Rest + Reflect Sound Therapy, Ramsbottom Videos

Videos by Rest + Reflect Sound Therapy in Ramsbottom. Certified 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐭 with BAST Offering Soundbaths, Drum Journeys & Sound Therapy

If you’re interested in attending a Soundbath or workshop please check my link in bio for upcoming sessions.

If you have any other questions or request please feel free to reach out to me via DM 💫

Other Rest + Reflect Sound Therapy videos

If you’re interested in attending a Soundbath or workshop please check my link in bio for upcoming sessions. If you have any other questions or request please feel free to reach out to me via DM 💫

The “Now” is a point outside the realm of space and time — a place of pure awareness and presence. Quote by #eckharttolle

The Gong: Truly one of my favorite instruments, it’s a member of the mighty percussion family, and has a very strong sonic presence. I love its dynamic range, from tranquil melting tones to thunderous rhythmic textures. People often use words like powerful, imposing, confronting, deep, cleansing and melting to describe the experience with the gong’s sound. The reverberating sound waves resonate deeply within the body, sometimes even experienced as a ‘vibrating’ sensation that lingers long after a gong bath. It has many therapeutic benefits, offering relief from physical pain, stress & certain conditions. When played, I often feel a very respectful energy towards the instrument. I love it when I’m in flow and I almost seem to become one with the instrument itself. I’m always amazed by its profound impact on mind and body. 😌

I like to chant with the harmonium in the morning, just for a short moment. It has such a centering energy and always sets me up right for the day. Below you can find the words for the Mantra “Om Purnamadah Purnamidam” It’s a sweet reminder to remain aware that everything is perfect. to embrace the inherent perfection that is present in every situation & interaction. ——————————————— Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam Puurnnaat-Purnnam-Udacyate Puurnnashya Puurnnam-Aadaaya Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate || Om, that is full (infinite); this is full (infinite). From the Infinite, the infinite proceeds. Though the Infinite is taken away from the Infinite, the Infinite alone remains.

The Healing Harmonics of Existence
 Beyond the audible, vibrations resonate through every level of our being - from cellular oscillations to the rhythms of our planet and cosmos.
 Sound therapy taps into these primal resonances, aligning our frequencies with the profound unified harmonies underlying all of nature.
 Just as physicists seek elegant theories to explain the universe’s resonant interconnected patterns, ancient practices have long used sound as a conduit to attune our minds and bodies to existence’s fundamental rhythmic flow.
 Whether through vocal toning, instruments, or the vivifying frequencies of the elemental world around us, sound offers a bridge to the primordial symphony from which all creation arises. #soundtherapy #vibrationalhealing #universalsound

🌀 Vibrational Frequency and Resonance 🌀 Every object, including the cells in our bodies, has a natural frequency at which it vibrates, known as its resonant frequency. Sound therapy leverages this concept by using external sound vibrations to influence the body’s internal vibrations, encouraging them to resonate with healthier or more harmonious frequencies. Imagine a guitar string that vibrates and produces sound when plucked. Similarly, sound therapy “plucks” the body’s metaphorical strings, aiming to restore harmony and balance. By reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and harmonizing the body’s energy systems, sound therapy can create an optimal internal environment for the body’s innate healing mechanisms to function more effectively. #soundtherapy

I’ve acquired a new instrument that I’ll be introducing into tomorrow’s Soundbath: the Sansula. It’s an innovative evolution of the kalimba (also known as Sansa or Mbira), originating from southern Africa. The Kalimba, a metal-tongued instrument, is played by plucking the tines with the thumbs. #sansula #kalimba

Are we aware of what we feed our minds on a daily basis? The books, media, and conversations we engage in, both internally and externally, all act as nourishment for our thoughts, directly influencing our mindset and outlook on life. We can become intentional about nourishing our minds, as the ideas we consume and internalize determine the character of our existence. Practicing self-awareness and taking time to reflect on the mental inputs we allow in is crucial. Curating an uplifting mental diet can profoundly shape and shift our perspective, cultivating a life aligned with our highest values. What nourishment will we choose for our minds today? #mentaldiet #selfawareness #intentionalliving

What is Sound Therapy? Sound therapy, also known as sound healing, originates from the ancient wisdom of civilizations that understood the profound therapeutic effects of sound vibrations. Drawing from practices like the resonant chanting of Tibetan Monks and the mesmerizing tones of the aboriginal didgeridoo, sound therapy utilizes specific sound frequencies therapeutically. Its aim is to harmonize the body’s intrinsic vibrations, promoting holistic well-being. I will share an in-depth article later this week on my Substack about the introduction to sound therapy. X #soundtherapy #soundbath

A gift from me to you 💝 I like to begin my sound baths with a short centering meditation. After receiving great responses at my last sound bath, I decided to record this meditation on self-love and inner connectedness. May it provide you a moment of relaxation & deep connection with your inner source. Full meditation available here :

3 Reasons Why I Love The Gong : All the instruments have their own unique quality - but nothing takes us deeper than The Gong in my opinion. 1. The gong possesses a mystical, spiritual quality that can instantly quiet a busy mind, transporting listeners to a transcendent, meditative state with its reverberating drones. 
 2. Its low, sustained frequencies and shimmering overtones have a deeply relaxing effect, slowing the heartbeat and breathing of those who focus hypnotically on its rhythmic, vibrating pulses.
 3. The vibrational energy of the gong permeates and cleanses the listener’s whole being during a session, dislodging trapped emotions and energetic blocks to renew them emotionally and spiritually. The gong I’m playing here is called an Earth Gong - and it works incredibly grounding on the system. #gongbath #soundtherapy #soundbath

Maybe the cutest of them all 🥺 The Chime Dumbbell - or also known as Mexican Musical Bola 🧚 I play this little instrument after I transition from the Crystal Bowls to the Therapeutic Percussion, and it always instantly lifts up the spirits. #soundbath

BTS: Preparing for a Sound Bath Session A glimpse behind the scenes of what goes into setting the stage before a relaxing sound bath. From selecting the instruments to creating a harmonious space and arrangement & setting the right mood. My intention is to create an immersive experience that takes the listener on a journey of self-discovery and deep relaxation, allowing them to let go of stress and tension and find a sense of inner peace. To sink deeper into presence, connecting to their core essence. & Emerging renewed and recentered. #soundbath #soundtherapy

The Koshi Aqua Chime. 🌊 A simple but oh so powerful little wind chime. It offers a variety of benefits for both physical and emotional well being. The Chime’s gentle melody is reminiscent of flowing water, invoking deep relaxation. It’s tuned to a pentatonic scale, which is known for its calming and relaxing properties. I always use it towards the end of the soundbath, together with the therapeutic percussion, to slowly ground you back, and whenever I have a moment of stress or I feel anxiety coming up, I pick it up and play it for a little while, as it has such a soothing effect and brings me instantly back to my centre. #koshichime #soundtherapy

Experience the mesmerising, harmonious sounds of Himalayan singing bowls. One thing I love about them is that they produce rich, resonant tones and intriguing overtones. 🎶
 Known for their soothing, therapeutic qualities that aid meditation and relaxation, these gentle vibrations resonate throughout the body, promoting balance and well-being. Many people in my sessions often describe them as warm and nurturing, and I personally find the range of tones and overtones from these bowls to be deeply relaxing and peaceful. 
 The vibrations created by Himalayan singing bowls deeply resonate throughout the mind and body, promoting deep relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety, and enhancing mental clarity.
 As brainwave activity slows to patterns associated with tranquility and peace, the mind can unwind completely, enhancing emotional balance and overall well-being. Many people in my sessions have mentioned experiencing better sleep afterward. #himalayansingingbowls #singingbowls #soundtherapy

We had a beautiful intimate sound bath session today. We focused on creating space for deep relaxation and holding space for whatever wants to arise. 🧘‍♀️ It’s a joy to introduce people to the experience of a sound bath and hear about the instant benefits they’ve received straight after the session. 💞 Deeply grateful for the opportunity to share this journey with you all and I look forward to our next gathering 😌 #soundbath #weekendrelaxation

Each instrument carries its unique quality. When I’ve experienced a sound resonating with me, I felt it deeply in my body—of course, this experience is unique to the individual. For one person, a sound may resonate, while for another, it can have the complete opposite effect. This is what’s fascinating: it prompts us to delve deeper, questioning why our responses differ and what the root cause of our reactions may be. Every part of our body, down to the cellular level, has its own vibrational frequency. Perennial teachings also speak of matter as sound condensed into form. In sound therapy, we utilize instruments like singing bowls and gongs, which are celebrated for their rich overtones and their ability to produce resonant and harmonic vibrations. These sounds support relaxation and reduce stress, much like a vibrational massage. We feel the vibrations as a subtle internal massage, which can help relax muscles and reduce physical tension. 💆‍♀️ #soundtherapy #gongbath #resonance

I love going for a walk to immerse myself in nature. The river and water elements are some of my favorites. Listening to nature sounds has been associated with inducing a sense of calm and relaxation, which is often linked to the engagement of the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for restful and restorative processes in the body. Here are some of the benefits I’ve found: 
Relaxation and Stress Reduction: When I listen to nature sounds, I feel a sense of calm and my stress seems to melt away. 
Enhanced Well-Being: The soothing sounds of nature make me feel at peace and contribute to my overall sense of well-being. 
Improved Focus and Attention: I’ve noticed that I can focus better on my tasks when I listen to familiar sounds from nature. 
Potential Improvement in Sleep Quality: Listening to nature sounds before bed helps me relax, potentially improving my quality of sleep. 
Individualized Benefits: I find that, especially when I’m feeling stressed, nature sounds provide me with significant relaxation and calmness. What sounds do you feel drawn to that bring a sense of calm? 🌿🎶 #relaxation #wellbeing #soothingsounds #soundtherapy

Who Am I & What Do I Offer? 
Hello, All!

I’m excited to offer a glimpse into who I am and what I do. Beyond that, I’m inspired to share not just my work, but also the research and ideas that shape it. I’ve always had a strong passion for continuous learning, growth, and open curiosity.
& I feel this is the perfect place to share all of that with you.
 But let’s go deeper : have you ever considered that sound could be more than just something you hear? Maybe you’ve wondered about its real impact on our well-being, or you’re curious about the specific tones and rhythms that influence our minds and bodies ? 
 If these questions spark your interest, I invite you to join me as we embark on this engaging exploration of the transformative potential of sound.

Feel intrigued? Join me in the process. Much Love, Ebony #soundtherapy