True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty

T R U E • F I T N E S S

Level 3 Personal Trainer ♡ Certified & Insured Private Ladies Only Studio ♡


Are you new here?? 💪🏻🔥🖤

Always adding and pushing for my amazing clients 🙌🏻

Also ordered some TRX Suspensions, and I’ve a Wall Ball coming too - so get ready girls 💪🏻😍


🖤 True Fitness Studio - Birthday Edition 🖤

38 years young today, and celebrated with a day of clients, and a personalised Birthday Fitness Class to finish 💪🏻

Also received some beautiful cards, gifts and home made gluten free cake 🎂

He’s to another year round the sun, doing what I love and with some fabulous ladies who make this all possible 🎉


Lovely ladies 💜

The Studio will be CLOSED this week as I am off with my boys for the final week of the school holidays ☀️

I will be back working on Monday 2nd September, and then it’ll be a clean run and final push all the way up to Christmas 💪🏻 (sorry I said it!!)

Any messages & enquires will be looked at over the course of the week so if you are awaiting a reply, please just bare with me 💜

From next week I am pretty much back up to full capacity for client sessions - so it’ll be a wait list for any available sessions I can offer again.

Thank you for all your continued support, it’s the amazing ladies who come to the Studio that make my job so rewarding!

Enjoy the rest of your Bank Holiday Monday

Kirsty - True Fitness 💜


🩷 Some might see this as only a ‘before and after’ picture, purely aesthetics…

But what it actually shows is -

⚖️ 6 stone of body fat lost

💪🏻 Muscle and definition gained

🩸 Blood pressure reduced

🦴 Bone density improved

👵🏻 Joints improved

🍬 Diabetes risk reduced

❤️ Resting heart rate improved

🏃🏼‍♀️‍➡️ Cardiovascular health increased

🏋🏼‍♀️ Strength increased

🧠 Mental health improved

😴 Sleep prioritised

🍎 Nutrition prioritised

🙌🏻 Immune system strengthened

🔥 More energy

🥰 Healthier outlook and consistency…

It’s not easy, it takes hard work and dedication, but the benefits are tenfold 💪🏻

Quality of life, and life longevity will ultimately win over aesthetics every time as we age - and that’s something to think about…


🤎 Only look back to see how far you’ve come… 🤎

Please just ignore the mess, I’m having a clear out, re-arrange and tidy up after this week’s dusty renovations!!

But… whilst sorting out and updating my “memories and keep sakes” box, I came across several pieces of clothes that I’ve kept from along the way in my health journey.

There were 3 separate special occasions that I attended close together 6 years ago, that made me embark on the life changing journey that I needed to make for myself - for good.

The skirt I have on in the picture is the skirt I wore to one of those occasions - and it was tight!! I remember wearing my waist trainer to try pull me in, but in reality I felt uncomfortable in my own skin all evening - I felt enough was enough.

Now please don’t get that last sentence above confused in thinking I did not love my body, or felt beautiful - I did, but feeling uncomfortable, unhealthy and unhappy in your body and feeling beautiful, are very much separate things, that can sometimes run alongside each other.

I’ve always tried to be kind to myself and speak about my body with gratitude, for all that it’s been through…

But it was time I treated my body better, time I fuelled it better, and time I looked after the inside as well as the outside, both mentally and physically.

I don’t always recognise the person I was, but I’m so thankful to her… because she made a decision to change for the better, and went for it with her whole heart.

6 stone lost but a brand new life gained… and for that I’ll always be proud of myself 🤎


💪🏻🖤☀️ New Week at True Fitness ☀️🖤💪🏻

Here’s to a fabulous week ahead, more sessions to smash, and goals to reach, whilst enjoying the process along the way…

Happy Monday Everyone!!


Happy 1st August ☀️

Outdoor sessions in the sunshine and fresh air just hit different 😍💪🏻☀️🔥

I love being able to open the french doors and create an even bigger space for clients to workout - so proud of my little Studio and the ladies who make it what it is ❤️

Photos from True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty's post 31/07/2024

We had a mini True Fitness member at our Weds Class last week 💪🏻🔥😍

Whether it’s the school holidays, no childcare options, little ones not able to leave mummy just yet, or if like little Seth, who just wanted to come and join in alongside his strong Mama Kirsty Bohanna 💪🏻💪🏻

Everyone is welcomed at True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty 🩷

Let them see you, let them admire you, let them become the best version of themselves because of YOU!!

We got this busy Mamas - keep looking after you too, and I’ll be here to love and support you along the way 🫶🏻

Photos from True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty's post 15/07/2024

I’ll always stand by these words… even I need the reminder sometimes ♡


🩶💪🏻🔥 One off Session times this week 🔥💪🏻🩶

Photos from True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty's post 20/06/2024

Another fabulous outdoor fitness session 💪🏻☀️😍🔥🏋🏼‍♀️

Those feel good hormones were flowing with the fresh air, fun and exercise!! ❤️

All sessions this week so far have been brilliant - everyone has given 100% and I’m so proud of each and every one of my clients 💪🏻

And with the warmer weather finally with us for hopefully another week… I’m hoping to get a few more fitness classes, 1-1, and group sessions taking place outside in the garden, with the music playing and the sun shining down 😍☀️🏋🏼‍♀️

Lastly, I just want to say, probably for the 1000th time - that I absolutely love my job in the Studio, and I love all you fabulous ladies for helping to make it what it is!!!


Photos from True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty's post 11/06/2024

I’m now back after our 2 week family holiday in Kos ☀️

We’ve had a wonderful time making memories, but now we’re home, I’m so excited to be back in the Studio tomorrow - back in my happy place with some fabulous ladies, and even more fabulous sessions 💪🏻🔥

I can’t wait to get back to my own workouts from tomorrow as well, and to see all my amazing clients again, and to also welcome some new ones this next week too 🥰

Let’s get those goals and workouts smashed ladies!!! 🙌🏻

Photos from True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty's post 22/05/2024

A few client wins from this last week 💪🏻😍🙌🏻🔥

My job is so rewarding… and my clients are just AMAZING!!! ❤️

If you put the work in, and give it the time needed, make it a lifestyle change and not just a quick fix!

Seeing ladies gain more confidence, strength, self love, and smashing their goals is the most rewarding part of my job 🥰

It may not always be easy, and life likes to throw curve balls… but being consistent and not perfect, making this a lifestyle you live by - you will continue to see and feel the changes of all the hard work you put in 💪🏻❤️

Workout to feel good, to see and feel your body get stronger, healthier, happier… both mentally and physically 💪🏻

It all starts with YOU, and the effort you put in… consistency over perfection - but I will be there every step of the way, cheering you on with all the love, support and guidance I can give 🥰

Photos from True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty's post 09/05/2024

Me and my hubby went to my amazing client and friends Wedding this weekend, and it was just amazing 🧡🥂

I’ll be sharing a post on how stunning she looked, and her fabulous progress in the Studio in the build up to her big day 💪🏻🔥

I was one extremely proud Personal Trainer, and even prouder friend to a be part of her special day, and her journey to get there 💍

And for me who lives in gym/active wear and trainers, it was nice to get glammed up too!! 🧡

Photos from True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty's post 06/05/2024
Photos from True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty's post 24/04/2024

🩷 Keep showing up for yourself…

🩷 Remember no one can do it for you - it’s you vs you…

🩷 Any movement/exercise is better than nothing - 20 minutes a day and you’ll feel better…

🩷 Push through on the harder days, but be kind to yourself…

🩷 Celebrate every win no matter how big or small…

🩷 Aim for consistency overall, not perfection everyday…

🩷 You can’t out train your diet…

🩷 Food is fuel, and your body will react accordingly to what you put in it, always…

🩷 Priorotise your mental health as well as physical…

Photos from True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty's post 05/04/2024

☀️🐰🐣 Hope everyone had a fab Easter break 🐣🐰☀️

…and if you’ve been back at work this week l, hope it’s been a good one!!

I had a week off with my little family last week and it was just lovely - and I didn’t do one work out all week either as they just didn’t fit in with my daily plans, which I didn’t stress over… my steps were high, and so were activity levels all week, so missing the odd workout for family time etc is nothing to feel guilty about, and won’t hinder your progress 💪🏻 (*everyone’s goals are different)

That been said, I’ve been back in the Studio since Monday, and had a fabulous week back 💪🏻🔥😍

My clients have smashed all their workouts, and I have got straight back to it with 3 solid sessions myself 🙌🏻 (the DOMS are real after a week off lol)

Looking forward to the weekend ahead, and hope the sun comes out and shines for us all ☀️

Photos from True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty's post 21/03/2024

What a fabulous week so far 🖤💪🏻🔥

A week full of amazing 1-1 and group sessions, and 2 full Fitness Classes 😍

I absolutely love designing all my clients sessions, and the fitness classes… and I really do care about the ladies I train in the Studio, getting the best out of their workouts, both mentally and physically 🖤

Im so proud of the work I do, so I give it my absolute all, because each and every one of my clients deserves it 💪🏻

Photos from True Fitness • Coaching by Kirsty's post 13/03/2024


Hello lovely ladies 💗

I’m currently updating my wait list, as there may be some availability coming up after Easter, but sadly I’ve lost some of my messages due to a phone update!

Please could you pop a comment below, and if possible include your preferred day/time and session type (1-1, group, class) 🙏🏻

Or please give the post a like if you want to be added to the current wait list 💪🏻

I am wanting to keep track of ladies who would like to come to the Studio, but currently unable to offer a suitable session (sorry I wish there were more hours to accommodate everyone!)

Thank you so much,

Kirsty 💗



Hello lovelies 💜

During sessions, quite a few of my clients talk about their weekly food, and then how things can sometimes change on weekends…

How the weekend effect you?

Do you find you need to break that on-again / off-again mindset?

Here’s a few (hopefully helpful) points from my own journey to losing/maintaining 6 stone weight-loss, and feeling more in control 💪🏻

Here’s a few tips from me to help -

🍏 It takes up to 12 weeks for a new habit to become a lifestyle, so give yourself the time. But you have to make the changes, to see the changes!
Doing what you did, or used to do over and over doesn’t work, and we want to break that cycle.

🍎 Creating new habits and changes on a weekend or in general won’t be easy to start, so tell yourself that, and that it’s ok to find it difficult on occasion - but it will get easier! You will have to train yourself into a new way of thinking, so give it time. Choices become habits, habits become lifestyle.

🍏 Don’t let the weekend become a ‘free for all’ after a successful week - having a meal out or socialising is absolutely fine, and I encourage my clients to live their lives without restriction… But you don’t need to reward yourself with food/alcohol/takeaways Friday, Saturday and Sunday, especially if you want to see the changes… try plan in advance, be more aware, and keep the momentum going (be kind as this will take time so stick at it!)

🍎 Schedule a quick workout, a nice walk, or something active, as you do through the week, it really doesn’t need to be much - the weekend is just 2 more days out of 7, and your mental health will also thank you for this! Rest days are also important, so listen to your body and never feel guilty for taking some time out to recover.

🍏 Be mindful where you might fall into old habits, think about what times of the day you at prone to eating more? what triggers the over eating? Why does it happen? Is is a choice or a habit?
The results you seek will be the direct result of the efforts and changes YOU make, so keep that in mind!

🍎 Dont just eat ‘healthy and clean’ all week and then go into the weekend craving all the higher calorie foods you could have had in moderation through the week… restricting food you love or cutting out whole food groups can quickly escalate into over eating. Eat a balance throughout the week and let that continue into the weekend.

🍏 Do not feel guilty if you do eat/drink more than planned on occasion, you have not failed… one higher calorie day/night will not ruin your progress, just as one sunny day does not make a Summer. Learn to accept it, move on, and don’t let it flow into the next day, or week. Life isn’t linear, and things will happen.

🍎 Still stick to your non-negotiable’s - drink your water, get enough protein, eat until you’re full, get enough sleep, plan for the week ahead, get some exercise/activity and make some time for self care and reflection.

🍏 Keep portion sizes in mind, and use a hunger scale - listen to your body, are you just boredom eating, emotionally eating? And lastly, tell yourself you are in control!

I hope this helps someone, and my inbox is always open to chat more…

Kirsty x


💗 Happy Valentines Ladies… from me to you 💗


Another year of insurance renewed 💪🏻❤️🙏🏻

True Fitness - Fully Certified, Fully Insured 🥰


Hope everyone wasn’t too disturbed by the white stuff today ❄️❄️❄️

Come rain or shine (and snow!) I always aim to get my steps in and walk wherever possible 👟👟👟

This was me after the school run, where I have to walk to two separate schools daily… but my boys loved it today in the snow!! ☃️

Getting your steps in helps in all areas of your health and fitness journey - from mental wellbeing, physical and cardiovascular improvement, and fat loss/overall calorie expenditure for the day 💪🏻

Never underestimate what a walk and fresh air can do 💙

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True Fitness, 137 Manor Road, Ossett

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