The UK Curry Cup Magazine

The UK Aliyyah Curry Cup Magazine We are connecting with the whole world.


I'm not really into football, but I believe that the outcome of the game will decide the winner. Everyone at OAP is optimistic that "It's Coming Home," but England definitely needs some good luck.


4UI International Publishing House, England, proudly presents "Village Genealogy," brought to you by OAP.

This publication preserves and highlights notable historical and contemporary rural Bangladeshi life, both within Bangladesh and abroad.

Announcing the publication: "Who’s Who in Our Village, Union, Thana, and Zilah." To be listed and featured in our next print edition, call me now.

Sponsored by the World Religions Education Hub – The Oxford Mirpur Interfaith & Multi-Faith Chaplaincy, Mirpur Village, a dedicated platform for facilitating dialogue among students and learners from diverse religious backgrounds.

IC: Alhaj Ataur Rahman added this image with this caption, “৮২ বছর বয়স্ক বিশিষ্ট রাজনীতিবিদ ও সালিশ ব্যক্তিত্ব সিরাজুল ইসলাম ভাই সাহেবকে দেখতে তাহার বাসায় গিয়েছিলাম।.”

From Oxford Ali Ahmed-Bagna said, “মাশা আল্লাহ আপনাদের নেক হায়াত কামনা করি. It's wonderful to see two of my most beloved and cheerful uncles.

Masha'Allah, it's great to see Shiraz Mama still looking strong. May the Lord bless us all with happiness and grace in both worlds. Ameen.”

এই বাইক কার... - whose bike is this? Keep it quiet. There's no need to boast about your lineage or let the world know that you are the son of a saint or the child of a martyr. I agree with our brother Modobbir Hussain, who said,

"আজকাল মাথা খাটিয়ে আর ক্যাপশন দিতে হয় না।" (Nowadays, you don't need to put much thought into captions).

Understanding 'martyr' in Oxonian-English: What do you call someone who died for their country? A martyr is someone who suffers or is killed for their political or religious beliefs.

Martin Luther King Jr. is often referred to as a martyr in the context of the American civil rights movement.

এক জীবনে আরও কতো কিছু যে দেখতে হবে। (How much more will we have to see in one lifetime?) Nowadays, it seems "সব গোনাহ মাফ

As Dilara Hossain said, "সব হারাম এখন হালাল হয়ে গেছে!" (Everything that was once forbidden is now permissible!). – OAP-c just now, thanks for read this Village Genealogy post from OAP, 14.07.2024


Top of Form Bottom of Form - Sense and Nonsense of Facebook Ads with OAP:

"I Got 101 Problems, but Wasting Money on Social Media Ads Ain't One." Turn 💰 Into 💰💰💰 with The Facebook Ads Formula.

The Facebook Ad Accelerator is a proven 7-week implementation program that teaches you how to generate new leads and sales (like clockwork) for your business using Facebook Ads with Aliyyahtv

Are you tired of wasting money on internet ads that don't deliver returns?

Confused by Google search ads and finding the platform tricky to use? Don't know where to start?

Watch the 42-Minute Facebook Ads Formula and learn everything you need to know about running ads that will turn into real revenue. Click the link to watch the training for free today.

Comments: Rick Weekender: “And here I am, seeing you wasting money on FB 🙈.”

Kyle Town: “Great, now I can also waste my time for 42 minutes 🤣 - JUST JOKING GUYS!” – OAP-c, thanks for reading this post, 14.07.2024




MP Sumon - Bangladesh Corruption Crisis Appeal For Free Video Journalism – Donate Now.

Nati! Did you know? GoFundMe's tools make it easy to create, share, and raise money for your fundraiser!!

Dada can assist your team with this through 'Fundraising Training Workshops' with Aliyyahtv Bangladesh. More details to come soon, Insha’Allah.

On a personal note, say No to Political Corruption! It's not just within the educational sector; we reject all forms of organized local dirty politics, bribery, and corruption.

We encourage everyone to enroll in our on-site Investigative Reporting and Cyber Crime Protection Awareness Workshops with the female Bangladesh Police Cyber Cell in Sunamgonj.

This initiative is supported by Aliyyahtv Bangladesh Productions, and we invite executive producers and investors in low-budget cinematic filmmaking and small YouTube productions from the UK and Bangladesh to sponsor our upcoming video series on these workshops.

Visit our website at and register now. Thank you for reading this post. 14.07.2024


OAP - Creative Exhibition of Mobile Journalism - Snapshoot Photographic BBC news live OAP Shared with Public on Facebook with this caption,

“It appears to be an orchestrated event aimed at election publicity. Although it likely was staged, the deaths of two individuals make it seem genuine.

There was an assassination attempt on President Donald Trump, and credit goes to the United States Secret Service for protecting POTUS45.” 14.07.2024


Read from Dada’s old essay on Islamic Philosophy and Dada’s journey to becoming a Sufi writer, I hope, Nati, Mahbubur Rahman Hasan, the philosopher from Nojipur! I trust this reading and our live learning sessions will be beneficial for your study of Indian Marianne Talbot Philosophy.

In our research on Islamic Philosophy, we delve into the classical Sufi literature and the impact of Eastern folk mystics, philosophers, and poets. Key figures such as Hasan al-Basri, Ibn Sina, Al-Ghazali, Ibn ʿArabī, Mullah Rumi,

and Hazrath Abdul Qadir Jilani—a distinguished Sunni Hanbali scholar, preacher, and Sufi writer regarded as the founder of the Qadiriyyah Sufi Order—have been pivotal in formalizing and systematizing Sufi thought.

Their works laid the academic and philosophical foundations of Islamic philosophy and continue to influence contemporary Sufi studies.

The spiritual, academic, and scholarly journeys of Dada Sufi Aliyyah-Shah highlight the diverse influences and motivations that draw individuals toward mysticism and the study of Sufism.

Our Tafsir on Sufis and Sufism, shaped by personal learning, study, research and experiences, cultural contexts, and intellectual pursuits, reflects the rich tapestry of spiritual seeking that characterizes mystical traditions worldwide.

Study Islamic Philosophy at Shah Market Mirpur Village. The OAP explores the old and new influences of folk mystics, poets, philosophers, and Bauls of the East with Dada-Sufi Aliyyah-Shah. Join Bangladesh Sufism and discover our “দাদারে সুফি এবং জার্নালিস্ট কে বানাইল রে, কে বানাইল, রে...?”

This is সুফী আলীয়া-শাহ, Oxford Sufi Shadhok: a researcher of Bangladeshi hagiology and an English-language writer on Sufism, with independent publishing authority from OAP.

Director at the World Qiblah-e-Ministry of Bangladesh Sufism Education and Digital Study Hagiology, translated for your reading in Oxonian-English and Sylheti-Bangla.

Dance and Bangladesh Folk Music for Humanity – with the Oxford Mirpur Institute of Bangla-Bawool Sufi Music Study. A post from Oxford Mirpur Fa’lasafar and Renewed Sufi Shadhok,

IC: আসসালামুয়ালাইকুম, বলেন তো উনি কে on the right? This is Village Genealogy - অস্কফোডের সুফী আলীয়া-শাহর চোখে কে কিতা: Who’s who In the Eyes of Sufi Aliyyah-Shah, Oxford, ইউকে-আলীয়া ইংলিশ লেখক & সাংবাদিক, reporting from Oxford Office (অফিস) Live on Facebook.

A political comments: “Okay, but have you thought about requesting cash donations from world leaders, international politicians, and their governments? They are the ones responsible for creating political wars and the resulting war refugees in the region...” – Dada-Sufi Aliyyah-Shah

“সমাজ কি বলবে এটা নিয়ে কখনো চিন্তা করো না। কারণ, সমাজের লোক ব্যর্থ মানুষকে নিয়ে হাসি ঠাট্টা করে, আর সফল মানুষকে নিয়ে হিংসা করতে বেশি ভালোবাসে।।.” - Sadekur Rahman Saad

Hayet Surf said, “Do not wait for people to validate you😍.” Daniel Jason Morris said, “F**k Know, People Are Like The Dog 💩 On My Boot Irritating And Unpleasant With No Value.”

Daniel Jason Morris ignore them ,that is powerful Toxic people are everywhere, you just don’t let them get into your head 😊.” – OAP-c just now

I’m free advertising অক্সফোর্ড আলীয়া বাংলা প্রেস ক্লাব (জিবি) [Oxford Aliyyah Bangla Press Club (GB)], thanks for read this post, 13.07.2024


Study Islamic Philosophy at Shah Market Mirpur Village. OAP explores the Old and New Influence of Folk Mystics, Poets, Philosophers, and Bauls of the East:

Join Bangladesh Sufism - “দাদারে সুফি এবং জার্নালিস্ট কে বানাইল রে কে বানাইল, রে...?” - Nati Mahbubur Rahman Hasan

IC: image caption based on Photojournalism - Baul and Sufi of Sunamgonj - Exploring Bangladesh Hagiology and the Mystical Paths: Hason Raja.

Read Dada Ali Ahmed’s short essay on Hason Raja's journey to becoming a Baul. Hope, Nati, Hasan! This read and our live learning and Dada-Nati Conversations are useful and helpful so far...

Let me tell you how Dada read Hason Raja, in Oxonian-English, it is said, he was a renowned baul lover and folk poet from Bengal, began his spiritual journey influenced by various factors.

Born into an affluent zamindar family, Hason's early life was marked by luxury and privilege. However, key experiences and influences eventually guided him towards the Baul path, a unique blend of Sufi and Vaishnavite traditions.

“দাদারে সুফি এবং জার্নালিস্ট কে বানাইল রে কে বানাইল...!.” - Mahbubur Rahman Hasan, Dada-Sufi replied to his original message with this:

The following qualities are essential to become a pious believer and a Muslim with the attributes of greatness, as also described in a Sufi writer and adherent to Mystic Communities of Sufis and Sufism:

লক্ষ্য বা উদ্দেশ্য (Understanding and Finding the Purpose or Aim); চেষ্টা বা প্রচেষ্টা (Effort or Endeavor); চিন্তা করা (Thinking); বোঝার চেষ্টা করা (Trying to Understand); সঠিক পথ (search for Right Path); মূল্যবোধ (Values); আত্মসম্মান (Self-respect);

ন্যায় প্রতিষ্ঠা (Establishing Justice); সৎ বা নিষ্ঠা (Honesty or Integrity); উচিত (Appropriate Conduct); সংগ্রহ (Collection verified and accurate knowledge, wisdom and information ); আগ্রহ (Interest); অর্জন (Achievement);

নেয়ামত (seek God’s Bblessing, রহমত (Mercy) and ask fellow beings to make Du’a) আমল আখলাক (Fo Good Deeds and Morals); শান্তি (Peace); প্রতিশ্রুতি (Commitment); দায়বদ্ধতা (Responsibility);

উচ্চ আকাঙ্ক্ষা (High Aspirations); For more tips, ask Hasan the Philosopher from Nojipur, who wrote these Bengali guidelines on becoming a Sufi. Visit our website to read more.

Thank you for reading this MIC – Media Image Caption – Oxford English Essay on Hason Raja, authored by Dr. Sufi Aliyyah-Shah, of 4UI International Publishing House, England.

Personal Loss and Disillusionment: The untimely death of his wife deeply affected Hason Raja, creating a profound sense of loss and existential questioning. This personal tragedy was a turning point, compelling him to seek solace beyond material wealth and social status.

Influence of Folk Traditions: The vibrant folk culture of Bengal, rich with Baul music and mysticism, significantly shaped Hason's spiritual outlook. The Baul philosophy, emphasizing simplicity, love, and devotion, resonated deeply with him.

Sufi Mysticism: The Sufi tradition, with its focus on the inner journey towards divine love and truth, profoundly influenced Hason Raja. The teachings of prominent Sufi saints and the practice of zikr (remembrance of God) provided a spiritual framework that guided his transformation.

Social and Cultural Environment: The cultural milieu of Bengal, characterized by a confluence of Hindu and Islamic mysticism, created an environment conducive to Hason Raja's spiritual quest. This syncretic culture encouraged a holistic and inclusive approach to spirituality.

Dada Ali Ahmed's Commitment to Sufism and Literature: Dada Ali Ahmed, a prominent figure in the study and dissemination of Sufi literature, was motivated by several factors in his journey towards becoming a knower, writer, and publisher of Sufism.

Intellectual Curiosity and Academic Pursuits: Ali Ahmed's academic background and intellectual curiosity drove him to explore the depths of Sufi literature. His studies revealed the rich philosophical and spiritual dimensions of Sufism, sparking a lifelong dedication to the subject.

Desire to Preserve and Promote Sufi Wisdom: Recognizing the profound impact of Sufi teachings on Islamic thought and culture, Ali Ahmed was committed to preserving and promoting this heritage. His efforts aimed to make Sufi literature accessible to a broader audience, bridging gaps between cultures and traditions.

Translation and Interpretation: The task of translating Sufi texts involved not just linguistic skills but also a deep understanding of the mystical nuances embedded in the original works.

Ali Ahmed's proficiency in Arabic and Persian Texts, in translation coupled with his interpretative acumen, enabled him to render these texts in a manner that retained their spiritual essence, in his own used language, the Oxonian-English.

Spiritual Calling: Beyond academic and intellectual pursuits, Ali Ahmed experienced a personal spiritual calling that aligned with the core principles of Sufism. This inner drive propelled him to immerse himself in the study and dissemination of Sufi wisdom.

Historical Context and Influence of Early Sufis: The emergence of Sufism in the early Islamic period, particularly under the guidance of figures like Hasan al-Basri, played a crucial role in shaping the spiritual landscape.

Reaction to Materialism: Sufism initially emerged as a reaction to the materialism and moral decline observed during the Umayyad Caliphate. Early Sufis, including Hasan al-Basri, emphasized inner purification and spiritual discipline as antidotes to worldly excesses.

Integration of Mystical Traditions: Sufism absorbed and integrated elements from pre-Islamic mystical traditions, including those from Arabia and Persia. This synthesis enriched Sufi practices and teachings, creating a diverse and dynamic spiritual movement.

Influence of Folk Mystics and Philosophers of the East: The contributions of scholars and mystics such as Ibn Sina, Al-Ghazali, Ibn ʿArabī,

and Hazrath Abdul Qadir Jilani, a prominent Sunni Hanbali scholar, preacher, and Sufi writer often regarded as the founder of the Qadiriyyah Sufi Order, among many others from their era, were instrumental in formalizing and systematizing Sufi thought.

Their works laid the academic and philosophical foundations of Islamic philosophy and continue to influence contemporary Sufi studies to this day.

Conclusion: The spiritual journeys of Hason Raja and Dada Ali Ahmed underscore the diverse influences and motivations that draw individuals towards mysticism and the study of Sufism.

Shaped by personal experiences, cultural contexts, and intellectual pursuits, their paths reflect the rich tapestry of spiritual seeking that characterizes mystical traditions worldwide.

The study and appreciation of Sufi literature and philosophy continue to provide profound insights into the human quest for divine truth and inner peace. More on this later. Thank you for reading this post on Hason Raja, 13.07.2024.


2024 Dhaka Under Water news. Media caption: The flooding serves as a stark reminder of the city's vulnerability to extreme weather events and the urgent need to address climate change.

Mohammad Zahirul Islam is with DrZahirul Islam Ochinpuri and DrZahir Ochinpuri, added this image with this Bengali caption, “ঢাকায় বৃষ্টি কম হয় কেন, আর সিলেটে এত বেশি? মাত্র তিন ঘন্টার বৃষ্টিতে ঢাকা শহর ডুবে ভেনিস হয়ে গেছে। একটানা তিনদিন ঢাকায় বৃষ্টি হলে ঢাকা তো নিশ্চিহ্ন হয়ে যেতো!! আল্লাহ পাক এজন্যই বৃষ্টি কম দিয়ে ঢাকাবাসীকে বাঁচিয়ে দিয়েছেন।🤔🤔.” – OAP-c just now

OAP, author’s Dada-Sufi said, “This image captures a scene of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, submerged in floodwaters, highlighting the severe impact of monsoon seasonal rains. The floodwaters have engulfed the area around the Biman Bangladesh Airlines office, inadvertently turning this into an advertisement for the airline, as their logo and building are prominently featured in the photo.

Dhaka's susceptibility to flooding is exacerbated by its location and urban infrastructure, which struggle to cope with the heavy monsoon rains. This image is a compelling visual testament to the current state of the climate crisis, illustrating the tangible effects of global warming and rising CO2 levels.

The increasing frequency and severity of such events underscore the necessity for political leaders worldwide to take decisive action to achieve "net zero" carbon emissions by 2050, to mitigate the worst consequences of climate change.

In conclusion, this image not only portrays the immediate challenges faced by Dhaka due to flooding but also serves as a broader call to action for global climate initiatives.

Failure to act promptly could lead to more severe and frequent climate disasters, impacting millions of lives and altering the environment irreversibly, rest Allah Knows Best. Thanks for read this post, 13.07.2024


OAP – Digital Mobile Phone Video Journalism, featuring Aliyyahtv

Live online e-tuition provided by Swindon-based videographer and photographer Deepa Gorkhali, who speaks Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, and English.

Yes, Nati, Mahbubur Rahman Hasan! Starting now, you can enroll in free online courses on Islamic Finance and Media Business Management provided by Aliyyahtv

You will receive a mobile phone and laptop with internet data or free internet access, along with an ID, all free of charge for several weeks.

These courses are available to everyone aged 13 to 63 in the UK and Bangladesh. Don't miss this opportunity—visit our website and enroll today.

We aim to support your career aspirations with quality education and training. This message is brought to you by the UK-Bangladesh Oxford Mirpur Ministry of Digital Education.

Thank you for reading this announcement from the Official Oxford Mirpur British Standards Academic and Scholastic Universities Education. Dated 13.07.2024.


UK-Devil’s Advocate. OAP – Digital Mobile Phone Video Journalism, featuring Aliyyahtv

Live online e-tuition provided by Swindon-based videographer and photographer Deepa Gorkhali, who speaks Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, and English. Deepa stated,

"This is my wiggle life. If you want OSD, you can have my friendship and join OSD

Sufi added, "Hmmm, ok, remember! My expertise includes teaching you how to self-publish professionally, become a bestseller on and off Facebook, and use wiggle life wisely for your charity.

This is GIN-Publication – Good International Nepalese Books with 4UI International Publishing House, England: The Oxford Invisible Pen and Mixed with Mirpur Visible Ink – a Facebook Story of Oxford Ghostwriters, with OAP.

IC: Hello, Maya! Thanks for receiving your live delivery parcel of Deshi-garment fashion outfit from Kazi, who is now in London.

Sorry for missing Kazi-bai, but it was nice seeing you and introducing Nepali Madam Deep-Ji from Swindon. Stay well, Maya. 07.07.2024. Image from London taken by Dada-Sufi, the writer of Bangladesh Folk Bawool, in Oxonian-English, enhanced with Ai-G

OM free adverting New Series of Online Lessons for New Ghostwriting: This includes contributions from British-Bangladeshi authors, editors, publishers, writers, ghostwriters,

biographers, genealogists, historians, and mainstreamed bestselling authors of Bengali and English poems and songs, promoting culture, heritage, music, catering, films, journalism, and educational magazines.

We offer 12 international projects of public interest, made in Israel. This is a UK-Bangladesh Aliyah 2025 Shabbat Shalom Greeting IC – image caption, live from London, paid for by Oxford Aliyyah Press.

Yes, Nati, Mahbubur Rahman Hasan! Ghostwriting occurs when someone contributes to content creation without receiving credit.

They don't get a byline; instead, another name appears as the author. In exchange, the ghostwriter typically receives monetary compensation.

Ghostwriters can also receive royalties if the author offers it as part of their compensation package and the ghostwriter accepts.

However, most ghostwriters prefer not to rely heavily on royalties due to the risk. Offering a royalty percentage as a bonus for strong sales is more common.

Sometimes, the ghostwriter is acknowledged as a "researcher" or "research assistant," but often they are not credited. Ghostwriting, or "ghosting," also occurs in other creative fields.

When you hire a ghostwriter, the published book is solely yours, and the ghostwriter receives no public recognition.

They focus on the technical aspects, allowing you to maintain complete authorship and control over the book's content and message.

In the UK, ghostwriters are usually not credited, although some authors may acknowledge a ghostwriter using “with” or “as told to” on the cover or in the acknowledgements page.

Nati, please note! Dada’s expertise extends beyond limits. This creative article introduces a new series on extraordinary autobiographies and biographies, primary personal writing, and learning and teaching resources.

It features fact files and biographies of notable figures, both famous and unreported, to our global audience.

The series teaches students and learners in workshops how to plan, structure, write, and edit biographies, with comprehensive marking tips. For more, visit ALIYYAHTVBANGLADESH.COM.

This is creative journalism—live SOJ (Sylheti and Oxonian Journalism). One Love, Love For All. Thank you for reading this post. 13.07.2024.


Aliyyah TV Bangladesh.COM The Team Mirpur Village in Rural Bangladesh Presents: A Free Service to World Education.

UK-Aliyyah Oxford Production – 'Bangladesh Universities Video Tour' Starting with Dhaka University this month, insha'Allah.

Photo Description: Al-Hamd: OAP cherishes the memory of 'Foreign Affairs and Diplomatic Philosophical and Mystic Poems' by Dada-Sufi of OAP.

We're proudly promoting Dada's new book on South Asian poetry, "The Shanghai-Sufi – Oxford Bangla Digital Poems and Poetry in Oxonian-English and Sylheti-Bangla."

Masha'Allah, it’s wonderful to see, hear, and read about our beloved grandchildren and friends of Sufi Aliyyah-Shah from rural Bangladesh as they preserve Dada’s happy memories and share his and his friends' poems both on and off Facebook, reaching readers worldwide.

I'm pleased to announce that this self-published work by OAP features a new poem titled "Love Thy Neighbour & Never Fear Thy Neighbour," published in UK-Aliyyah Bangla-English Chinese Edition.

Post Description: This is Dada, the Shanghai-Sufi from Oxford Town – The Home to Oxford Christ Church College and Mirpur Village Office of Bangladesh Aliyyah Press: 40. St. Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1DQ, Oxfordshire, England.

Fees and Financial Support for Studying PPE in Bangladesh and Visiting Christ Church, University of Oxford & The VSQ - Village Students' Question: How much does it cost to study at Christ Church, in Oxford?

ODTQ&A – Oxford Digital Tutor Answer: Course fees for students with 'Home' fee status starting their first undergraduate degree in 2024 will be £9,250. Please check with the college for more details.

Why is Christ Church so famous among tourists and students? Christ Church is renowned for its distinguished history and special character, which is inseparable from that history. It is unique among Oxford colleges as it also houses the Cathedral of the Oxford diocese, which serves as the college chapel.

In modern times, it has become famous for its appearances in Hollywood films, particularly in the Harry Potter series. The Cloisters at Christ Church were used to depict the hallways of Hogwarts in "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone." The college venues are also available for rent to all, including YouTube video productions and film companies worldwide.

This is Dada at the University of Oxford, attending a lecture delivered by Minister Zhu Qin, Deputy Head of Mission at the Chinese Embassy in the UK. The event was organized by the Oxford Guild Business Society and the Oxford PPE (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics) Society in October 2018.

Yes, Nati, our honourable Minister from China in the UK, received a print copy of The UK Aliyyah Curry Cup Magazine directly from the publisher and The Oxford Editor, your Dada-Sufi Aliyyah-Shah, of Mirpur Village. Al-Hamd, Dada reports responsibly and avoids sensational news, opposing the sharing of fake and unverified public information.

This is Part of Dada-Nati Digital Conversation For Online Learning with OAP. Yesterday, OAP published and shared this poem publicly on Facebook: “Masha’Allah: Nati, Hasan, the Indian Philosophy Student from Nojipur! Delve into Dada’s journalistic poetry, written in refined Oxonian English:

'May Allah bless the great leaders of South Asia, and may the glory of Bangladesh endure forever. Ameen.' A Bangla-China love poem from the Oxford mystic poet and philosopher, Dada-Sufi of Mirpur Village, Masha’Allah.”

Comment: A rural Bangladeshi Indian Philosophy Student, Mahbubur Rahman Hasan, commented, “জাযাকাল্লাহ। আল্লাহ তাআলা কবুল করবেন ইনশাআল্লাহ।.”

Announcement: Nati, Mahbubur Rahman Hasan! This is a UK-Bangladesh Education Jobs Announcement. Discover opportunities with ALIYYAHTVBANGLADESH.COM.

This is BAP – Bangladesh Aliyyah Press, in partnership with OAP – Oxford Aliyyah Press’s 'International Reward Programme,' headquartered in Mirpur Village. We are looking for a committed and versatile Course Administrator to join our team!

This role involves providing essential support throughout the student lifecycle.

For more information about the position and the Oxford Mirpur Education, Learning, Training, and Career opportunities with OAP and BAP, please visit our Home Page. Allah Hafiz, for now, 12.07.2024.


Rural Bangladesh – Mirpur Village Team presents: UK-Aliyyah Oxford Production – ‘Bangladesh Universities Video Tour, starting with Dhaka University this year, insha’Allah.

Photo Description: Al-Hamd: OAP Appreciating the memory of Dr. Habib Rahman, Nati, take a look at this group photo featuring my beloved mother's cherished younger brother, Dr. Habib Rahman.

He is seated cross-legged in the first row, wearing a red tie, gray waistcoat, light blue shirt, and light brown shoes.

Dr. Habib Rahman is seated next to Professor Mesbah Uddin Ahmed, chair of Bangladesh Accreditation Council (2nd from left), and the Vice-Chancellor of Daffodil University (third from left). This photo was first published on his Facebook on 6th February 2021.

Dr. Habib Rahman (May Allah be pleased with his soul) was a Former Professor of Physics at the University of Bahrain, Former Professor at Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology,

a member of the Bangladesh Accreditation Council, an International Development Consultant,

and an International Resource Person at the University Grants Commission, Dhaka at Learning Synergy.

For more about my younger uncle Dr. Habib Rahman, please visit his Facebook Timeline.

Today, our Mirpur Village Academic Team Leader Nati-Mahbubur Rahman Hasan, shared this message in Bengali on my Facebook post: "ধন্যবাদ দাদাভাই আপনার ছোট মামাকে আমার সাথে পরিচয় করিয়ে দেওয়ার জন্য। আমি আপনার মামার জন্য দোয়া করি আল্লাহ তায়ালা আপনার মামাকে যেন জান্নাতবাসী করেন, আমিন।

অবশ্যই আমাদের জন্য গৌরব আপনার মামা কেননা তিনি ছিলেন আমাদের জন্য সম্পদ এবং আইডল। আমি আরো বিস্তারিত ভাবে জানার জন্য উনার ফেইসবুক আইডি খুটিয়ে দেখব এবং উনার আদর্শ নিজের মাঝে ণির্মান করতে শিখবো।"

From Oxford Dada-Sufi said, “Nati, did you know that the OAP Skills Training Hub can support your PPE, International Media and Press Publicity,

and Business Marketing with Islamic financial support for apprenticeship training through the Apprenticeship Halal Business Online initiative?

Spread the good news now! For more information, visit ALIYYAHTVBANGLADESH.COM. Allah Hafiz for now, 12.07.2024


মাশাল্লাহ: চাঁদের চেয়েও সুন্দর দাদা... Aliyyahtv Oxford offers free advertising for mystic poets and religious philosophers.

As part of the UK-Aliyyah Online poets and Bangla-English Poems Post Thanks for read this happy Jum’mah Mubarak post, from OAP12.07.2024


Aliyyahtv Oxford offers free advertising for non-mystic poets and religious philosophers.

As part of the UK-Aliyyah Online poets and Bangla-English Poems Post, we share the following: FC:

আর তিনি (ইব্রাহীম আঃ) বললেন, "আমি আমার প্রতিপালকের দিকে চললাম, তিনি আমাকে অবশ্যই সঠিক পথ দেখাবেন " ইনশাআল্লাহ...” - Halima Umme Halimah, 18.09.2022


Al-Hamd, the village of Mirpur is making digital history in rural Bangladesh.

This is UK-Aliyyah reporting for Bangladesh News, with Dada-Sufi live on Facebook. May Allah protect and safeguard us always. Nati, Fi Amanillah!


Thank you


Bangladesh Folk Music 2025


Al-Hamd, the village of Mirpur is making digital history in rural Bangladesh.

This is UK-Aliyyah reporting for Bangladesh News, with Dada-Sufi Aliyyah-Shah live on Facebook. May Allah protect and safeguard us always. Nati, Fi Amanillah!

The Team Leader Nati- Hasan said, “ওকে দাদাভাই ইনশাআল্লাহ। আমি জনাব লাল মিয়া-কে ইনভাইট করবো এবং ঢাকাতে যাওয়ার আগ্রহ প্রকাশ করলে আমি উনাকে নিয়ে যাব।.”

For more visit ALIYYAHTVBANGLADESH.COM Home Page Allah Hafiz for now, 11.07.2024


Al-Hamd, Nati! Let's invite Lal Miah to join the Team Mirpur for the Bangladesh Universities Tour, starting with Dhaka University, insha’Allah.


Du’a Allah Make Easy: Sylhet to America-and America to Canada – Team Mirpur Special Reporting. -Ma -G:

Bagnah-Sufi Miah, not going to America or Canada, but insha’Allah, our future Bow-Ma is set to document a Bagna in America alongside the International Poet and Facebook Author Chan Mongol.

Happy and Great News – A female religious television presenter, the Head of AliyyahTV RE and Islamic Studies, is a suitable Bow-Ma Production:

who will love and care for my nephew Sufi Miah as her beloved husband, in both good times and hardships, fully understanding his special care needs.

IC: BritishMuslimTV shared this image with the caption, “Kenza Layli, Moroccan influencer, crowned world's first Miss AI, making history by seamlessly blending technology and beauty in a groundbreaking achievement. .” – OAP-c just now

Bagna Priyom Haider from America added a post, so I read and turn to my personal assistance Hazrath Ai-G, who said,

“The quote, "Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality.

Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny," carries a powerful and motivating message. It encourages individuals to maintain their dreams and aspirations without compromising them to fit current circumstances.

Instead of lowering their goals, it suggests strengthening their resolve and determination to achieve what they envision as their destiny.

Key Elements of the Quote: Dreams and Aspirations: The quote emphasizes the importance of holding on to one's dreams, implying that they are valuable and should not be diminished.

Reality and Circumstances: It acknowledges the challenges and limitations that reality may present but advises against letting these factors diminish one's ambitions.

Conviction and Determination: The focus is on upgrading one's conviction, which means enhancing one's belief, effort, and perseverance to reach their goals.

Destiny and Potential: The idea of "destiny" here can be interpreted as one's potential or the best possible outcome one can achieve. The quote encourages aligning one’s actions and mindset with this ultimate vision.

Why It’s Effective: Inspiration: The quote inspires individuals to strive for more, pushing them to remain committed to their goals despite obstacles.

Empowerment: It empowers people by suggesting that the key to achieving their dreams lies within their control—specifically, in their level of conviction and effort.

Positive Mindset: It promotes a positive and proactive approach to life, advocating for personal growth and resilience.

Potential Risks: Ego-play: As you mentioned, there is a potential risk of "ego-play," where the pursuit of one's dreams could lead to arrogance or an inflated sense of self-importance. It's important to balance ambition with humility and self-awareness.

Unrealistic Expectations: While the quote encourages perseverance, it's also crucial to recognize when a goal might need adjusting based on new information or changing circumstances. Blind persistence without adaptability can be detrimental.

Conclusion: The quote is a powerful reminder to stay true to one's dreams and to bolster one’s efforts to achieve them.

It encourages a balance between dreaming big and working hard, while also being mindful of the potential pitfalls of ego and unrealistic expectations.” – OAP-c just now

Nati! Thanks for read this post, and if you have any more quotes to discuss or any other questions, feel free to ask. I'm here to help! Dada’s Ai-G, from Mirpur Village, 11.07.2024

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