
Graphifi, based in UK, have a mission to provide tooling to ensure that graph adoption is as easy as possible.

Graphifi can offer depth of knowledge across the semantic web and linked data, knowledge graphs and structured authoring.


Graphologi 2.2 is out. In this release we add the ability to annotate data in taxonomies and datasets, opening up a whole new set possibilities for users to manage information.

When creating data, which in an RDF system such as Graphologi means creating ‘triples’, it can be useful to add information about the actual data itself (to annotate the data). For example, if you have a triple - A knows B - it might be useful to know who stated that fact. Annotation can cover a multitude of scenarios, such as the origin of data, the context in which data is applicable, the date from which data applies, etc.

Annotation works for taxonomy concepts, SKOS-XL labels and resources in datasets. The information that you can annotate with is defined using ontologies and templates (SHACL), in the same way that templates are used elsewhere in Graphologi. You can, if desired, target these templates to individual properties on concepts, labels and resources, allowing for fine grained control over annotation.

As elsewhere in Graphologi, real-time collaboration also works for annotations and a full history of changes is recorded and viewable. You can also manage annotations through the API.

Annotation is available in all Graphologi subscriptions.

This release also increases the maximum length allowed for preferred, alternative and hidden labels.

Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:


Graphologi 2.1 is now available. This release introduces very significant performance improvements in retrieving data from the Graphologi API and improved handling of large taxonomies.

In Graphologi 2.0 we introduced huge performance improvements in search. We have taken that work and extended the learning from it into retrieving data from the Graphologi API. You can expect to see ‘load’ times in Graphologi reduced by 70% or more, making for a faster and better user experience. This applies throughout the application, whether working with taxonomies, ontologies or the Data Manager.

In conjunction with this we now also have better handling for taxonomies with large numbers of top concepts (or narrower/child concepts) - in the thousands, or even tens of thousands. To mirror the existing approach used for ontologies, ‘paging’ has been introduced, which makes navigating around far more responsive.

Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:

Photos from Graphifi's post 25/07/2024

Graphologi 2.0 is out! This is the biggest release of Graphologi since its launch and introduces the ‘Data Manager’, as well as other great enhancements.

There are generally three parts to a ‘knowledge graph’ - ontologies, taxonomies and (instance) data. Graphologi already provided great support for ontologies and taxonomies and it now also allows you to manage data.

Examples of the kind of information you might manage in Data Manager are product lists, vendor lists, reference data, or, as in one of the examples you can load in Graphologi, hotels and restaurants.

The difference with managing data in Graphologi compared to other approaches is that it is semantically meaningful and standards based - it can be enriched with ontologies and taxonomies to create highly connected, machine processable information. That makes your data more valuable and useful for a wide variety of use cases, such as classification, search, analytics or AI.

All the features you expect are there: workflow, advanced search, bulk edit, reporting, versioning, etc. The user experience is the same as elsewhere in Graphologi making it easy to learn.

In addition to Data Manager there are some other great enhancements:

* It is now possible to store and render, markdown, HTML, SVG, MathML and image links in properties
* There have been incredible improvements in search performance in some areas - reducing search times by as much as 70%
* Visualisation has been improved
* Improvements to the API have also been made

If you would like to know more, get in touch.

Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:

Photos from Graphifi's post 18/06/2024

EasyGraph 1.0.13 is now available with exciting new features: linked visualisations, quick page edit and a new column layout facility.

Many of our customers gave us feedback that they want to link visualisations and to more easily edit the page components. So, in this release, we worked on enhancing EasyGraph visualisations and added quick page edit.

We have added a “Quick page edit” feature which makes it easy to edit the page content and components in-situ. Admin users can enable the quick edit. A user can hover on any part of the page and click the settings button to view/edit the configurations of a page component or page template.

There is also a new column component. This enables users to add other components side by side in a single row.

We have added options to add, show or hide buttons for nodes in the visualisations. Users can also configure actions on node click or can configure actions for the expand button. For example, it is now possible to create and save multiple visualisations and then on click of a node, or on click of expand button, another pre-saved visualisations can open. This feature enables admins to create a visual data browsing journey.

You can find out more about EasyGraph at:

We would love you to try it out and give us your feedback. You can try EasyGraph by going to:

Photos from Graphifi's post 22/04/2024

EasyGraph 1.0.11 is now available with exciting new features: the ability to style visualisation nodes and edges, visualise data on touch devices, a new simple tree layout, as well as features to control layout settings.

Many of our customers gave feedback that they want to create more custom styled visualisations from their knowledge graph data. So, in this release, we worked on enhancing EasyGraph visualisations.

We have added options to add styles to nodes and edges of the graph.This enables users to control node shapes, edge curve styles, widths, colours, background images and many more style properties. You can even configure multiple background images for nodes.

Visualisations now work on touch devices. To show the node/edge actions users can use single tap and to show node/edge details users can double tap.

We have added a new “Simple Tree” layout which is useful for tree data visualisation. This is also very useful for taxonomy and ontology data browsing.

For each layout it is now possible to control layout settings. Users can configure auto refresh, zoom levels and node/edge spacing.

You can find out more about EasyGraph at:

We would love you to try it out and give us your feedback. You can try EasyGraph by going to:


Graphifi are very pleased to announce that we are now certified for ISO 27001:2022.

We are committed to using secure and robust processes and procedures in the development of our products and services.

We hope that our ISO 27001 certification will give even more confidence to our customers (and potential customers) that they can trust Graphifi with their data.


Graphologi 1.21 is now available with a set of great enhancements across a range of features.

It is now possible to add additional classes to SKOS-XL labels. As well as allowing more accurate semantic description of labels, it also combines with Graphologi’s property templates - which allow you to enrich your data using ontologies - by allowing class driven configuration, mirroring what is already possible on concepts. This gives more fine-grained control over when templates are used.

In addition, property templates can now also be used on taxonomies and collections. This allows completely customisable metadata and relationships to be added.

Further, on property templates, you can now override the default label from the ontology and can also add a description. It is not unusual for ontologies to have poor or inconsistent labelling, so this can help make it clearer to users what properties are and how to populate and manage data.

We have added additional quality checks for taxonomies to cover the new capabilities.

Sometimes data gets added to Graphologi that users need to clean up and remove, but that isn’t editable through the user interface. This can now be done in ‘triple view’, where unwanted data can now be deleted.

In the history viewer we have made more of the information clickable, allowing users to more easily navigate to resources listed in the history.

Graphologi makes it easy to create and save SPARQL queries using the SPARQL console. There is now a new API endpoint (and corresponding entitlement) to allow saved queries to be executed. This can be useful for integration, as it allows tight control over the queries other systems can run.

Let us know what you think.

Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:


Graphologi 1.20 has been released and introduces workflow capabilities for taxonomies to help make governance even easier.

Good governance of taxonomies is key to using them successfully and having a managed process for change is part of that. The new workflow features give you great options for doing this.

Workflow, which can be activated for each taxonomy individually, allows you to control the status of concepts within your taxonomies and the option to assign those concepts to users to manage any change. All of this also applies to SKOS-XL.

You can also go further if you want to - it is also possible to create tasks for a concept (or SKOS-XL label), so that you can define what needs doing and easily manage it. Tasks can also be assigned to users. Each task can have a thread of discussion allowing you to keep a record of any decision making relating to it.

The new ‘Jobs Manager’ is your dashboard to see what is assigned to you and to others. It also includes suggestions, an existing Graphologi feature, making it much easier to know which suggestions you need to review.

In addition, there are also features to get summaries of concepts in particular states and additional predefined reports to give overviews of certain aspects of workflow.

The workflow capabilities can be accessed through the API.

Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:

Photos from Graphifi's post 05/03/2024

EasyGraph 1.0.9 is out..

Photos from Graphifi's post 05/03/2024

EasyGraph 1.0.9 is now available with exciting new features: single sign-on for the graph Explorer, a feedback flow, the ability to save visualisations, to create charts from data and to embed saved visualisations on portal pages.

Many of our customers want to publish knowledge graph data on a single portal, where an organisation’s users can visit and explore the data in an easy way. So, for the last few months, we have been working on enhancing EasyGraph Explorer.

We have added SAML2 based single sign-on. You can now set up a portal for your organisation’s knowledge graph and secure it with single sign-on. This can make it a breeze to allow users to easily access data.

Many of our customers develop their taxonomies and ontologies in Graphologi. They could already publish that data to a portal in EasyGraph, but, with the feedback feature, we have gone one step further. Using the feedback feature users of the portal can add their comments on the data. Admins of the portal can review and manage those comments.

We also received requests from users wanting to save the state of the graph navigator. This is now possible. Users can create and save visualisations and then embed the visualisations on portal pages.

In addition, we have also added the ability to create charts from the data. For this we have added a SPARQL based tool that allows you to specify what data to fetch and then you can configure various types of charts, such as line charts, bar charts, area charts, radial charts and scatter charts. These charts can be saved and embedded in the portal.

You can find out more about EasyGraph at:

We would love you to try it out and give us your feedback. You can try EasyGraph by going to:

Photos from Graphifi's post 29/11/2023

Graphologi 1.18 is now available. In this release we focussed on feedback from life science users who want to load very large ontologies with hundreds of thousands of classes.

As well as better support for very large ontologies this release has a wide set of other improvements, including an easier import process, enhancements for annotating ontologies and new IRI management options.

We increasingly see organisations coming to us looking for affordable enterprise-grade ontology management software, especially in life sciences and particularly in the area of creating data that is mapped to existing ontologies, such as OBO ontologies. Some of these ontologies are large - hundreds of thousands of classes and thousands of subclasses.

Graphologi can now better support importing, viewing and editing of ontologies at this scale, including those such as CHEBI (185,000 classes) and DRON (The Drug Ontology, with 670,000 classes). To complement this we now also provide an N-triples export that can be used for exports in excess of 500MB. We have also dramatically improved the performance of exports and quality checks for ontologies.

Often, existing ontologies contain minor errors and the import of ontologies now has an option to ignore these problems, making it far easier to load. Feedback on minor issues is reported back to the user.

In addition, for ontologies, Graphologi now supports the management and editing of SKOS annotations, in addition to the existing custom annotation support. For custom annotations there is now the ability to get Graphologi to analyse and report on which annotation properties are used in an ontology project, making it much easier to decide which to display.

There is also a new deprecation summary panel available for ontologies and the ability to hide top level deprecated resources (something common in OBO ontologies). The enhanced deprecation summary panel is also available for taxonomies.

For IRI management there is now an option to minimise IRI encoding, which can help to create more readable IRIs for non-English languages.

There is also a new bulk operation to synchronise symmetric and inverse relationships on concepts in taxonomies, which can be very useful if you add these characteristics after creating data.

As usual all of these enhancements can be used in a free trial subscription (but note there are import limits on trials, so get in touch if you want to try really large data).

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Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:


The latest Graphologi update is out. Graphologi 1.17 has a host of enhancements for both taxonomy and ontology management, covering audit trails, modelling, data quality, import and the API.

We have improved the display of history (audit trails), with additional information and linking on the changed resources, as well as highlighting to better indicate the change type.

For ontologies you can now manage additional characteristics. These are things such as transitivity, asymmetry and reflexivity. They describe how properties behave. We have added additional ontology quality checks to complement this.

Asymmetry is now considered on the taxonomy side of things. This can be very useful for helping ensure the correctness of data. For instance, a property such as ‘has Child’ would generally be considered asymmetric, in that if A ‘has Child’ B it cannot be the case that B ‘has Child’ A. Graphologi will stop you doing this when entering values. There is also an additional quality check for asymmetry.

Also, on the ontology side, we have added an extra view that displays the inbound relationships to a class for domain and range. This makes it easier to understand the relationships between classes and properties.

For taxonomy spreadsheet import it is now possible to include cross-references to preferred labels in other taxonomies loaded in a project, making it far easier to create additional relationships at import time.

In the instance API, used for creating and updating concepts, symmetric and inverse properties are now automatically materialised.

On project import it is now possible to change the title and description of a project, making it easier to manage multiple copies of projects.

As usual all of these enhancements can be used in a free trial subscription.

Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:


Graphologi 1.16 is now available, with great enhancements for searching and bulk editing of taxonomies, as well as a new feature for understanding and navigating hierarchical structures more easily.

Some taxonomies are polyhierarchical, or concepts may be in multiple taxonomies, whilst many ontologies have subclass structures with multiple paths. The ability to more easily understand all of the ‘locations’ in which a concept or class is positioned, the depths of those locations and to be able to navigate to those locations in the hierarchy is now possible with the new ‘Positioning’ feature.

We have made dramatic improvements to advanced search for taxonomies. There are now quick filtering options, sophisticated advanced filtering options and the ability to hide and view additional properties, including ontology properties. There is even a full screen view to give a spreadsheet-like feel to looking at the data. All of this makes it much easier to analyse concepts and take appropriate action.

One of the most asked for features has been general bulk edit. To complement the existing bulk capabilities for scheme and class management there is now the new ‘Editor’ feature in Graphologi that provides flexible bulk editing options.

Concepts for editing can be selected using the same filtering capabilities as the new advanced search and then various different tasks can be executed, such as adding, removing or replacing values, relationships and classes.

Bulk editing also has a preview feature so that you can check what the impact of the change might be before you actually execute it, giving users additional confidence that the change will work as anticipated.

There are also some other useful enhancements:

⚫ Suggestions now display only ‘open’ suggestions by default, making the view less cluttered.
⚫ In property templates it is now possible to filter the templates and to more easily navigate to a particular template, which is really useful for users with many templates.
⚫ Almost everywhere that you see a connection in the data you can ctrl+click on it to open in a new tab, allowing users to more easily work with multiple tabs and take advantage of Graphologi’s real-time updating.

We hope you like these enhancements - we’re really excited by them - and all of them can be used in a free trial subscription.

Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:


Graphologi 1.15 has been released, adding advanced search for ontologies and prefix management to assist with integration. We have also made improvements to allow for easier deployment of an on-premise version.

As our customers use Graphologi for increasingly sophisticated ontology management use cases the ability to search ontologies in better ways becomes increasingly important. This release of Graphologi allows a filtered search across an ontology project with various filter options, including the ability to search specific class and property annotations.

Prefixes are used in certain RDF serialisations to improve readability and they can also help reduce file size. Downstream processes can benefit from prefix definitions, often by making them available in user interfaces to aid with editing data. We have added the ability to add additional prefixes to a subscription to assist with this.

Graphologi is available as a SaaS offering - you simply sign up and get going. There is also a managed service option for customers that have additional deployment requirements. We can now more easily provide an on-premise version to give customers even more choice.

Full details are in the release notes at:

Graphologi: Taxonomy and Ontology Management 03/07/2023

Graphologi 1.14 is out, providing greatly improved options for managing IRIs (URIs) for taxonomies and ontologies.

IRIs are the bedrock of an RDF based system like Graphologi. For many users IRIs can be left to the system to generate, but some users asked for more control and flexibility.

Until now Graphologi had a fixed approach to the generation of IRIs for concepts, SKOS-XL labels, classes and properties based solely on the option of UUIDs or the text of resources (label based). We have completely reengineered how IRIs are generated and, after one of our longest breaks between releases, Graphologi 1.14 is the result.

This means that you can now do the following:

• View and edit the automatically generated IRIs that will be used when creating resources
• Set whether IRIs are always displayed when creating taxonomy resources (this is always the case for ontologies)

For label based IRIs:

• Set options for handling spaces and special characters in IRIs - removal or replacement.
• Control prepended text in the generation of SKOS-XL label IRIs and whether language codes are appended to them
• For SKOS-XL labels control whether IRI clashes are handled automatically or not (this is far more likely to happen for labels than concepts if certain options are set)

The options are also available for spreadsheet import.

All of this is backwards compatible with existing versions of Graphologi. It also means that, in future versions of Graphologi, adding additional options will be far easier.

If you would like a demonstration of the latest features please get in touch.

Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:

Graphologi: Taxonomy and Ontology Management Taxonomy and ontology management software


Graphologi 1.13 has arrived with huge SKOS-XL performance improvements, lots of enhancements to the SPARQL console and more options for integration.

As our customers use Graphologi in increasingly sophisticated ways and to manage larger and larger sets of data, we want to ensure that Graphologi provides performance to match. In this release we have made dramatic improvements to how SKOS-XL is handled, meaning that we can better support taxonomies like Eurovoc (

Eurovoc is an interesting dataset. It consists of a main taxonomy of over 7300 concepts and 407,000 SKOS-XL labels in 24 languages. There are over 120 mini taxonomies using the same concepts. Some concepts have hundreds of SKOS-XL labels (the average is about 55). The file itself is 400MB.

All Graphologi subscriptions include full SKOS-XL support.

We have also made some great enhancements to the SPARQL console. It is now possible to query multiple projects, download results and create larger queries, as well as numerous other improvements.

The ability to query multiple projects also filters through to custom reporting, giving increased flexibility to analyse your data and present it in a user-friendly manner directly within Graphologi.

For integration it is now possible to send deltas (changes) with webhooks, allowing for smaller payloads, which can be very useful for large taxonomies and ontologies.

If you would like a demonstration of the latest features please get in touch.

Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:


The latest Graphologi release is now available. Graphologi 1.12 adds further ontology management enhancements, more bulk operations for taxonomies and performance improvements.

Over recent releases we have added lots of new features for ontology management. Graphologi 1.12 extends this with the ability to annotate classes and properties using annotation properties, along with the ability to directly enter external IRIs for certain existing properties. This will increase support for a range of ontologies, especially in life sciences, some of which make heavy use of annotations and relationships between ontologies.

There are now additional taxonomy bulk operations for helping add concepts as ‘inScheme’ and also to add classes to all concepts in a taxonomy.

There is an additional ontology quality check as well as performance improvements for the existing taxonomy quality checks.

Other enhancements include increasing the maximum size of certain fields and filters for taxonomies and collections when there are lots of them in a project.

We have also increased the maximum import size for premium and above subscriptions.

If you would like a demonstration of the latest features please get in touch.

Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:


The latest release of EasyGraph is out, providing additional capabilities for easily searching and browsing a knowledge graph through various methods, including visually.

EasyGraph Explorer is part of the EasyGraph platform and provides a no-code, configurable means to set up a website to explore your knowledge graph.

The ability to quickly provide a browsing experience is key for many companies, whether it be for taxonomies, ontologies or a larger graph of data. This helps with evangelising the benefits and potential that the solution can offer. This is especially true for organisations at the proof of concept stage. Explorer helps with all of this.

More details are on our blog at:

You can find out more about EasyGraph at:

We would love you to try it out and give us your feedback. You can try EasyGraph by going to:


Graphologi 1.11 is now available, providing more ontology capabilities for life sciences, workflow notifications and performance improvements.

Continuing our recent focus on ontology management, Graphologi now allows for easy import of OBO ontologies (, support for .owl files and our first phase of support for equivalent classes.

Suggestions, which provide a workflow to allow users to contribute to a taxonomy by proposing changes to it, now have the option for a suggestion to be assigned to a particular user. Optionally, that user can be notified by an email from the system to tell them they have an assigned suggestion.

We’re always keeping an eye on performance and in this release we have greatly improved the performance of ontology quality checks and the taxonomy subtree export.

There are also improvements to data handling on import, additional language codes have been added and property templates can now handle a range of a taxonomy or collection on a property.

If you would like a demonstration of the latest features please get in touch.

Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:


Graphologi 1.10 has been released, with further enhancements for working with ontologies.

We deployed Graphologi 1.9 just before Christmas, which was the first of a set of releases focussing on ontology management. Between the two releases the enhancements include:

• Better performance and controls for working with large ontologies in relation to searching and navigation.
• Improvements to editing ontologies, where there are now controls to adjust the amount of screen space given over to the class/property tree, including a full width view. The property tree now also includes tooltips to show the context of a node, which can be very helpful in deep ontologies.
• The ability to search across an ontology project.
• Deletion of an individual ontology.

Further to this, the next Graphologi release (1.11), which is well underway, will continue on this theme. This release will have a special focus - our first phase of dedicated support for OBO ontologies (, which relate to the life sciences. Already, in that release, we can confirm the following features:

• The ability to easily import OBO ontologies (in OWL).
• Support for .owl files.
• Support for equivalent classes.
• Improvements to ontology quality checking.

If you would like a demonstration of the latest features (or a preview of 1.11) please get in touch.

Full details are in the release notes at:

You can sign up for a free trial of Graphologi at:

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Videos (show all)

Graphologi 1.20
Graphologi 1.7
Graphologi 1.6
Graphologi 1.5



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