Divine Goddess Retreats

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Divine Goddess Retreats, Alternative & holistic health service, Newcastle upon Tyne.

•Women’s Wellness Retreats
•Yoga, Meditation & Manifestation
•Friendship & Fun
•Self Acceptance & Confidence
Creating a unique experience inspired by self discovery, creativity, fun, connection & bringing women together


Release resistance to what is, allow everything to unfold before you.

To plan, think, do, is to be in your masculine energy. Be in your easy, effortless, flowing, feeling, ever changing feminine energy.

Like a floating butterfly from here to there...enjoying the views and the dance of life.

Alison # # #


Even if you have to walk alone, choose you, always choose you 🤍🤍🤍


The feminine is connected with the cyclacle moon, whilst the masculine energy is connected with the sun.

•The moon has 4 cycles and so does a woman, waxing, waning, full, new. Here are the 4 phases of your cycle below and how you may feel during these times.

Can you easily identify where you are in your cycle?

Practice identifying where you are in your cycle by HOW YOU FEEL.
Check in and saying ok “I’m feeling XYZ I’m in the phase of crone, maiden, mother, enchantress”

How do you feel?

Do you know the phases of your cycle?

I am in ENCHANTRESS on the cusp of CRONE.

Does your cycle sync with the moon cycle?

Bleeding, menstruated phase, wise woman, reflective, passive, withdrawn, inward focus and creativity, best time for inner processing, re-framing, letting go of things, new ideas, intuition, creativity. Rest & renewal.

Follicular phase, virgin, after the bleed, dynamic, active, surge of new energy, increasing conscious awareness, learning, mental creativity, concentration, studying, researching, structural thinking, independence and physical stamina.

Ovulation phase, passives, outgoing, expressive, outward focus for creativity. Best time for communication, empathy, productivity, teamwork, supporting others, emotional creativity and creating relationships.

Luteal phase, wild woman, pre-menstrual, creative, active, increased subconscious awareness, best time for inspired creativity, out of the box thinking, problem identification, problem solving, assertiveness.

Alison # # #


Another woman triggering you is often an opportunity to go inward, investigate, what am I finding irritating? What is this bringing up and highlighting for me? What opportunity for growth is here for me?


There’s nothing more beautiful than authenticity ✨✨✨✨


Has lions gate brought you clarity on what you want to manifest? What your hearts desires are? There is no more playing small! Ask for what you truly desire 🤍🤍

There is no coincidence that the last super full moon of 2022 is on the 11th, which is considered a Karmic number in numerology, associated with spiritual awakening. This mystical number is said to offer insight, higher energy, inspiration, and creativity.

11 and an Aquarius super full moon go perfect together as Aquarius energy is the energy of innovation and change. The dawn of the new age is upon us. Welcome it in, the next part of your journey will be preparation for what is to be birthed, what is to come. Trust that you are divinely guided on your path. DREAM BIG!!!




You are a goddess, your body is the alter.

Have you been settling? Once you step into your feminine power, lukewarm, half arsed just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Get clear on what you want then allow the universe to deliver it.

What do I want from a partner?
What qualities do I want him to have?
How do I want to feel?

What are my absolute non negotiables?

Alison # # #


Affirmation - As I step full into my divine feminine energy I am open and receptive to all live has to offer me.

I AM WORTHY. Show me how good it gets. ✨✨✨✨


Hope you all found the Lions Gate portal energy easy to ride?

We have the super full moon in Aquarius on Thursday 11th. This is a great time for transition and change, the energies are intense this week. Lions gate is still open until 12th and the full moon on the 11th. Go easy and give your body the opportunity to integrate this energy. Go heavy on self care and self love.

•Salt baths to help shift old stagnated energy.
•You may start to peel and shed dry skin.
•I encourage exfoliation - those of you who have the unblemished Luxury Body Polish, it’s a perfect time to use this (for body). Also the Daily Facebuff and Indian Healing Clay (for face).
•Moisturise and take care of your skin.
•Increase your water intake.
•Drink calming teas - chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, valerian root, ginger, peppermint.
•Be mindful of your speech and the language you use around this time, try to avoid speaking about what you don’t want, what you are fed up of, what you are tired of playing out in your life. Use this process to develop clarity on what you do want.
Words are spell’s abracadabra translates “as I speak”.

What you may be experiencing.
•Upper bag pain (back of the heart clears) in between the shoulder blades is conferee to past heart pain.
•Blocked sinuses, General increase of mocus. Try to clear this with sinus massage, face steam and release this mucus.
•Low energy, General tiredness, nap if you need to and rest when you can. Release guilt and shame around resting. Listen to your body, honour the feminine and melt into your yin energy.

I hope you find this helpful. Lots of love Alison # # #

Arg credit to


Create a beautiful life for yourself, a one that makes you proud, a life that is in alignment with your highest good, a life that brings you peace and joy simultaneously.


Truth ✨✨


Women’s wellness matters, women’s health matters, sacred spaces matter.


Do you have plans for LIONS GATE? If not why not join us for Lions gate amalgamation and integration?!

Sunday 7th August 5-8pm we prepare for lions gate, self care Sunday - Pyjama party.

Location - The Temple, North Shields.

I’ll be serving a sleep preparation tea with calming chamomile and lavender.

We will be doing a gorgeous integration meditation along with some gentle conscious movement to help us amalgamate the new energy that is coming through.

Our 5d (higher selves) we will be connecting to galactic guides and collective healing energies. I like to call this the collective brain, we will be sending our wishes up to the collective brain for healing .

The D world is like a lovely layered cake, our 5d often receives this energy before our 3d body does, the 7d is connected to our galactic team, this filter system allows the energy to be drip fed when we (3d) are ready.

This guided meditation will prepare your body for the receiving of these energies.

I’ll be channeling messages and guidance (whatever else comes through) I’m been given a lot of guidance around the activation of the higher third eye budhi. Let’s see what comes through.

The second part of the evening we will be doing our evening skincare ritual, preparing ourselves for sleep and an evening of rest, replenishment and renewal. This will include a facial massage that I will guide you through.

There will be an opportunity for you to test all unblemished products, and they will be available to purchase and take home that evening. . The body oils will be there, you are encouraged to use them and give yourself a nice foot and shoulder massage.

This evening is themed around gentle and tenderness, the soft energy that is required whilst integrating these new high frequencies, your dna is changing, you are receiving new coding, it’s key to go gently and be easy. Self love and self care is vital through your spiritual awakening, your continuing death and rebirths and your ascension.

Event cost - code 3588

3+5=8, bringing us into triple 8 energy 888.

Sunday 7th August. 5-8pm

Direct message to book. Alison # # #


Find someone you can build with, build a home with, a family with, or an empire with.

Each of us are different in what we desire and what we want. But as humans there is no denying we want to build, whatever that looks like. Whether it be a family unit, a beautiful home or a business empire.

Be with someone who celebrates your wins, who fully supports you. Be with someone who tries to fully understand you as a woman, who can support you through life, someone you can be free with and come home to.

A relationship shouldn’t be a trade for your freedom!

Whatever you are building, my advice would be to be with someone who is also building!!!

Who you let into your kingdom is a HUGE decision, they can create destruction and chaos or peace and harmony. They can build with you or start knocking holes in your walls, and your kingdom can be left in tatters and ruin!

These are big decisions and can often determine the direction of your life! Better to be alone in a well build secure kingdom than in a relationship with someone who is undoing all of your hard work or even worse, works against you!

Some people build, and some people destroy! This is one of the biggest and harshest lessons I have EVER learnt!

If you are a Queen who has her kingdom in order, find a king who has his kingdom in order, stop lowering down your bridge and allowing villagers with empty stomachs to enter.

Stand firmly in your Queen and know YOUR WORTH. Queens do not mother, heal or save men! That is NOT a Queens role! Queens build! There are healers, medicine women and mothers in the village for those roles, that role is not yours to play!


Alison # # #


There are 2 spaces available for this Sunday’s SACRED CEREMONY LIONS GATE 8.8.

You are invited to a sacred ceremony on Sunday 8th August at 10.30am in honour of the very special cosmic alignment, The Lions Gate Portal.

During this potent passageway we will embark on a beautiful journey, as the intense surge of light awakens our DNA and activates our human energy field we will aid the transmission of high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening through ritual and sacred ceremony.

We will start the ceremony with plant medicine, a gentle yet highly intelligent teacher
peppermint, apple and cocoa. This gentle tea infusion will help us integrate these high frequency energies into our physical form.

This tea supports us in cleansing, awakening and grounding our energy allowing us to experience deeper states of meditation.

✨Light code download assist✨
This ceremony will prepare the body for the download of new light codes that stream through the Lions Gate Portal Sunday 8th until Thursday 12th August.

-The download vision-
We will settle in a mandala style set up with yoga mats, blankets and cushions. You will be gifted a gorgeous Lapiz Lazuli, one of Goddess Isis’ favourite crystals.

The 7 white crystal singing bowls will be in the central space, each will be filled with water, the 7 singing bowls are attuned to the 7 main chakras. The water will be charged with these frequencies and will be offered to the Central Sun (this is represented by our 24” Tibetan singing bowl).
You will be blessed with this water and gifted with a small bottle of it to take away with you.

24 is the number of success, brilliance and light.

I will be “live streaming” 😂🤦🏼‍♀️💫🌙
Goddess Isis and channelling her message. She is, AS ALWAYS, encouraging us to be fully present and open to the wisdom of her teachings.

LIONS GATE - The Leo energy is perfect to anchor the ascension codes and energies of higher consciousness broadcast through the star Sirius and through the Great Central Sun.

Light codes of ascension, mastery, and evolution from Sirius pour towards Earth, sometimes called the Spiritual Sun, aligning yet another level of activation and opportunity for progression on the ascension path.

The Lions Gateway energy is all about more fully awakening your Divine Light and embodying Divinity within a physical form.

This gateway creates an incredible period of accelerated ascension. Amidst the already potent waves of change and transformation, this one is SUPERCHARGED.

Start time 10.30am as I want us to be settled into the ceremony as we enter 11.11am we will close ceremony at 1.11pm and be finished by 1.30pm.

Please note there is to be no alcohol consumed within 24 hours before this ceremony 🙏🏼✨

There are only 8 spaces available (of course)
I will be the 9th, 9 being the number of completion.

£30, this includes your plant medicine tea, Lapiz Lazili crystal and bottle of blessed water.

Arrival time 10.30am
We will finish at 1.30pm
Location - A studio, North Shields

Drop me a direct message to book.
Alison # # #



You are invited to a sacred ceremony on Sunday 8th August at 10.30am in honour of the very special cosmic alignment, The Lions Gate Portal. During this potent passageway we will embark on a beautiful journey, as the intense surge of light awakens our DNA and activates our human energy field we will aid the transmission of high vibrational frequencies and codes of awakening through ritual and sacred ceremony.

We will start the ceremony with plant medicine, a gentle yet highly intelligent teacher
peppermint, apple and cocoa. This gentle tea fusion will help us integrate these high frequency energies into our physical form.

This tea supports us in cleansing, awakening and grounding our energy allowing us to experience deeper states of meditation.

✨Light code download assist✨
This ceremony will prepare the body for the download of new light codes that stream through the Lions Gate Portal Sunday 8th until Thursday 12th August.

-The download vision-
We will settle in a mandala style set up with yoga mats, blankets and cushions. You will be gifted a gorgeous Lapiz Lazuli, one of Goddess Isis’ favourite crystals.

The 7 white crystal singing bowls will be in the central space, each will be filled with water, the 7 singing bowls are attuned to the 7 main chakras. The water will be charged with these frequencies and will be offered to the Central Sun (this is represented by our 24” Tibetan singing bowl).
You will be blessed with this water and gifted with a small bottle of it to take away with you.

24 is the number of success, brilliance and light.

I will be “live streaming” 😂🤦🏼‍♀️💫🌙
Goddess Isis and channelling her message. She is, AS ALWAYS, encouraging us to be fully present and open to the wisdom of her teachings.

LIONS GATE - The Leo energy is perfect to anchor the ascension codes and energies of higher consciousness broadcast through the star Sirius and through the Great Central Sun.

Light codes of ascension, mastery, and evolution from Sirius pour towards Earth, sometimes called the Spiritual Sun, aligning yet another level of activation and opportunity for progression on the ascension path.

The Lions Gateway energy is all about more fully awakening your Divine Light and embodying Divinity within a physical form.

This gateway creates an incredible period of accelerated ascension. Amidst the already potent waves of change and transformation, this one is SUPERCHARGED.

Start time 10.30am as I want us to be settled into the ceremony as we enter 11.11am we will close ceremony at 1.11pm and be finished by 1.30pm.

Please note there is to be no alcohol consumed within 24 hours before this ceremony 🙏🏼✨

There are only 8 spaces available (of course)
I will be the 9th, 9 being the number of completion.

£30, this includes your plant medicine tea, Lapiz Lazili crystal and bottle of blessed water.

Arrival time 10.30am
We will finish at 1.30pm

Drop me a direct message to book.
Alison # # #

Wand making workshop and initiation - Goddess Isis 30/06/2021

Goddess Isis’ mystical schools of Magick - Wand making workshop is now live on eventbrite. There are limited spaces available.

Wand making workshop and initiation - Goddess Isis Wand making workshop - Goddess Isis’ mystical schools of Magick

Wand making workshop and initiation - Goddess Isis 30/06/2021

I received the download about the wand making workshop about 4 weeks ago, high pitched ringing in my ears. Then p**f there it was.

How do I know the difference between a download and an idea and how are they different?

Ideas develop and evolve, we collect ingredients, kind of like baking a cake. Flour, eggs, sugar, butter, milk, grease proof paper, a tin, warm the oven etc etc...

A download is when the cake lands in your lap already iced, decorated and with toppings.

I hope you can join us for this exclusive event on Saturday 10th July. We will meet at the studio at 10.45am where will will sit in a circle, at the centre will be herbal tea, lots of wonders and goodies.

I look forward to meeting you.

You can also find the booking link in bio on the Instagram and the Instagram. Just click the link and it will direct you to the event.

Alternatively you can drop me a direct message.

Alison # # #

Wand making workshop and initiation - Goddess Isis Wand making workshop - Goddess Isis’ mystical schools of Magick


What do you see? I got meditation ✨✨✨✨


The universe is responding to you! The universe is not punishing you, testing you and some people are not “just lucky” tend to your vibration and watch what happens!

Your thoughts send out vibrational frequencies, just like a radio. The universe picks up on these frequencies and plays this back to you, this is the music you then dance to, this is your life! EVERYTHING comes from you!

Are you vibrating at the frequency or lack or abundance?

Are you vibrating at the frequency of faith and trust or fear and worry?

What the universe is presenting to you will reveal a lot of that!

What are you doing to tend to your vibration?

Alison # # #


I’ve been thinking a lot about healing recently. I feel some attention is required around the word healing.

Often a wound will always be there, there is no tool, yoga pose or therapy that can heal it. But you can learn skills, coping mechanisms and change habit patterns. You can also develop love, understanding and compassion towards yourself and the wound.

I have observed the word healing is often used in reference to something being fixed or disappearing. In my personal healing journey there is no disappearing or fixing anything but there is a deeper sense of understanding and awareness.

Healing is a life long journey with no end point or destination it is a state of consciousness.

Healing is sacred work, I use the word work because it requires effort, persistence, commitment and energy.

Some habit patterns, behaviours and wounds have been past down generationally and are deeply ingrained. When you make the decision to go on a healing journey you are preventing ancestral “junk” being filtered or passed down, you also prevent wounding those around you due to your unresolved stuff.

The universe recently presented me with a song called “gentle with myself” by Karen Drucker it is so so beautiful. I love listening to this in the bath 🤍🤍

I hope you found this post helpful.
Alison # # #


✨✨✨✨✨GODDESS ISIS✨✨✨✨✨

WAND MAKING WORKSHOP - Saturday 10th July 10.45am - 2.30pm

I’ve chosen this time so we can be encased within the gateway of 11.11am and 1.11pm.

There are limited spaces available, direct message to book.

I have sourced some amazing willow and birch wood stripped back wands. We will be using an Egyptian technique using numbers 3-5-7-9. I will show you how to positively charge your wand using wrapping techniques, how to twist and turn the wire in which direction and why.
We will be super charging our heart temple manifestation wands using copper, pink opal and clear quartz.

We will start with a channeled guided meditation as we open the gates of the higher heart temple. The temple (A studio) will be infused with rose, neroli, elemis and lotus flower, goddess Isis’ favourite scents.

I will be serving lavender tea to promote softeners and ease as we are manifesting from the higher heart temple and connecting to the wisdom of the sacred feminine. (Please let me know if you are pregnant and I can brew an alternative tea for you 😘😘)

Manifesting should be easy and fluid, soft and feminine. I will be offering space to answer any of your questions in understanding universal law and shift timelines if I feel like it is necessary.


Pink opal is an enchanting stone to use in meditation, its vibration makes is easy to connect with angels, teachers, ancestors and spirit guides in the higher realms.

🔮Pink Opal promotes Spiritual awakening, whilst helping to stimulate intuitive gifts. It also has a beautiful heart based energy and aids emotional healing.
✨It resonates within both the heart chakra and the higher heart. As this loving energy flows easily to you it brings an increased feelings of peace, centredness and well-being.

💞The higher heart chakra energy embodied in the pink opal encourages compassion and forgiveness, it can also assist you to release fear.
Fear is the energetic frequency and the force that blocks your manifestations.

CLEAR QUARTZ 💎The master crystal - Clear quartz is one of the best crystals for manifesting because you can harness its power to manifest your hearts deepest desires.
This crystal's properties are a reflection of the crystal itself as this stone is all about clarity, light and amplification.
Making it the perfect crystal for manifestation.

It has been used successfully to amplify and transmit thought and desire since ancient Egypt.
It is said to be a "bestower" of "good", bringing great benefit to the user.

Metaphysically Copper is known to stimulate the flow of energy and enhance psychic abilities. It is also known as an energy conductor and can move energy and amplify manifestation.

Copper is an excellent energy conductor! Copper sends and amplifies thoughts, healing energy, and crystal energy into the bearers energy field.

Its metaphysical uses are in conjunction with healing crystals, to make wands and other powerful healing tools because of it's capacity to amplify and direct energy.

One of the oldest medical texts known to man is the Edwin Smith Papyrus. This text was purchased by Edwin in 1862 and is estimated to be from the Egyptian civilization dating back to 2,600 B.C. This advanced medical journal provides detailed instructions for diagnostic, medical procedures, and aftercare. Within these Papyrus pages, Copper has been identified as a leading tool in various aspects of the ancient medical field.

Cooper was suggested as a use to sterilize wounds and drinking water. A green powder was created from a Copper-bearing mineral (Malachite) and was used during various medical procedures.

You will be gifted with an intentions candle to amplify your experience.

Location A studio also known as The Temple

Direct message to book

Workshop investment £77.77
The number seven was the Egyptian symbol of perfection, effectiveness, and completeness.


ASCENSION- There is no end to your ascension and how far you can go! This Thursday’s private event we shifted timelines then we integrated this energy through creative, Shakti dance.

With a new timeline there is movement, with movement there is fluidity, with fluidity comes ease, with ease comes ascension.

This is when we give birth to a new world, this is the journey, this is energetic alchemy.

••••Timeline alchemy••••
Capricorn full moon
Grounding and depth - Shadow work, revealing of darkness, dense, dark, ancestral, stagnation.

••••Timeline jump••••
Stability - Comfort, reliability, warmth, home, safety, ease, authenticity.

Peace - Presence, fluidity, playful, beauty, inviting, simplicity.

•••New timeline integration mantra•••
Love, acceptance, elevation, blossoming.

We also done some work with the knot of Isis, there are four knots and 4 gates. Each gate and knot holds answers, direction and keys.

The 4 knots and gates are •mind •heart •intuition •yoni.

When these four knots and gates are aligned there is a new pathway that appears before you.

Timeline intervention ✨✨✨

Alison # # #



It's a time to set goals and intentions for this year, to examine and let go of our past, and to make changes within ourselves. The solstice is essentially tied to a personal awakening.

The summer solstice is the day when the sun travels its longest path through the sky and reaches its highest point. Due to the tilt of the Earth on its axis, the North Pole is shifted almost directly toward the sun, hence the long hours of daylight.

The celebration of the solstices is mostly strongly associated with Paganism. The Pagan festival of Litha is one of the most important, commencing on the eve of the Summer Solstice it celebrates the midsummer and the power of the sun god.

What changes are you wanting to make in your life? What direction are you going to take?

Solstice blessings. Alison # # #


Shakti dance is the yoga of dance, merging shiva and Shakti with the all embracing odeon of awareness. Using flowing, rhythmic, organic movements to harmonise mind, body and spirit. Embrace and play in your lovely meat suit!

Shakti is the vibratory reality behind all existence. Shakti dance takes you out of you head and gets you into your body. It connects you to a deep reservoir of creative energy, and gives and outlet for physical expression.

𝘈𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘍𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦.

Source energy moves through you, is you and you are it. There is no greater and there is no separation.

Everything you seek is not outside of you, above you or more powerful than you!

The greatest untapped reservoir of energetic potential is WITHIN YOU!

I am being called to support women on their journey to awaken this energy, to burst the gates of this reservoir!

I chose the word ‘awaken’ because I am not giving you anything that is not already there, I am here to help you ignite the match YOU hold in your hand, the match to light the fire WITHIN that is waiting to be lit!

You have been collecting kindling and firewood
throughout your life experience, the experiences that have brought you here, to this very moment reading these words.

If you feel drawn or pulled towards this drop me a message.
What you seek is seeking you -Rumi

Awaken The Divine Feminine.
Alison # # #

SHAkTI WARRIOR DANCING, FRIDAY 2nd JULY, 6.30-8pm. Ticket price £20. Direct message to book!

Location The Temple. A Studio, North Shields.


𝗦𝗛𝗔𝗞𝗜 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗥 𝗗𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗜𝗡𝗚! FRIDAY 2nd JULY, 6.30-8pm. Ticket price £20. Direct message to book!

Shakti dance is the yoga of dance, merging shiva and Shakti with the all embracing odeon of awareness. Using flowing, rhythmic, organic movements to harmonise mind, body and spirit. Embrace and play in your lovely meat suit!

Shakti is the vibratory reality behind all existence. Shakti dance takes you out of you head and gets you into your body. It connects you to a deep reservoir of creative energy, and gives and outlet for physical expression.

𝘈𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘍𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦.

Source energy moves through you, is you and you are it. There is no greater and there is no separation.

Everything you seek is not outside of you, above you or more powerful than you!

The greatest untapped reservoir of energetic potential is WITHIN YOU!

I am being called to support women on their journey to awaken this energy, to burst the gates of this reservoir!

I chose the word ‘awaken’ because I am not giving you anything that is not already there, I am here to help you ignite the match YOU hold in your hand, the match to light the fire WITHIN that is waiting to be lit!

You have been collecting kindling and firewood
throughout your life experience, the experiences that have brought you here, to this very moment reading these words.

If you feel drawn or pulled towards this drop me a message.
What you seek is seeking you -Rumi

Awaken The Divine Feminine.
Alison # # #

SHAkTI WARRIOR DANCING, FRIDAY 2nd JULY, 6.30-8pm. Ticket price £20. Direct message to book!

Location The Temple. A Studio, North Shields.


I LOVE this 🤍🤍🤍


She is strong, she is a warrior, she is brave, she is kind, she is capable. SHE IS YOU! # # #

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Divine Goddess Retreats- Journey to thr Goddess




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44a Verne Road, North Shields
Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE297LT

Complementary therapy in Newcastle upon Tyne. *Holistic therapies *Classes and retreats *Training Book online at www.wonderlandwellbeing.com

TomCat Crystals TomCat Crystals
Newcastle Upon Tyne

We sell mainly online and stock a wide range of crystals. Based in Newcastle upon Tyne. Stockists of Subhash and Vikas Meena crystalline carvings. Established in 2019. VAT Reg 403 ...

Hijamist Hijamist
Newcastle Upon Tyne

Instagram: Hijamist 🍃