Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+ Gut Health Specialist

Based in Morpeth - remote testing Bioresonance Healing

150 Food (s) Intolerance Test, 50+ environmental allergies
25 Vitamins and minerals for deficiencies & gut health analysis, meal plan included, weight loss help and so much more - only £70 - with continued support

Confidence in Menopause Training - GP

Menopause Analysis - From July on offer for £99 with a food intolerance test as above

Based in Morpeth - covering the North East
Face to face appointments only


I will be going on holiday tomorrow until Tuesday of next week, usually I would take my diary but on this occasion I won’t be.
I will get back to messages then - thank you 🩷

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 23/08/2024

My new machine is just incredible - not only helping with all medical issues but it also delves into your aura and chakras. Support is added to help align your chakras by using crystals and brainwaves.
Absolutely nothing compares to this machine (other than the next model up 😂).

7 things that affect your vibrational frequency from the point of view of quantum physics.

Vibration in quantum physics means that everything is energy. We are vibrating beings on certain frequencies. Every vibration equals a feeling and in the "vibrational" world, there are only two kinds of vibration, positive and negative. Every feeling makes you emit a vibration that can be positive or negative.

1st - Thoughts
Every thought emits a frequency out to the universe and that frequency goes back to the source, so in case if you have negative thoughts, discouragement, sadness, anger, fear, it all comes back to you. This is why it is so important that you take care of the quality of your thoughts and learn to cultivate more positive thoughts.

2nd - The Company
The people around you have a direct impact on your vibrational frequency. If you surround yourself with happy, positive and determined people, you will also enter this vibration. Now if you surround yourself with complainers and pessimists - you will absorb their energy and decrease your frequency.

3rd - The Music
Music is very powerful. If you only listen to music that talks about death, betrayal, sadness, abandonment, all of these will interfere with your vibration. Pay attention to the lyrics of the music you listen to, it could be lowering your vibrational frequency. And remember: you attract exactly what you vibrate into your life.

4th - Things You Watch
When you watch shows that deal with misfortune, death, betrayal, etc. your brain accepts this as reality and releases a whole chemistry in your body, which affects your vibrational frequency. Watch things that do you good and helps you vibrate at a higher frequency.

5th - The Mood
Whether at home or at work, if you spend a lot of time in a disorganised and dirty environment, it will also affect your vibrational frequency. Improve your surroundings, organise and clean up your environment and that includes people.

6th - The Word
If you pretend or speak poorly about things and people it affects your vibrational frequency. To maintain your frequency high, it is essential to eliminate the habit of complaining and bad talking about others. So avoid the drama and victimisation.
Take responsibility for your life choices, the role you played in any suffering and change it.

7th - The Gratitude
Gratitude has a positive effect on your vibrational frequency. This is a habit you should incorporate into your life now. Start giving thanks for everything, for the good things and what you consider bad, give thanks for all the experiences you have experienced.
Gratitude opens the door for good things to happen positively in your life.

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 12/08/2024

Did you know, if your intestines were laid flat they would cover a tennis court?
So that is why conventional tests are’t very accurate at all.
How can they possibly look into every cell within those intestines?

H.pylori (amongst other bacteria and pathogens) has been identified with bio resonance twice (on my old machine too) - which is the cause of the ulcers and digestion issues. The ulcers didn’t come up on the CT scan.

If you have a biopsy they may not get the area that is affected and stool samples are inaccurate as bacteria has learnt how to hide in biofilm and heavy metals. They say 50% of the population have H.pylori, but with crap testing methods I think it’s a lot higher.

You are given acid reducing medication and antibiotics to get rid of it but H.pylori neutralises your acid anyway. The likely hood of eradicating it and it not returning is minimal.

My wonderful machine confirming this and kidney cysts, adrenal issues and a whole lot more! Cell testing is the only accurate form of testing.

Diverticulitis came up on her face to face appointment (which is prevalent with H.pylori and SIBO) which the docs thought she ‘may have’.

Conclusion from them ~ IBS 😳

Plan of action - food elimination and therapy discs which will get rid of the bacteria by unburdening the liver ❤️

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 03/08/2024


All you have to do is;

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The must have bikini accessory for the summer and going forward!

Healing emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually stronger ❤️❤️❤️

Remote testing - special offer of £155

🔺Worth £420🔺

What’s included;

🔺A full body check with over 16000 testing components, which also includes; foods, vitamins, bacteria, fungus, infections, allergens, environmentals, mould, toxins. With focus on your symptoms/medical history to test additional organ systems.

🔺A 112 page book worth £30

🔺Access to a private Facebook group with meal ideas and a wealth of information

🔺A detailed report with explanations of findings

🔺A therapy disc* to unburden and destress the body - worth £60. A recommended 4 x 2 week sessions - so there will be additional costs


*Corrective frequencies are sent to the Bicom chip to help with deep blockages, scar and geopathic strains. The lymph’s, liver and kidneys are assessed and corrective frequencies stored on the chip to provide harmonisation to the whole body.

Areas of focus;

Hay Fever & Allergies
Food Intolerances
Weight Gain/loss
Electronic Smog
Chemicals, Toxins, Pollution
Auto Immune Disease
Lyme Disease
Pain Management
Sports Injuries
Digestive problems
All Skin Problems
Infectious Diseases
Neurological Disorders

If you would like to fill in a questionnaire or message the page for more information


My client had the face to face advanced test alongside using the therapy disc, within a few days she has lost weight, her skin is healing and gut pain easing 💙
Amazing results so far!


I am in the process of building a new website which will eventually make my current business/website obsolete. You will be able to order tests and therapy discs online which will give a more streamlined service and you will also get reminders to order your discs.

Just to avoid confusion I will explain how I’m combining both of my bioresonance machines together.

If you opt for the in-house advanced test with over 500 tests and things need to be investigated further I am suggesting a free blood test with a view to purchasing a therapy disc which is £60.

With the advanced test you get a face to face appointment with a book worth £30
The offer for the book with remote testing has ended and you will get a list of main food intolerances as opposed to 240 foods with the advanced test.

The new machine is preprogrammed and doesn’t test for everything that I’m currently doing research on - which massively impacts lots of health issues.

When I get the next model up I will be able to combine everything together and it will be less confusing for everyone!
Therefore, soon, the majority of future testing will be remote - unless you want a face to face consultation.

From your healthcare questionnaire and symptoms I will be able to determine which method you will need and I will advise accordingly.

This offer has ended but just to show the differences in testing;

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 07/07/2024

A healed p***y cats eye ❤️❤️ after only a few days of therapy water ❤️❤️

Finding out what is the root cause rather than using expensive medication with loads of side effects is imperitive for longterm healing.

Questionnaire2 – Nutrition First plus 06/07/2024

Morning, I have had lots of messages about therapy discs and how they work, here is a quick video on quantum physics and healing through cell communication;

Therapy discs healing the nation - emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically!!

I have tried to keep prices down to help people, whilst also not devaluing the service. So the test will remain at £155 with a free therapy disc worth £60 - extended until the end of July

What’s included;

🔺A full body check with over 16000 testing components, which also includes; vitamins, bacteria, fungus, infections, allergens, environmentals, mould, toxins and hundreds more. With focus on your symptoms/medical history to test additional organ systems.

🔺Access to a private Facebook group with meal ideas and a wealth of information

🔺A detailed report with explanations of findings

🔺A therapy disc* to unburden and destress the body - worth £60 which lasts 2 weeks


*Corrective frequencies are sent to the Bicom chip to help with deep blockages, scar and geopathic strains. The lymph’s, liver and kidneys are assessed and corrective frequencies stored on the chip to provide harmonisation to the whole body.

Areas of focus;

Hay Fever & Allergies
Food Intolerances
Weight Gain/loss
Electronic Smog
Chemicals, Toxins, Pollution
Auto Immune Disease
Lyme Disease
Pain Management
Sports Injuries
Digestive problems
All Skin Problems
Infectious Diseases
Neurological Disorders

If you would like to fill in a questionnaire I can determine which method of testing would be beneficial to you;

Questionnaire2 – Nutrition First plus Before your appointment can you please complete and submit the following questionnaire. This will help to pinpoint areas to focus in on during your session. Thanks


Morning - I’m moving house over the next few days, as such replies may take a little longer.
Thank you for your patience ❤️

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 27/06/2024

It's that time of year again for hayfever sufferers!

The usual first port of call is Antihistamine medication. These bind to histamine receptors in cells throughout the body, blocking them from setting off the immune system response. However there are lots of side effects to anti histamines;

Weight gain
Dry mouth/eyes
Reduced s*x drive/lack of lubrication
Continued use can cause mental decline/dementia
Delirium/reduced cognitive function due to decreased dopamine
Reduced REM = increased tiredness
Vitamin deficiencies
Joint pain
And INCREASED histamine as the body doesn’t think it has enough so it produces more!!

Using the new therapy discs decreases symptoms in 93% of people!
Start now with the offer which includes your first disc worth £60
4 x 2 week sessions are recommended 😀

Who’s looking forward to a snot free summer?! 😤 😂

🌳Allergy treatment with bioresonance🌳

Experience has shown that bioresonance therapy is very effective for allergies.
Therefore, the method is particularly popular for all allergy symptoms. The bioresonance device ensures that the information carried by the allergen is transformed and sent back to the organism in a neutralized form. When repeated several times, it dissolves the stored allergy-causing frequency pattern and thus harmonizes the body’s own information.

Several clinical studies suggest that bioresonance therapy is especially successful in treating allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (hay fever).

👉 (for instagrammers: link can also be found in the linktree at our bio)
**BICOM® bioresonance is a tried and tested holistic treatment method with over 35 years of expert experience.**

Follow us for more
@ BICOMWorldwide (Facebook)

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 21/06/2024

There is absolutely no other test like it in the world! The Advanced test was created by myself from years of research, study and using past client data to formulate extensive testing that simply changes people’s lives 🔥

Non invasive, accurate and immediate results.


It takes on average 3 therapy discs to get rid of hayfever - I haven’t taken one antihistamine this year and I have (had!) allergy related asthma!

Offer ending soon!!!!

Therapy discs healing the nation - emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically!!

I have tried to keep prices down to help people, whilst also not devaluing the service. So the test will remain at £155 with a free therapy disc worth £60 until the end of June.

What’s included;

🔺A full body check with over 16000 testing components, which also includes; foods, vitamins, bacteria, fungus, infections, allergens, environmentals, mould, toxins. With focus on your symptoms/medical history to test additional organ systems.

🔺Access to a private Facebook group with meal ideas and a wealth of information

🔺A detailed report with explanations of findings

🔺A therapy disc* to unburden and destress the body - worth £60. A recommended 4 x 2 week sessions - so there will be additional costs


*Corrective frequencies are sent to the Bicom chip to help with deep blockages, scar and geopathic strains. The lymph’s, liver and kidneys are assessed and corrective frequencies stored on the chip to provide harmonisation to the whole body.

Areas of focus;

Hay Fever & Allergies
Food Intolerances
Weight Gain/loss
Electronic Smog
Chemicals, Toxins, Pollution
Auto Immune Disease
Lyme Disease
Pain Management
Sports Injuries
Digestive problems
All Skin Problems
Infectious Diseases
Neurological Disorders

If you would like to fill in a questionnaire I can determine which method of testing would be beneficial to you;


I am on a short break - messages will be responded to by Thursday - thank you


Offer ending soon!!!!

Therapy discs healing the nation - emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically!!

I have tried to keep prices down to help people, whilst also not devaluing the service. So the test will remain at £155 with a free therapy disc worth £60 until the end of June.

What’s included;

🔺A full body check with over 16000 testing components, which also includes; foods, vitamins, bacteria, fungus, infections, allergens, environmentals, mould, toxins. With focus on your symptoms/medical history to test additional organ systems.

🔺Access to a private Facebook group with meal ideas and a wealth of information

🔺A detailed report with explanations of findings

🔺A therapy disc* to unburden and destress the body - worth £60. A recommended 4 x 2 week sessions - so there will be additional costs


*Corrective frequencies are sent to the Bicom chip to help with deep blockages, scar and geopathic strains. The lymph’s, liver and kidneys are assessed and corrective frequencies stored on the chip to provide harmonisation to the whole body.

Areas of focus;

Hay Fever & Allergies
Food Intolerances
Weight Gain/loss
Electronic Smog
Chemicals, Toxins, Pollution
Auto Immune Disease
Lyme Disease
Pain Management
Sports Injuries
Digestive problems
All Skin Problems
Infectious Diseases
Neurological Disorders

If you would like to fill in a questionnaire I can determine which method of testing would be beneficial to you;

BICOM® Bioresonance (How it works) 05/06/2024

I’ve had lots of messages on how the therapy discs work, here is a short video.
The company do a 4 year masters degree in quantum physics - which I will be doing next year 💙

BICOM® Bioresonance (How it works) In this video we explain how bioresonance works and why bioenergetic cell communication plays such an important role in the body's self-healing powers.BICOM®...

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 05/06/2024

My clients messages;
since the 29th of May she has lost 9lb.
She fasts, is extremely active in her job, runs marathons and has never lost weight so quickly and for years has never been under 10 stone.
Within a matter of days her life has changed with the magic discs!

She’s also been dancing while doing the housework instead of napping 🤣🤣

She makes me laugh 😂😂


These are the categories that are tested with the BICOM machine;

Full Body/skeleton - (man or woman)

Acupuncture points according to Dr. Voll
Blood and immune cells
Body Overview
Cells, cell structures and membranes
Connective and fatty tissue Digestive system - intestine Digestive system - pancreas

Digestive system - stomach, esophagus and mouth
Digestive tract - liver and gallbladder
Epigenetics - Chromosomes
Epigenetics = DNA structures
Epigenetics - RINA fragmerts
Genitourinary tract kidney and bladder

Genitourinary tract and reproductive organs
Lymphatic and immune system
Microorganisms and helminths
Musculoskeletal system - bones and extremities
Musculoskeletal system - joints
Musculoskeletal system muscles and tendons

Musculoskeletal system - spine
Nervous system
Nervous system - nerves
Nervous system - spinal cord
Respiratory system
Sensory organs and skin
Teeth and jaws

Even an MRI can’t test the body to this level and accuracy - especially as testing is at cellular level - NOTHING COMPARES!

OVER 16k testing components that can also predict your health concerns if you don’t act upon them.

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 01/06/2024

An amazing review! This lady started therapy at the start of the year she had so many health problems (as below) - however using therapy she has now regained her health!

The medicine of the future!

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 21/05/2024

Life changing results from wearing 3 therapy discs (6 weeks!) my client had over 20 years of dizziness!
Not one conventional test could pin point the root cause. Within 10 minutes into her test I messaged to tell her what the issue was. We are now targeting it with the healing therapy discs.


Therapy discs healing the 🌎🔥


The astounding capabilities of testing blood at a cellular level.
My client had years of neurological issues which helped when she eliminated foods when we met a few years back, however using my new machine has given us the root cause of her debilitating condition.
Therapy discs - used for healing the entire body!

Knowledge is power 🔥

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 19/05/2024

🥳🥳🥳What happens in the gut does not stay in the gut. It’s not Vegas!!!!!🥳🥳🥳

A leaky gut allows the entry of exterior antigens from the gut lumen into the host, which may promote both local and systemic immune responses.

Multiple diseases may arise or be exacerbated due to a leaky gut, including autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, coeliac, autoimmune diseases, type 1/2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus and lots more!


Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 18/05/2024

Enjoying my punnets of grapes!
A before and after photo of grapes been consumed at a buffet when I used to work in the NHS!
9 months pregnant then 12 hours later - normal! The pain! 😭😭
A conversation with a client expressing my joy of being able to eat them 😂⬇️
My new machine targets the reason why you have food intolerances and eradicates the issue - usually pathogens, bacteria, fungus, mould and a sluggish liver that isn’t detoxifying efficiently. All by wearing a therapy disc.

If you don’t get to the root cause you will always have food intolerances.
Can someone peel me a grape please 😂😂🍇🍇
Now to drink wine without ill effect 🥂🥂😁


Permanent help for multi-allergy sufferers

… Especially in the case of multi-allergy sufferers, it is important to know that these diverse allergies or indefinable symptoms can be based on certain underlying stresses that irritate and overload the immune system. For lasting success, it is therefore important to identify such stresses and to treat them specifically. In this context I have had very good experiences with the bioresonance method…

**BICOM® bioresonance is a tried and tested holistic treatment method with over 35 years of expert experience.**

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 13/05/2024

My 5 star reputation is extremely important to me especially as I go above and beyond in my service to others. Therefore, introducing new technology into my business was a risk - even though the company I work alongside has been successfully practicing medical tech for 35 years!
Many companies have offered collaboration which I have refused because their testing methods do not hit my high standards and are pretty useless!

Since last summer I used therapy (on and off but continually since Jan) the machine has identified and eradicated;

*Strep A, central nervous system dysregulation, thyroid function, nail infections, hayfever, eradicated animal/environmental allergies which has impacted severe asthma, reduced lung inflammation, balanced hormones, increased hair growth/fullness, energy, increased collagen through cell regeneration, mood, cognition, sleep, healed a fractured knee/torn ligaments, joint pain, inflammation, kidney and liver function optimised, increased immunity and just recently healed ulcers in my eyeball!

All done by detoxing pathogens, bacteria, fungus and toxins to destress the organs and thereby reducing inflammation and optimising self-healing.

The therapy discs are changing lives⬇️
*this is not a medical diagnosis


Offer ending soon!!!!

Therapy discs healing the nation - emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically!!

I have tried to keep prices down to help people, whilst also not devaluing the service. So the test will remain at £155 with a free therapy disc worth £60 until June.

However, the 112 page book worth £30 and foods will not be included. Should you wish to have the book plus more foods it will be £30 extra.

What’s included;

🔺A full body check with over 16000 testing components, which also includes; foods, vitamins, bacteria, fungus, infections, allergens, environmentals, mould, toxins. With focus on your symptoms/medical history to test additional organ systems.

🔺A list of foods to avoid and recommendations

🔺Access to a private Facebook group with meal ideas and a wealth of information

🔺A detailed report with explanations of findings

🔺A therapy disc* to unburden and destress the body - worth £60. A recommended 4 x 2 week sessions - so there will be additional costs


*Corrective frequencies are sent to the Bicom chip to help with deep blockages, scar and geopathic strains. The lymph’s, liver and kidneys are assessed and corrective frequencies stored on the chip to provide harmonisation to the whole body.

Areas of focus;

Hay Fever & Allergies
Food Intolerances
Weight Gain/loss
Electronic Smog
Chemicals, Toxins, Pollution
Auto Immune Disease
Lyme Disease
Pain Management
Sports Injuries
Digestive problems
All Skin Problems
Infectious Diseases
Neurological Disorders

If you would like to fill in a questionnaire I can determine which method of testing would be beneficial to you;

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 03/05/2024

2 fab life changing reviews from my clients 😀

Laughing at Decca “could only eat dust” - his mast cells/immune system were on fire trying to protect him, so literally anything he ate/used on his skin would be detrimental.

However, since finding out the root cause of this and using therapy to heal he will eventually be able to reintroduce the majority of his foods.


Within the protocol for remote testing all areas are accessed that affect your mental health. From vitamin deficiencies, hormones, gut health, food, allergies, pathogens and more.

These support mechanisms are added to the therapy discs;
Bach Flower range,
Crystals and Chakra responses
Brain waves
Vitamins and minerals

So many clients (myself included) have had a positive impact in their cognition (reduced brainfog), mood, energy, sleep and general zest for life 💜

Frequency healing - The medicine of the future💜💜

Photos from Food Intolerance Allergy Testing NutritionFirst+  Gut Health Specialist's post 29/04/2024

As yet, not one anti histamine has crossed my lips (and I do not envisage it happening).
I have all year round (well had) allergy related asthma!
My clients are also benefiting from reduced hayfever symtoms too!

It's that time of year again when hayfever sufferers begin to suffer! April is tree pollen season and so it begins.

The first port of call is Antihistamine medication. These bind to histamine receptors in cells throughout the body, blocking them from setting off the immune system response. However there are lots of side effects to anti histamines;

Weight gain
Dry mouth/eyes
Reduced s*x drive/lack of lubrication
Continued use can cause mental decline/dementia
Delirium/reduced cognitive function due to decreased dopamine
Reduced REM = increased tiredness
Vitamin deficiencies
Joint pain
And INCREASED histamine as the body doesn’t think it has enough so it produces more to protect you - if you have no resolution from antihistamines - this is your reason why!!

Using the new therapy discs decreases symptoms in 93% of people!

Start now with the offer which includes your first disc worth £60 for only £155! (Ends June)
Which includes a full body analysis - equivalent to 30 specialist appointments plus an MRI and CT scan!! Based uniquely at a cellular level for the most accurate test you will ever have!

4 x 2 week sessions are recommended 😀

So, who’s looking forward to a snot free summer?! 😤 😂🖐🏼

🌳Allergy treatment with bioresonance🌳

Experience has shown that bioresonance therapy is very effective for allergies.
Therefore, the method is particularly popular for all allergy symptoms. The bioresonance device ensures that the information carried by the allergen is transformed and sent back to the organism in a neutralized form. When repeated several times, it dissolves the stored allergy-causing frequency pattern and thus harmonizes the body’s own information.

Several clinical studies suggest that bioresonance therapy is especially successful in treating allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (hay fever).

👉 (for instagrammers: link can also be found in the linktree at our bio)
**BICOM® bioresonance is a tried and tested holistic treatment method with over 35 years of expert experience.**

Follow us for more
@ BICOMWorldwide (Facebook)

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🥳COMPETITION TIME🥳All you have to do is;👙Share this post👙Tag 3 people into the post The must have bikini accessory for t...
A healed pussy cats eye ❤️❤️ after only a few days of therapy water ❤️❤️Finding out what is the root cause rather than u...
Jemma Thompson you have won the competition for the remote testing!!!Thank you to everyone that has shared the post!Good...
Drawing TOMORROW!!!  You’ve got to be in it to win it!!!’❤️🥳COMPETITION TIME🥳All you have to do is;👙Share this post👙Tag ...
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My before and after photos - 3 stone down 😇
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Winner of the raffle  Liam McIntyre 😄
After lots of likes, comments and messages I’m doing a Black Friday raffle.The lucky winner will receive an Advanced Tes...


Abbey Meadows

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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