JS Fitness Co

Owner & Founder of JS Fitness Camp - Newmarket & Cambridge Number 1 Fat Loss & Body Overhaul Fitness



TIME: 7.45-8.30am
WHEN: Saturday 11th September
WHERE: George Lambtons Playing Fields

In support of Jades World Championship HYROX Event in Germany this Saturday, Coach Asa will be leading the team through HYROX STYLE workout!!

What a great opportunity for some additional weekend training!

It is FREE for JS FITNESS members

Who's in?

Tag yourself below if you want a spot!

CAPPED to 20 spaces due to equipment demands etc

Coach Asa & Coach Jade


Our Coach Asa getting the win at the Suffolk Shield Today!!!! 🎾

What incredible talent Asa has.

After 10 years of JS FITNESS providing incredible results & community, we have found an INCREDIBLE role model, leader & coach in Asa.

Our members absolutely LOVE his passion, drive & motivation to help them reach their goals.

With his own sporting career being a huge success & Asa turning Pro very soon, our legacy remains of LEADERSHIP & discipline in our coaches. 🎾

Photos from JS Fitness Co's post 27/08/2021

💥 September Kick Start 18 Day Revive Program at JS FITNESS 💥

It may not just be the Summer Holidays that has taken its toll on your mood, your energy & your waistline. Maybe it’s been a struggle this past year to regain control after an emotional rollercoaster of a time we have all experienced.

Bad habits had crept back in.. 🍞🧈🍷

We know that what we are putting in our body on the regular has a profound impact on our mood, health, energy & even our feelings.

Every year I get a similar bunch of messages around this time from people wanting to find time for themselves again & get back to a place of vitality, good energy & health.

We are going to be running our annual September Kick Start Challenge. 🔥

Over the 18 Days we are going to have focus on a few things;

1. Restoring Health & Allowing The Body To Remove Stored Toxins (meaning those taking part will lose the toxic bloat) #
2. Re-balancing Macro Nutrient Intake. When we are trying to drop unwanted body fat & transform our body shape, we require a re-balance of macro nutrients. Most people are not in balance.

3. We will focus on KCAL DEFICIT on training days & with the opportunity for our members to train 5 x per week now it will be easy to be in deficit

4. We will dial into WHERE the kcals are coming from which is the most important part. Our meal plans are specifically BUILT to allow for variation. We focus on ingredients & HEALTH- boosting nutrition with focus on internal environment first (body changes happen as a by-product of that)

We create variation so that your body is getting the nutrients it requires. When it gets the nutrients it requires it will no longer be searching for them on a basis of hunger.


This is your opportunity to drop between 10-14lbs in the next 18 days & feel incredible again. 🙋‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️

Details to be released Sunday 4pm (inside our members group & via email)

Check out .a.westwood who won Best Spring Transformation 🔥

You can see the definition transformation below 👇🏼👇🏼

If you aren’t a member at JS FITNESS, you can still take part from 6th September with us!

Drop us a message & we can get you involved!

Photos from JS Fitness Co's post 27/08/2021

💥 September Kick Start 18 Day Revive Program at JS FITNESS 💥

It may not just be the Summer Holidays that has taken its toll on your mood, your energy & your waistline. Maybe it’s been a struggle this past year to regain control after an emotional rollercoaster of a time we have all experienced.

Bad habits had crept back in.. 🍞🧈🍷

Or even taken over..

We know that what we are putting in our body on the regular has a profound impact on our mood, health, energy & even our feelings.

Every year I get a similar bunch of messages around this time from people wanting to find time for themselves again & get back to a place of vitality, good energy & health.

We start to have the festive season partially in sight & know that we need to regain control.

We are going to be running our annual September Kick Start Challenge. 🔥

Over the 18 Days we are going to have focus on a few things;

1. Restoring Health & Allowing The Body To Remove Stored Toxins (meaning those taking part will lose the toxic bloat)

2. Re-balancing Macro Nutrient Intake. When we are trying to drop unwanted body fat & transform our body shape, we require a re-balance of macro nutrients. Most people are not in balance & with this tip ie not enough protein & too many carbs, they find it hard to lose the bloat.

3. We will focus on KCAL DEFICIT on training days & with the opportunity for our members to train 5 x days per week now, there is the opportunity to burn serious amounts of kcals

4. More importantly we will dial into WHERE the kcals are coming from which is the most important part. Our meal plans are always specifically BUILT to allow for variation. We focus on ingredients & HEALTH- boosting nutrition that focuses on the internal environment first (body shape changes happen as a by-product of that)

We do NOT use generic “meal plans”. All of our nutrition plans are created & built out by Coach Jade Skillen who has helped transform thousands of people’s lives through nutrition & training over the last decade.

We create variation so that your body is getting the nutrients it requires. When it gets the nutrients it requires it will no longer be searching for them on a basis of hunger.


Alongside the nutrition plan, we will be issuing daily step challenges etc alongside the structured metabolic JS FITNESS sessions.

This is your opportunity to align your vision, drop between 10-14lbs in the next 18 days & feel incredible again. 🙋‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️

Details to be released Sunday 4pm (inside our members group & via email)

Check out Laura Westwood who won Best Spring Transformation 🔥

You can see the definition transformation below 👇🏼👇🏼

Keep your eyes peeled for our 18 Day Summer Revive Challenge 👀

& if you aren’t a member at JS FITNESS, you can still take part from 6th September with us!

Drop us a message & we can get you involved!

Jade & Asa


David, Tim & Craig check in with us with the results they experienced with us on our Men’s Transformation Program 🔥

Legends! 🔥


JS FITNESS OWNER Jade will be heading out to the Puma Hyrox World Championship in Germany ...

Our incredible Coach Asa has been looking after the squad since Jade entered the most intensive training period of her Athletic Career so far.

“ I’ve kept my cards close to my chest with this one as I was asked to hold off the announcement....

I am heading out to Germany after being selected as the wild card UK FEMALE ATHLETE to compete in the World Championship event on September 11th 🇩🇪 !!!

Many Athletes across the world have had chance to qualify but with no UK Hyrox events yet, it’s been an HONOUR to be selected to head out & represent in time for the UK events to begin right after 🇬🇧

After a rollercoaster 18 months I am feeling a whirlwind of emotion about this opportunity. Right before the pandemic, I flew out to my first ever Hyrox event in Hannover & got my arse handed to me by the SLED PULL 😆

Then the first lockdown hit & I started losing my way with my training....

Immediately my focus was shifted to be there for every JS FITNESS Client to make sure they were supported in such a crazy time.

With every sight of a start line disappearing....it broke me for a while.

I got to the end of 2020 & had to take a month off training through hitting quite a tough place. Vulnerability is power right?

& I want to show anybody who has struggled or is struggling that you CAN make a strong COMEBACK 🔥

So many of us have been forced to take a breath, understand what’s important, realign our values, find a level of calm in the storm to remember WHO WE ARE.

The moment I got back from Hannover, I knew exactly what I needed to train in order to pursue my Hyrox journey but with no events it was hard to put the wheels in motion.

This year?

2021 is a different story.

From the start of this year, my training focus has shifted, I have an amazing team behind me & over the last 8 months, I have trained & prepared harder than ever have before. It’s about to start by jumping in the deep end. I may not have as many Hyrox events under my belt but I have put hours & hours of training the last 9 months into preparing for this Hyrox journey.

I want to thank for supporting my journey, for making sure I had all the training resources & kit I need for this phase of prep.

This is just the beginning & what a way to start!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to thank everyone for their support & keep crushing it on the training field “ 🔥


Sometimes all it takes is a small step in the right direction.. 🔝🔜

Success is in the eyes of the beholder. 🔥

You can jump on any “exercise programme” , any “diet” but if you have no BURN and DESIRE to create an environment where you can transform your body shape and health, it will be greatly short lived! 😬

Be in control this summer! Caroline Cordy made that first step and joined JS FITNESS CAMP. First Kaz changed her mindset and together we created an environment for RESULTS! 💥

Kaz went on to fulfill her dream career in fitness!!!!


The kids are at home, you are probably feeling a little overwhelmed right now..

Running around after them, ZERO time for yourself..

What would you rate your motivation from 1-10 right now?

I bet it's probably sitting around a 1.

You might even be feeling right now like you have ZERO energy to focus on anything else.

The thought of exercising right now & committing to a set training routine is over-whelming.

Just move back in time with me to the end of summer last year..


The year of change. The year of fear (for many).

I want to share something with you as I think it's so important to understand..

We can look at other peoples' lives & think they have it ok. They showcase just the highlight reel of their lives' ..

Share what they want YOU to see.

This is the problem with social media nowadays, we do not get to experience challenge as growth. We see it as a barrier. A setback ..

The "am I good enough?"

"will I ever be able to feel "normal" again?"

"why can't my life be as easy as theirs?"

"how do they find the time & energy to train all the time with 2 kids & a business?"

It leads you to think that you "SHOULD" feel a certain way & if you don't, you're not strong.

You're wrong.

I want to be honest today.

Speaking from the heart.

The end of summer last year, I was bombarded with messages from people who had gone from regular exercise routines, heading out the office to sitting at home in their dressing gown dunking biscuits in their tea & 8am in the morning.

There were some people I was extremely worried about.

They had lost all motivation, all focus, all drive.

I know right now in the last few days, many Olympians are even speaking out about their struggles (some have even pulled out)..

These are ATHLETES. People who's job it is to train hard & perform. But they are struggling.

So how can we expect those who have children at home right now, working from home, running businesses to feel motivated to want to feel more confident, happy, energetic?

It's almost like we see it as a LONG road back to where we were "Pre-Pandemic"....

Maybe you were motivated before, you were focused, feeling sexy, feeling confident & healthy & you're looking back to that place right now..

Or maybe you just haven't ever felt motivated to take steps to become fitter, stronger..

We have a 2 options right now.




You have all the tools you need, sometimes it's just a little direction.


Time to take things up a level.

We even got the JS FITNESS colours 🔥 🔥

Photos from JS Fitness Co's post 10/07/2021

Sometimes you have to reflect back to see how far you’ve come.

FEAR stops most people from taking an action in moving their life towards a place of comfort, energy & happiness.

How many times have you felt STUCK? In paralysis? Not because you’re not disciplined or because you’re lazy..

But because you are lost, overwhelmed, putting everyone else’s needs before your own..

It’s about moving from a place of PAIN (paralysis) to a place of POWER (energy & growth)

It’s when we move towards power that we begin to have control of our life, our actions & live more freely. When we are in a place of pain we are usually too invested in trying to control the uncontrollable factors; “what will they think of me?” , “I’m worried I’ll look selfish”.

Trying using some PAIN ——-> POWER vocabulary.

PAIN - “ I can’t “
(I can’t instals an idea inside you that you are simply weak & that you are incapable. Trust me, if you say this too often you started to believe it!)

Switch ...

POWER - “I won’t “ (I won’t places the truth around the fact you have a choice)

Ally made a choice to JOIN JS FITNESS & change her life. She wanted to move from a place of pain to a place of power.

It was a process, new actions each week, but now? There is no going back. 🔥


Why wouldn’t you shout about it if you’d lost 16.5 inches in 4 Weeks?!?! 😳 😮 🔥 .a.r.a.h.a.v.e.r.s


Another HUGE RESULT in 6 Weeks!!!!! 🔥 🔥


In the first 4 weeks of our program our clients experience a few changes;

- Less Bloated
- Fitness / Strength Increase
- Sleep Improved
- Firmer In Problem Areas (Tummy, Bum, Hips)


This was a picture taken at that start, week 1 & week 4 🔥


6am FEELS 🔥

Best start to the day for our members.

We install a mindset shift on a Monday that is STRONG. We install the importance of being intentional & directional to get a result. 🔥


Results don’t lie! 🔥



So much has developed at JS FITNESS over the last few months..

We have an INCREDIBLE new Coach Asa Sumner-Keens who has joined our Coaching Team & is leading our fitness community STRONG right now!

Not only this but we have ALSO extended our training week meaning MORE opportunity to attend our classes so that you aren't too restricted with times.

We want to be more accessible!

To celebrate our NEW timetable, we are giving away 10 x FREE PASSES to train with us & learn the tools to kick start your summer fitness / body goals.

You must commit to the full week if you are going to snap up a PASS.

These 10 free passes will get snapped up pretty quickly

If you'd like one just comment below "SUMMER KICKSTART" & we will send you a pass



6am Team In Full Swing This Morning! ☀️

3 x 8 Minute Partner AMRAPS

All Of Our Sessions Are Metabolically Designed.

Training Requires Structure & Periodisation To See RESULTS. 🔥


Our 6am session in full swing this morning!

The majority of our members success is due to the environment!

Who’s in YOUR team? 🔥


What results could you achieve with us in the first 6 weeks?

Did you know we guarantee you drop a clothes size with us or every penny back? 💰 🔥

It’s our confidence offer.

We know after endless diet attempts l, wasted gym memberships & broken promises that it can be tough to start something knew & faith that it will work...

We combine our;
# Lifestyle Habit Coaching
# Full Focus Nutrition Coaching To Change Your Life ; Health , Energy & Body!
# Structured Metabolic Training Sessions
# Mentorship & Coach Accountability


Our 9.30am session is always full of positive vibes!!!

Team work made the dream work this morning 🔥

100 Thrusters to finish!!!!


Nearly Half Way Through Our 28 Day Nutrition Re Set

Our Clients Are Loving The Amazing Variety Of Great Tasting Meals Whilst Still Dropping The Pounds.

We Cannot Wait To See The Transformations !


Friday Morning Went Out With A BANG 💪🏻🔥


This absolute inspiration just a few days away from baby number three, with little one in tow ever session.

Ali has been super mum !
Never missing a single session, squatting the little one and crushing her nutrition supporting what’s been an amazing journey to watch.

We wish you all the best of luck with the new arrival and cannot wait to see you back with the squad and a new mini member of the JS Team ❤️

Alison Downing


Today Marks Day ONE Of Our 28 Day Nutrition Challenge At JS Fitness.

Over 80 Members Are Taking On This Body Reset Plan To Re Gain Control After Lockdown And Re Establish All Of Those Habits To Support Their Training

We Cannot Wait To See The Results 🔥


The 9.30 Squad 🔥🔥
No Excuses Even With Little Ones


No Better Feeling At 6.00am.
Crushing Out A Workout Surrounded By Amazing People


Friday Treat Night ... Sweet Potato Chicken And Pesto Pizzas


Another Incredible 6.00am Session.
These Guys Are One Fire !! 🔥


Last Night We Split The Squad Into Smaller Groups For Some Weight Work.
The Rest Of The Squad Out On A Pitch Run And Bag Squat BURNER !

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Videos (show all)

David, Tim & Craig check in with us with the results they experienced with us on our Men’s Transformation Program 🔥 Lege...
6am FEELS 🔥 Best start to the day for our members. We install a mindset shift on a Monday that is STRONG. We install the...
Our 6am session in full swing this morning! The majority of our members success is due to the environment! Who’s in YOUR...
Our 9.30am session is always full of positive vibes!!! Team work made the dream work this morning 🔥 100 Thrusters to fin...
The 9.30 Squad 🔥🔥No Excuses Even With Little Ones
Another Incredible 6.00am Session. These Guys Are One Fire !! 🔥
Last Night We Split The Squad Into Smaller Groups For Some Weight Work. The Rest Of The Squad Out On A Pitch Run And Bag...
Last Night We Split The Squad Into Smaller Groups To Work On Some Weights. The Rest Of The Squad Out On A Pitch Run And ...
Our Kind Of Misty 6.00am The Team Crushing Sprint Shuttles.
6am Morning Focus! ☀️Third Week Back Out On The Field With Our Awesome Members. Great Start To The Week With Our Weighte...
6am FEELS! 🔥





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