Susan Llewellyn
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Twitter: @SusanLlewellyn
LinkedIn: Susan Llewellyn is the pen name of Dr Val Billingham.
She has a BA in Ancient History and Archaeology and a PhD in Egyptology, both from the University of Birmingham, and has served twice as a Trustee of the Egypt Exploration Society ( She has She has delivered several extramural courses on ancient Egypt for the Universities of Birmingham and Warwick and has lectured on eastern Mediterranean voyages for Thomson cruises. She took a bre
My review of Jodi Picoult's "The Book of Two Ways". First time recording on Zoom, warts and all.
Amazing feat.
Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities on Twitter “Special thanks to the huge efforts of the Grand Egyptian Museum, the Engineering Authority of the Armed Forces, the Supreme Council of Antiquities and all the state agencies, companies and teams who contributed to the successful move of the first Khufu boat”
A real Voyage of the Sun God!
Egypt Exploration Society / Durham University fifth British Egyptology Congress (BEC) 4th-6th September 2020. FINAL REMINDER: Call for papers by 17:00 28 Feb 2020
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Due February 15th: Abstract submissions for papers in the “Archaeology of Egypt” session of the 2020 ASOR Annual Meeting to be held November 18-21 in Boston, MA
2020 ASOR AM CALL FOR PAPERS - ASOR Annual Meeting 2020; ASOR Annual Meeting in Boston, MA; ASOR call for papers in 2020; ASOR Annual Meeting participation;
University of Pisa cycle of talks during May "Clashing Religions:
the different layers of religious beliefs inside ancient Egypt”,
EST Seminars | Egittologia Pisa Presso l’Università di Pisa (Dipartimento di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere), è stato istituito un nuovo ciclo di conferenze e seminari internazionali chiamato EST, acronimo di “Egyptological Seminars under the Tower”.
EEF NEWS - Newsletter of the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum Overview of lectures and exhibitions on Ancient Egypt
"Dernières nouvelles des fouilles du port pharaonique
d’Ayn Soukhna en mer Rouge", by Claire Somaglino (recorded
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"Coptic Curses III: “You will shatter the face of so-and-so!”"
Coptic Curses III: “You will shatter the face of so-and-so!” This week’s post takes a deep dive into a curse from Kyprianos, our database of Coptic magical texts, by returning to a manuscript already discussed in a previous post: P. Heidelberg inv. Kopt. 681…
"Who were the ancient Egyptian Shemsu Heru kings, or
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Who were the ancient Egyptian Shemsu Heru kings, or ‛followers of Horus’? Horus of Behedet, the winged sun disk. Image A. Sinclair 2017 I am only nominally into the prehistoric of Egypt, as my real preferen...
"The Amarna Period through the Egypt Centre Collection"
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Dig Diary of the 2020 season of the
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"Geophysical Survey" (Feb 4)>
Blog – TOMBOS ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE We are collaborating with colleagues from the University of Dongola at Wadi Halfa, Department of Geophysics. The team (pictured) is led by Associate Professor Mohamed Abd alwahab Mohammed Ali with Ammar Adam Ali Ibrahim, Muhannad Hassan Orkeldin and Mosaab Hussein Altom.
"Deir el-Ballas 2019-2020, Week 8: 1/18-1/23" (Jan 26)
"Deir el-Ballas 2019-2020, Week 9: 1/25" (Jan 31)
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Dig Diary of the 2020 campaign of Proyecto
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"Artists create replicas of ancient Egyptian
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"La pyramide de Kheops et sa cavité secrète"
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the mummy of Takabuti, presumed to show signs of a knife-attack:
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16 tombs of Thoth priests of Hermopolis Magna
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"Brissago TI verschenkt eine Mumie"
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I write books that I love to write but I hope that they help others to find something of interest or
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