ظهور السيدة العذراء علي قباب كنيستها بالزيتون ومرفق بالبيان صورة الظهور التى كتب أسفلها (كما رآها نيافة الانبا اثناسيوس مطران بني سويف).
وظل الانبا اثناسيوس ينشر هذه الصورة خلف الكتب التى كان يكتبها سواء في التفسير او غيرها، وظل ايضا يحتفل بهذا الظهور احتفالا خاصا في العاشر من ابريل، وكان يروي هذه القصة للمشاركين معه هذه الاحتفالية .
بركة السيدة العذراء مريم تكون معنا جميعا في ذكري ظهورها، وينيح الله نفس ابينا الانبا اثناسيوس الذي لاشك وانه يستمتع بالسكني مع القديسين في فردوس النعيم وعلي رأسهم كلية الطهر والكمال السيدة العذراء مريم والدة الآله

Photos from St. Michael & St. Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church's post 20/03/2024

On Saturday the celebration of St. Gebre Menfes Kidus was a unifying event held at the Coptic St. Michael's and St. Bishoy Church, where our brothers and sisters from the Eritrean and Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox communities joined in the jubilant occasion. Captivating rituals, heartfelt prayers, and a vibrant atmosphere honoured his legacy of faith and devotion. The community came together at the sacred event, warmly embracing the spiritual upliftment that St. Gebre Menfes Kidus to all who gathered.


قداسة البابا كيرلس السادس رجل الصلاة🙏


"«حِينَئِذٍ يَنْفَجِرُ مِثْلَ الصُّبْحِ نُورُكَ، وَتَنْبُتُ صِحَّتُكَ سَرِيعًا، وَيَسِيرُ بِرُّكَ أَمَامَكَ، وَمَجْدُ الرَّبِّ يَجْمَعُ سَاقَتَكَ." (إش 58: 8).

اهو ده يابني القسيس ابو شال احمر

إحدى السيدات غير المسيحيات لما ذهبت لطبيب العيون قرر الطبيب أنها مصابة بانفصال شبكي وصارح ابنها أنه لا أمل في أن أمه سترى مرة أخرى ولما عادت لمنزلها ظلت تبكي بمرارة لفقدانها الرؤية إلى
الأبد ولكن بعد مرور 3 أشهر حدثت المفاجأة العجيبة.
قامت من نومها تحكى لابنها أنها رأت حلماً عجيباً قالت : رأيت قسيس طويل وعلى رأسه شال ويقول لي.... روحي كنيسة العدرا في الزيتون وخدي زيت من هناك وادهني بيه فوق عينيكي وانتي ها تشوفي وتتفتح
عينكي ..... ( وللأسف كان ابنها شاب شديد التعصب )
قال لأمه:- يا شيخة أسكتي .... لو الشفا ها يجيلك من الكنيسة إحنا بقى مش عايزينه

فأتي لها نفس القسيس في الحلم مرة ثانية وأعاد عليها نفس الكلام
وحكت لابنها أن القسيس جاء لي مرة ثانية وكرر نفس الكلام وبعدين قالي : ما تسمعيش كلام ابنك ...ابنك على عينيه غشاوة فقال لها ابنها :- بقولك ايه يا أمي بطلي الخرافات إللي بتشوفيها دي
لو الشفا ها يجيلك من القسيس ده إحنا بقى مش عايزينه

فأتي لها نفس القسيس في الحلم مرة ثالثة وأعاد عليها نفس الكلام وقال لها ماتسمعيش كلام ابنك لأنه ممكن
يحصله زي إللي حصل معاكي المرض ممكن يحصل ل اي واحد وحكت لابنها أن القسيس جاء لي مرة ثالثة وكرر نفس
الكلام وبعدين قالي : هو بيحذرك إن إللي حصل معايا ها يحصل معاك لو ما سمعتش الكلام وبعدين أنا خايفة عليك يا ابني .
فقال لها:اسمعي يا أمي أنا ها أروح معاكي لغاية الكنيسة لكن مش داخل
ودخلت السيدة الكنيسة وأوصلتها السيدات عند المقصورة أمام صورة السيدة العذراء ... وهناك مسحت يدها بالصورة ووضعتها على عينيها وطلبت زيتاً ورشمت بيها فوق عينيها فبدأت ترى في البداية الناس
كأشباح ثم عادت الرؤية كاملة بعد لحظات وملأت الكنيسة بالزغاريد وأثناء خروجها شاهدت صورة البابا كيرلس في مكتبة الكنيسة فنادت على ابنها وقالت له :-
أهو هو ده يا ابني القسيس ابو شال احمر إللي جالي 3 مرات في الحلم !! فلما شاهد الشاب صورة البابا كيرلس ورأي صدق كلامه وعودة البصر لأمه تعجب فقال له : سامحني واعفي عني ونذر هذا الشاب الذي كان شديد التعصب للكنيسة .. بركة عيد نياحة القديس العظيم البابا كيرلس تكون معنا كلنا امين
صباح الخير

"Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard." - Isaiah 58:8

"Here it is, my son, the priest with the red shawl."

One of the non-Christian ladies, when she went to the ophthalmologist, the doctor decided she had retinal detachment and told her son that there was no hope for his mother to see her again. When she returned home, she cried bitterly for losing her vision forever. However, after 3 months, a wonderful surprise occurred.

She woke up and told her son that she had a strange dream. She said, "I saw a tall priest with a shawl on his head telling me... go to the Virgin Mary Church in El-Zeitoun, take some oil from there, and anoint your eyes with it, and you will see and your eyes will be opened..." (Unfortunately, her son was very intolerant.)

He told his mother: "Oh woman, be quiet... if the cure is going to come from the church, then we don't want it."

The same priest came to her in the dream again and repeated the same words. She told her son that the priest came to me a second time and repeated the same words, and then told me: "Don't listen to your son... your son is blindfolded." Her son then said to her: "What I'm telling you, Mom, stop believing in these superstitions you're seeing. If the cure is going to come from that priest, then we definitely don't want it."

The same priest came to her in the dream a third time, repeated the same words, and told her not to listen to her son because what happened to her could happen to anyone. She told her son that the priest came to me a third time and repeated the same words, and then he warned: "What happened to me could happen to you if you don't listen." And then she said, "I'm afraid for you, my son."
So he said to her: "Listen, Mom, I will go with you to the church, but I won't enter."

The lady entered the church, and the women there guided her to the sanctuary in front of the Virgin Mary's image... There, she wiped her hand over the image, placed it on her eyes, requested oil, and anointed her eyes with it. Initially, she started seeing people as ghosts, then her vision completely returned after a few moments, and the church filled with her ululations. Upon exiting, she saw an image of Pope Kyrillos in the church's library, called her son, and said to him: "Here he is, my son, the priest with red shawl”, who came to me 3 times in the dream!" When the young man saw the image of Pope Kyrillos and realized the truth of his words and the return of his mother's sight, he was astonished and said: "Forgive me and pardon me." This young man, who was once very intolerant towards the church, vowed... "May the blessing of the feast of the departure of the great saint, Pope Kyrillos, be with us all. Amen."
Good morning.


His Grace Bishop Antony, Father Angelos and all the church congregation send their sincerest and deepest condolences to Ann whose Father, Mr Greace rested in the Lord and departed in the hope of resurrection.

May our merciful Lord repose his soul in peace in the Heavenly Kingdom with His angels and holy saints and comfort everyone through this difficult time.


Zacchaeus the tax collector;

Today's Gospel tells us about the meeting of the Lord Jesus with Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector. This is a true nice story and loved by all of us and it is mentioned only in the Gospel of St Luke.

Who is Zacchaeus and what do you know about him?

A man living in Jericho, of a short stature, chief of the tax collectors, unjust because he used to take from the people more than what he should therefore he was hated by all the people, he was rich and loved money very much … all these are negative characteristics, but the Holy Bible tells us a very nice thing about Zacchaeus and that is “Luke 19:3 He was trying to see who Jesus was, this was the beginning “Luk 19:3 “ he was trying to see who Jesus was”

This is the question for today (do I seek to see JESUS?)

He asked to see Jesus for who he was. I hear about him things seem contradictory and I want to know who this person is. Man, prophet, who is Jesus? Is he the son of God or a misleading person? Do I seek to see the LORD JESUS or don’t need HIM? If you seek to see the LORD JESUS then you have started the path to salvation, the path to the Heavens.
I know many people went with the same sincerity and asked the Lord, who are you? Tell me who are you, I am looking for truth, I am looking for fulfilment, for example, St Moses the black, did not know anything about the LORD but he wanted to, so he sought to see the LORD JESUS. When he met the Lord, his life changed from the leader of a gang of thieves to a saint and the leader of a large group of monks in the wilderness.

Everyone did this. Christ extended his hand and said, I am He. “Zacchaeus! Hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house.”( Luke 19:5). This is the second step when you seek to see the LORD JESUS, HE answers immediately and says to you (I shall stay today at your house), stay means to live and settle at your house.

If you offer the LORD JESUS a true chance to stay at your house, in your heart and lead your life, the result shall be salvation for this house.
When the LORD JESUS comes into a house, will this house stay as it is or will this life remain as it was? when the LORD JESUS came into the house of Zacchaeus? A complete change to the life of Zacchaeus,

“Luke 19:8 Zacchaeus stopped and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord, I give half of my possessions to the poor. And if I have cheated anyone, I repay them four times as much."

This is Zacchaeus after the LORD JESUS entered his house, his life must change, he is not any more a sinner or a tax collector, but he became one of the Saints.

Zacchaeus resembles every one of us. The LORD JESUS is calling on every one of us “Hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house, in your heart in your life”

Let us follow the steps of Zacchaeus:
1-Seek truly to see the LORD JESUS
2-The LORD GOD shall come to me, enter my house and stay in my heart and HE becomes number one in my life
3-My life changes and I become a different person, a new person, a person of the Heavens, a person of Salvation.


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Northdown Road

Opening Hours

9:30am - 11:30am

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