Aruna Ladva

Aruna Ladva is a meditator and a soul searcher for the past 40 years. She has lived in several parts of the world and has been coloured by many cultures.

She believes that 'Everything we need is right here inside of us'.

Home 31/12/2023

Goodbye 2023 - Hello 2024
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Hello Folks,

Greetings for the season and wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year.

Instead of my usual New Year letter, I decided to do things slightly differently this year. After many years living in various countries, it is now a year and seven months since I returned to the UK.

So rather than share the numerous travels and events, I thought I would like to share some equally important stories, quotes and learnings from the past 12 months. In some way these have helped shape my thinking in a new way. It’s been a year of lots of learning and bending and bowing. Being polished to perfection from all sides which has to be a sign of the “End Times …”

So here goes with the help of some quotes and reflections…

“The softest pillow is a clear conscience.”

How beautiful this quote is. It was shared by Sister Maureen when she was giving a session in Oxford. It’s so important to keep the conscience clean and clear … at all times.

Stop Worrying…
“If we talk a lot about our worries then imagine how many thoughts we are having about them.”

This is self-explanatory!

The Mayor of Reykjavik
One day someone in the council chamber was insulting the Mayor. He felt the anger welling up. Then he got up to speak and he said, “I heard the opinion you have of me, but I have another opinion of me. I know you and you can do better than that.”

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Home A warm welcome to It's Time to Meditate The website and blog of Aruna Ladva Subscribe to the newsletter Join thousands of other subscribers and get Arunas weekly blog post ! ! Subscribe Something went wrong. Please check your entries and try again. Recent Blog Posts Goodbye 2023 – Hello 2024 By Ar...

Bless the World this Christmas and Bless Yourself 22/12/2023

Season's Greetings to all.

Bless the World this Christmas and Bless Yourself Sprinkle some love, peace and happiness this Christmastide…

Mind Your Mind 18/12/2023

Season's Greetings to all

Mind Your Mind Maya Angelou understood the power of words and she knew that “words are things”. Anyone who came to Maya’s home who was abusive, swore or u

Peel Off Those Labels 07/12/2023

Aruna's latest blog article:

Peel Off Those Labels Peel Off the Labels Just how many labels do we wear? No, I am not referring to branded goods! I am talking about the number of identities

The Millionaire Mindset 27/11/2023

The Millionaire Mindset The Millionaire Mindset Contrary to popular opinion, millionaires are

Happy Diwali - Time to Switch Our Lights Back On 10/11/2023

Happy Diwali

Diwali is known as the festival of lights. This is the time to ignite a light in every home; to share sweets; to meet family and friends; for dancing and firecrackers; and newness and spring cleaning. Yet it is not just a time to light a lamp and put those lights in the windows at home. There is a deeper spiritual meaning when we consider our body to be the temple, and the soul the living deity within. When we light that diva, we need to also let our light shine brightly out into the world.

What we witness in the drama of the ‘The Ramayana’ is the turmoil and collapse of a kingdom, where the foundations are undermined by ego, jealousy, attachment, doubt and suspicion. This is why we resonate with Rama, the hero, because he has problems in life just like us, and this gives us some comfort.

The story reads like a Hollywood and Bollywood epic drama, of love and loss. The whole drama is an interplay of virtues and the vices embodied in the characters, the heroes and villains. Actually this is also our story, the story of every soul, where we lose and find our own light, eventually we also make the return journey home.

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Happy Diwali - Time to Switch Our Lights Back On Diwali is known as the festival of lights. This is the time to ignite a light in every home; to share sweets; to meet family and friends; f

Happy Diwali - Time to Switch Our Lights Back On 10/11/2023

Diwali is known as the festival of lights. This is the time to ignite a light in every home; to share sweets; to meet family and friends; for dancing and firecrackers; and newness and spring cleaning. Yet it is not just a time to light a lamp and put those lights in the windows at home. There is a deeper spiritual meaning when we consider our body to be the temple, and the soul the living deity within. When we light that diva, we need to also let our light shine brightly out into the world.

What we witness in the drama of the ‘The Ramayana’ is the turmoil and collapse of a kingdom, where the foundations are undermined by ego, jealousy, attachment, doubt and suspicion. This is why we resonate with Rama, the hero, because he has problems in life just like us, and this gives us some comfort.

The story reads like a Hollywood and Bollywood epic drama, of love and loss. The whole drama is an interplay of virtues and the vices embodied in the characters, the heroes and villains. Actually this is also our story, the story of every soul, where we lose and find our own light, eventually we also make the return journey home.

The story begins …

There was a king named Dasharatha who lived in a happy kingdom, in Ayodhya, the Kingdom of Kosala. He was a very kind and benevolent king and everyone loved him. King Dasharatha had three wives and four sons … therein our tale begins. Prince Rama, was known as the beautiful and the lovely. Everyone knew that Prince Rama, the son of the first wife, would be the heir to the throne and rule after the king.

I the soul, I am the ruler of my mind and my body, this is my kingdom. When I the soul sit on my throne, I am a self-sovereign.

Whispered poison enters the mind …

All the wives were happy with the king … that was until the mind of one queen, the second wife, began to twist and turn. The queen’s maid, Manthara, dropped some poison into her ear, and then the queen began to doubt and question the decisions of her husband the king. The poison festered in her mind and she wondered: Why should her own son not be the crown prince? So, desire was born out of ego, attachment and jealousy …

Unlimited desires based on the vices are the path to unhappiness. We know that no spiritual need can ever be satisfied by a physical desire.

Calling in an IOU …

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Happy Diwali - Time to Switch Our Lights Back On Diwali is known as the festival of lights. This is the time to ignite a light in every home; to share sweets; to meet family and friends; f

Lies and Deception 05/11/2023

"I love listening to lies, when i know the truth"

Lies and Deception We have all told a white lie at some time, and at other times it may have been a blatant porky! Why do we do it? Is lying a reflex? Is ly


It can just be the minutest of thing that can spoil our day. Take charge of your life by taking charge of your feelings. Stay positive and understanding the mind over matter streak and march ahead in your day!

The Giving Tree - My Mother Earth 23/10/2023

The Giving Tree

Once there was a tree. And she loved the little boy. And every day the boy would come and he would gather her leaves, and make them into crowns and play king of the forest. He would climb up her trunk and swing from her branches and when he was tired, he would sleep in her shade. And the boy loved the tree very much. And the tree was happy.

But time went by, and the boy grew older. And the tree was often alone. Then one day the boy came to the tree and the tree said: “Come, boy. Come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be “happy”.

“I am too big to climb and play,” said the boy. “I want to buy something and have fun. I want some money. Can you give me some money?”

“I’m sorry,” said the tree, “but I have no money. I have only leaves and apples. Take my apples boy, and sell them in city. Then you will have money and you’ll be happy.”

And so the boy climbed up the tree and gathered her apples and carried them away. And the tree was happy… But the boy stayed away for a long time and the tree was sad. And then one day the boy came back and the tree shook with joy, and she said: “Come, boy come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be “happy”.

“I am too busy to climb trees,” said the boy. “I want a house to keep me warm,” he said. “I want a wife and I want children, and so I need a house. Can you give me a house?”

“I have no house,” said the tree. The forest is my house,” said the tree. “But you may cut off my branches and build a house. Then you will be happy.” And so the boy cut off her branches and carried them away to build a house. And the tree was happy. But the boy stayed away for a long time and the tree was sad. And when he came back, the tree was so happy she could hardly speak. “Come, boy,” she whispered, “Come and play.”

“I am too old and sad to play,” said the boy. “I want a boat that will take me away from here. Can you give me a boat?”

“Cut down my trunk and make a boat,” said the tree. “Then you can sail away and be happy.” And so the boy cut down her trunk and made a boat and sailed away. And the tree was happy. But not really. And after a long time the boy came back again. “I am sorry, boy,” said the tree, “but I have nothing left to give you — my apples are gone.”

“My teeth are too weak for apple.” said the boy.

“My branches are gone,” said the tree. “You cannot swing on them.”

“I am too old to swing on branches,” said the boy.

“My trunk is gone,” said the tree. “You cannot climb.”

“I am too tired to climb,” said the boy.

“I am sorry,” sighed the tree. “I wish that I could give you something. . . but I have nothing left. I am just an old stump. I am sorry…”

“I don’t need very much now,” said the boy, “just a quiet place to sit and rest. I am very tired.”

“Well”, said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could. “Well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, boy, sit down… and rest.” And the tree was happy.


My Mother Earth
This beautiful story shows how much we have to learn from Mother Nature about the gift of giving. Our selfishness and short-sighted grasping for instant gratification has polluted, desecrated and abused the abundance of nature, and there will be consequences. Despite what we have done, Nature is even now trying to bring balance to itself, and if we stop taking and taking and begin to work with this immense benevolent energy, there can be wonders achieved.

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The Giving Tree - My Mother Earth The problem with creating beliefs of possession and ownership is that once it is conceived, we continue to think it is true ...

Raise Your Vibration 19/10/2023

It's Time to... Raise Your Vibration

Raise Your Vibration We have to make more effort to raise the vibration of our own spirit and our Mother Earth. We can do this practically through our prayers,


Thanks to Gudrun and Michelle my lovely divine sisters, artists in their own right, for your help, guidance and perseverance.

I appreciate how you both allow me to just experiment, dare, encourage me to try new techniques … because 🫣… incase it is a mistake or not my vision, then I can just paint over it and start again! It’s liberating and I gain more confidence each time.

I encourage all of you to dare yourself! Remember it takes time and perhaps returning to it again and again til YOU are happy with it. It doesn’t matter if others are not.


Gracious Goodness 11/10/2023

Aruna's latest blog article

Gracious Goodness To be gracious is such a good quality to have as part of our personality. But, today what has happened to our own sense of grace?


Incredible … touches my heart … even whilst knowing its only a slipper look at their smiles! Whilst we have the smart phones our smiles are fake. Learning to be honest n truthful takes courage and humility and a little bit of innocence.

Who or what is bothering you? 28/09/2023

Aruna's latest blog post

Who or what is bothering you? “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” Carl Jung. Why do we become irritated and impatien

Raksha Bandhan - The Bond of Love and Protection 31/08/2023

Such a beautiful pure festival which brings family together in a quiet silent way...

Raksha Bandhan - The Bond of Love and Protection Raksha Bandhan is an Indian festival that comes around once a year during the month of August. Set in a spiritual context, Raksha Bandhan i

Photos from Aruna Ladva's post 25/08/2023

Sao Paulo - various events and meetings. Lovely “warm” place and people.

“Everyone does it differently.” And thats ok.

As we travel and see the different cultures around the world we are humbled that ours is not the only way.

Even their food and how they mix the flours to create a wonderful new tasty concoction! We would never think to do it!

So nothing is right nothing is wrong. It just is!

Om shanti

Drama of Life 21/08/2023

Aruna's Latest Blog article

Drama of Life Whether we have noticed it or not, we have all experienced in our lives that sometimes things happen for the best. Despite our own efforts,

Photos from Aruna Ladva's post 12/08/2023

Wonderful to meet HE Parvathaneni Harish, The Ambassador of India to the Federal Republic of Germany. As always our Ambassadors are humble and warm hearted, dedicated and tireless.

Taking the Soul Journey 06/08/2023

Aruna's latest blog article
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Taking the Soul Journey It is a wise soul who checks where the energy of their mind is going. Are the thoughts being created constructive or destructive? Are thos

Super Sensitive People 12/07/2023

Super Sensitive People

Science tells us that highly sensitive people are affected by their environment and other people, more so than ‘normal’ people. Scientific research into these different personality types has coined the term “highly sensitive people” or HSP, because their central nervous system is highly sensitive and reacts to stimulation. They pick up more subtle social cues (not always positively) and respond more to stimuli from their surroundings, people and situations than other people do, hence they are affected by everything more than Mr and Mrs Average.

Someone having a “delicate”, “touch-me-not”, or “thin skinned” nature, may well have a deep sensitivity meter that is built into their make-up. It is not that they are just delicate because of their upbringing or circumstances, it seems to be something more deeply ingrained into their personality which affects how they perceive and experience the world.

Therefore, it is not a simple nurture issue, it may also be nature too. These highly sensitive people are wired in a way where they feel things too intensely, that then influences their moods. If not corrected it will create an experience of toxic overload. Such a person may suffer from anxiety, and be overly introverted which could lead to depression and emotional burn-out.

People who are oversensitive in this way could be said to have an inverted ego. In other words, they are deeply concerned with themselves rather than others. Arrogant people are also overly concerned with the self, but have an inflated opinion of themselves. The oversensitive person usually has low self-esteem and fear of being criticised or ridiculed. They tend to be on ‘high alert’ watching people’s expressions, and interpreting and analysing conversations in which they have perceived some slight. These delicate natures are very difficult for others to be around. Everyone feels as though they are walking on eggshells, including the oversensitive person, who tries constantly to not cause any reason for criticism or aggression. This extra sensitivity could well be the cause of a lot of mental health issues, because these people are simply picking up too much information outside of themselves, which they are finding hard to process and accommodate. If such a soul is not in alignment with themselves, they will surely become mentally and emotionally unbalanced trying to negotiate the burden of excessive data input plus trying to adjust with it all.

Someone who is a natural empath on the other hand, is a person with a sensitive nature who is aware of the feelings of others and can sense their suffering and know what the right thing is to say or do to alleviate the suffering. A supersensitive person could learn to manage all their mixed emotions if they have some spiritual practice to help keep them anchored. Taking “time out” to re-tune themselves, and edit out the emotions and moods of other souls, this will help them to stay balanced in life. The key thing is to distinguish what is “yours” and that which belongs to other people; to be aware of the feelings of others without being influenced by them, and losing yourself in the process. If you are a highly sensitive person, then a good tip is to keep checking in with YOU! Ask yourself: Is this my “stuff”? Use the method of clean and delete as you go through your day.

Something we can all do is have the aim to be a compassionate human being, and sensitive to others. We do not need to become super sensitive, but just gently aware of the nature and circumstances of those around us, being respectful of their feelings and giving them space. Remember everyone is doing the best they can with the information they have available. We can learn to be sensitive and aware, and still protect the self, with understanding and healthy introversion. For some, awareness is awakened by simply being exposed to a new environment.

Prince Siddhartha, for example, lived in a beautiful palace and believed everyone lived just like him and lived a life of comfort and pleasure. Outside of the palace was suffering and poverty, but this this was shielded from him. If ever he left the palace walls, his route was carefully planned, and he was escorted everywhere. Streets were cleaned and cleared of anything that might shatter his serenity. One evening, he left the palace grounds alone and was exposed to the reality of how the other people lived. The illusion he had been living under was shattered. It was a great awakening and the suffering he saw put him on the path of searching for the way to end all suffering. He pursued a life of renunciation, and the wisdom and enlightenment he achieved are the foundations of Buddhism. He is remembered as the Master Buddha.

Regarding the pain of others … this is not a time to walk away or put our head in the sand. If we can do nothing else, we can afford to send them a prayer and good wishes. Being able to stay in our own power and not be affected by people and situations is a good stage to have… always… with love and compassion. Make yourself stable in any situation, so that you are able to deal with challenges as they come up.

It’s Time… to stay sane, become sensible and be sensitive of the feelings of others.

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Super Sensitive People Science tells us that highly sensitive people are affected by their environment and other people, more so than ‘normal’ people. Scientific

Spot the Bully 28/06/2023

Spot the Bully Sometimes when people shout at us, or undermine us, or tell us what to do, we don’t like to label it as abuse, but it is. One of the definit

Glow with the Flow 12/06/2023

Glow with the Flow Learning to Glow while we Flow with life

The Inner Critic 12/04/2023

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Our critic goes from moaning and groaning; to whining and pining; and sometimes to sheer blasphemy and profanity. Whatever is inside of us eventually comes out. We sometimes don’t even realize what we are saying, and how damaging our comments are. Our language can kill a person’s ambition and that can sometimes be forever; critical words can finish projects, plans and programs too. The problem with our inner critic is that it feels it is protecting us. It is not protecting us; but it is the ego’s way of protecting itself.

The Inner Critic There is always a little voice inside of us that will get in the way of our progress; attempting to slow us down or sabotage our good effort

Move On 05/04/2023

Move On Moving on is not really a matter of choice. Time itself moves on. Life moves on. We often feel we are stuck but we are constantly moving on

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