Keble College, Oxford

This is the official page of Keble College, University of Oxford.


Busy bees already at work in Pusey Quad this morning! 🌺

Four Oxford University scientists awarded Royal Society of Chemistry prizes | University of Oxford 13/06/2024

Congratulations to Prof Harry Anderson, Keble Professorial Fellow in Chemistry, who was awarded the 'Pedler Prize' for outstanding contributions to the chemical sciences in the area of organic chemistry.

⬇️Read more about his research in the MPLS article:

Four Oxford University scientists awarded Royal Society of Chemistry prizes | University of Oxford Four scientists from the University of Oxford and a multidisciplinary collaboration have won prizes from the Royal Society of Chemistry in recognition of brilliance in research and innovation. The awards are among the oldest and most prestigious research prizes in the world, having recognised excell...


This term's Nabila Walji Photo Prize was won by Keble student Richard Kuehl (2023, BA Mod Langs) for his submission.

"The more you look, the more you see. This photo is a reminder that even in emptiness, beauty is all around us." 🖼️

Photos from Keble College, Oxford's post 06/06/2024

It's official - Keble is 154 years old today! 🥳🎂

If you're interested in the history of the College, you should check out our heritage website:


Scenes from a bright afternoon this Trinity Term (ft. Croquet on the quad)! ☀️


Interested in Summer Eights results?
Below is a summary from KCBC President Sierra Sparks;

Wednesday 22 May

Even though the weather seemed more like a typical day in Torpids, it's been an exciting day of racing to start of Summer Eights. We are extremely proud to have five crews racing this week - three men's crews and two women's crews. Despite the lack of water time that our crews have had throughout the year with Oxford, including our Godstow stretch of the Isis, flooded, it's been great to see that these challenges have not deterred our athletes from competing and representing Keble. For many of our athletes, this was their very first race with Keble (for some, their very first rowing race at all!), which made for a special day of racing. Here's a quick update for each of our crews' performances, in the order that they raced.

With three novices in the boat who had done less than 2 sessions previously, the M3 managed to set off at an outrageous pace, hitting stroke rate 40 off the start from bungline 10 of Men's Division 5. They set a consistent rhythm that they maintained all the way up to the gut where they were at approximately 1.5 boat length distance from the crew in front. However, closing fast behind them was Osler M1, who were the sandwich boat of the division, both crews on bungline 11 and 12 having bumped out. Fitness was a challenge for the M3 and the strong push at the start began to fade along greenbanks. When crossing over, as they approached boathouse island, our M3 needed to concede and were therefore bumped, and out of the race. There was a really strong effort from the boys but unfortunately the fitness was not enough to get them away from Osler M1 and to the end of the course. They begin racing an hour earlier tomorrow at 13:15 on bungline 1 of Men's Division 6, hoping to maintain the position of the sandwich boat, if they don't bump back into division 5!

As the fastest crew to qualify, our W2 went into day one with great confidence in their abilities, despite the fact that four of them only learned to row this year! They raced in Women’s Division 5 and started from Bungline 4, which meant they were chasing Jesus W2 and were being chased by Balliol W2. In true Keble W2 fashion, they had an excellent start and immediately began to close the gap in front of them and swiftly bumped Jesus just after reaching Donnington Bridge. A fantastic start for the W2 who will be looking to catch New College just as quickly tomorrow as they race from Bungline 3 of Women's Division 3, at 14:45!

The M2 this year are looking strong and they put in a very big shift. Starting well out of the blocks on bungline 12 of Men's Division 3, in a field of several first boats, they had a strong St Anne's M1 crew to contend with, who had just bumped St Anthony's M1 from the top position of the division below. The M2 were rowing well but Anne's were just that little bit faster and caught them by the time they reached Donnington bridge. They are confident that they will row away from St Anthony's tomorrow, setting off from Bungline 1 in Men's Division 4 at 15:15 and will give it their all to bump back into Division 3.

The M1 today were feeling good and were confident in their rhythm. With a strong warm up it was time to make the way down to the bunglines. Still 3rd on the river they were chasing Christchurch and were being chased by Wolfson, who were expected to be quick given the similarity of crew to last year. With a false start, the one-minute gun needed to be reset. Lightning quick off the start our M1 quickly gained to within a length off Christ Church by Donnington bridge, Wolfson being maintained at a consistent distance behind. Then past Donnington bridge and to the gut the distance to Christ Church was falling, and fast. 3/4 of a length, half a length, a quarter of a length, and a canvas by the gut. With a smooth line onto Greenbanks we were a foot away from Christ Church. Maintaining this distance the whole length of the green bank we were set to get the bump. In order to remain within fighting distance of Christ Church, we followed them on a less optimal line and were therefore in stronger stream. Wolfson having taken the better line gained distance to within a length. Then, fighting to the end we came again to within a canvas of Christ Church before the clacker released their sigh of relief. A well fought out race, and an especially strong performance from our M1. Tomorrow, we go out again, racing our race, aiming to catch Christ Church at 18:15.

After a year of very little water time, there was really no predicting what might happen in Women’s Division 1 today. Regardless of the uncertainty, Keble W1 were full of confidence and pure speed heading into the race, where they started from Bungline 8 chasing Wolfson and being chased by Magdalen. Over the course of an intense race, the W1 managed to pull well clear of Magdalen and close to within a length of Wolfson. This allowed them to complete a gutsy ‘row over’ which has no doubt set them up for a fantastic week of racing. A strong and solid performance in the bag, the W1 will race again from Bungline 8 of Women's Division 1 at 18:45 tomorrow, aiming to catch Wolfson.

Overall crew movements for the week:
M3: -3
M2: -1
W2: +1
M1: +0
M1: +0

Thursday 23 May

After a tough bumping yesterday, the M3 were raring to go. They were starting at the top of Mens division 6 and were aiming to row over. With a strong push to the finish, they managed to keep the following crew at bay and perform a spectacular row over. They were then the sandwich boat of division 5 and bumped within 400m of the start! They are now starting 12th in division 5 at 14:15.

Our W2 were looking for a strong performance to match yesterday as they started from Bungline 3 in Women’s Division 5, chasing New W2 and being chased by Jesus W2. After another strong start, they immediately began to close and New and leave Jesus in the dust. Just before the entrance to the gut, our W2 secured the bump on New and they head into Friday with the potential to bump up into fixed divisions! They will chase Hertford W2 from Bungline 2 for the chance at bumping up into Division 4 tomorrow.

The M2 had another tough day. They had a strong start and held off St Antony's well. Unfortunately, St Antony's were bumped by Balliol who were closely followed by Wolfson M2. Wolfson M2 are a strong crew and managed to gain on our M2 and bump them by boathouse island. This means the Keble M2 dropped 3 places. This places them behind St Antony's tomorrow, so they are hoping for a bump.

After a stellar performance yesterday the M1 went into the race with high hopes. The plan was to take a good racing line and to bump Christ Church. However, Wolfson had decided to set off high and hard, and not settle. With a very strong push they gained quickly and, taking us a little too much by surprise, we were inevitably bumped. Our rowing was still clean, similar to the day before, however we worked individually rather than as a team. We still have our heads high however and the plan is to try and catch Wolfson tomorrow. It was a tough day for the Men's side in racing, the M3 holding up our side with their strong row, but we go into tomorrow with the hope of putting out a better performance to surprise Wolfson, who are not used to being chased.

M1 Update, which we received late last night from the race officials!
The umpires, who are responsible for watching the races and reporting any bumps, noticed that the Wolfson M1 cox dropped their Bungline rope 10 seconds before the start. Since they were not properly attached at the start, the race officials decided that this meant that they were not technically a “racing crew” and so their bump on Keble M1 doesn't count. This also meant that Pembroke M1, who was racing behind Wolfson, was awarded a technical bump on Wolfson. Today, we will have the M1 once again on Bungline 3 of Men's Division 1, this time with Pembroke chasing us. This was a technicality that led us to escape this bump, but the Keble M1 are determined to make the best of this second chance! This means that overall, the M1 is still +0 overall for the week.

Following a strong row over yesterday, our W1 started once again from Bungline 8 of Division 1, chasing Wolfson and being chased by Magdalen. A good start saw the W1 immediately leave Magdalen behind them, while slowly gaining on Wolfson over the course. Wolfson managed to hold them off with Keble producing another fantastic row over in such a competitive division. Tomorrow, they continue the chase on Wolfson, but this time being chased by a speedy Balliol crew to have some extra motivation. It looks to be a fantastic race!

Overall crew movements for the week:
M3: -2 (+1 today)
M2: -4 (-3 today)
W2: +2 (+1 today)
M1: -1 (-1 today)
W1: +0 (+0 today)

Friday 24 May

It was a fantastic day of racing for KCBC today, with a net positive result across the squad! I've included some race summaries for all of our crews below.

The M3 started today being chased by Univ M3 and chasing Osler M1. Having been bumped by Osler on Wednesday this week, the Keble boys were expecting a tough fight against of them hoping to hold off Univ who were on their way up through the division. However, with a recently graduated alum in the boat (who clearly enjoyed rowing with KCBC so much that he couldn’t resist coming back for a race), the M3 got off to a flying start and surprised themselves by catching Osler house before Donnington bridge. Much to the disappointment of the MCR spectators who’d chosen to watch from Donny and so missed seeing their friends race! The M3 are currently -1 for the week, aiming to continue to build on their bump today and finish the week having held their start position against a number of strong crews.

As has become classic Keble W2 fashion, the W2 started their race with a bang, determined to continue their extremely strong showing for the week and show everyone why they were the fastest rowing on qualifiers. They were chasing St Hughs, and the W2 powered through and got the bump on them early on in the race, just outside of Falcon Boathouse. As if bumping once wasn’t enough for them, the W2 decided they wanted to bump twice today, as after bumping St. Hughs they were now the sandwich boat for Women’s Division 4 - a fixed division. This change of division was no challenge for the W2, who bumped Hertford W2 before Donnington Bridge despite the Hertford crew waiting until what seemed like the last possible second before conceding, as they were also gaining on the Wolfson crew ahead of them. The W2, now with a spot in Women’s Division 4, will be looking for another bump tomorrow, as they chase Wolfson W3 for a chance at blades!

Having been over bumped the previous day, the M2 started in division IV chasing St Antony’s M1 and being chased by St Hugh’s M1. Racing against two M1 crews, they had their work cut out for them. The Keble crew got off to a fast start and began closing down on Antony’s. For many of the crew, having started rowing this year, it was their first bumps race – the boys kept their cool however, and continued to close down Antony’s and bump them coming out of the gut. It was a really gutsy performance –the Keble crew did the club proud and showed that, despite being a second crew, they can compete with, and beat, other college’s top crews. As if that wasn’t enough, their bump today means they avoid “winning” spoons this week!

Yesterday’s racing saw the M1 get bumped by a very experienced Wolfson crew. However, an appeal put in by Pembroke M1 (of all people!) showing the Wolfson crew dropping the bungline early, resulting in the bump being removed and Wolfson being penalty bumped. The Keble M1 therefore started the day in third, being chased by Pembroke and chasing Christ Church. Hoping to make up for having just missed the bump on Wednesday and knowing they were faster that Christ Church, the crew’s plan was to go off hard and bump them along Green Banks – about three minutes into the race. Off the start, the M1 took the first few strokes strong but were knocked off their rhythm by a small crab ten strokes in. Nevertheless, the M1 recovered began making up ground on Christ Church as they settled into their rhythm one minute in. Coming into the gut, a length and a half became a length, which became half a length. As Wolfson bumped out Pembroke behind them, Keble continued to push on Christchurch closing to a canvas coming out of the gut. Along greens banks, both crews put in a push, with Keble coming within a couple of feet of the Christchurch boat, alas – not quite enough to get them where they’d planned. With both crews having exhausted themselves in such a tenacious dogfight, the M1 now found themselves having to continue to chase, still rowing in their wash, along boat house island. The Keble boys continued to push hard to the end, to great cheers from spectators from both Keble and other colleges, managing to close the distance down to a foot or two while passing Keble boat house. This distance was maintained however, as the two crews made the final push to the finish line. Christchurch having narrowly escaped the bump (Again!) and the M1 finishing with a row over. Tomorrow, Keble M1 will again chase down Christchurch and be chased by the very strong Wolfson crew. I suspect tomorrow’s race plan will be to fly-and-die… leaving nothing in the tank beyond the first minute.

The Keble W1 knew they’d have a big and challenging race today but were ready to rise to the occasion. They had Balliol, one of the fastest women’s crews on the river with an astonishing 4 (3 current and 1 previous) Blues rowers, chasing them today. Despite this, and a last-minute substitution into the Keble W1 that led to one of our rowers swapping sides and another rower joining in after only one session with the crew this season, the W1 had the best warmup they’ve had so far this campaign. The crew made sure to be fully ready for a quick start with a strong coxing line from the beginning. Determined to get Wolfson before Balliol had a chance to bump them, the W1 had the fastest start they’ve had all week, and kept their rate up high well after their start sequence, to attempt to close in on Wolfson and keep Balliol at bay. Balliol, with their proven speed from the past week, closed the gap on the W1 despite these efforts, and ended up bumping the W1 around Donnington Bridge - with some phenomenal coxing from our W1 cox, Alana, to evade them until the last possible second. The W1 can hold their heads high knowing that they gave it their all today against an impressive crew (who admitted that Keble were the “ones to watch” and that they had to bring their A game today, contrary to their previous two races, where they bumped easily). The W1 will be ready to race once again tomorrow, being chased by Magdalen once again and hoping to get Wolfson on the over-bump after Balliol inevitably chases Oriel down for blades, with Oriel on for spoons.

Overall crew movements for the week:
M3: -1 (+1 today)
M2: -3 (+1 today)
W2: +4 (+2 today)
M1: +0 (+0 today)
W1: -1 (-1 today)

Saturday 25 May

Today could not have been better for KCBC - the sun was out and shining bright, we had hundreds of phenomenal supporters at the Keble boathouse and across the river, and, most excitingly, NO KEBLE CREWS WERE BUMPED TODAY!! I’ve included a brief summary of our crews results for the day, and will send a more comprehensive breakdown tomorrow.

The M3, fully on their redemption arc, was hungry to get a bump today. They went out strong, keen to use their raw strength to their advantage. They managed to bump New College's M3 within the first minute of racing - they end with a net 0 result, 10th in Men's Division 5.

The M2, now clear of the possibility of spoons due to their fantastic bump yesterday, went out to prove that they are a strong contender amongst some impressive second boats. They were chasing Balliol M2, who were up one spot from the beginning of the week. The M2 had an impressive row over of the course, finishing 3rd in Men's Division 4.

The W2's success knows no bounds. Today, they needed a bump to secure a coveted spot into "fixed divisions" - meaning that they would no longer need to qualify through the rowing on qualifiers. They were chasing Wolfson W3, who appeared so scared of the Keble W2 that they conceded as soon as Jordan, the W2 cox, started yelling "concede!" very early in the race! This means that the W2 finishes the week 11th in Women's Division 4, solidly in fixed divisions, and with BLADES!!

The M1, with such an impressive week of rowing already behind them, had a challenge set for them - to not let Wolfson catch them again. However, the M1 made this challenge look easy, as they easily pulled away from Wolfson and left them in their dust, as they focused their pursuit on Christ Church ahead of them. Fighting to the line, the M1 narrowed the gap between them and Christ Church, leaving Wolfson far behind, for an impressive row over at third on the river. Christ Church will have their work cut out for them next year!

The W1 was determined to have a strong final showing today, as the last Keble crew to race today. Balliol, who bumped them yesterday, quickly bumped Oriel ahead of them, which means that Balliol W1 earned blades, and Oriel W1 earned spoons. Behind Keble W1, Magdalen W1 was nowhere near them, as they also got bumped by St. John's. This meant that the Keble W1 was fighting for an overbump of Wolfson ahead of them, with no pressure from behind. The W1 had their strongest row of the week, gaining on Wolfson until the end, with solid a row over finishing 9th on the river and will be ready to hunt down Oriel next year.

Overall crew movements for the week:
M3: +0 (+1 today)
M2: -2 (+0 today)
W2: +5(+1 today - BLADES!!)
M1: +0 (+0 today)
W1: -1 (+0 today)


Photos from Keble College, Oxford's post 23/05/2024

Are you a prospective student looking to learn more about higher education and study at Oxford or elsewhere?

Our informative webinars run from May - July and are designed to inform prospective students, parents and carers about information and guidance on aspects of the Oxford admissions process.

These sessions are targeted to offer this support to students from state school backgrounds.

Find out more and register your place here:


Reminder that Summer Eights start today, so head over to the river to show your support!

Keble has 5 boats competing, starting with M3 and W2 after 2pm, and M2, M1 and W1 competing later today.

View live bumps:


Sam White (2016 MEng, DPhil Eng Sci), has won the 'SAE International Award for Outstanding Student Paper' alongside co-author, Associate Professor and Keble Tutorial Fellow Dr. Felix Leach.

This award recognizes students who exhibit exceptional technical expertise through their work presented at major SAE meetings, events, or competitions.

Sam's award-winning paper, co-authored with Dr. Felix Leach and Abdullah Umair Bajwa, explores the phenomenon of Low Temperature Heat Release (LTHR) in engines – research crucial for improving engine efficiency and advancing sustainable automotive technologies.

We congratulate Sam and look forward to his future contributions to the field of engineering science.

Read the award-winning article on our website:


Keble's boats will be competing in Summer Eights this week!
Racing takes place from Wednesday 22 May- Saturday 25 May.
Join us to show your support for the Keble crews at the boathouse.

Photos from Keble College, Oxford's post 20/05/2024

Did you catch the last week? 🌌

📸Photo taken by Keble student, Theo Cawood

Photos from Keble College, Oxford's post 15/05/2024

Hayward Quad soaking up the sun ☀️


Congratulations to Keble Alumnus and Honorary Fellow, Lionel Tarassenko (Engineering Science, 1975), who has been appointed as non-political peer in the UK House of Lords.

Congratulations to Reuben President Lionel Tarassenko, who has been appointed as a non-party-political peer in the House of Lords.

Vice-President of Reuben, Esther Becker, said:
“Reuben College is immensely proud of Lionel receiving this prestigious honour. The nomination is a testament to his dedication to the advancement of science and healthcare. We are looking forward to Lionel bringing his drive and commitment to his new role in the House of Lords.”

Read the full story here:

EDI Fellow | Sabrina Martin — The Brick 08/05/2024

Dr Sabrina Martin teaches Politics at Keble and has been a Fellow by Special Election at the College since 2020.

She became Keble’s Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Fellow in 2021.

Read about her work in EDI in her 'brick' article

EDI Fellow | Sabrina Martin — The Brick Dr Sabrina Martin teaches Politics for Keble and has been a Fellow by Special Election at the College since 2020. She became Keble’s Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Fellow in 2021.

Photos from Keble College, Oxford's post 06/05/2024

🎓Are you planning to attend a University of Oxford Open Day this year?

📅The three are running on 26-27 June, and 20 September in 2024.

📍If you are worried about the cost of getting to Oxford to attend an , and would like to visit Keble, the college offers a travel bursary scheme for prospective applicants.

You can apply for a travel bursary until 8am on 3rd June:

Find out more on our Open Days webpage:

Photos from Keble College, Oxford's post 03/05/2024

The highly competitive The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme started in Oxford in 2007.

Keble is proud to support five WHT Scholars each year, with all scholarships funded by our generous alumni.

Meet our 5 WHT scholars from the 23-24 cohort below!

👨‍🎓 Dmytro Lopushanskyy
From: Ukraine
Course: MSc Advanced Computer Science

👨‍🎓 Tamilore Oni
From: Nigeria
Course: MPP

👨‍🎓 Max Rath
From: South Africa
Course: MBA

👨‍🎓 Iggo Kanui
From: Kenya
Course: MSc Water Science, Policy and Management

👨‍🎓 Hanbit Lee
From: South Korea
Course: MSc Energy Systems

Read more about the experiences of our WHT scholars in the brick:

Would you like to support the next generation of graduate scholars at Oxford?

Find out more about ways you can give your support here on our website:

Photos from University of Oxford's post 01/05/2024

🦖'Remember what happened to the dinosaur!'

This mysterious dinosaur graffiti on Blackhall Road behind Keble's Newman Quad since the early 70’s has - quite mysteriously - had a fresh repaint...

Who's the culprit? 🧑‍🎨

[Image taken by Lodge Supervisor, Ricardo Paulino]

COP28 Reflections | Hanbit Lee — The Brick 29/04/2024

Hanbit Lee (2023 MSc Energy Systems) travelled to Dubai, UAE, to join the largest climate conference ever: COP28.

COP28 was held in Expo City, where futuristic architecture emerges strikingly from the desert sands.

Read more about Hanbit and her visit to COP28 in 'the brick':

COP28 Reflections | Hanbit Lee — The Brick Hanbit Lee (2023 MSc Energy Systems) reflects on her experience of going to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, to join the largest climate conference ever: COP28.

Photos from Keble College, Oxford's post 26/04/2024

Reminder for Keble students to send in their photo submissions for the Hilary-Trinity Term Nabila Walji Foundation Photo Prize', which closes on the Sunday of 4th week.
Entries should depict 'beauty, even in the mundane'.


The Harris Law Society is honoured to host Lord Leggatt, Justice of the Supreme Court, to deliver the 2024 Harris Society Annual Lecture.
📜‘Precedent in English Law’
📅5pm, 26 April
📍Keble College, O’Reilly Lecture Theatre.
🔗Open to all University members, no booking required.


Keble's Newman Quad on a Spring night, University of Oxford🌃
[📸Image taken by Keble Lodge Porter, Jeb Howard-Fox]


🏆Congratulations to Coco Cottam, Alexandra Hart, Xinran Huang, Joe Rachman and Niamh Walker, who were presented this year’s Keble Association Arts Leadership Awards at the annual St Mark’s dinner on Sunday.

The awards recognise and celebrate artistic excellence and leadership — students who are initiators, innovators and doers — and are made possible through generous funding from Keble alumnus Mike Fawcett (1972 Literae Humaniores).

Find out more about the winners and their arts:


The 2024 Keble Telethon is now complete, and we are happy to share that our student callers have raised a whopping £151,000!🎉

Thank you to all who donated and supported Keble.

The funds will be used for a range of projects in College– from student support to outreach initiatives.

Life After Cure | Theodor Sergiou — The Brick 18/04/2024

Theodor Sergiou (2020, PPE) founder of 'BARTs Youth Forum network' and co-founder of the charity 'SUCCESS: Life After Cure', is making waves with his advocacy work for life after recovery from serious illnesses like brain tumours.

Theodor recognised the need for support beyond medical treatment, explaining how he “always felt that the way to start this change is through communication and education”.

Theodor’s recent endeavour, the publication of the book 'Tumour Me: Stories of Life After the All Clear', marks a significant milestone in his advocacy journey.

Read more about Theo and his journey in the full brick article:

Life After Cure | Theodor Sergiou — The Brick While facing the challenges of multiple diagnoses of bilateral retinoblastoma, which left him severely visually impaired in one eye and with blindness in the other, Theodor Sergiou (2020 PPE) has dedicated his life to making a difference.

Photos from Keble College, Oxford's post 16/04/2024

April showers bring May flowers 🌸 🌹
Here’s to a bright start to Trinity Term

Get Ready to Play The Beautiful Game 09/04/2024

Keble Alumnus (English, 1979) and Honorary Fellow Frank Cottrell-Boyce (Frank Cottrell Boyce) is the screenwriter of the new Netflix movie 'The Beautiful Game' - a sports drama about 'the real-life Homeless World Cup'. ⚽️

Get Ready to Play The Beautiful Game Bill Nighy stars in a new sports drama about the real-life Homeless World Cup.


Keble College is seeking to appoint one or more Visiting Fellows from a broad range of subjects or fields for periods of one, two, or three University terms during the two years from January 2025.
Closing date 12 noon 26 April 2024.
Find out more and how to apply:

Mozart's Requiem in D Minor, presented by the Choir of the LSE 04/04/2024

Keble Alumnus, Andrew Campling (1975), will be directing the choir of LSE this Saturday 6 April for Mozart's Requiem in D Minor, presented by the Choir of The London School of Economics and Political Science - LSE.


Mozart's Requiem in D Minor, presented by the Choir of the LSE Come and experience the magnificent sounds of Mozart's Requiem at the chapel of Keble College, Oxford.

Photos from Keble College, Oxford's post 03/04/2024

At the end of Hilary, Keble JCR hosted an Ethnic Minorities Formal in the Keble Dining Hall, celebrating ethnic minorities and at Keble and University of Oxford.

Here are some of the photos from the day!

Want your university to be the top-listed University in Oxford?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Wishing you all a Happy Christmas from Keble! We'll see you in the new year!
A snippet from Organ Practice in Keble Chapel (@KebleChoir) this week 🎶
Michaelmas term has absolutely FLOWN by and we can’t believe it’s already over!📸 It’s been a jam-packed term, so here ar...
Oxmas at Keble
Birds eye views of Keble CollegeDrone footage by @drtsuleymanov on instagram
If you’re in year 12 and considering studying Engineering, Philosophy or Computer Science, our subject taster days might...
The H B Allen Centre is the graduate centre of Keble College, located a 4 minute walk away from the main Keble College s...
This #halloween  we had a pumpkin carving competition amongst Keble staff members 🎃👻 Which of these 6 pumpkins is your f...
Here are our 6 fiction book recommendations for this #blackhistorymonth and beyond, as selected by Keble Library📖📕Girl, ...
Some scenes from #matriculation day at Oxford from the weekend🎓 A huge congratulations to our new cohort of students! We...
Timelapse of the College Year Group photo taken in Liddon Quad this #matriculation day 📸




Keble College

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