Noo HR

Noo HR

Empowering Leaders to achieve their vision and potential through Coaching, Mentoring and Strategic HR

I help People Leaders get their strategy and vision off their to do list into action. I help them do this through 4 key services, depending on their needs:

(1) A Power Hour to discuss a particular topic and work through potential solutions and actions. (2) 121 mentoring/coaching to help them work through their people strategy and make it fly. (3) A people diagnostics to review the full employee


So many people in my network are starting new jobs this month, so great to see these successes 🥳

Starting a new job can be overwhelming for the first few months as you settle in to understanding how things get done, building relationships and getting stuck into your new role - especially at leadership level when you need to be making an impact and decision making from the off.

If you need help navigating this change then think about investing in the power of Coaching - a safe space where you can work through what’s going on, any challenges or uncertainty and find a way forward.

At noo coaching I offer a power hour for those one off times where you would like support, or coaching packages, including your own Insights Discovery profile to better understand how you can make an impact and utilise your strengths.

Book your free Discovery call with me to find out how coaching can help you :-


There are many different leadership style theories but my go-to has to be Situational Leadership (Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard) - Why? - to be an effective leader you need to be adaptable. Self awareness, empathy and flexibility to the situation, especially in today’s changeable environment is key.

Situational Leadership is a flexible approach to leadership that recognises that one size does not fit all. Situational Leadership emphasises the importance of adapting your leadership style based on the maturity and competence of your team members in relation to specific tasks.

Situational Leadership identifies four primary leadership styles:

1. Directing - High directive, low supportive. Best for new or inexperienced team members who need clear guidance.

2. Coaching - High directive, high supportive. Ideal for employees who have some competence but need encouragement and feedback.

3. Supporting - Low directive, high supportive. Suitable for experienced team members who are capable but might lack confidence.

4. Delegating - Low directive, low supportive. Most effective when leading highly skilled and motivated individuals who can work independently.

So how do you know when to flex your leadership style?

Firstly get to know your team. Evaluate the skill level, experience, and motivation of your team members. Understand where each person stands with their tasks.

Then tailor your leadership approach to fit the needs of your team at any given moment. This may mean shifting between styles as your team members grow and as tasks change.

By employing Situational Leadership, you empower your team by meeting them where they are, fostering growth, and driving performance.


This months book 🤓 Mindset by Dr Carol Dwek. A timely read as I’m currently looking at how we can help our people own and shape their career opportunities.

If you can change your mindset to a Growth Mindset then how you see what’s happening in your environment changes, opening up opportunities, challenges, growth and experiences.

Where’s your mindset at right now?


How do you deal with changes in your career, especially when they aren’t completely within your control?

Maybe you go into flight or fight mode. Maybe you just resign. Maybe you can’t think of anything else except what’s going on for you. Maybe you’re cool with what’s happening and going with the flow……

It’s likely that you’ll revert to your natural psychological preferences, it’s hard to put the mental energy into adapting these when your brain is dealing with uncertainty and feeling under pressure or even stressed.

I don’t deal with uncertainty very well, which is led by need to have control over my own destiny - that’s probably why I don’t like throwing myself down hills on a mountain bike or ski’s 😅

I’ve been going through uncertainty in my career these last few weeks, my contract comes to an end in a few months and I’m still not sure what I’ll be doing after that. There’s lots of options available to me, and I’m more than happy with any of them, but I’ve still felt the emotional toll of this uncertainty.

What’s been a life saver for me is having access to coaching weekly through my coaching cohort and peer coach. I’ve been able to work through what’s going on in my head and how it’s making me feel, rationalise those thoughts and clear my thinking.

This has given me the space to keep working hard on my projects and goals and remain resilient through this time of change.

That’s what I LOVE about coaching and why I set up noo coaching 😍 - how do you deal with change and uncertainty?

Photos from Noo HR's post 15/08/2024

This week we held a workshop with a sales team, looking at how our preferred colour energies shape our communication preferences.

If you can adjust your communication style to meet the needs of the person receiving the information it opens up the opportunity for quicker connection, understanding and higher impact and engagement.

In sales, this is particularly useful when working with your customers, meet their communication needs quickly and you’ll get their attention quickly.

We helped this team to not only understand their own preferences but how to recognise the preferences of others then how to communicate with them most effectively.


As a leader, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the many responsibilities and decisions that come with the role. With so much to juggle, finding time to plan and focus can seem impossible. But this is where coaching can make a significant difference.

Coaching provides a safe space to explore your thoughts and ideas, allowing you to work through the murky waters of uncertainty and complexity. It helps you cut through the noise, gain clarity, and sharpen your focus on what truly matters.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stuck, consider the power of coaching to help you navigate your leadership journey with confidence and clarity.

Reach out to explore how noo coaching can support you in this.


On this morning’s dog walk, a beautiful sunflower standing proud in the sunshine caught my attention and bought my mind from todays ‘to-do’ list into the moment.

It got me thingthing, as leaders, our natural drive pushes us forward, constantly aiming for the next goal. However, it’s equally important to pause and reflect on the present moment. Today, take a moment to appreciate where you are, what you have achieved, and the journey you’ve undertaken to get here.

Recognising our current accomplishments and the progress we’ve made not only grounds us but also inspires our teams and reinforces the values that brought us here. Celebrate the small wins and the big milestones alike.

In this fast-paced world, taking time to reflect fosters gratitude, resilience, and renewed motivation.


Yesterday the SLT scoped out the strategy for next year.

As passionate leaders in our business, we have a clear vision of what great looks like. We know the direction we want to take, and the goals we aim to achieve. However, the hard part isn't defining this vision—it's bringing it to life.

Effective ex*****on requires not just a well-crafted plan but also the engagement and commitment of our entire team. It's about turning that vision into reality through collective effort and ownership. Here are a few key elements to focus on:

🔹 Clear Communication - Ensure everyone understands the strategy, their role in it, and how it aligns with the overall vision.

🔹 Empowerment - Give your team the tools, resources, and autonomy they need to make decisions and drive initiatives forward.

🔹 Continuous Support - Provide ongoing guidance and support, celebrating small wins and learning from setbacks.

🔹 Foster Ownership - Encourage everyone to take personal responsibility for their part in the strategy, fostering a sense of ownership and pride in their contributions.

When we all pull in the same direction as one team and own our part of the strategy, we transform our vision into action and achieve extraordinary results that are purposeful and focused 💪✨



People are motivated when they are inspired and enabled to achieve their goals, not when they are simply told what they must do. True leaders understand this and strive to listen, coach, mentor, guide, and support their teams.

💬 Active listening helps leaders understand their team’s aspirations and challenges.

💡 Providing guidance and feedback to help individuals grow and improve.

🤝 Sharing wisdom and experiences to empower others to reach their full potential.

🛤️ Helping navigate through obstacles and uncertainties.

🌱 Creating an environment where everyone feels valued and capable of achieving their best.

Leadership is not about command and control, but about fostering a culture of trust and growth. Think about how you can lead with empathy and purpose, and inspire your teams to reach new heights. 🚀


Out on my bike this morning and I was reflecting on our topic of conversations in our coaching workshop last night - values.

❓do we know what our personal values are

❓are they causing us conflict - what we want v what we’re doing

❓are they driving what we are doing

I immediately thought my values were conflicting against one another, after mentioning it to my partner he saw it another way, one was driving me to achieve the other.

Personal Growth and Accountability were the two of my values that I narrowed down my list of 20 to.

If you’d like to do the exercise to identify your values, drop me a note below or personally and I’ll share it with you.


Introverted thinking (Ti) types are celebrated for their analytical prowess, logical problem-solving, and ability to delve deep into complex issues. These qualities make them invaluable in fields requiring precision and innovation. However, even the most insightful Ti types can gain a significant edge through coaching.

Here’s how coaching can enhance the strengths of introverted thinkers:

🔵 Strategic Clarity - Coaching aids Ti types in connecting their deep insights to broader strategic objectives, ensuring their analysis translates into impactful actions.

🔵 Improved Communication - Coaches help Ti types articulate their complex ideas clearly, enhancing their ability to share valuable insights with teams and stakeholders.

🔵 Holistic Decision-Making - By introducing diverse perspectives, coaching enables Ti types to consider various viewpoints, leading to more comprehensive and effective solutions.

🔵 Stress and Time Management - Coaching provides strategies for managing the intense focus of Ti types, preventing burnout and promoting balanced productivity.

🔵 Leadership Growth - Coaches help Ti types harness their intellectual strengths to inspire and guide others, fostering a leadership style that blends analytical depth with empathetic engagement.

Coaching is not just about addressing challenges; it's about maximizing strengths for profound impact. For introverted thinkers, this means transforming their deep analytical capabilities into even greater professional and personal success.

🌟 Ready to elevate your introverted thinking to new heights? Discover the transformative power of coaching today! 🌟

Connect and share your experiences on how coaching has enhanced your journey as an introverted thinker! 👇


In today's fast-paced world, extroverted thinking (Te) types are known for their dynamic approach, decisiveness, and ability to organise and implement efficient systems. These traits are invaluable in leadership, project management, and entrepreneurial roles. But even the most driven Te types can benefit immensely from coaching.

Here’s how coaching can amplify the strengths of extroverted thinkers:

🔴 Strategic Alignment - Coaching helps Te types align their natural decisiveness with strategic vision, ensuring their actions drive long-term goals, not just immediate results.

🔴 Enhanced Interpersonal Skills - While Te types excel in logic and efficiency, coaching can enhance their emotional intelligence, improving team collaboration and stakeholder relationships.

🔴 Balanced Decision-Making - Coaches provide tools for incorporating diverse perspectives, preventing potential blind spots, and fostering well-rounded decision-making processes.

🔴 Stress Management - With their high drive, Te types often face burnout. Coaching offers strategies for maintaining peak performance while ensuring well-being and sustainability.

🔴 Leadership Development - Coaches help translate Te strengths into inspirational leadership, guiding Te types to motivate and empower their teams effectively.

Coaching isn't just about overcoming weaknesses; it's about leveraging strengths for maximum impact. For extroverted thinkers, this means channeling their natural abilities into even greater personal and professional success.

🌟 Ready to take your extroverted thinking to the next level? Let's explore the transformative power of coaching together! 🌟


By integrating your Jungian preference into your leadership you can utilise your strengths to maximise your potential.

When I’m coaching clients I help them to do this through allowing them the space and security to explore how their strengths show up and how to embrace them to empower their leadership style.

This week I will be exploring with you how these types benefit from coaching and a little more about their unique strengths, starting with extroverted thinking types 🔴 followed by 🔵🟡🟢.

👀 stay tuned….


🥇Going for Gold 🥇

It’s the Olympics - my favourite sporting event of all. I really seem to connect with the efforts and achievements of the athletes and am guaranteed to well up when they get their medals, I think it’s the empathy I have when they’ve attained the success they’ve been striving for for years and the efforts and sacrifices they must have made to get there.

I can guarantee you that every single one of those athletes will have a Coach to help them achieve those goals in the way that is suited to them, playing to their strengths and adapting to what life throws at them.

This is no different in business. If you want to achieve your dreams and vision then investing in a coach will enable you to get there in a way that’s right for you.

Photos from Noo HR's post 25/07/2024

Noo HR is growing with the added benefit of noo coaching - professional and leadership coaching.

With extensive experience in senior leadership roles and HR, the wealth of understanding I have of the challenges that leaders face, together with my knowledge of psychometrics, it’s the perfect way for me to empower leaders and professionals to excel.

Book your discovery call to see how coaching can help you.


🌟 Yesterday, we had the incredible opportunity to host a Cme Colour Profile workshop with our leadership team, focusing on understanding our preferred behaviors and the critical role of self-awareness in leadership. 🌟

At the heart of our discussion was the concept of colour energies—each representing distinct behavioral traits and leadership styles. By exploring these energies, we gained deeper insights into our personal preferences, strengths, and areas for growth.

Here's why self-awareness is crucial for leaders:

🔍 Enhanced Decision-Making: Understanding your natural tendencies helps you make more informed and balanced decisions.

🌱 Personal Growth: Recognising your strengths and weaknesses is the first step toward continuous personal development.

🤝 Effective Communication: Self-awareness fosters better communication and collaboration, as you become more attuned to how your actions and words impact others.

💡 Empowering Leadership: Leaders who are self-aware can leverage their unique colour energies to inspire and motivate their teams, creating a more dynamic and supportive work environment.

Our workshop not only highlighted the value of these insights but also demonstrated how different colour energies add value to our roles as leaders. By embracing and understanding these diverse behaviours, we can build a more cohesive, innovative, and resilient leadership team.


Photos from Noo HR's post 23/07/2024

I can’t keep this to myself any longer, I’m too excited!

Noo HR is growing with the added benefit of noo coaching - professional and leadership coaching 😀 - I’m in love with the noo branding, which compliments noo hr so well, all down with the amazing work of Chlo and Co designs.

👀 Watch this space for more updates over the coming months.

What do you think 👇

Photos from Noo HR's post 16/07/2024

Are your meetings connecting with everyone there?

By using colour energies in your meeting prep you can make sure they meet everyone’s need for information in a way that engages them all.

Give these a go in your next meeting and see what happens.

🔴 deliver a results update
🟡 allow time for brainstorming
🟢 recognise everyone’s contribution
🔵 allow for questions and capture the detail of what has been discussed


To think clearly, we need space—space in our minds. Yet, feedback from workplaces increasingly points to people feeling overwhelmed, under pressure, and stressed. Add daily life's demands, and there’s not much mental space left.

For organisations to survive and thrive, they need to evolve, innovate, adapt, and react constantly. But this is unlikely if their people are overwhelmed or stressed. Organisations must create that space to think.

When do you do your best thinking? For me, it's definitely away from my desk and the interruptions of emails, calls, and meetings. Usually, it’s when I’m walking, driving, running, or cycling… you get the picture.

So as Leaders, how can you create that space to think for your team? Can the working environment or rhythm be changed? Can you encourage thinking time? Can you make space in meetings to give people time to think, speak, and be listened to?

🧠 **Thinking time + wellbeing = high performance**

Why not ask your team how they can create that time to think?


Unexpectedly I received a LinkedIn recommendation from someone who I have had the pleasure of working with and mentoring over the last 8 months. It warmed my heart and this simple gesture (and lovely feedback) helps to reinforce why I love what I do and how it helps others.

Have you told someone who inspires or helps you how much it means to you recently? No? then I urge you to, a simple thank you is all it takes to make someone's day.


As the UK ushers in a new era of leadership with a new Prime Minister and Party, it’s a pivotal moment for reflection on the qualities and actions that define effective governance. Here are some key principles that can guide any leader to success:

🎧 Listen and Learn - Understanding the diverse needs and aspirations of people is crucial. A leader must be attuned to the voices of the people, listening with empathy and an open mind.

🤝 Build Trust and Relationships - Establishing trust through transparency and integrity is foundational. It’s essential to foster a culture of mutual respect and collaboration across all levels of the organisation.

🎯 Set Clear Goals and Expectations - Defining clear, achievable objectives helps align efforts and track national progress. It’s vital to communicate these goals effectively to ensure everyone understands and works towards common aims.

📚Promote Continuous Learning and Development - Encouraging a culture of education and professional growth is key to a nation’s progress. This includes investing in lifelong learning and creating opportunities for all people to advance their skills and knowledge.

🌟 Celebrate Successes and Learn from Challenges - Recognising achievements boosts morale and motivates further progress. Equally important is viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, building resilience along the way.

💡Drive Innovation and Improvement - Embracing change and fostering innovative thinking are essential for staying ahead in a rapidly evolving world. Exploring new ideas and solutions will help navigate the complex challenges of today and tomorrow.

Any leader who steps into a new role, has the opportunity to embrace a leadership style that embodies these principles, driving theorganisation towards a prosperous and inclusive future.


This month’s reading/ listening is Time to Think’ Nancy Kline 📖

I’m 7 chapters in and I’m taking so much away from this already that will transfer into Coaching and the workplace.

Enhancing innovation and performance of people , teams and organisations through the power of truely giving space to people to let them say and process everything they need to, without interruption as well as the safety to talk about their thoughts without the fear of being judged are stand outs for me so far.

Have you read this? What were your key takeaways?


Ending the week with shiny new certification 🤩

Really looking forward to delivering new workshops and collaborating with others to continue to build a self-aware and adaptive, inclusive people culture 🔵🟢🔴🟡


Proud sponsor of Wappenham Beer Festival 2024

Thank you so much to A.B. Race Engineering, Noo HR, Colin Bullock and Wappenham Village Hall Committee for generously sponsoring Wappenham Beer Festival 2024.

Funding from our sponsors is the reason we are able to run the festival each year - we simply couldn’t do it without their support.


Have you ever wondered how to identify your strengths and the benefits that this can unlock for you at work and in your professional development?

Here are a few ways you can approach this:

🔍 Self-Reflection - Think about tasks that energise you and come naturally.

🗣️ Feedback - Ask colleagues and supervisors for their observations on your strengths.

📊 Assessments - Use tools like StrengthsFinder or Myers-Briggs to gain insights into your abilities.

Understanding and leveraging your strengths at work can be a game-changer! Here’s how:

🔹 Enhanced Performance. Align your tasks with your strengths for optimal productivity and job satisfaction.

🔹 Increased Motivation. Enjoy your work more and stay intrinsically motivated by focusing on what you do best.

🔹 Boosted Creativity. Bring innovative solutions and unique perspectives to the table with your distinctive skills.

🔹 Stronger Teams. Create balanced, complementary teams where everyone’s strengths are valued and utilised.

🔹 Continuous Growth. Invest in developing your strengths to excel and achieve mastery in your field.

🔹 Self-Confidence. Recognise and celebrate your achievements, building a strong sense of self-worth and confidence.

🔹 Resilience and Adaptability. Navigate challenges with ease and adapt to new roles by relying on your core competencies.

By understanding and harnessing our strengths, we can transform our work experience, foster a positive environment, and drive success! It definitely worked for me when I flipped to proactively engaging in work that utilised my strengths. Give it a go and see what you can unlock 💪✨

Photos from Noo HR's post 21/06/2024

📚 Embracing diverse learning preferences in your teams is crucial to engage them in learning. By understanding these preferences you can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your training sessions and team development activities.

One powerful framework to consider is Colour Energies. This model helps us understand and appreciate the diverse ways in which individuals interact with and absorb information:

🔴 Fiery Red: Action-oriented learners who thrive on challenges and prefer a direct, no-nonsense approach.

🟡 Sunshine Yellow: Enthusiastic learners who enjoy interactive, energetic sessions and benefit from social learning environments.

🔵 Cool Blue: Analytical learners who prefer structured, detailed, and methodical approaches to learning.

🟢 Earth Green: Supportive learners who value harmony and appreciate a calm, collaborative learning atmosphere.

By incorporating these colour energies into your learning activities, you can create more engaging and inclusive experiences for all team members. Here are a few tips to get started:

1. Mix Up Your Methods - Combine lectures, discussions, hands-on activities, and reflective sessions to cater to different learning styles.

2. Encourage Interaction - Use group work and peer learning to harness the energy of Sunshine Yellows and Earth Greens.

3. Provide Structure - Offer detailed agendas and clear instructions to satisfy the Cool Blues’ need for order and precision.

4. Challenge and Empower - Set ambitious goals and provide opportunities for action, appealing to the Fiery Reds in your team.

By thoughtfully considering these diverse learning preferences, you can foster a more engaging and positive learning environment, ultimately leading to greater team success and personal growth.

This is why I love delivering Colour Energy based workshops, they embrace the team's unique energies and create learning experiences that resonate with everyone! 🌟


Are you doing what you ‘should’ be doing or what you ‘want’ to be doing…🤔

🧍As humans we naturally want to please others, fit in with society and be liked. But what happens when that gets in the way of pursuing your own path?

🤯 My world is pretty full on at the moment - I have a full time job which encompasses two roles within it, I do some part time work through my own freelance business, I’m getting married in September and now I’ve embarked on working towards gaining my ICF coaching accreditation!

❓Why? ….. because finally after 30 years in the working world I’m doing all the things I love.

🧡 2.5 years ago, I was burnt out, things changed at work and I decided it was time to leave. I had no idea what I wanted to do, but what I did know was that this was the opportunity to do something different and that I enjoyed.

👀 I looked at my strengths, I had some coaching sessions and followed my passions.

💃 Yes I’m flat out, but I couldn’t feel more fulfilled and moving forward with purpose to my end goal.

Now through Coaching I can use my experience to help others recognise and unlock their potential and dreams and move forward to the place that is right for THEM.

Right, time to walk the dog and get to work 😀

Noo HR


Are you stuck with knowing how to elevate your Leadership to unlock self-awareness and enhance stakeholder buy-in?

As leaders, the journey towards excellence is a continuous one. One of the most crucial steps in this journey is developing self-awareness in your leadership style. Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and the impact you have on your team and stakeholders can significantly enhance your effectiveness and foster a culture of trust and engagement.

In my coaching sessions, I focus on helping leaders gain this vital self-awareness. Here’s how we can work together to unlock your leadership potential:

🔍 Self-Reflection through feedback you gain.

🧠 Emotional Intelligence
Learn to manage your emotions and understand those of your stakeholders to build stronger relationships.

🎯 Actionable Insights:
Develop concrete strategies to align your leadership style with your personal goals and stakeholder expectations.

🤝 Stakeholder Engagement:
Enhance your ability to communicate effectively and build genuine connections, driving greater buy-in and collaboration.

Ready to take your leadership to the next level? It starts with self-awareness that build into tangible and actionable strategies.

Schedule a coaching session with me today and discover the power of self-awareness in leadership. 🌟

Feel free to reach out if you're ready to elevate your leadership skills!

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Videos (show all)

This week we held a workshop with a sales team, looking at how our preferred colour energies shape our communication pre...
Are your meetings connecting with everyone there? By using colour energies in your meeting prep you can make sure they m...
📚 Embracing diverse learning preferences in your teams is crucial to engage them in learning.  By understanding these pr...
Everyone has the ability to be ‘creative’ but how you get there differs depending on your psychological preferences. How...
🎄As its the 1st December I feel like I can now talk about Christmas 😀 A lot of your team may be ‘switching off’ and wind...
When you live in a world of change it’s important to ensure that there’s a rounded approach to ensure you engage your pe...
🎉 National Inclusion Week🎉 This week is a great week to focus on building inclusivity in our workplaces. Here’s how you ...
Did you know that people with mentors perform better, advance in their careers faster, and experience less stress. Speak...
I had a ‘Grand Day Out’ at the London Olympia today for the CIPD #fow23It was great meeting some of my fellow HR network...
I had a ‘Grand Day Out’ at the London Olympia today for the CIPD #fow23It was great meeting some of my fellow HR network...
Having a mentor can be incredibly beneficial for personal and professional growth, such as:💥 Help you develop your knowl...
👀 I’m getting ready to write June’s NoosLetter - my monthly update, Insights and knowledge sharing for People Leaders. S...



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