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ASEA's Essential Bundle 01/06/2024

Have you upgraded your subscription to the 6 bottle bundle? The Essentials pack allows you to "super size" your ASEA order getting 50% more ASEA Redox for only $17! Check it out! (Less than 2 min video)

£225 is the total price for the U.K.

ASEA's Essential Bundle Discover the new best value ASEA Essentials Bundle!


Fantastic technology



Starting June 1st, 2024, you can purchase the Best Value "Essentials Bundle" from ASEA! This bundle offers maximum savings and is available exclusively through Subscription.

ASEA has increased the benefits to consumers with a 30% higher concentration of redox signalling molecules in each bottle. By consuming 6 oz/day, you and your customers will achieve better results than the previous 8 oz/day regime.

Take advantage of the reduced pricing and make the optimal dose more affordable. Plus, experience the concentrated, multi-use RENU 28 REDOX GEL. Watch Ambassador Double Diamond Nicole Dennis’s 3.5-minute video here: https://vimeo.com/948265307

Five Emerging Technologies in Science That Will Shape our Lives in the Coming Years 30/04/2024

The Huffington Post listed five emerging technologies in science that will have significant impact on our lives in years to come. It’s no surprise to me that redox technology is one of them. ASEA is at the forefront of utilizing redox technology to improve lives, and it’s only a matter of time before more and more people realize the potential of these powerful molecules. Take a look at the article; it’s a great read:


Five Emerging Technologies in Science That Will Shape our Lives in the Coming Years Five Emerging Technologies in Science That Will Shape our Lives in the Coming Years


Remember those clocks change tonight - of the joys of the car, microwave and oven clocks!!!!


What the..........

The study found that the plastic found in the masks is present in patients' lungs.

"Microplastic fibers were found deep in the lower lungs of living humans in nearly every person sampled in a recent study conducted in the United Kingdom.

The study found microplastic particles present in many Covid-19 masks: in the lung tissue of 11 of 13 patients who underwent surgery.

Polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) were the most common substances present in the lungs.

Some of the filaments reached up to two millimeters in length in the surgical patients whose lung tissue samples they took.

The plastic dust and microscopic debris consist of the same plastics used to make the surgical masks worn by hundreds of millions of people around the world."


"This is my husband's testimony. Redox molecules gave both of us back our life! Dave Wilmington, DE In 2016 I found out that I was living, for quite a , with undiagnosed Insulin/Sugar issue. I was pretty sick but had procrastinated going to the doctors. I had lost most of my body muscle along with my energy and had severe discomfort in my hips and shoulders. I had little desire to do anything because by the time I got home from work I was done. Sleeping was awful because of the extreme discomfort in my joints. I finally agreed to see a functional medical professional because I couldn’t continue like this. We ran all my bloodwork and found my sugar to be at 250. We immediately corrected my diet, which was terrible, and started on a plethora of vitamin and mineral supplements to try and rebuild my stamina and relieve my hip issues. My sugar level became stable pretty quickly but I was still experiencing the hip discomfort and low energy. I faithfully stayed on this regime for 6 months but was not getting the results I had hoped. I started Redox in February of 2017 and in less than I week I could feel my energy improving and within 3 months the discomfort in my hips and shoulders were gone. I now had the energy to engage in life again. I will take Redox forever! I take 6 oz a day UPDATE: 6 years later my sugar level still hovers 100 with no meds!"

Dave's testimony highlights the potential impact of Redox Signalling Molecules on his health, particularly in addressing insulin/sugar issues. Here's why Redox Signalling Molecules may have played a significant role in Dave's health transformation:
Cellular Communication Optimisation: Redox Signalling Molecules optimise cellular communication, potentially contributing to the stabilisation of sugar levels and overall health improvement.

Cellular Repair and Energy: The improvement in energy levels Dave experienced shortly after starting Redox suggests that these molecules may have played a role in cellular repair and the restoration of vitality.

Joint Discomfort Relief: Redox Signalling Molecules may have contributed to relieving discomfort in Dave's hips and shoulders, indicating their potential role in addressing inflammatory and discomfort issues.

Comprehensive Health Support: By engaging in Redox, Dave may have provided his body with the support it needed at a cellular level, promoting overall well-being and resilience.

Long-Term Stability: The fact that Dave's sugar level remained stable six years later without the need for medications suggests a sustained impact on his health, potentially due to the ongoing benefits of Redox.

Dave's journey underscores the transformative potential of Redox Signalling Molecules in addressing complex health issues and restoring a sense of vitality. It's a testament to the long-lasting benefits that may result from incorporating Redox into one's daily routine.

To purchase this phenomenal biotechnology follow this link https://shop.aseaglobal.com/info?cartSharingId=1F3A2A80S61I623&st=sc&sn=clTo


Happy St David's Day to all my wonderful Welsh friends 🧡🤍🧡



“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
~ Nikola Tesla

“The first time I drank my shot of Asea it slid smoothly down my throat and I felt my body take a sigh of relief, every cell of my body said ‘Thank You, here is my relief’ This is LIQUID LIGHT in a bottle, there is no higher frequency than that.”
~ Caroline Swatton


Life force is Beauty.
A radiant being has magnetism, attracts life and opportunity.

For the first time in history we can raise our vibrancy from an external source.

ASEA’s redox signalling supplement is the first and only source of the molecules that bring life to cells, other than our own living cells.

As the year turns and the forces of growth on the planet intensify please give contemplation to the potential to RAISE YOUR REDOX and RAISE YOUR LIFE.


Credit Anna

To discover more DM me or visit my website https://carolineswatton.myasealive.com


Health Tip #1330

True health comes from within


Credit Anna

“We are the Messengers and the Gatekeepers. A story for us all...I just heard from my friend that her elder friend with a 'blood condition' is in hospital with weeks to live. We discussed ASEA for this elder with a long term chronic issue, two months ago and there was hesitancy to mention ASEA at that time. We are often the Gatekeepers for others hearing about this breakthrough and cannot know whether ASEA and earlier timing may have made the difference to outcomes...remember that others will only find this if someone shares it with them and we cannot know whether they will 'hear' us and be guided to explore ASEA but that decision is theirs. Our role is to be the word, the messengers and there are many wonderful resources and simple videos that explain the detail for us. Sow seeds where you can. You might change a life and every life around them.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlGT3KkMau0

To discover more DM me


"ASEA REDOX is a ground breaking health supplement...It works on the transfer of electrons. The word REDOX is a combination of two words, reduction and oxidation. Redox signalling occurs when electrons are transferred in your body to the cells. What we are trying to achieve is balance in the body. That balance is called homeostasis. That's how ASEA works. That's what it is...it is a bio replenisher..."
Scott Aldred, President and Chief Operating Officer ASEA, LLC at ASEA, LLC

Credit Anna

To discover more DM me


Health Tip #1318

Health success is not about luck but dedication and daily determination


"ASEA REDOX is a ground breaking health supplement...It works on the transfer of electrons. The word REDOX is a combination of two words, reduction and oxidation. Redox signalling occurs when electrons are transferred in your body to the cells. What we are trying to achieve is balance in the body. That balance is called homeostasis. That's how ASEA works. That's what it is...it is a bio replenisher..."
Scott Aldred, President and Chief Operating Officer ASEA, LLC at ASEA, LLC

Credit to Anna

To discover more DM me or go to my website https://CarolineSwatton.myasealive.com


The Lifeforce Elixir has the capacity to replace many of the toxic pharmaceuticals that currently dominate the market place. The Pharmaceutical industry has been seen to put profit before people and our natural and safe supplement is part of our future solutions in health and healing

"Integrative wellness and healing centres will be the future hospitals. Where true health and healing happen. Real cures, not band aid fixes. All the suppressed treatments will be used alongside natural medicines. The way it should be."
Mary-Jane Stevens.
Nurse, Mother, Freedom Politician, Activist.

This is her brave story https://www.bitchute.com/video/YcuIg4knu2P8/

“Together we can harness the revolutionary science that ASEA offers and increase global awareness of these one and only products that utilise naturally occurring molecules in the body to reset cellular renewal and communication.”
Ann Louise Gittleman
Ph.D. in Holistic Nutrition. Credit Anna

To discover more DM me or go to my website https://CarolineSwatton.myasealive.com


‘ASEA REDOX is a journey of transformation, of healing, of regeneration and returning to self as each cell in its’ perfect and vital expression makes up a whole and we walk forward in this world, in these times, in a body that has every opportunity in sovereignty to lead the way for a better world.’ Ana

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too.

All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.” W.H. Murray


"Every conversation in the forest is saturated in REDOX biochemistry. Every message, every signal, every instinct in life. The dynamism of our living web runs on REDOX reactions. May your conversations birth awareness of ASEA REDOX and take a life of their own, travelling like luminous blue butterflies and networks of mycelium into new forested communities. Be the well spring of REDOX wisdom and lift up all Life." Ana https://drgarysamuelson.com/2018/01/31/all-that-matter-is-signaling/


"We were sitting quietly on the step looking up into the tree and it was full of birds, all different kinds, looking down on us...we were in silent communication."

Redox molecules are the conduit of life processes in all of us.

We are one.

Replenish your REDOX and merge consciously with the living family of earth.


Credit Ana


ASEA is very generous... we are the words and the care that bring the power of redox to others and payment is part of the conduit of generosity that we invoke when we are helping people!

This is the spirit of Abundance. BECOME an Associate, BELONG to this redox revolution and BELIEVE all is possible.


Credit Ana


"All molecular activities in all forms of life on earth take place in salt water, it is the vital fluid of all life.

All our cells and tissues are submersed in this ocean of fluids.

Under the salt water we find great currents of vital elements moving past in living rivers coursing throughout the extensive communities of living cells. Each cell is like a submerged house in this vast ocean, all of the cells are stacked in neighborhoods closely surrounded by these flowing rivers of currents; like houses along streets. These communities of cells are connected and fed by the currents that flow past them. Every living cell is alongside these moving rivers of life; each cell is connected by it."


Credit Ana

Photos from Swalings Swimming UK's post 24/10/2023

Another amazing story this time from Jilly. This incredible product using the Redox Signalling Molecules and vegan collagen keeping your skin looking young and fresh - and Jilly is the perfect example of that.

"I am really excited that the NEW Asea Collagen Product has just launched in Europe this week!

It truly is a unique product with a Vegan formula which consists of a patented blend of amino acids, Dragon Fruit, Zinc and Vitamin C.
I was privileged to be invited to be a Radiance Collagen Panel Member. For the past 8 weeks I have been testing out this product and I am delighted with the results so far and looking forward to seeing what the future results look like.

I have been a Skin Therapist and Holistic Health and Wellness practitioner for 18 years and am always looking for ways to support my own health and that of my clients.

The key things I have noticed are improved elasticity, tone and hydration of my skin, my joints aren’t clicking like they used to and my recovery time when I exercise is super fast. My eyelashes have definitely got longer and I feel a general sense of well-being. It’s a delicious tasting product and I like the fact that you can add more water to adjust the taste to your preference.

One of the main attractions to me is that Radiance supports the body in making more of its own Collagen, now that is incredible!

To purchase PM me


Cell communication born from our saline electrolytes and made in the cell by our mitochondria, is the LIQUID LIGHT that communicates all the wisdom of the DNA.

Awaken your cells and speed light into your divine conversation of LIFE.

Credit Anna

Redox Signalling Molecules
https://carolineswatton.myasealive.com to discover more


“...all of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears.

We are tied to the ocean.

And when we go back to the sea... we are going back from whence we came.”

John F.Kennedy


“It is my view that we can REPAIR THE HEALTH OF HUMANITY by approaching healing at the cellular level. In each moment a cell communicates the processes of life. Redox Signalling Molecules are the conduit of life and the agents of this conversation in trillions of moments between trillions of cells. Repair the cell and all the tissues and organs, glands and systems that cells organise to become, and a divine being, can return to balance and radiance. A scientific revolution is coming toward us that is safe and native to the body and which recognises the instructions of our divine blueprint. ASEA redox is that breakthrough.”


Credit Anna


Share the LIGHT in ASEA.

"Many are seeking ASEA but they do not know its’ name.

Many feel that there is a solution to their tiredness, their confusion, overwhelm and anxiety.

Many of us wish we could lift others up but do not have the answers.

If you do know ASEA and have the courage to share it, a life may change more profoundly than you can imagine.

A child might be able to speak. An elder may find the energy to enjoy life, with less suffering. An exhausted mother may be able to nourish her vitality to be the love and patience she wishes to be. A weary man may find the strength to pursue his visions...

Someone else may find their passion to share ASEA and work in freedom...

Some of the communities flourishing with ASEA in the world were not prosperous and were not healthy but found a solution that opened doors upon the greatest challenges they faced and now they have financial sustainability and a tool for repair that has changed lives."

Credit Ana



Mystics and visionaries have foreseen a ‘flash of enlightenment.’ Others have predicted a great solar event that will illuminate a transformation shifting frequency and life toward a heavenly status.

Our New Earth is a place of benevolence and healing where Consciousness and enlightenment are natural and flowing.

Whatever your definition of the Ascension phenomena, consider that this brightness, the flash of communication and connection may occur at a CELLULAR LEVEL.

While others await Med Beds, consider that our frequency cure may be an infusion of LIQUID LIGHT.

We do know that those drinking ASEA describe a shift in their lives. New doors open, ideas and intuition flow, joy erupts and pain recedes. Sleep is deep and dreams are vivid. The body sheds its’ stories and cells are re enlivened as the DNA expresses its’ divine blue print. Our ancestral strengths speak through our cells.

We are a fragment of light in a universe of light and ASEA enables our true potential.

Credit Ana


ASEA is a 5D Career.

We are building our New Earth. We plant our feet firmly in actions and solutions that belong to the future we create.
ASEA is a breakthrough biotech that re connects the body to its’ natural wisdom for healing.

I seek Torch Bearers, Light Workers, Brave Hearts and the confidence to share this with others. We are educating, never convincing.

Knowledge is Power.

We understand that not all souls are on the Timeline to our New Earth and every journey is sovereign and sacred.
Others are seeking ASEA but do not know its’ name.

Be the beacon. Encircle your family with a community and empower others to do the same, sharing the message of ASEA.

Pass this wisdom forward and allow the Guardians of this discovery to take it where it will be met by like minded vibration.
Believe, Belong, Become

ASEA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwVH90IG6cw


Credit Ana

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Videos (show all)

Join us for an extraordinary journey at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire - a day filled with wonder, discovery, and the prom...
We have an extraordinary venue opening its' doors for our DISCOVER ASEA EVENT at Blenheim Palace. I’d love to welcome yo...
Hunter Dean (Asea VP Production Operations) gives a clear, concise description of how Asea Redox Supplement affects our ...
Dr. Carolyn Hoffman is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, Advanced Digestive Health Specialist, and Detoxification P...
What workout 🏋️‍♀️ group are you in 1 2 3 or 4
Woke up gotta out of bed .....
Not sure what made the ripples as there were no boats, but it was beautiful
Will you commit to your well being for 20 mins a day it’s taking those first steps and the support we offer to get your ...
And he did it! Well done Chris and his support team 💜💜💜
Day 3 back in the groove with working out apart from the weather luckily don’t need a lot of space or time perfect for b...
Kayaked to this fantastic tiny beach and had the most amazing fun.We taught the 2 young boys with us to swim and it was ...




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