Transformo Me Company

Transformo Me Company

Application and teaching techniques to heal stress, anxiety and depression.

Photos from Transformo Me Company's post 24/05/2024

🌞 A prosperidade e serenidade da Alma.
🌈 O Sentir da felecidade compartilhada.
💚 A emoção da realidade de um sonho, pensamento, tornado realidade.
🙏 As possibilidades infinitas do Universo.

Oito dias prósperos e abundantes na ilha paradisiaca Fernando de Noronha 🇧🇷 onde os aprendizados estiveram presentes, as lágrimas de felecidade e emoção.

Muitas conquistas!! 🦋 Com o método Tecnológico, Tranaformo Me, tudo se pode alcançar!!!

💞 Saudades ficam em cada um com quem troquei palavras, possibilidades e sonhos de um amanhã.melhor.

Profunda Gratidão!!! 💚🎯🕊



Sou o capitão do meu próprio destino ⚓💪 Decido conscientemente o que quero, estou no controle da minha vida! 🚘 Nada de ser conduzido por outros ou distrações. Eu decido! 🌞


💖 Receba 2024 de braços abertos, um ano que se apresenta repleto de oportunidades esperando por nós.


Liberte-se do passado, abrace a metamorfose do presente e transforme a ilusão de hohe na grandiosa realidade que você pode ser amanhã.


Reflete amor onde dói, pois é lá que começa a transformação. ✨💫 🔗🌀🌏


Descubra em qual escala vibracional voce está! Se estiver nos primeiros 200, venha comigo nessa jornada. Juntas, alcançaremos o topo da montanha. Chame-me no privado. ⭐ 🔗🌀🌏


Liberte-se do passado e voe em direção a um futuro mais leve e promissor. Descubra a leveza da transformação conosco. 💫


🦋 Transforme a energia do problema em combustível para sua superação. 💪🌞



Junte-se a mim com 5 curtidas para fortalecer a energia para o trabalho que farei amanhã.

O evento de amanhã é sobre desbloquear novos conhecimentos em sintonia com o portal 11/11.

Seu apoio significa o mundo para mim - obrigado! 💚🌞🦋


Explorando novos horizontes 🌏✈ A vida é uma jornada incrível, e cada lugar que visitei moldou quem sou hoje. 🙌


⭐ Desperte sua força interior e aumente sua autoconfiança com o Transformo Me Bem-Estar!

💪 Nao importa o que aconteceu no passado, o que impirta é como você se transformou.

💌 Se você está pronto para assumir o controle do seu bem-estar, envie-me uma mensagem e vamos embarcar juntos nesta jornada.


😃 Abrace o amor próprio diáriamente! Conecte-se com sua energia interior e veja seu ego se transformar em autocompaixão e amor.💖💫


A vida é uma jornada cheia de altos e baixos, e em cada revés, há uma oportunidade de aprendizado e crescimento. 🌱 Quando encaramis nossos problemas de frente e buscamos maneiras de resolvê-los, estamos investingo em nosso desenvolvimento oessoal. Ter confiança em nossa capacidade, como em crianças, de encontrar soluções nos impulsiona a agir de forma proativa e pesistente, transformando os obstáculos em degraus para o nosso sucesso. 💫 Todos somos capazes de enfrentar nossos desafios, e essa confiança é a chave para alcançar nossos objectivos e viver uma vida plena e realizada.

📌 Se quer ajuda para supwrar dssafios e crescer pessoalmente, agende 15 min de conversa privada. É uma chance de contribuur para sua jornada de bem-estar. Aguardo o seu contato para caminharmos juntos rumo ao seu melhor eu!



💔 Acredite: 💖 Tudo o que é ruim é falta de amor. Para evoluir, é necessârio 💕 Amor. Às vezes, a ausência desse sentimento nos leva a escolhas menos acertadas e nos impede de enxergar a verdadeira beleza da vida. Sejamos luz que preenche os vazios, cultivando amor e compaixão em nosso caminho.


Quando queremos descançar com sol, praia dw água salgada, procuramos o melhor! A Riu resort hotel! Gratidão por estar aqui hoje. Os dias se aproximando ao meu aniversario. Gratidão!


Vista da Baiada Ilha do Governador - lindocom seu pôr do Sol encantador.



Are you feeling anxious and stressed at work, experiencing low performance, or struggling with your finances?

If you're dissatisfied and discouraged with your life, you might benefit from the innovative Aura Master method. This approach can help you feel lighter, boost your energy, reduce stress, and unlock your prosperity.

I'm hosting a free, live online event on 4th May 2023 at 9:30pm (London time)
Join the WhatsApp group for more information on how to participate (the link will only be available for a limited time.)

I will see you there!
Carla Nogueira 💚🎯🕊


We'll be live on Instagram to launch the Aura Master method, which improves individual wellbeing and the company communications with employees, suppliers, and customers, as well as having better results in sales, lower employment absenteeism, and having more harmonious and richer work environment.

Carla Nogueira ( ) in partnership with Marina Barros ( ) translated the Aura Master book into English, and it is now accessible in English to individuals and groups to achieve results in 35 minutes or less; business results are achieved in two months or less.

We are talking with Vanessa Montenegro ( ), one of the first certified consultant, about this technique that changed her life. And Danielly Fagern ( ) who has been working with business to accomplish their goals faster.

This technology technique was created in 2018 by Bruno Gimenes () in partnership with Patricia Candido (.candido ).

Come and join us at this event that will leave you speechless!

Follow us and share this article if you're curious to learn more.


Saluton!| Hello!

What are the three tips that you use to overcome anxiety?
Do you rely on lengthy traditional Medicine relying on tablets, absenteeism, exercise?
Are you in a hurry to feel better and happy again?

We selected the three As for you: Atma Healing, Aura Master and Affirmations.

By being brave today, you shall sparkle tomorrow!
One technology method is sufficient to free you from anxiety feelings and understand you are not the victim. There aren't any one to blame. There are only resolutions to take!

Just for today, chose FREEDOM!
Write 'I do' in the comments below if you chose to be brave today😍
Save this post to return to it when you need it👩‍🦰
Share it with a friend who you know needs to be BRAVE today.🌺

Visit the Bio(perfil) for assistance - the 3 AAA solution is HERE!🙌.
We are here to help you to be everything you want to be and much more!




Irina has conquered depression and she is now living a happy live. Because she was strong and called Transformo Me!

How about you?

If your pain is severe and nothing else works (including medication), you are ready to try anything. Taking the first step towards recovery is the hardest.

Are you ready to start your treatment with a technology therapy to decrease your levels of stress, anxiety, burnout, depression? and be part of the group who is now living a happy life?

Are you prepared to begin using technology therapy to lower your stress, anxiety, burnout, and depression levels? and join the community of people who are currently enjoying their lives?

If so, click on the Bio (profile) to get in touch with the group that on 10th March will try Aura Master, a technology therapy that has helped countless individuals regain their emotional and psychological well-being.

We are waiting for you



Today we bring you a testimony from Fernanda, age 37.

Her symptoms were: headaches, tiredness, dull voice, IBS, unbalances emotions due to pandemic. Her life score was 5/10

She wishes to have more energy, emotions balanced. She wishes to be a wife and a mum.

After TWO Aura Master (energy healing) technique treatments within a 2 weeks she saw a BIG improvement. She felt energetic, alert and a clear mind. She was sleeping better too.

After FOUR Aura Master treatment her overall life score become 7/10.

Save this post. Fernanda's testimony is one of many.


! 🍫


Are you feeling stress, anxious or depressed?
Are you experiencing a burnout or a feeling that everything in life is too much for you?
Did you receive a diagnostic with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)?

Atma Healing sessions handle these issues as well as others.

Because Atma Healing focuses on emotional recovery, it is a brand-new, easy-to-use, natural therapeutic approach that produces quick results in all facets of your life. It shows you how to make the calming power of your soul manifest.

It is a comprehensive technique that emphasises the interrelationship between the body, mind, and soul in order to naturally balance emotional energy.

The advanced level of the natural healing method is the Atma Healing Method. In the womb traumas, early traumas, emotional blockages, the way the mind and energy field work, and—most importantly—the emotional healing process can all be cleared.

We will fully analyze and diagnose Emotional Distress Patterns during the session and determine which aspects of your life are being impacted.

With the help of Atma healing, you can live a life filled with health, wealth, and happiness.

Click the link in my bio to send me a message to learn more about this new, easy, and therapeutic method. It will be the wisest choice you've ever made!

Like this post if you want to get over the emotional scars that are preventing you from being content and happy right now.

! !
! 🍫



What are the categories that I can control in my personal life?.. my health & intellectual life .. my emotional life.. my character.. my Spiritual life

How about you? While you are in pain with anxiety, stress, burnout, depression symptoms, who do you allow to control your life?

Share your thoughts with us
Save the post to review it later.



Every day, I say: If I can imagine, then I can attract.
How about you?

Share with us the positive techniques you use to remain positive throughout the day.



Today I choose... to start my day with a smile, because it only takes a few seconds and it makes me happier and more productive.

Chose well, just for today.

Like and share. You w ill make someone happy today.



How would you live your life if you knew that failure was impossible?

We are living proof that when you love yourself, you can achieve everything you dream of.

Double Tap if you found it valuable
If this is helpful save this post.

! !
🍫 🧠

Photos from Transformo Me Company's post 19/02/2023


I choose to be happy right now. There is no tomorrow. It is today the day, I chose!

My past is no longer a source of pain for me, because I am selfish and I forgive!

When I forgive, my vibration increases and helps me achieve whatever goal it is that I want to achieve in life.

Share this post to your stories.
Like this post if you can relate.
Save this in case you need it for later.

! !
🍫 🧠



Do you have strong migraines? Chest pain? Stomach cramps and pain?
Do you suffer from tense muscles?

Do you wish to feel at PEACE while at work?
Do you wish to have better work and personal relationships?

Transformo Me is here to help you!

A non-intrusive technique, now available in ENGLISH, has helped several clients to live a better quality of life. Why don't you send us a message to find out more?

! !
🍫 🧠


Meet Amandine. She chose to undergo Transformo Me treatment, which gave her great results.

Share this with someone you know.
Tag someone that needs it.




What do you want to accomplish today?
What is one thing you could change to move towards greater happiness?

Share this with someone you know.
Tag someone that needs it.

! !
🍫 🧠

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Saluton!| Hello!What are the three tips that you use to overcome anxiety?Do you rely on lengthy traditional Medicine rel...
Saluton!Irina has conquered depression and she is now living a happy live. Because she was strong and called Transformo ...
Saluton!What are the categories that I can control in my personal life?... my health & intellectual life .....





Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 3am
Wednesday 10am - 3am
Thursday 10am - 3am