CWU South Central Postal Branch, Oxford Videos

Videos by CWU South Central Postal Branch in Oxford. The South Central Postal branch of the CWU represents members who work in Royal Mail and other commu

Other CWU South Central Postal Branch videos

Dave Ward giving the CWU's response to today's updated announcements on the likely sale of Royal Mail. More video and radio clips to follow in the next few posts. Please like (or other suitable reaction) and share.

Postal Executive member and branch member Andy Hopping speaking on why tackling the latest anti trade union action by this tory government is so important.

A short message to our members asking you to vote for Martin Walsh as the new Deputy General Secretary (Postal).

CWU President seconding composite motion 6 on Technology and AI in the workplace at the Labour Party Conference.

Branch political officer and Area delivery rep Keith Hamilton supporting BMA junior doctors and consultants on their picket line at John Radcliffe hospital Oxford.

As you are aware, the branch committee has taken the difficult decision to reject the Business Recovery, Transformation and Growth Agreement. The agreement has not changed! Make sure you vote and have your say!

Great show from the branch in Oxford today. March Together Strike Together. ✊️ Thank you to everyone who made it.

These last few months have seen us come together like never before. There has been rain, ice and snow but nothing has broken us, it has only made us stronger. The support given on picket lines has been immense and for every member and rep that has stood on the gate through it all my hat goes off to you. Your support has been the most important because it is that which motivates us all. I am so proud to be part of South Central Postal Branch. I may not be good at videos or the most photogenic but I think this compilation speaks volumes about us all. Solidarity to each and every one of you and if I have missed any units your photos will be out there with thousands of others. We are the union and we will never be divided ✊️ A very merry Christmas to you all x Chad

Great show from the CWU South Central Postal Branch joining thousands of other CWU members today. The biggest gathering of Posties the country has ever seen. Surely this gives Thompson a clear message

Excellent support at Wallingford DO today. Gate meeting held to explain the latest steps in dispute and the truth behind Royal Mail's fake 9% offer. #StandByYourPost

Fantastically attended gate meeting this morning at Banbury DO. They are furious they told me, and they are 100% behind their union ✊

A message of thanks to all members and reps from Chad Croom Branch Secretary.

Strike Day 3 and despite the weather there has been huge support across the branch again. If you haven't joined a picket line yet tomorrow is your chance. This video not only shows the solidarity that is being shown, it should be used to encourage even more members to actively be part of this dispute. Visit the CWU main page and see just how much support there is across the UK from our fellow members. #StandByYourPost #YouAreNotAlone