Reiki Garden

Usui Reiki Retreats and Healing. Full training and attunments, with lineage to Master Usui. Your Rei


This dear lady is rarely in the same country as me…she is all over the world! Yet we can always connect in divine space and meet for healing. Thank you for choosing me dear one 💕

It’s always a pleasure to experience both giving and receiving distance healing. It’s a powerful way to shift stuck energy and brings a gentle but steady movement in the persons life.

As I (inexplicably) enter the persons auric field I find myself immersed in stories and little visions from their energy timeline (their information field) … this can bring interesting feedback for the recipient, direct from the land of light.

I am sometimes joined in the by spirit guides and even deceased loved ones, who wish to assist in the healing.

Drop me a line if you’re curious about distance healing and wish to try it. I offer 30 mins for only £20, 3 healings for £50.

Energy healing either in person or by distance, can help you with stress and strain, illness and ailments, relationship issues, addressing bad habits, supporting good habits, transformation and growth in all areas of life, sleep, pain, trauma, manifesting your goals, self love and acceptance and much more.


What a joy it was to assist this beautiful lady in her healing - she is also a Reiki healer herself. The wonderful thing about being attuned to this universal life force energy, and using the system of reiki, is that you join a healing circle with others. We can give and receive and be there to swap healing services whenever it is needed. We can join together and hold space for group healing - anywhere in the world 🌍


It’s always insightful and somewhat humbling to receive testimonials from my Reiki students and recipients.

Each one of you finds a way onto the path and joins me in the healing space, at the right time for you. The journey into energy healing is always divinely guided and frequencies around you will shift and guide you towards noticing it calling you.

This testimonial is from a man who has become a dear friend. We started by me offering some nutritional therapy support and the conversations around gut health and healing lead to us often talking about inter being and the universal connectedness we feel when our cells are well… subsequently the spiritual path unfolded for him and he was called to begin learning the system of Reiki with me.

This person is someone who gives 100% to his health and healing and is determined to live long and vibrant despite multiple complex health conditions. He didn’t look outside of himself for a magic wand from someone else, he went within and committed to slow, steady change and found his inner strength and faith. His health has completely transformed and he continues to amaze his consultants, loved ones, colleagues and clients.

Shaun it’s an honour to be one of your guardian angels 🧚🏻‍♀️


Reiki is a frequency healing that can reach your electromagnetic field, wherever you are in the world. We can meet up in the quantum space and I can use the system of Reiki to bring you deep energy healing.

I sit in my home and you sit in yours!

It’s my favourite way to offer healing, it’s brings a powerful experience where we can both more deeply relax into the light that it brings. Sometimes I receive information from the light space to share with the recipient and no two healing sessions are ever the same. The land of light never ceases to amaze me!

Reiki can ease and assist in the healing of physical, emotional and mental health issues. It can also be a powerful guide towards the life we wish to align with and be very transformational in unpicking us from old habits and ways of being, supporting new and good habits.

Reiki will always work to your highest and greatest good had that may mean overriding your ego and what you think you ‘want,’ and align you with what you truly need.

I most recommend a block if 3 sessions as it takes time to clear old energy blocks and integrate the light into your information field. However 1 single healing is all some people want, just for a deep relax and retune.

It costs £20 each or 3 for £50 and can be done any time that suits you. It lasts 30 minutes and you receive a voice recording afterwards with my feedback

DM to enquire.


Hello to all my account followers and to those who still arrive 🧚🏻‍♀️ Today is an excellent day to reintroduce myself and set my continued intention to serve others with high frequency energy healing, for the greatest good of all 🌟

I can only call myself a Reiki Master when I know I continue to be in the flow of this healing energy in my daily life. A Reiki Master is one who has made the commitment to daily self healing and recognises the breadth of their interconnectedness… knowing that to heal ourselves is to flow into healing all that touches us.

I am a Reiki Master Teacher - meaning that I can guide and perform the attunment and associated teaching, so that others can use the system of Reiki. The attunment is not as mystical as people make out - it is in fact a deep, expanded and guided meditation practice done in the presence of a high vibrational guide (master) What follows is the work you must do, in commitment to sit daily and notice the quantum’s physics of frequency in your life… learning to use the system to channel it and expand it further.

I am eternally grateful to the connections I’ve made in the little bits of Reiki teaching I do… each and every one of you has found me and chosen me to guide you. And each and every one of you is my teacher too. With thanks.

My primary role in daily life centres around my mothering to three young people and my full time care role to my son who lives and shines severe ASD with PMLD and needs 1:1 care which I give as a single parent.

Reiki has been a profound blessing in my life and assists me to live with compassion and acceptance of all of our challenges.

I offer distance healing - a powerful way to receive this beautiful healing while you stay at home. I also teach all levels of Reiki.

In 2024 I want to offer more affordable ways for people to reach out to me and receive the healing and teaching. I want to help more carers to use the system of Reiki to heal themselves and those they care for, and am offering my courses half price to anyone who cares full time for somebody who is disabled, chronically ill or very elderly or infirm. Do let people know if you think someone may wish to do this


One of the greatest blessings you can give yourself, no matter your circumstances, is a daily practice of sitting meditatively.

When you learn the system of Reiki you get the opportunity to do this by using the system as the practice itself; enhancing your ability to connect to your parasympathetic nervous system and open to a calm expanse of healing frequency.

The system of Reiki enables you to commit to a daily self- healing ritual using the earths natural healing vibration. This can also be extended to, and shared with others.

At level one you learn all you need for self-healing and the healing of your friends, family, animals, plants, and lots of other things!

In 2024 I want to help more people to learn this easy and transformational practice, for their self spiritual development as well as for their mental and physical health.

Reiki has been a deep blessing in my life and allowed me to thrive in health and happiness as a single parent to three young people, as well as full time mother/carer to one of my children who has a severe, lifelong, cognitive disability.

This is why I’m now offering my courses half price to Carers. The difference it can make to your life and to that of the one you care for, is phenomenal ❤️

Please share this with anyone you know who may be interested.


I woke feeling so happy today, on this last day of the year, that I don’t feel ashamed of who I am or what I ought to do better. There is nothing nagging at me that I know I need to admit and change. This has been one of the most mentally and emotionally challenging years of my life so far, yet I wouldn’t change anything for the world. Every challenge and sacrifice I make for my family is a guide to what I need to heal in myself - and in doing that, we do it for the greatest good of all. We are all connected by one light, by shared frequency, and my peace is your peace ☮️ Every day is a day to continue as you mean to, or begin again and start as you mean to go on.
I will be offering Reiki attunments and teaching this year. Please suggest to likeminded friends to follow and enquire ♥️ with love xX


I’m so grateful to the land I walk in daily. It holds me firm in the cycles of the year, it knows my deepest secrets and hears my dreams - it holds space for the enormity of me whilst simultaneously reminding me I’m minute in this vast universe. Familiar landscape and nature draw us back to presence by showing us the little magic details of how the wind carved it over time, how the tiny wildflowers cling in hostile places, how the trees shed and rest, how we swing between the utter bare bones of winter and the exuberant flamboyance of spring. Spending grounded time in your homeland is one of our nutriments, it feeds us, guides us and brings us home deeper to ourselves. Give thanks in this quiet resting time of the year. With love ❤️


When we begin to recognise that our Ki energy is life itself, that we are made of this universal life force energy… and continue beyond our physical form; we can touch Eternity.

We all draw from this same eternal energy, therefore we can understand the inter connectedness of all beings. This concept is deeply rooted Buddhism and explains the Buddhist belief that there is ‘no birth and no death.’

Mikao Usui practiced Zen Buddhism and founded the system of Reiki from his practice.

Sit in stillness with yourself each day and practice the elements in the system of Reiki, there you will touch the eternal light within.
When we are in the divine space we always have enough. We are enough and we are endlessness. 💜


5 years ago today our beautiful, seemingly lively, still young and fit Mother, suddenly passed away - no pain, no warning, she just died instantaneously at the farm coffee break. She was here one minute then gone the next, like blowing out a candle.

In the years since this shock enveloped me I’ve developed, transformed and grown SO much. Thanks to the blessing that is the system of Reiki… without it I’d have not stopped still every day and sat in the eternal energy of our world, emptying myself into it every day, scattering my own particles out into the eternal source - which is what I see us doing when we meditate and channel healing energy.
When we merge with the energy and spaciousness around us, we sample the light of consciousness, we touch the concept of inter being. We can then understand the concept of energy being beyond our human form.
In this state of healing I am given this information to share with you. We are never gone. We exist in the energy of eternity. This is Ki, the Universal Life Force Energy from which all things are created.
Shift your consciousness from ‘doing’ Reiki, to ‘being’ Reiki.


An important part of The System of Reiki is its’ Attunment or initiation into the most effective channelling and use of naturally abundant Ki, or energy. Attunment happens when a master from the Reiki Lineage ‘blesses’ you with this energy and offers it to you like a summer shower on dry earth. A true Reiki Master will hold integrity over the lineage and teach you the correct use of the Reiki system 🌟

As I’ve grown as a Master Teacher, I’ve seen how much teaching I’ve missed receiving, and missed giving in my early classes. We are never masters and the practice will never reach an end and be ‘mastered.’ We are called Reiki Masters because that’s the Eastern tradition and is in respect of those who are committed to Zen practice. On social media and even in many books, you see a mixed up new age picture of Reiki, as a wellness or lifestyle activity, including and not limited to those other practices listed above. This is total nonsense. Reiki is not any of those other topics, they should not be the first thing people think of when we tell them we do Reiki.

Reiki is a practice of using all five elements in the system, to grow our inner bright light and empty ourselves of all the jumble we accumulate. Then we can be a pristine and ever- evolving channel for the light frequencies and healing vibrations of our universal energy.

I am open to finding affordable, accessible ways to help other busy, Reiki-curious people, learn this system. Contact me by DM to express an interest. Energy healing with the Reiki system is so simple, so powerful and totally life changing.


I tend to only post here on the timeline, when I receive clear teachings from the energy that I work with. This came to me as a strong lesson last week. I was on a walk alone by the river. I saw a lone swan in the morning light, the water was clear and as still as glass, ripples resonating from its gentle movement. The beauty of the scene caught my breath, sharpened my vision to bear witness to such natural phenomena. I’d barely taken one shallow breath before I reached to my right trouser pocket to pull out my iPhone for it’s camera, flicking open the screen and aiming it at this moment of wonder. In that instant the lesson was shown to me…as the act of pulling a hand gun from my waist holster and firing it at the swan in its’ gleaming, rippled, serene moment; was played out through my body in every cell, showing me replica of this act of violence, in what should have been a moment of mindful peace. Nobody needed to see that view but me. Just because I didn’t photograph it, it didn’t make it less powerful, interesting, pretty or meaningful. It didn’t matter that it got no likes and I didn’t get to look like a calm lifestyle person online! Because I didn’t take the picture I learnt from my divine guidance that I need to be present for more moments. Because the peace we seek is not anywhere else but here … now … in every breath.


This is Gassho - it forms a part of the system of Reiki. It is a part of the Japanese Zen Buddhist tradition, which is where Reiki has its roots, thanks to the diligent practice of Master Mikao Usui. We use this hand position not because we are ‘just praying,’ although channeling healing energy is an act of divine compassion. Gassho unites our two sides, it brings us together in the here and now, as a whole; honouring our non-dual nature. We sit in Gassho to begin our practice, finding centre and wholeness, then we begin the breathing exercises that form the very foundation of the system of Reiki - these practices assist us in opening up to interconnectedness and to our own ability to become the channel or vessel for healing energy to flow. We can feel the energy build in our Hara and then pouring from the palms of our hands - feeling them as a bowl of Reiki energy as we build resilience in this practice. When sitting in Gassho we relax the hands rather than press them into a flat palm position. In this way we can sit for longer through our breathing and through attunments. I am available for Reiki refresh requests and re-attunment if you feel your practice is shallow or lacks deeper understanding, or if you feel drawn to return to a practice. Course dates for level 1 and 2 will be coming soon too. It is time to return to sharing my practice with those who wish to begin or continue their own. 🌟 Remember, Reiki is not something we ‘do’ with others outside of ourselves, it is a commitment to practice within ourselves, which has the benefit of providing us with the ability to concentrate our compassion towards others should they have the intention to heal and receive these healing frequencies; which are abundant to us all.


During my healing practice I receive communication via clairvoyance and thought transfer… yep that might sound weird (!) …but I’m used to trusting the information I get now and can discern from what are just my thoughts and what are channelled to me by my teaching guides. There are times when I don’t go deep enough to receive and times when I know that what comes is a teaching wisdom that I must share. This was a strong vision I had recently, of myself being a fallen lion, too weary to carry myself home. I was carried on a makeshift stretcher by a group of people who I didn’t recognise to be the close friends or family that I’d have hoped would support me. Sometimes when we face extreme bouts of exhaustion, stress, grief and suffering, we notice that those who we thought were there for us and strong; are not actually able to sit with your suffering and hold you through without making it ‘better.’ You notice people fall away and often the greatest kindness comes from a wider village or even strangers or professionals who assist you on the periphery. Yes… times have been hard recently. I’m carrying so much for my family - yet I’ll be stronger than ever and I’ll know who is truly there and deserving of my strength and faithfulness.


When we are in a darker, heavy place, it’s easy to not notice the lights that guide us. When we hang onto our self healing practice through hard times we begin to see that we are not alone, we are guided and supported by divine presence. The healing energy and frequency is always a lantern in the dark valley.


When we sit in healing practice, allowing life force energy to flow through us, we amplify our connection to all that is around us. Our cellular frequency can begin to recognise that we are created and connected by like-energy. We can look at the grain of sand and the stars above and ponder it, intellectualise the concept of interconnectedness - but that can only bring a surface to the concept … the deeper recognition of inter being, comes when the eyes are closed and we break through the layer of thoughts, into space and timelessness. This is the divine realm where healing energy flows freely and we vibrate to the same frequencies as the planet and cosmos. In that space, information of this nature comes through cellular connection, beyond thought, beyond words. This is what the system of Reiki shows me when I give myself time in this space. I’ve been using the Healy frequency device for a few months too, on top of my Reiki practice… it’s wonderful but it doesn’t speak from divine wisdom like human generated energy healing does. I will explore it further. Interested to hear from any other energy healers who also use Healy. reikimasterteacher


It’s not always easy to keep the energy and focus up…we all experience times in life when we are under pressure…we can all have changeable moods and variable abilities to cope…we are all beings of light and we can all feel as though the lights are dim or even that they have gone out sometimes. One thing that’s for certain, even if the energy doesn’t feel like it’s flowing, even if you loose your daily practice…being in nature always helps. The natural world is charged with universal life force energy, it’s buzzing with Ki, it’ll restore us, ground us and help us find more threads to notice our interconnectedness.


When you commit to regular energy healing - of any sort - it begins to clear and reveal. Once stuff is revealed to you it is seen and felt. Give yourself time and space. ❤️


When in self-healing practice develop intention … I used to try and give specific intention, then my practice deepened to allow me to trust that I needed to stand out the way. By asking that a healing be for ‘your highest and greatest good’ shows a sincere trust in the energy and in the path it will take through your light body. Our ego wants to know and control what needs healing but in actual fact the frequencies will be directed by the electromagnetic charge of our body and aura. This attracts energy where it’s needed. In trusting the process, the clarity of light is refined in us and we become more interconnected to ourselves, our loved ones, community, work etc… we touch inter-being…this is when the healing of ourselves becomes an act of healing ‘for the greatest good of all.’ Our light goes with us in all we do and touches others in our wake 🌟


There gave not been many Reiki posts or insights recently…I normally only post on the feed when my guides bring me something to share. (My teaching is directly linked to being a student myself. ) I have been suspended in evolving space and holding space for others whom I care for full time. My care role is full time and always involves nights of broken sleep or little sleep at all. My energy has been so low that my daily practice has shortened and my ability to channel is much diminished. Prolonged stress really takes its toll on body, mind and spirit. However Healy is keeping me going and arrived in our lives at just the right time. I am running at least two programmes of frequency healing each day, for myself. It’s amazing how well I look and feel considering my stress and exhaustion. It feels like I’ve plugged myself back into a universal charger! I also vibrate the frequencies in quantum space to my son (who has ASD/PMLD) but he’s slow to respond …and to my daughter who is finding it very good for her CFS. I have recently shifted my whole daily pattern to make sure I can look after myself a little more in all this.💕 I am however still teaching Reiki level 2 on Saturday 17th June. Anyone want details? Dm if so.


New date available for level 2 Reiki training. This is an exciting and all encompassing level in the system of Reiki. It brings huge life shifts and personal healing. Let me know by DM if you’d like me to send you course details by email 🌸 #


If your own healing journey takes you towards a Reiki Master training and attunment, you’ll notice the subtle changes in the quality of the frequency of energy that surrounds you. You’ll feel it’s deeper peace and compassionate resonance. This energy is perfect for holding space when engaging in your healing work or in just being present with others in all aspects of life. Bring attuned to a new symbol doesn’t mean you are a Master, it doesn’t make you feel or resonate differently - to be a Reiki Master and cultivate this resonance you must work with the system of Reiki in your daily life, for the purpose of your self-healing and clearing first. A Reiki Master is one who commits to the practice. DM me for details if you’re interested in hearing more about Reiki Master Teacher training


That’s Saturday 20th May now available to anyone wanting to do their level 2 Reiki training with me - at my home in Whitchurch on Thames.


The high vibrations of energy that surround us all, are freely available to us - by practicing the system of Reiki we can easily tap into and channel these healing frequencies for ourselves and others. This energy is the natural life force of all of us, and all living things around us - the energy of inter-being…this is the frequency of loving compassion. Reiki is the energy of Love - you will know it like you know your dearest friend.


There is no need to go anywhere new to find the connection you crave, or to feel more expanded spiritually. There is nothing here on Instagram, or in a new book or film that will help you grow more powerful, compassionate, intuitive or wise. There is no other person who will complete you, heal you guide you and elevate you into light. You are whole and have all the gifts you need on board, you are always able to feel at home in a strong practice, the energy and light of the universe is in all of us and we can vibrate at a matching frequency 🌏 The greatest gift that Reiki has brought me is space and light - to sit and expand into the energy each day is what has shown me inter-being. We are all the same light 🌟 Set the intention to keep using the system for your self healing and each day you will come home.


Give yourself the gift of healing - being a healer of any modality requires showing up for yourself in the healing space. Be present with the energy and be still each day; practice. The way to more light is through closed eyes 🤩


Please share with anyone you may be feeling guided back to Reiki and their self healing journey. This is perfect for you if you feel like a re-set and need support and guidance through remembering the way back to your own light - the light of your true self. Re-learn the system of Reiki and bathe yourself in light. 🌟 I am a Reiki Master Teacher who teaches and attunes to the Usui system of Reiki. I do not water down my teachings in a New Age melting pot of ideas. This is for self-spiritual development, which will be for the greatest good of all.


I love being a Reiki Master-Teacher…because I can more deeply help people to live in balance, health and happiness. To give you the odd healing wouldn’t touch the sides - but to hold space for you to learn a daily practice of energy healing is a deep blessing. The system of Reiki guides us back home to ourselves, to the space, peace and light within us. This is what Reiki was always intended for, self spiritual development. We are not ‘doing’ Reiki, we ARE the light and energy 🌟 what we DO is the steps in the system of Reiki that bring us faith in the practice.


I’ve had a last minute cancellation and have 1 more place available at the lovely clinic space of Vamped in Wantage, for Reiki level 1 training this coming Saturday. DM for all enquires.


This beautiful analogy came through when I was giving healing to another healer recently; as a clairvoyant vision of hands made of amethyst and the message that in all a healer touches, they touch with these high vibrational hands - delivering compassionate action in all daily tasks. These beautiful crystals are unearthed from deep within the earth, and take on the light and resonance of all life energy - serving as a perfect piece of interconnectedness, reminding us that we are a part of all that is 🌎💜🔮💜🌎

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