Vagus Wellbeing

Vagus Wellbeing

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Nutrition and Lifestyle advice specialising in the gut-brain connection, to support mood and cogniti


Time to talk day. The therapeutic rapport in clinic is vital to progress. Having a healthcare provider truly listen and appreciate your unique set of circumstances without judgement, building trust and having an ally on your health journey. Just as important as what changes are made to food and lifestyle.

joins the party with physical health problems, they are not separate. You can improve your mental health through supporting your body and it starts with talking, see link in the chat.


Drum roll please...
Our first announcement is to welcome Julie Pichler, of Vagus Wellbeing, who will be joining Apta Vita as a Nutritional Therapist!


Did you watch the traitors? Molly ignored her gut and lost out. We think our brains are in charge, the source of reason, logic and problem solving, but we ignore our gut at our peril. Our communicates with our 🧠 via the vagus nerve, and trillions of nerve cells.making up our second brain. , butterflies, listen to it, it's rarely wrong (and don't ignore the physical symptoms too)


Friday round up - What's been happening this week?

One of the enjoyable aspects of being a is variety. Here are some of the highlights this past week:

- running through stool test results with a client to reduce loose stools, urgency and pain
- supporting and with a client through diet and lifestyle changes
- speaking with doctors to review blood tests for a complex client
- delivering training to students
- speaking with a market research company about probiotics
- setting up 2 podcast recordings for February
- networking in my local North Tyneside
- building connections in the space to help spread the word on the

When you're it can be difficult to measure progress, you're only accountable to yourself, and if you have perfectionist tendencies, it can never feel like enough. A lot of what we do can be invisible, but we're still beavering away!

There are many of us in the and space that do this job to make a difference, we don't do it for big salaries. There is so much work that goes on behind the scenes with admin, marketing, CPD etc to run a business as well as deliver a service. We do this so we can get the very best information to you as the customer, and improve health. Nutrition is a fast paced field, it certainly keeps us on our toes!

When health is poor it impacts everything, but there is always something else to try, don't give up hope. Have a restful weekend everyone.


Who has been trying dry January? Has it been a slog or a pressure?
Are you going to back to alcohol this weekend?

I made the connection yesterday between much better quality sleep and the lack of . I already knew it negatively impacted my energy and caused brain fog, but the connection has surprised me. Building interoception can be difficult, but bodily symptoms are giving us messages, whether we like it or not!

Why do you drink? It helps us feel more relaxed, able to switch off, it's sociable, no other drug is so socially acceptable. Would you like to cut down but feel it's too difficult? Is it stopping you doing things you don't get round to doing?

These questions are personal and don't expect a public response, but it's what can help you explore. So many barriers to a healthy lifestyle in our busy modern lives, this is just one


Whether you have a diagnosis, waiting to be assessed or just plain interested, do join us for a morning about food and on:

Celebrate Difference ADHD Friday 16th February, The Hub in Consett 9.30 registration (in person event)

To explore what nutrients our brain needs, and how to adopt some strategies around our eating patterns to give it a helping hand. We would love to see you there.

Link to eventbrite in comments.

ADHD and food 16/01/2024

Friday 16 February - Consett, hosted by Celebrate Difference

Overwhelm, time blindness, distractions, struggling with noticing bodily cues such as hunger, problems with emotional dysregulation, they all impact our food choices.

The problem is, those food choices circle back to impact our brains' ability to work well and can amplify many of the hallmarks of ADHD.How do we fuel our ADHD brains with the right nutrients without the guilt or overwhelm?

Join me for top tips on what and how to eat, and come up with your own action plan to start with small but mighty changes to improve your whole body health.

ADHD and food ADHD - Boundaries

Awaab's Law: Tenants in mouldy homes in Rochdale told they breathe too much 14/01/2024

How can this be allowed to happen and that little boys life stand for nothing? is a serious health hazard, an extra load on the immune and detox systems and can contribute to vague symptoms like headaches, brain fog, fatigue, histamine reactions, gut problems.

Don't ignore mould in the home, and if you think it is contributing to you symptoms, I can guide you on testing to confirm it.

Awaab's Law: Tenants in mouldy homes in Rochdale told they breathe too much Tenants share experiences of living in mouldy homes as the government proposes a new law in memory of Awaab Ishak.


Women's problems, when will we be taken seriously?


Are you struggling with:

arthritis (osteo or rheumatoid)
frailty due to ageing
muscle injury
post menopausal bone density
recovering from surgery
Did you good nutrition can improve our bones, muscles and soft tissue healing and contribute towards prevention of disease?

In honour of working out of Apta Vita in North Shields, we are now offering a 30 minute taster session for just £45, providing you with an initial action plan on what nutrients you need to support your condition and symptoms of a nature. See link in the comments to book


I couldn't care less about vanity, but weight is also a health issue. It's not all calories in/out, managing sugar, insulin, cortisol and thyroid is essential. Informing the public on the latest science will help people help themselves.

The UK is officially on track to become the most obese country in the EU by 2030 with 63.8% of the population currently living with overweight and 25.9% with obesity.

The World Health Organisation has coined the term ‘“globesity” to describe the global obesity epidemic, and whilst the reasons for obesity are multifactorial, we cannot ignore the correlation with diet.

Since 1992, 14 government-led strategies and 680 policies related to obesity have failed. BANT has continually called for Government to improve, not remove the UK's ‘Obesity Strategy’.

BANT continues to lobby policy makers on the need for preventative diet and lifestyle strategies to tackle diet-induced chronic disease.

BANT pro-actively promotes its network of over 3500 nutrition and lifestyle medicine practitioners. Practitioner members are required to be PSA-accredited via registration with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) or be statutorily regulated.

If you need nutritional support, find a PSA-accredited BANT nutrition practitioner at

⁠ ⁠ ⁠



Not something we might too much thought to until later life, where we might be faced with knee and hip replacements, fractures and falls. We might think of as static, but they turn over and we make new bone cells just like other parts of our body.

Bone health is years in the making and nutrition can help preserve our bones. 100 years ago our life expectancy was around 50, thankfully much longer than that now but it means we need to preserve what we have.

What is your mineral intake and do you eat foods which bind minerals out of the body? Are you getting enough and , harder as we age as appetites may reduce.

Coming soon, nutrition to prevent and encourage proactive bone and muscle health.

Over half our food is processed junk 09/01/2024

Do you stop to look at the ingredients list on your food items? foods are everywhere and make up half of the UK's diet. Head over to my blog for some examples of things to look out for. All these chemicals can wreak havoc with our gut, so if you are struggling with , reflux, or , these hidden chemicals may not be helping

Over half our food is processed junk Ultra-processed foods typically have five or more ingredients. They tend to include many additives and ingredients that are not typically used in home cooking, such as preservatives, emulsifiers, artificial sweeteners, colourings and flavours. These foods generally have a long shelf life. Preservati...


Is your weight loss plan starting today?

So many quick fixes out there,

What about understanding the root cause of weight gain for you? What about your thyroid, s*x hormones, cortisol and insulin levels? What makes you hungry and full? What about sleep and exercise routines?

Energy balance is just part of the picture; the part that's easy to explain and gets all the credit. It it worked, wouldn't be such a battle.

Come and get your calorie needs checked by an expert, calculating your basal metabolic rate on our scales, get your food diary analysed for macro and micro nutrient needs, and advice unique to you. Make your 2024 different. 🍎🥦🥕


Trying out this January?

Check our blog (link in comments) on nutrients that in the long run you might be at risk of insufficiency. and in particular can be lacking, looking out for fortified foods, getting plenty variety and don't rely too much on processed so called 'healthy' swaps like burgers, sausages and fake meats.


Are part of your health routine?

Ideally we get our nutrients from food, but with over half our food coming from ultra processed junk, is far more common than you might think. Feeling low in energy can one of many barriers to home cooking, and when you add in food choices such as not eating fish or dislike for certain vegetables, the risk is much greater.

I see low levels of and regularly, and that's just what's tested by the GP. What about the 27 other and ?

Personally, I use a B vitamins and Omega 3 fish oils, which have been shown to be protective in as well as supporting and .

There is an art to supplementation - timing, dosing, combinations and checking for safety with any medicines. There are therapeutic levels to be considered for each individual for best effect. Just part of the behind the scenes work we do for our 1:1 clients.


Have you seen our testing package? The mind-body connection is central to our ethos, how you treat your body impact our brain function and how we feel. Nutrient deficiencies, toxins, oxidative stress, are just some of the areas of health covered by an test, which forms part of our bundle, alongside status and

Combine this this with expert analysis, health coaching and goal setting, and you CAN help your brain.

3 tests, 3 sessions - assessment, testing and action. Our most in depth option providing the broadest look at brain function outside of traditional bloods.

Head to the website for more information on what's included, and we can send you sample reports to take a look at.


Small steps, big results. Happiness begins inside of us.

Start where you are and do what you can 💖✅🌤️ Join us for Happier January and get the new year off to a calmer and happier start


How will 2024 be different for your health?

As we contemplate ringing in the new year, have you given any thought to a health goal? Whether it’s building muscle, weight loss, better skin, a consistent sleep routine, or coping better with a health diagnosis, we are all different. What did you set out to do 12 months ago, what needs to change for it turn into reality in 2024?

What about keeping out of hospital, or thinking about what your retirement looks like?

Sometimes we can be put off by the term coaching, we know what to do, it’s not rocket science, but still life get’s in the way. Whether is practical issues like time or cooking skills, or mindset issues like confidence or self-esteem, the things that get in they way of health, are also endless.

2024 can be your year where changes are for good, no more back and forward with a little help.

Find out more about our health coaching starting 9 January, what do you have to lose? Contact us for more info, link in the comments.


It is possible to NOT be tired all the time, have motivation and feel positive. Might seem like a tall order in January, but when you break down your goals into bite size chunks it's way easier. What's in the way of getting your mojo back?

Our 7 week group coaching course equips you with information, action and reflection to achieve results that last, no quick fixes. If 2024 is the year to do things differently head to the link for the course outline and dates.


Did you know that milk thistle extract or silymarin can help protect your liver against free radical damage and inflammation?

Part of our work as an NT assesses drug nutrient interactions, to determine if supplements, dosing and timing are suitable and therapeutic for an individual to benefit. We are not advocating a pill to endorse habits which are negatively impacting health, but we also appreciate that ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ and habits can take a little while to change.

We have lots of tools in our toolbox to ease your path towards wellness, and work with virtually all health conditions. Find out how natural healthcare can add and complement your regime, with an no obligation call.


You don't have to do your health resolutions on your own. Whatever you're looking to achieve, Lyn Hatch and I can help you find a new tribe and moral support

For a good long time I felt like public enemy number one in my house. It was really hard!

All because I'd taken away the 'nice' foods!

You see I'd swapped out white bread, shifted breakfasts away from your typical family cereals, made some changes in the snack cupboard and so on... BORING!

This last 12 months however my teen boys have spontaneously thanked me on multiple occasions for teaching them about nutrition and health.

Yes, they still love a chocolate bar and a bowl of cornflakes when we're away, however they're not their go-to foods anymore.

They've felt the difference hugely in their energy levels, mood, sleep (kind of, they are teens after all!) and skin by stabilising their blood sugar levels more consistently.

Did you know that white bread causes a greater spike in blood sugar than actual table sugar!

Confused by all the conflicting info, wondering how you could boost your energy in 2024 once and for all?

How about joining Vagus Wellbeing and I for a friendly, informative 7-week group coaching programme starting 9th January?

Find out more about all that we pack in to the weekly, live 90 minute sessions, here:


Top 5 foods for your liver

Onions and garlic
Chicken and turkey

Our can take a bashing this time of year, metabolising alcohol, sugar, fructose, and rich foods. Our liver makes bile to break down fat, and heavy oils and cream can be difficult causing upper gastric pain. Luckily mother nature has provided six different pathways to toxins, the more natural foods you can include, the better.

There's no need to follow expensive detox protocols.

Drink plenty of water,
ditch the booze,
avoid processed fats and sugars
add some lean protein
eat bitter green vegetables everyday,

Your liver will thank you


Is your gut reminding you it exists?

With 14 components of the digestive system, it’s like a finely tuned orchestra, all playing a part. The festive season can disrupt this symphony, or maybe it was screeching to a grinding halt even before party season began?

affects over 3.5million people in the UK, with about half of them self-managing. Your gut has major effects on pretty much everything else; skin, hormones, immunity, brain function, just because we can’t see it, makes it no less important.

, , , pain, , are not normal, they are signs to take action. You can learn more about this and the microbiome during our Feeding the Mind course, just an £99 investment for 3 months, with tons of support and resources. Bookings close Tuesday 2 January.


Wishing everyone a safe and healthy festive season. Enjoy the abundance we are lucky to have and let's appreciate the chance to spend time with loved ones. We hope it's a special time for every one of you.

Thank you for the support shown to our small business this year, it really means the world. We look forward to serving you again in 2024. Open for enquiries 28-31 December 9am -1pm.


What needs to be different next year with your health. Getting clarity on you 'why' and motivations can help on the tough days. What are your barriers to health? We can help you overcome those.


Has your self-care routines gone out of the window with all the Christmas preparations? Are the Xmas parties taking their toll on your digestion and waistlines? Food is so much more than fuel, and we encourage you to enjoy special occasions, but also notice the impact. Can you make the connection by food and drinks and the effect they have?

We wish all you all
a wonderful Christmas, and truly hope you enjoy the abundance we are so lucky to have. If you need a helping hand in the new year getting back on track, then our Feeding the Mind Group Coaching programme is waiting for you. 3 x £99 monthly payments, time to invest in yourself. Link in comments to course information.


Last working day - Thursday 21 December until 7pm

New enquiries - Wednesday 27 - Saturday 30th December 9am-1pm

Normal working hours resume Tuesday 2 January 2024:
Monda 10-4.30pm
Tues/Wed/Thurs 10-7pm
Friday 9-5pm


Did you know there is an association of immune system dysregulation and ?

Whilst there are overlaps with , , and other mental health conditions, studies have found links with increased cytokines (warning chemicals) antibodies, dysbiosis (microbiome imbalance), genetic polymorphisms and stress in pregnancy.

Supporting the immune system can therefore potentially support function. Functional medicine is all about what the root cause of symptoms, and clinically it’s quite common to see the immune system needing a helping hand.

Pain, redness, swelling and heat are cardinal signs of activation. If you struggle with ear nose and throat issues, hayfever, eczema, asthma, infections or injuries, then it could be relevant. Not sure how a holistic approach to ADHD can help, then send us a message, we would love to hear from you.


Stool testing - Did you know we offer comprehensive options for stool testing to get to the root cause of your digestive problems?
Our gut does a lot more than digest our food, it houses part of our immune system, nerves, hormones, microbiome, as well as mucus, bile, enzymes, and acids.
Like an orchestra, a finely tuned response keeps us in tip top condition. One organ or function out of balance can impact all the rest.
There are many levels of testing in terms of number of markers and cost, and we can guide you on the best option once we have carried out an assessment of your needs. Often we can make a lot of progress without testing, but if there are infections, parasites, or dysbiosis, the data can help speed up resolution.

Don’t just accept digestive problems, there are many options once we know what’s at the root of the problem.

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Women's problems, when will we be taken seriously?
Newcastle Vs PSG build up what an atmosphere #nufc #newcastle #nefollowers #geordies #championsleague
How on 🌎 are we supposed to make healthy choices wehn grabbing something on the go? 😡
Feeding the Mind Group coaching starting Tuesday 11 October. Invest in yourself as we head into winter and keep that sum...
Testing. It isn't always necessary but can be useful to speed up identification of the root cause of imbalance in the bo...
Friends and family undermining your health goals? They may be unintentionally making life harder, do they know where you...
THE GUT MICROBIOME Trillions of gut bugs that help to keep us healthy!  A lack of diversity in out gut microbiome (dysbi...
Chronic low grade inflammation can be an underlying factor in disease, pain and dysfunction. Food contributes to this, w...
Energy and nutrition
Why is the gut so important?  This is not an exhaustive list, but describes some of the major systems of the body, inter...
BRAND SPANKING NEW - BODY + MIND SUPPORTIn conjunction with @hummingbirdmindtherapy, we are delighted to bring to you ou...


North Shields

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 6:30pm
Thursday 10am - 8pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 12pm

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