Building Brands

Building Brands

Building Brands is the marketing and branding resource for marketing professionals in the South West


Those of you who are subscribed to the Building Brands newsletter will be getting the news before everyone else... the newsletter tomorrow will have some massive, exciting news contained in it.

You're not going to want to miss this! If you haven't subscribed yet, you can do so at


speciWhat's your favourite 2021 Christmas advert? Who's are the most memorable for the right reasons? Read today's email newsletter that has just been published and I'll tell you mine, and explore what Mark Ritson thinks of this year's crop!

Today's edition is literally packed with stuff. We've got some news about the Building Brands website and magazines. Some great news to share about the fantastic ppc agency Launch, a host of really interesting articles from local and national sources, another chance to win some free marketing consultancy from Walker Riley Strategic Marketing (after I made a bit of a mistake last time - sorry again Andrew!), information about Jelly South West - who they are and how you can join in! We've also got a feature on Richard Price and his company Marketing Priorities, the latest events that you won't want to miss, including webinars by the amazing Optix Solutions, Archant and ContentCal, and marketing jobs through Sarah West Recruitment. There are also another 35+ marketing jobs listed for Devon and Cornwall!

Here's the link that you need!

Let me know what your favourite Christmas adverts are this year - is there one that I've missed out?

Have a great Friday and an even better weekend everyone! And thank you so much for your support!

And if you haven't subscribed, you can do that on the email newsletter itself or at

Aldi UK, McDonald's


The next edition of the Building Brands email newsletter is out tomorrow! The new-look newsletter is packed with features, articles, upcoming events, jobs and news from around Devon and Cornwall. Tomorrow, we're taking a light-hearted look at something that people love to talk about at this time of year. What is it? You'll have to wait and see in the morning!

If you haven't subscribed yet, you can do that on the website -


Have you encountered greenwashing? Over the last year or so, it's definitely become more prevalent. In today's Building Brands newsletter, we look at this, along with our new events feature, lots more useful articles, some great jobs with Sarah West Recruitment and LOADS of other marketing jobs here in Devon and Cornwall! We've also got a feature on SMART SKILLS and fully funded digital marketing training opportunities with CSW Group.

Event listings for ContentCal, Optix Solutions, Alder & Alder , and Noisy Little Monkey

Feature on Quay Media. Competition with Walker Riley Strategic Marketing. Serious apologies - the link to the competition on the newsletter doesn't seem to be working. Here it is:

Go have a read, here's the link:


Is social purpose killing marketing? This is a fascinating argument.. This, together with more articles, a feature on Sellerdeck, marketing jobs with Sarah West Recruitment and loads of other marketing jobs - some direct to the employers, are all in the Building Brands newsletter that has just gone out this morning! (Sorry for the delay, it's been a crazy busy morning so far!).

If you haven't subscribed yet, here's the link:


The Building Brands newsletter is out tomorrow morning!

If you haven't subscribed yet, you can do that now and still get the newsletter delivered automatically. Just head over to and you can sign up right there!


The Building Brands' email newsletter is out and amongst other things, takes a good look into Brand Purpose, how in some places it's become a dirty phrase, while in others, the Golden Circle is helping companies tell their story and align themselves with a cause that really means a lot to them.

We've also got marketing jobs from across Devon and Cornwall, and another one of our featured profiles!

If you haven't signed up yet, you can do that from the newsletter itself.

Find out more here:


Today's Building Brands UK email newsletter has just been sent to our subscribers, and again, is full of lots of interesting marketing-related articles and content, and another stack of great marketing jobs around Devon and Cornwall. There are some really impressive jobs in there today.

Interested in having a read? Well, here you go - Click this link:

Hope you have had a good week and have a great weekend ahead. Keep smiling, and stay safe everyone.


Delighted to have published another of our email newsletters this morning. Lots of interesting stuff included in today's edition, including a new offering from ContentCal

And we have 50 or so marketing jobs included - all in Devon and Cornwall. Are you looking for a marketing job? You should find something to take your interest in there today!

Have you subscribed to receive the newsletter automatically? If not, you're really missing out! You subscribe in the top corner of the newsletter or visit and subscribe there too.

Have a great Friday everyone!


In today's Building Brands newsletter, we look at how COVID is likely to change your marketing. Customers and clients have very different expectations now to February and March last year. How will that impact on you're doing and how you're marketing your products and services?

We also have 35 more marketing jobs in Devon and Cornwall!


So who are your favourite marketing related social media accounts to follow? Inside today's newsletter, we tell you ours.. We'd love for you to tell us yours below! There are some great accounts out there that offer some real help (and a lot of amusement and entertainment!) for marketing professionals.

Oh, and we've got another 40 or so marketing jobs in Devon and Cornwall (and 1 pretty special one, outside of the area!).

We also have a link to Made with Maturity Ltd's new feature profile on our website! Thanks for your support Ben!

And finally, we welcome on board a new partner - Sarah West Recruitment! Really looking forward to working with you!

Have a great day everyone, it's nearly the weekend!


It's looking like great weather for the bank holiday weekend - we hope you have a fantastic break and hopefully enjoy some time with family and friends.

Meanwhile, we've got another great email newsletter today - 40 more marketing jobs, the first of our Supplier Directory features - this week featuring Anna Lake - and some fascinating articles and help/advice.

If you haven't subscribed (and if you haven't, then why not?!), you can do that on our website -

You can find the newsletter below:

Have a great weekend everyone. Stay safe.


Happy Friday everyone!

Very excited this morning to announce the new marketing supplier directory for Devon and Cornwall. Amongst other things, we hope this will help to keep more work in the area rather than seeing it go elsewhere. It also helps celebrate the breath and depth of marketing talent in the area. We have some incredibly talented people working here.

We've also taken the opportunity to refresh the website and make it more user friendly.

Are you looking to get some marketing work done? Then go and take a look at the directory for help!

Really hope you find this useful. Please, help spread the word!


Today's Building Brands newsletter is packed with really interesting articles, news from yesterday's fantastic event by Noisy Little Monkey .. and 51 marketing jobs in Devon and Cornwall, that you can apply for today! 51!!! In Devon and Cornwall alone!

Don't miss out on this - check it out here. And if you haven't subscribed, you can do it on the newsletter in the top left corner.

Go, go, go!


Today's edition of the Building Brands newsletter, not only features lots of interesting articles, but it also contains no less than 33 marketing jobs in Devon and Cornwall!

Have you subscribed yet?

Read today's edition and subscribe here:


And we're back! Following a short break, the Building Brands newsletter's back! We've got links to tons of marketing jobs in the area, news of Noisy Little Monkey's Digital Gaggle returning, and lots of other help and assistance for marketing professionals.

Have a read below!


Today's a good day.. it's Christmas Day in 5 weeks!

And.. the next edition of Building Brands' newsletter is out too! Full of marketing tips and advice, today's edition is mostly about websites and email marketing, and it's a really good read (even if we say so ourselves!).

It also mentions Noisy Little Monkey's Claire and Jon who organised and ran yesterday's incredible conference, which was an absolute triumph. By far the best online event we've attended! Well done team, you should be immensely proud of yourselves.

Have a great Friday everyone. And stay safe.


Good morning everyone. Need something to brighten your day? You'll be delighted to know then that the Building Brands email newsletter, Hello Friday, has been sent this morning to all of our fantastic subscribers!

If it's not in your inbox, check the junk mail, and then save the address so it doesn't end up there again!

If you haven't subscribed yet, click the link below to see the newsletter and then hit "Subscribe" in the top corner!

This one has a bunch of new marketing jobs in Devon and Cornwall, together with one of my favourite articles of all time! You don't want to miss this!

Have a great day everyone, thank you for your support. Please, stay safe, and look out for each other.

The Love - Black Eyed Peas and Jennifer Hudson 25/10/2020

Please watch this..

It really doesn't need words to explain it. It's just amazing that this is the world in 2020. And we still have the same fight going on for equality and basic human rights.

We have to do better. Recognise and celebrate differences rather than using them to divide us further.

The Love - Black Eyed Peas and Jennifer Hudson THE LOVE - Black Eyed Peas and Jennifer Hudson Produced by: Co-Produced by: Johnny Goldstein Directed by: and Sterling Hampton Edited by:...


Well, the next Building Brands newsletter is now winging its way to all of our subscribers' inboxes! Have you subscribed yet? Its really easy! just visit and subscribe!

Have a look at today's edition by clicking the link below. It's been a long and turbulent week, so really hope you find something in here that you will find useful, and that you'll enjoy reading it.

Have a great day everyone! Stay safe!


There's one event that I've been to that I just absolutely loved. It actually inspired me to start Building Brands in the first place. It's run by the very awesome Claire Dibben at Noisy Little Monkey in Bristol, where she is very ably supported by Jon, Katie and the rest of the brilliant team there.

They have some incredible speakers, do some very clever things and this year, have very bravely taken the event online. You really don't want to miss out on this. It will be brilliant - the team even spent the afternoon in the park getting drunk brainstorming ideas for this November's event! So it's bound to be even better than normal!

It's on Thursday 18th November, from 9am to 5pm and they have some fantastic speakers lined up to talk. It's going to be fun, it's going to be informative, and if you haven't been before and you're anything like me, it's going to be the start of a beautiful relationship with the NLM team!

Register here (quickly!):

Business As Unusual - Register for the Webinar 14/10/2020

If you're working in marketing, then Google My Business is something you definitely need to pay attention to.

So, why not tune in on Thursday 15th October, as Noisy Little Monkey present a webinar along with Claire Carlile, where they'll discuss Local Search SEO and exactly how to leverage all the free tools available in GMB. Book on for free here:

Business As Unusual - Register for the Webinar Register here for the monthly Business as Unusual webinar!

Building Brands - Hello Friday Newsletter 09/10/2020

This week's Hello Friday Marketing Newsletter has gone out to everyone, and I'm hoping you enjoy it! Let's say, for those of you who have read it, it has a theme!

There's some great content in this one, and lots of new marketing jobs around Devon and Cornwall listed too. have you subscribed? If not, you're missing out!

You can read this week's edition here (and subscribe there too!):

Building Brands - Hello Friday Newsletter I really hope you're all doing ok this week. Things have become pretty intense again this week, with infection numbers rising through the roof, and all signs pointing to much tighter restrictions again. As if that wasn't enough, in the background we still have Brexit rumbling on and everyone's tryin...


Great news!

The 3rd edition of The Helpful Little Marketing Book - the Building Brands magazine - is available for download now! It's packed with some really interesting articles from some brilliant people!

Huge thanks to all the article writers for their time and support:

You can download the magazine from the website - just follow the following link!

Building Brands - Hello Friday Newsletter 25/09/2020

Today we have not one, but two gifts for you!

First of all, here is this week’s edition of Hello Friday – our twice monthly, marketing newsletter. Not only do we have lots of great articles, but there are 14 in this week’s edition, available right across Devon and Cornwall.

You can find the edition here:

Later today, we’re publishing our 3rd quarterly magazine too! If you haven’t subscribed then you are going to miss out! It won’t cost you a penny! Just head on over to the website and subscribe asap! The magazine will be going out at 11am, so make sure you subscribe before then!

Here’s the link to go to:

Building Brands - Hello Friday Newsletter You're going to hate me now.. did you realise that in exactly 13 weeks, it's Christmas day? Wow.  So I hope after this week, we're all ok. It's been another week of upheaval and uncertainty and new regulations to deal with. Whatever you think of it, we just have to stay safe, understand that not ev...


With the pandemic hitting us still, and the state of the economy forcing businesses to consider whether they still outsource parts of their marketing, Andrew Leon Walker from Walker Riley in Devon has put together a pretty comprehensive resource hub. This is filled with ebooks helping with key advice and points around a number of different topics that you'll want to have a good look at!

Find out more on our blog here:

Astonishing mistakes with your target market - Building Brands Marketing 14/09/2020

Have you read our latest blog post?

It's all about properly researching your target market, paying proper attention to your buyer personas, and not costing your employer hundreds of millions of pounds. Like the marketing team at Tata Motors in India did in 2008.

Honestly, this made some really interesting research when I was putting this together. How they could have made such calamitous mistakes is beyond me!

Go and have a read.. and when you're done, have a think about your buyer personas. When did you last update them? How often do you refer to them? Do you even have any?

Enjoy reading!

Astonishing mistakes with your target market - Building Brands Marketing In 2008 Tata launched the Nano & forecast world domination for the car. But when it came to their target market, they made a massive mistake.


It's the end of another week... and that means it's Hello Friday again! Our latest email newsletter should be winging it's way to all of our subscribers' email inboxes as we speak!

Have you signed up for it? If not, you're missing out on some seriously good free and tips! You can sign up and get it sent to you automatically here:
(each new subscriber also gets the download of our new Marketing Secrets guide!)

Have a read of the newsletter here:


Marketing Secrets from experts around the country!

12 of the Best Link Shorteners That Aren’t the Google URL Shortener 01/09/2020

This is a really useful article for posting website addresses in posts - use a link shortener! And here are some of the best - some of which you can actually customise to maintain your own branding!

(I used for this)

12 of the Best Link Shorteners That Aren’t the Google URL Shortener A good URL shortener (aka link shortener) lets you do two things: 1. Share links that don’t use too many characters. 2. Measure performance.


We're back with this week's , Hello Friday! We have a bumper edition this week, and hope you enjoy it all. There's loads of interesting and useful articles in this one - with a bit of a bias towards improving your website's SEO performance and content.

Enjoy it everyone and please pass this on to anyone you think might benefit from subscribing!


Here it is! The next edition of our marketing newsletter - Hello Friday! Packed with links to some great marketing advice and help! And 13 brand new marketing jobs in Devon and Cornwall!


We have so many cool bits of news and advice in this week's Hello Friday newsletter! And... another 15 new marketing jobs this week!!

You don't want to miss this!

Those of you subscribed already, the email has literally just been sent. Those of you who haven't signed up yet, you can head over here to subscribe to receive them automatically into your inbox!


Some people are currently unsure of where we are regarding being allowed to hold events. We're members of the Meetings Industry Association, and I've today received guidance from them regarding holding events and what is and isn't permitted:

Event venues, excluding exhibition and conference centres, are now allowed to hold meetings of up to 30 people if social distancing can be maintained and the venue can demonstrate that is has followed COVID-19 guidance. In order to do this, venues must conduct a risk assessment and should carry out all steps in the MIA's reopening guidance:

From 1 August, exhibition and conference centres will be allowed to open their doors for showcase purposes only, with small groups of up to 30 people able to view the facilities and develop plans for future events.

From 1 October it is then expected that events of all types, including trade shows, consumer shows, exhibitions and conferences, will be allowed to operate at capacities compliant with social distancing of 2 metres, or 1 metre with mitigation. If the event involves a lot of speaking, venues must pay attention to ventilation. They must also adhere to the latest advice from Public Health England.

Apple’s ode to remote working humorously captures its frustrations and blunders 15/07/2020

Since lockdown started, most of us have had experience in some way, of working from home, zoom chats and working to deadlines.

Apple have published a pretty great video (its nearly 7 minutes long) that "captures all the frustrations, family responsibilities and video blunders that come with working from home, while articulating how Apple's products are here to help." This is story telling at it's best. You NEED to watch this!

Apple’s ode to remote working humorously captures its frustrations and blunders The lockdown edition of ’Apple at Work – The Underdogs’ is an ode to remote working that humorously captures all the frustrations, family responsibilities and video blunders that come with working from home, while articulating how Apple's products are here to help.


Hello Friday - our weekly general marketing newsletter has just been published! It's packed with interesting articles, 'how tos' and 18 marketing jobs from around Devon and Cornwall!

We hope you enjoy it and find it useful. If you do - pass it to a friend or colleague and ask them to sign up too! In just 3 weeks, we're up to nearly 200 people on the list already!

Click here to read this week's edition of Hello Friday!


Our 2nd edition of Destination has been published! Full of useful links to articles and information regarding tourism & hospitality marketing in the South West of England.

You can find it here:

If you haven’t signed up to receive it yet, you can do that by visiting the website:

Huge good luck to everyone opening this weekend, we wish you all the very best. Stay safe. We hope it's a good one for you.


Tomorrow morning, Destination, our tourism marketing email newsletter will be landing in email inboxes around the South West! Have you subscribed to receive yours?

You can sign up to receive it (together with our general marketing newsletter) here:

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!


Huge thanks to Frazer Lloyd-Davies, Marketing Manager at Acronyms Ltd in Plymouth, who has written the next article on our Building Brands Blog.

Frazer's advice? Before you spend shed loads of money on software and marketing tools, speak to....

Well, we'll let you read the article to find out for yourself! It's surprising just how many people don't do it currently.. despite that it could eventually save you a lot of money!

Read Frazer's article here:

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

