
QueenBee is a FREE digital magazine and podcast for women in Peterborough, Stamford, UK and beyond ?

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Creative East | Create Growth Programme | Ignite your business growth 25/07/2024

Check out this free opportunity for local Creative Industries businesses across the region!

Creative East are seeking 25 businesses that are ready to grow in the Creative Industries through a free 12 week programme commencing the 10th September at ARU Peterborough.

Don't miss the chance to be part of the final cohort to benefit from exclusive access to industry leaders, sought-after advice, and tailored guidance through 12 sessions designed to prepare your business for investment.

Find more information and register your interest,

Creative East | Create Growth Programme | Ignite your business growth If you’re looking to fire-up your business growth and get investors on board, the Creative East – Create Growth Programme is for you.



Afanti Media are looking for a cleaning expert to front a new paid development for a major network broadcaster 🪣🧽

Are you a cleaner who loves what they do and gets enjoyment out of helping others? 🧹

📧 [email protected]




Be the kind of woman you want to call when things go wrong.
Be the motivator, the encourager of dreams.
Be the kind of fierce friend you want to have yourself.
Love your girlfriends deeply, they are your sister warriors in this world and only they know just what a crazy, hormonal ride womanhood really is.
Be loyal, love hard.
Be a soulmate, be a sister.
Be strong, be kind.
Listen hard and laugh lots.
Tell the truth but keep the secrets.
Big up everyone you meet.
Kind words travel endlessly.
If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all.
Spread the sparkle of a smile and a compliment whenever you can.
There is room for us all to be happy and successful.
Lend a hand if you’re there already.
Pull your girls up.
Push them if you need to.
Straighten each other’s crowns, spot the lipstick on the teeth and the loo paper on the shoes.
Avoid the drama, smile at the haters, they’re actually admiring you from afar.

Donna Ashworth
From ‘to the women’

Art by Kelly Simpson Hagen

Kelly Simpson Hagen

Photos from Epicstotle's post 24/05/2022

Inspirational 🤩

Photos from We Love Peterborough's post 21/04/2022


72 Films are looking for duos that want to take on the first ever James Bond inspired TV adventure which will see the pair use their skills & general knowledge to travel the world with the chance of winning a million pounds 0️⃣0️⃣7️⃣

📧 [email protected]

Timeline photos 18/03/2022

🐝 U



FremantleHQ is looking for funny & chatty 8 year olds for a brand new TV Christmas Special that focuses around one of the nation's favourite Christmas movies 🎅🏻🎄

📧 [email protected]


Happy international women’s day ❤️


In this life we women are many things,
mothers, sisters, wives, friends, carers.

We are creators,
we are nurture,
we are home.

But above all,
we women are the magic.
We are the intuition.
We are the product of generations,
who fought to be heard,
to be believed,
to be empowered.

And that runs very deep.

When women come together, magic happens my friend.

And those who tell you otherwise are afraid.

We are not.

So come together in all your glory today and every day.
Because you can,
because you must,
because you are called by deep-seated ancestry to do so.

And because, most of all, we hold up half the sky,

and our half must show the other

how to be.

Donna Ashworth
From ‘Life’: https://amzn.eu/d/9Y6E6kz

Art by Celeste Yarnall

Show goes on for Key Theatre after PCC secure new operators 19/01/2022

Great news 🙌🏻

Show goes on for Key Theatre after PCC secure new operators Just days after curtains drew on city's much-loved Key Theatre, Peterborough City Council has announced it has secured its future.

Elle magazine to stop using fur in editorial and advertising content worldwide 29/12/2021

Brilliant news! All magazines should ban cruelty from their pages 👍🏻

Elle magazine to stop using fur in editorial and advertising content worldwide Magazine becomes the first major publication to ban fur content across all of its pages, saying it is rejecting animal cruelty



How about we skip all of the January punishment and regret this year.
How about we don’t promise to be better, thinner, more disciplined.
How about we look at our slightly larger selves and accept that this is the way, every year.
And it’s totally ok.

Maybe this year, we should not tell ourselves what we ‘should’ be doing and instead we should commend ourselves for being here at all...
We should congratulate ourselves for fighting so hard throughout this diabolical year, for facing our demons in the lockdown and for handling the waves and waves of bad news and change.
We have been through so much.

Give yourself a pat on the back and if you must resolve to do anything for the new year, resolve to enjoy every minute of your life whenever you can.
Live more in the moment.

This year has shown us that the world can change overnight. We can only rely on a few things: our friends, our family and our courage.

Who knows what next year will bring, so be kind to yourself little one.
You have done well.

Maybe this year we should just say ‘well done’ at the stroke of midnight.
Well done to us all.
Each and every one.

Donna Ashworth
Author of ‘To The Women’ and ‘History Will Remember When The World Stopped’

Image Daria Shevtosa


Calling all business brains 🧠
Fancy applying for The Apprentice? Applications are now open! https://bbc.in/3E0fLy5

T&Cs Apply.

Photos from Minds's post 15/12/2021

True love 💕



Save your energy!


Well said 👍🏻

JK Rowling // "Fat’ is usually the first insult a girl throws at another girl when she wants to hurt her.⁣

I mean, is ‘fat’ really the worst thing a human being can be? Is ‘fat’ worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’ or ‘cruel’? Not to me; but then, you might retort, what do I know about the pressure to be skinny? I’m not in the business of being judged on my looks, what with being a writer and earning my living by using my brain…⁣

I went to the British Book Awards that evening. After the award ceremony I bumped into a woman I hadn’t seen for nearly three years. The first thing she said to me? ‘You’ve lost a lot of weight since the last time I saw you!’⁣

‘Well,’ I said, slightly nonplussed, ‘the last time you saw me I’d just had a baby.’⁣

What I felt like saying was, ‘I’ve produced my third child and my sixth novel since I last saw you. Aren’t either of those things more important, more interesting, than my size?’ But no – my waist looked smaller! Forget the kid and the book: finally, something to celebrate!⁣

I’ve got two daughters who will have to make their way in this skinny-obsessed world, and it worries me, because I don’t want them to be empty-headed, self-obsessed, emaciated clones; I’d rather they were independent, interesting, idealistic, kind, opinionated, original, funny – a thousand things, before ‘thin’. And frankly, I’d rather they didn’t give a gust of stinking chihuahua flatulence whether the woman standing next to them has fleshier knees than they do. Let my girls be Hermiones, rather than Pansy Parkinsons."⁣


Men don’t age better than women,
men age without fear,
without worry,
without judgement.
Men age secure in the knowledge that it’s as it should be,
and the fight is not theirs to take on.
Men age without prying eyes looking for lines,
looking for grey hairs or spare fat.
Men just age.
Freedom looks good on them, doesn’t it?

Women age with the eyes of the world upon them,
lest they be considered to have let themselves go,
or lost a battle in the war.

Women age with the rules and restrictions,
of dressing correctly for ‘their age’,
employing new make-up techniques to hide drooping eyelids,
and steer attention away from the wrinkles.

Women age with the burden of beauty and the expectations of society,
wearing them down and creating even more pressure than before.
Making it harder to look ‘well’.

Men don’t age better than women,
they age without guilt.
It’s worth a million new lotions, potions or pills,
promising youth.

Let’s try it and see,
if freedom looks good on us all.

Donna Ashworth

‘To the women’ and ‘the right words’ are available on all amazon sites

Photo by David Goltz

Charity PECT launches online directory to help individuals reduce waste and shop sustainably - QueenBee Magazine 24/11/2021

Peterborough Environment City Trust (PECT) have announced the launch of their RE-Directory, an online directory that helps Cambridgeshire residents find local organisations to reduce, reuse and recycle their waste.

The RE-Directory aims to help those trying to reduce the waste they send to landfill and incineration. The service will display local organisations that will recycle or reuse items, alongside refill shops that discourage shoppers from purchasing plastic packaging.

Users will be able to filter by topic (e.g., waste reduction or product repair) and by material, such as clothing, electronics, or food. Results will then be shown as a list and on a map, specifying opening times, location, and a short profile.

Find out more...

Charity PECT launches online directory to help individuals reduce waste and shop sustainably - QueenBee Magazine Share This:



Be the kind of woman you want to call when things go wrong.
Be the motivator, the encourager of dreams.
Be the kind of fierce friend you want to have yourself.
Love your girlfriends deeply, they are your sister warriors in this world and only they know just what a crazy, hormonal ride womanhood really is.
Be loyal, love hard.
Be a soulmate, be a sister.
Be strong, be kind.
Listen hard and laugh lots.
Tell the truth but keep the secrets.
Big up everyone you meet.
Kind words travel endlessly.
If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all.
Spread the sparkle of a smile and a compliment whenever you can.
There is room for us all to be happy and successful.
Lend a hand if you’re there already.
Pull your girls up.
Push them if you need to.
Straighten each other’s crowns, spot the lipstick on the teeth and the loo paper on the shoes.
Avoid the drama, smile at the haters, they’re actually admiring you from afar.

Donna Ashworth
From ‘to the women’

Art by Kelly Simpson Hagen


The female body was never supposed to be smooth, firm and flawless. It was designed to create life, to host life, to feed life.

Yes there are many other amazing aspects to us all but underpinning our fight to retain a ‘figure’, is a whole network of genetics, science and an entire evolutionary process which wants to create, store and produce fat for protection and hormonal health. If you are losing a battle for slimness, do not for a moment think this is your fault. You are trying to blow away the wind.

Feed yourself well, physically, mentally and spiritually, and then enjoy your life with the vessel you inhabit. It’s a one shot only thing. Peace, laughter and acceptance are the best medicines around.

Author : Donna Ashworth



ITV2 are looking for vibrant singles from across the UK who want to head to the sun for Love Island! ❤️🏖

Have you got what it takes to be an islander? 💋

👉 https://www.itv.com/beontv/




The older I get, the more I realise that all this talk of women having ‘gone mad’ is actually just women waking up one day, smelling the coffee and feeling furious…

Furious that they twisted themselves like a pretzel all these years trying to conform to what others wanted them to be.

Furious that they didn’t say no more, or more to the point, that they didn’t say ‘hell no’ more.

Furious that they didn’t say yes more, that they didn’t feel they could put themselves first.

Furious that their feelings, their emotions and their desires were branded as ‘hormonal’ all these years, as a lame excuse to fob them off and not face up to bad behaviour.

And no, this is not just the menopause.

This is called awakening.

The older I get the more I realise that no, women are not going mad.

In fact, they are becoming very very sane indeed.

Donna Ashworth
Image of Ingmari Lamy ❤️

The Right Words,
UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B095MZ3XFP/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_6QX0Y2EW59QD6JXJ635M
USA: https://www.amazon.com/Right-Words-when-need-them/dp/B095MZ3XFP/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=The+right+words+by+Donna+ashworth&qid=1622386705&sr=8-2



BBC One’s hit quiz show Pointless is looking for lively & confident pairs to appear in the new series! ❓🤔💭

Put your obscure knowledge to the test 💡

👉 www.pointlessapplications.com


Who do you think of when you read this? 🥰

I’m a big fan of women with raucous laughs.
Women who overshare awkward truths when the conversation stalls.
I’m a big believer in singing loudly in the car whenever possible and I love pulling alongside a fellow sister doing the same.
I’m a big fan of women who love women, who spot toilet paper on the shoes and help each other out, when Mother Nature calls.
I’m a huge believer in comparison being the thief of joy, that dimming someone else’s light, won’t ever make yours shine brighter.
I just can’t get enough of those women who are unashamedly themselves, in technicolour glory.
I’m a lover of laughter and those moments when the tears start to flow give me life.
I think the best therapy, is quality time with a friend who listens without judgement.
I’m a big fan of women who break, who share,
who rebuild each other and cheer them along the way.
I’m grateful for this world half-full of fabulous females,

I see you all.

Donna Ashworth

From my book ‘the right words’

UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B095MZ3XFP/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_6QX0Y2EW59QD6JXJ635M

USA: https://www.amazon.com/Right-Words-when-need-them/dp/B095MZ3XFP/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=The+right+words+by+Donna+ashworth&qid=1622386705&sr=8-2

Timeline photos 26/09/2021

Are you currently looking for a canine companion from Wood Green? Happy to share your story on TV? Five Mile Films, producers of Channel 4’s The Dog House, are on the look-out for potential rescue dog rehomers to appear on the show. Find out more: https://www.channel4.com/4viewers/takepart/the-dog-house


What are your thoughts? 🤔

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Read the latest issue online at https://bit.ly/2AfOcCD

Videos (show all)

The QueenBee Autumn 2021 Harmony issue is now LIVE! A little later than planned, but it’s here and we’re glad it’s coinc...
Doesn’t this look incredible? Who else is missing travelling?☀️💦 🇮🇹Tag someone you’d love to visit beautiful Italy with ...
Is it time to start thinking about (dare we say it) going out and socialising again? All being well and keeping fingers ...
✨ GIVEAWAY  TIME ✨Here we have our second spring giveaway for you ladies! Fancy afternoon tea for 2 with a bottle of Pro...
Happiness is Hackable
The QueenBee cover design is usually the last piece of the puzzle when putting the magazine together. After laying out t...
Spring 2021
Mulled wine and FaceTime
City Fibre Dad Rap
Building a successful fashion brand around a timeless classic, with Sally McLaren




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