Sing and Sign Chippenham & Marlborough

Babysigning the fun way in Pewsey, Melksham, Corsham, Chippenham and online (babies 1-24mths)


Wondering what happens to signs as your baby starts talking? 😃

At first, you'll notice your baby using signs alongside their early speech ✋. As they get better at talking, the signs will naturally start to fade, eventually disappearing altogether. Although some favorites might stick around for a bit! 💙

At Sing and Sign, our approach is designed to support the natural development of speech. We use signs to help boost communication, but as your baby’s verbal skills flourish, the signs will naturally phase out. The goal is always to encourage speaking, not to maintain signing long-term 👶.

So if you notice the signs disappearing, that's probably a good thing - it means your baby’s speech is on the rise, and that they are starting to feel confident making themselves understood verbally! 💪💫

Love from Sing and Sign x


Wondering when your baby is ready to start learning signs? 👋

You can actually start any time, but in the first six months, your connection and interaction with your little one is the most important ❤️.

In the first six months, your baby is focused on eye contact and watching your facial expressions. This is an important stage in their development, building the foundation for communication ☺️.

As your baby grows, we recommend introducing a few key signs between 6-8 months. At this age, children become more receptive to language and start to understand more of what you're saying. While your baby might not use the signs immediately, they'll benefit from seeing you sign and will start to pick them up at their own pace 👌.

So don't rush it! This early stage of signing, even if your baby isn't signing back yet, is a critical part of their communication journey. Just keep using those signs consistently, and you'll be amazed at how quickly they start to engage with you. 🌟👐

Love from Sing and Sign x


Going back to work and worried about missing out on baby signing? 😨

Don't be! 💙
Even if your baby spends time in the care of others, you still have plenty of time together to make baby signing worthwhile. Think about morning and evening routines, mealtime, or bath time—these are perfect opportunities to reinforce signs and create special moments with your little one 👌🛁🧸.

If your child is with a nursery, childminder, or grandparent, and they're open to using a few signs, that's even better! You can make it easier for them by printing out a page or two of your baby’s favorite signs from our online dictionary if you've got online membership, or just let them know which key signs your child uses and understands 🤩.

So, even with a busy schedule, baby signing can be a part of your everyday life and a fun way to connect with your child. 🌟👶

Love from Sing and Sign x


Top Tip Tuesday 😄….. At Sing and Sign, our aim is to encourage speech. 😊 We use signs to highlight key words in our spoken sentences and to help babies and toddlers make connections between words, objects, people and activities.
Remember to always say the word (or make the noise of the animal or vehicle) when you sign - never sign in silence.
You’ll probably notice that you start to emphasise the key word too as signing naturally slows your speech down around that word and that draws attention to it even more. 😁
Love from Sing and Sign xx


👶 Current Availability 👶
Melksham on Monday: ONE space left
Corsham on Tuesday: spaces
Chippenham Football Club on Wednesday: FULL
Pewsey on Thursday: TWO spaces left
Kington Langley on Friday: spaces to book a trial for this week or book to join us for five classes.

Have a baby under 6 months? 👶❤️

You might think they're too young for baby signing, but we've got something just for you—Sing and Sign Babes! 🎶

This program is designed for babies aged 0 to 6 months. It's all about helping you connect with your baby in new and meaningful ways 💞.

From day one, your baby is seeking out your eyes and your face, ready to communicate. By learning more about this early stage of development, you can discover a world of fun and connection as you nurture that contact with your baby.

Many of our Babes activities are perfect opportunities for you to connect with your baby and allow your little one to enjoy looking at your face. We also introduce some signs relevant to your baby's everyday life such as "milk", "more", "change nappy" and "tickle" 😊.

Connect, communicate, and enjoy those precious moments with your little one 🌟.
Check out our website to find a local Babes class and start your baby signing journey with us 🎶❤️.

Love from Sing and Sign xx



To all my 156 wonderful Sing and Sign Mummys. You’re doing the BEST job! Some days are hard and you feel every part of those days as you’re an amazing mummy. Sending hugs! 🥰

Sing and Sign in Action - Change Your Nappy 25/05/2024

Take a look at some of our little signers in action! 🥰👌

Sing and Sign in Action - Change Your Nappy Sing and Sign is the award-winning programme designed to help your baby communicate using simple signs and our magic ingredient ... music! See these Sing and...


Is your baby over one years old now? They would be a perfect age to start Stage Two at Sing and Sign in September. At this age they have so much to say and signing can help reduce frustration. Register your interest to join us!

If your baby is past 18 months, you might be wondering if it's too late to start baby signing. Absolutely not! 😃

At this age, your toddler is likely using gestures and a few words to communicate, but there's still room to expand their vocabulary with some signs. Many nurseries use baby signing to encourage speech development, and it's a great tool for helping your child express themselves 👌.

Every child develops at their own pace, but it's helpful to know what typical milestones look like. Thanks to the input from speech and language therapists in developing Sing and Sign, you can be confident that baby signing is a great way to support your child's communication skills. If you suspect your baby’s communication might be delayed, signing could be particularly beneficial 💪🌟.

At Sing and Sign, our Stage 2 classes are specifically designed for toddlers aged +14 months. If you'd like to find out about Stage 2 classes in your local area, please visit our website on

If you’re concerned that your baby isn’t saying enough words, isn’t pointing to things, or isn’t making good eye contact, it’s worth talking to your Health Visitor or GP. They can refer you to a speech and language therapist for further advice 💙.

Love from Sign and Sign xx


If your baby is past 18 months, you might be wondering if it's too late to start baby signing. Absolutely not! 😃

At this age, your toddler is likely using gestures and a few words to communicate, but there's still room to expand their vocabulary with some signs. Many nurseries use baby signing to encourage speech development, and it's a great tool for helping your child express themselves 👌.

Every child develops at their own pace, but it's helpful to know what typical milestones look like. Thanks to the input from speech and language therapists in developing Sing and Sign, you can be confident that baby signing is a great way to support your child's communication skills. If you suspect your baby’s communication might be delayed, signing could be particularly beneficial 💪🌟.

At Sing and Sign, our Stage 2 classes are specifically designed for toddlers aged +14 months. If you'd like to find out about Stage 2 classes in your local area, please visit our website on

If you’re concerned that your baby isn’t saying enough words, isn’t pointing to things, or isn’t making good eye contact, it’s worth talking to your Health Visitor or GP. They can refer you to a speech and language therapist for further advice 💙.

Love from Sign and Sign xx


👶 Last places for parent with baby under 6 months.
🎵 Come and join us for a trial class for just £5. You would be made to feel very welcome!
🌈 Learn songs, rhymes and gentle activities to enhance connection and communication.
📍Monday: Melksham - Only 3 places left!
📍Tuesday: Corsham
📍Thursday: Pewsey -Only 2 places left
📍Friday: Kington Langley
More info or to book;
We are looking forward to meeting you!


‘Careful’ is such an important word for babies and toddlers to understand 👏👍


This may be some useful guidance for parents, relatives and care-givers.

Baby sleep advice has changed a lot over the last 30 years so there’s a chance your parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends aren’t up to date with the latest guidance. Before you leave your baby with someone new, send them this webpage for a quick overview on safer sleep for babies:


🥳 Wishing Nadia, our Chippenham Sing and Sign teacher, a very happy birthday today! 🥳


This sounds like a super day out 👶 and FREE!


Looking for a fun day out with your toddler that won't break the bank?

Under 4's and their grown up can enjoy FREE ENTRY to the animal park and 1 free pot of animal food when visiting Mon-Fri until the 24th May.

This offer is available for walk in customers only. Simply turn up on the day and check in at the ticket desk.

We hope you enjoy your visit!


Sing your way through the day! 🎵

🎶 Once you try it you’ll be amazed how using the distraction of a song can really help you get trickier tasks done with your little one. 😁 This is why in Sing and Sign we have lots of useful songs to do with different parts of your baby and toddler’s life (nappy changes, bathtime, bedtime etc) 😊 And they can all be adapted, with a bit of imagination, to whatever task you have in hand! 😁

☀️ The weather has suddenly been hot in most of the UK this week and maybe your little one is needing to wear suncream for the first time? ☀️ And maybe they aren’t too happy about you putting it on?! 🫣 (sorry to say it’s a battle that may continue for the next decade or so of your life 😝). Why not try adapting our ‘putting on your shoes’ song next time and it might just help you along! 🎶 😊

Love from Sing and Sign x


This! ⬇️ 💜

Are you signing with your little one, but perhaps not quite sure if they understand you yet?

Have you wondered how to know if your baby is beginning to understand your signs? 🤔

Well, the best way is to look at them. REALLY look at them. 👀

If you ask them “Would you like your MILK?” and use the baby sign for “milk”, then you need to pay really good attention to your baby’s reaction.

Do they stop fussing and stare at you? Do they get excited and start kicking their feet? Or do they turn their face away or keep getting upset?

Your baby can’t speak, they can’t nod their head, and while they still can’t use signs themselves, they will try and use their body language to respond to you.

And you need to really look and listen to catch it 😉.

That is why baby signing is also known to help create stronger bonds between parents and baby. Because you give your baby your full attention and try to read their tiny cues and signals, and this is so beneficial for both of you. 💜💜

Love from Sing and Sign xx


Today we enjoyed the Bowerhill Scarecrow Trail thanks to Bowerhill Primary School in Melksham!
🤔 Can you work out five from these photos (small photos but I have confidence in you!) The theme is Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales. 🤔


👶 Do you want to come for a trial class with your baby under 6 months? 🎵

❤️ Welcoming and friendly
🩷 Calm atmosphere, small class sizes
🧡 Learn lots of fun songs and games to play with your baby
💛 Meet other local families
💚 Discover how your baby is learning to communicate and how you can help them
💙Spend special time with your new little one; connecting and communicating
💜 Free online classes, music and resources for you to use any time you like between classes

📍Pewsey, Chippenham, Corsham and Melksham

📱 Select ‘Babes’ to book a £5 TRIAL or a place on our course;

😊 Come and join the fun! We’re sure you will love it!

Ceri x


👶 Do you want to come for a trial class with your baby under 6 months old?🎵
❤️ Welcoming and friendly
🩷 Calm atmosphere, small class sizes
🧡 Learn lots of fun songs and games to play with your baby
💛 Meet other local families
💚 Discover how your baby is learning to communicate and how you can help them
💙Spend special time with your new little one; connecting and communicating
💜 Free online classes, music and resources for you to use any time you like between classes

📍Pewsey, Chippenham, Corsham and Melksham

📱 Select ‘Babes’ to book a £5 TRIAL or a place on our course;

😊 Come and join the fun! We’re sure you will love it!

Ceri x


✨Happy Star Wars Day! ✨
Love from Sing and Sign xx


Developed with the help of Speech and Language experts and launched in January 2001, the "Sing and Sign" programme has since taught many tens of thousands of parents with hearing babies across the UK how to sign and encourage amazing early communication. All babies can benefit from signing!

So what is baby signing?

As a part of typical development before speech is well established, babies naturally use a combination of gestures and sounds to help their parents understand them. For example they may point, shake their heads, clap their hands and wave "bye-bye". Now is a good time to introduce some extra gestures to help your baby communicate. It's easy to do and your baby will really enjoy it! Why not try milk, more, change nappy, or tired? Baby signing is wonderfully rewarding and fantastic fun.

You will be amazed by what your baby is capable of telling you before being able to talk!

How does Sing and Sign teach these baby signs?

Sing and Sign's original and unique approach has revolutionised baby signing in this country. Everyone knows nursery rhymes and action songs are great fun and musical activities help stimulate language development. Sing and Sign combines the benefits of both music and baby signing. We teach a wide range of signs using some traditional and some specially written or adapted songs. What makes Sing and Sign special is that every sign used in song relates to those important first words of a baby's world! Nappies and bath time, hiding games and bedtime. You name it, we have a song about it, and the babies just love to hear them! With a high standard of educational content, this is a relaxing, enjoyable and unpressured way for you and your baby to learn.

We don't use too many signs within the songs, just enough to highlight the key words. Many of the tunes we use are traditional and familiar melodies, this ensures all songs are easy to sign along with for the beginner.

What does the research say?

Babies readily acquire symbolic gestures when exposed to enhanced gesture training (what they initially called their approach and later renamed Baby Signs). Furthermore they propose (Acredolo et al., 1999; Goodwyn et al., 2000) that those taught to sign reap rewards such as:

- larger expressive and receptive spoken language vocabularies;
- more advanced mental development;
- a reduction in problematic behaviours like tantrums resulting from frustration; and
- improved parent–child relationships.

British Psychological Society

Classes are for babies 1-24 months in venue or online only. Why not book a trial class to experience Sing and Sign? Take a look here;




💕 Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week, which starts today, is a week-long campaign dedicated to talking about mental health problems before, during and after pregnancy.
The week is all about:
🌸 raising public and professional awareness of perinatal mental health problems.
🌼 advocating for women and families impacted.
🌸 changing attitudes.
🌼 helping people access the information, care and support they need to recover.

💕 Having a baby brings a mix of emotions and any parent can be affected by mental health challenges during their pregnancy or after their baby is born.

💕 This year’s Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week (Monday 29 April to Sunday 5 May), along with World Maternal Mental Health Day on 1st May, focuses on addressing myths about maternal mental health and highlighting how it is possible to recover from challenges.

💕 If you are affected by maternal mental health issues, you are not alone and there is help available. The website below has lots of useful advice and links

Love from
Sing and Sign xx


Having a newborn is hard. You’re doing so amazingly…. But if you need a helping hand for an hour or two this is a possibility for you… ❤️🥰 👶

Did you know that I do 'emergency' postnatal visits?

When I say emergency, I don't mean I arrive with blue lights flashing, I mean that I do the same or next day postnatal visits, to families who find themselves unexpectedly struggling with feeding or with an unsettled baby, or who are just feeling overwhelmed with the enormity of being a parent to a newborn.

During visits I can provide help and support with various aspects of newborn care, including feeding. I can help you with using your sling, or show you how to use one of mine. We can talk through all your, "Is this normal?" and, "Am I doing this right?" questions.

I can watch baby while you take a nap or soak in the bath. I can run the vacuum round or do the washing-up, while you enjoy newborn snuggles, or feed them for the eleventy-billionth time!

I can do visits in the evenings and at weekends (and sometimes even on bank holidays), not just Monday to Friday 9 to 5.

And all of this is available for the bargain price of just £28, for a visit of up to 2 hours. Or if you want me for a bit longer, this can usually be arranged.


Most definitely not! Signing does not delay speech, but encourages it! The use of gesture is a natural form of early communication and gives the acquisition of language a boost!

Signs are never used in place of spoken words and your baby will be greatly encouraged to communicate verbally, not in any way discouraged. At Sing and Sign we always sign alongside speech and often repeat the word we sign.

Baby signing is not a replacement for talking to your baby, in fact the whole point of it is that it encourages you to talk more, and more appropriately too!

Our signers frequently become little chatterboxes! We often have parents returning with their second, third or even fourth baby.

The simplest way to appreciate this is to consider how “Bye-bye” is often among the earliest words babies say. Think about how we all encourage babies to wave bye bye, recognising they will enjoy this and that it helps to make them aware of an important concept. Waving encourages a baby to verbalise “bye bye” because of the positive feedback and enjoyment of the sign. The principle is exactly the same for signs used with any and all other words in the Sing and Sign programme.

Come and start your own Sing and Sign journey! Take a look here for more info or to book a trial class;


Ever heard of keyword signing? 🤔
It's a game-changer for parents seeking early communication with their babies! 👌

Keyword signing involves using simple hand signs to represent essential words like "milk," "more," or "sleep." Even before your little one can vocalize these words, they can communicate their needs and desires through gestures.

By signing keywords, you create a visual cue that reinforces the spoken word. This can be incredibly helpful for babies, as they often understand more than they can express. It also promotes word recognition, as the repetitive use of signs helps babies connect the dots between what they see and what they hear 🎉.

This approach helps babies link words with actions, objects, or concepts, paving the way for early language development.

And once your baby's motor skills are developed enough, they can start copying the signs you have shown them, helping you understand their needs and thoughts. It's like giving your baby a voice before they find their words, reducing frustration for both of you 💪.

It can also boost your baby's confidence, as they start to realize they can "talk" to you through signs. Plus, it's a great bonding activity—when you sign keywords, you're naturally spending more focused time with your baby, creating meaningful interactions ❤️.

If you're interested in learning more about keyword signing and how it can benefit your baby, Sing and Sign offers fun, music-filled classes that guide you through the process 🎶. Find your local class on

Love from Sing and Sign x


We love learning the signs for colours in our Stage Two classes! 🌈 The Rainbow Song is one of my favourites! 🎵

🌈 Early on in our Stage Two course we teach you signs for different colours. 🌈 Colours are something it is great to start introducing to toddlers from about 18mths, however they are actually a very complex thing for them to grasp. So don’t worry at all if your little one doesn’t learn to distinguish them for a good number of years yet. 🤔
However, did you know that you can greatly help them understand the concept of colours if, when you remember, you name the object first and then mention its colour. 😊 And it’s even better for their understanding if you can add in the word ‘colour’ too - this helps them work out that your adjective is a colour rather than a property of the object such as shiny or fast.
And splitting the colour away from the object as you speak makes it easier to sign too. 🤗 As you know at Sing and Sign we advise you to stick to only one sign per sentence. So in the example here you could sign both car and red when you split what you’re saying into two sentences. 🌈🚗
Love from Sing and Sign x

Photos from Sing and Sign Chippenham & Marlborough's post 21/04/2024


👶 For babies 1-6 months old; Sing and Sign Babes is a fun, gentle music class with a big difference.

Designed with Speech and Language specialists, the course looks in depth at how babies learn to communicate, how they begin to understand what different facial expressions and gestures mean, and how they discover the joy of conversation.

We teach you how to encourage these skills in the best way possible - by playing games, singing action songs and enjoying music together. You won't find stacks of toys, props or bubbles in our classes, because all your baby needs is you (armed with a little knowledge and heaps of love!)

As well as your weekly in-person class, you’ll also get access to our exclusive 'Babes' online resources. You’ll find reminders of the week’s theme, expert tips and video clips of our songs, helping you build the framework of communication with your baby! While a current Babes member you will be able to stream our Babes music to enjoy outside of class too.

We really are so proud to be bringing this to our Babes parents, being the front runners in supporting you outside of class...Our classes just keep on giving 💙

Book your course or trial now

Ceri x

Join the fun and discover what your baby wants to tell you!

With 3 age-specific groups and small class sizes, we can’t wait to welcome you and your little one in Corsham, Melksham, Pewsey or Chippenham:

👶 Sing and Sign Babes: gentle, fun classes with lots of ideas for play and connecting with your baby. Discover how they’re learning to communicate and learn a few signs to use too.
£5 TRIAL? and select ‘Babes’ and scroll down to view trials
💙 Stage 1 (for 6-14 months old): So much to see and enjoy! You’ll learn over 150 signs through our super songs - animals, vehicles and routines. £5 TRIAL? Choose preferred class and input discount code ST1TRIAL
💜 Stage 2 (for 14 months to talking): full of action songs to join in with, we explore your toddler’s world and teach signs for colours, foods, opposites and manners.
£5 TRIAL? Choose preferred class and input discount code ST2TRIAL

Ceri x


🎶 Here are just a few reasons why Sing and Sign is so fab!

🏡 Sing and Sign isn’t just an enjoyable class to attend with your little one, we also aim to provide you with skills that you can use every single day to support your little one’s communication and reduce their frustration as they start to communicate with you!

Baby facial expressions: 5 ways your baby is already trying to communicate 19/04/2024

This echoes what we talk about and practice in our Babes 1-6mths curriculum! ❤️ 👶

Baby facial expressions: 5 ways your baby is already trying to communicate Well before they can say words, there are all sorts of ways your baby communicates with you. Learn why babies make an o shape with their mouth, what is rooting and lots more.

Sing and Sign in Action - The Basics #1 17/04/2024

❓Have you ever seen babies signing to communicate?
Do take a look here at some previous signers! What super communication! ❤️

Sing and Sign in Action - The Basics #1 Sing and Sign is the award-winning programme designed to help your baby communicate using simple signs and our magic ingredient ... music! See these Sing and...

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Videos (show all)

👶 Last places for parent with baby under 6 months.🎵 Come and join us for a trial class for just £5. You would be made to...
I love to find out what our babies and toddlers are interested in. They tend to use those signs first! Here’s one of our...
🥳 Wishing Nadia, our Chippenham Sing and Sign teacher, a very happy birthday today! 🥳
Did you know signing DOESN'T delay speech but encourages it? All of our courses are developed with speech and language t...
💜 Babies who sign can show that they understand what is happening in their everyday routine. This is baby Novah at 11 mo...
👶 Do you want to come for a trial class with your baby under 6 months? 🎵 ❤️ Welcoming and friendly🩷 Calm atmosphere, sma...
👶 Do you want to come for a trial 1-6 baby class? 🎵
👶 Do you want to come for a trial 1-6 baby class? 🎵 ❤️ Welcoming and friendly🩷 Calm atmosphere, small class sizes🧡 Learn...
#toddlerclassmelksham #toddlersofmelksham #melkshamcommunitycampus
🎶 So much more than just a music class 🎶See discount codes below to trial a class! At Sing and Sign, we bring you fun, i...
For a limited time our Babes (1-5mths) trials are HALF PRICE! Use code; 1/2pricetrial#Babysigning #earlycommunication #b...




Melksham Community Campus, Market Place.

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