Yoga At Play

Yoga At Play

Informal and friendly Hatha yoga classes by qualified yoga teacher. 500 hour course with British Wheel of Yoga and 200 hour with Sivananda Yoga, India.

I offer live classes in Medway area and online. Lets share the love!


Hello Power Houses!

I went up to that there London Town on Saturday to see the new complex in and around Battersea Power Station. I had spent years commuting by the building always wanting a nose.

An Icon...
At the height of its power, Battersea was providing energy for a 5th of London including the Houses of Parliament, the BBC and Buckingham Palace. The plumes of smoke from the chimneys were used as a navigation point for both the RAF and the Luftwaffe. The building became an unmistakable view of the London skyline. It's statuesque chimneys began to feature in popular culture adding film/music star to its list of credentials. It was decommissioned in 1983. It's inside were gutted and ripped out, but still the building maintained quiet dignity, waiting, always ready for re-invention, re-generation. Even in its derelict state it was still a commanding national icon.

Battersea Power Station is now 95 years old - a good innings in human life span. It has experienced success and redundancy and waited patiently for change that was always coming. Now it has come back to life with fancy shops, restaurants, bars, cinema and theatre. Its re-generation has taken 10 years of planning, collaboration, hard work and support.

Ever Growing...
Why am I talking about this? Because happens to us and with that change comes the possibility of re-growth. We can be open to learning, to new ways of thinking, acting, communicating. We can tread new paths. We can re-generate. Interestingly (well I thought so...) the word 're-generation' was originally spiritual, from Old French 'regeneracion' and directly from Late Latin 'regenerationem' (nomintive regeneratio) meaning "a being born again".

Like the Power Station, we will be and by life. Perhaps sometimes it will feel as if our insides have been ripped out. But still change continues and we will always have the opportunity to be 'born again'. I'm just suggesting that we could consider to try and influence that change. Perhaps we could also plan, collaborate and take support to regenerate to a version of us that understands more, that has an awareness of the crazy world we live in and develop a compassion to match. I'm going to to give it ago again. Even if it is just the planning stage...

If you think you might want support and collaboration to find new ways of navigating the world come join be for a yoga class.

Big love

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This is not a test...

When I teach yoga I sometimes say the Sanskrit names for postures but I always back it up in English as well. Also, those Sanskrit words are not being pulled from memory - I've written them down beforehand. I'm not a Sanskrit scholar - I barely manage English!

When you are practicing yoga asanas there is no test. There is no past, future perfect, imperfect, pluperfect tense for you to worry about. No stars given, no plus marks, no badges, no belts (what??? I want a present!!!). The rewards are for you alone to enjoy.

The Change...

I say that but actually as you begin to enjoy the benefits of your yoga practice, there will be a subtle change in you. You will be more relaxed, happier. Those around you will start to benefit too from a more present, more relaxed, happy you. And when we spend time in this brighter place, we naturally start to feel more love. And if we notice that love, we can let it grow and spread it around a bit. Kindness and compassion for ourselves overflows and we can allow it to flow to others. Awesome.

You thinking a happier, more relaxed, more present you might be your thing? Drop me a message and lets chat!

Big love
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Do you relate to this fella? The stiff feeling, a head of steam building up?

If the answer is a "sort of" or a full on "yes" I think it is time you paid me visit!

It doesn't have to like this! You can find as easier state of mind and body if you just give yourself the gift of time - a heart shaped fob watch (Oz reference!) or 90 minutes out of your week to spend in a yoga class. In the yoga classes we leave our worries at the door and focus on our body and breath. We move the body nice and easy - almost as if we are oiling the joints and helping them run smooth again. There is a bit strength work, it is always good to encourage the muscles to take the strain rather than our skeletal frame and then a well deserved 15 minute guided relaxation reminding you what being chilled out feels like again!

I think is what you need and deserve! You can message me for details, email me at [email protected] or even better just turn up!


I like to believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden. A bit of magic and mystery is fine by me. On this note I thought I would share with you my Beatles theory....

How can 4 people, form a band for 10 years, recording only for 8 years, achieve so much? The volume, quality and musical progression of the work is breath taking. How can this be? Very clearly the answer is Re-incarnation! They met in previous lives! Maybe as Sufi musicians in the time of Rumi, again as travelling minstrels hanging with Shakespeare, once more huddled together in the orchestra pit at the premier of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. Paul did sing, "Back in the USSR"! I rest my case…!

The idea of birth, death and re-birth, Samsara, exists in Buddhism, Hinduism and many other traditions. We build on our good deeds over many lifetimes/spins of the Wheel, sometimes gaining spins if we are a bit rubbish, sometimes knocking off a few spins if we are really nice! And then eventually after many lifetimes we get sucked into the stream of Nirvana Bliss, float around in the Cosmos and all is groovy! Or something like that. I have a couple of thousand Spins of the Wheel left so I can re-fine my knowledge on Samsara and other philosophical points along the way!

However, jumping back to musicians and other artists. My creative friends inform me that as they create, the rest of the world falls away as they move into a single point of focus (Dharana) and perhaps absorbed further into meditative state (Dhyana).

If you think you might like to practice a single point of focus, a more meditative state of mind – try coming along to a yoga class. Mine or someone else’s. It is only going to benefit you and your journey on the Samaric Wheel massively. It’s time to get involved.

Big love

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Anyone else watching Wim Hof - Freeze the Fear on BBC? Wim Hof shows the celebrities the power of cold therapy and the power of the breath - episode 2 was particularly interesting and I'm looking forward to the next episodes.

As always we will practice our breath work ( amore slow and steady approach) in the yoga class, working to control and direct the breath along with our physical practice. This is the last week of Virabhadrasana III - our Warrior’s arrow so bring blocks if you have them.

Big Love
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Did you over indulge? It is hard not to go crazy on a bank holiday weekend and then they throw chocolate into the mix... If you need to find your centre again, rebalance and breathe nice and easy come and get involved in a yoga class.


Classes again for this week. There are online classes this Friday and Saturday morning but there will be no classes next Monday as it is Bank Holiday.

And if you are getting involved in Chocolate this Easter (And every other day of the year to be honest) make it Fairtrade!


Got a new pose to play with this month! And it is getting warmer - hurrah! Soon we will be able to rock up to the yoga classes in our sandals!

You want to play too? Drop me a message


You know those negative emotions that we very rarely, occasionally, practically never, feel: anger; anxiety; jealousy; sadness etc? How do you deal with them? Do you run with them and become a slave to their crazy? Clench your jaw, swallow that emotion down into the pit of your stomach and let it settle/fester, sure it will eventually work its way through?

What about trying a different tactic? Rather than letting the emotion take you over, just gently allow it in. Treat them as a guest! “Sit down Anger, let me get you a cup of tea”, “Ahh Mr Sadness - make yourself at home”, “Anxiety! No need to stand on occasion!" Feel free to give these emotions shapes, sizes, colours, moustaches! Accept the emotion with kindness and humour, after all this is part and parcel of the human experience.

The thing is these emotions don’t need to rule us. When you see emotions as a guest, and not your actual self, you create a little bit of space. With this space comes acceptance, unattachment to the emotion. By accepting we don't endorse them, we just accept. And with this acceptance those emotions become a little smaller, less overwhelming. You become the observer of the emotion rather than the participant. And that then makes you super cool and who doesn’t want that?

If you thought that as well as treating your emotions as a guest, you might like to get them out of the house for a few hours you could do worse that to come along to one of my yoga classes. You will find me teaching at St Peters Delce Road Rochester, St Mary's Island Chatham and Rainham. Or in your living room!


It's a new week. Release the yoga classes! 🥳🥳🥳

You want in? Drop me a message.


I was having the chat the other day with the Rochester yoga crew before class starts, bemoaning my continual struggle with the concept that no one is all good all the time and no one is all bad all the time. My little brain doesn't want to be continually challenged and pushed to re-evaluate the good the bad and the ugly. Whether it is family, friends of famous personalities, I just want the people I like to always be spot on. Is that too much to ask? The lovely Lady Carol of the Rochester Crew commented that in her childhood it was easy. The old westerns would show who was right and who was wrong. The good guys wore white cowboy hats, and the bad guys wore black cowboy hats (and those that wore pink cowboy hats were on a hen party).

If you want to take time out from re-evaluating and getting back in contact with your inner balance you can find me teaching in Rochester, St Mary's Island and Rainham. Or in your living room!

(Pic: Clint Eastwood wearing a hat that is neither black or white which given his gun tooting ways is probably correct!)

Photos from Yoga At Play's post 05/10/2021

This isn't the most high flyng of birds, but I am pretty impressed with my first crack at Eka Pada Galavasana (flying pigeon pose). The month previous practicing and teaching Chaturanga Dandasana (four limbed staff pose) came in handy for me.

Nice one to for this optional challenge at the end of the morning session.

And just putting it out there - I'm not practicing Aparigraha (non attachment) as I am pleased with myself but I did practice Ahimsa as I didn't do myself a mischief!

Photos from Yoga At Play's post 21/09/2021

What happens when taking a selfie after running and the sweat you created runs into your eye! Combined with mascara on the cheek this is another fine look from me! Can't believe I have run over 50 miles for and have less than 21 to go. That is less than the Channel Crossing.

Ankle is sore but strapped thanks , face is glowing but think i might make it. I'm taking more days off and hoping to dig deep and do longer runs. When I say longer I mean 4 miles rather than 3 maybe a crazy 5...hahaha

You can still chuck the coins into support refugees.


I'm over half way!!! I've run 41 miles out of 72 for Can't believe I've managed that. With your continued support and encouragement I might just make the 72!

I think it sort of helps that I am teaching chaturanga Dandasana at the moment. Developing inner strength, will power and stoking that fire. Or maybe the "sweet discomfort" from that is just distracting me...

Photos from Yoga At Play's post 11/09/2021

This is the victory stance of someone who ran 5 miles without stopping or being sick as part of

The old running malarkey hasn't got any easier. When does it get easier?

Link to sponsor me and make my efforts worthwhile in bio


New yoga class starting. I promise that the breathing practice will be the cooling breath (Sheetali Pranayama), our inbuilt air conditioning! Join me at St Peters Church Hall, Delce Road, Rochester from 7pm for 90 minutes.


Happy Sunday! If you want to make Monday mornings happy too please come along to my new yoga class at Rochester Quaker Meeting House, Northgate, ME1 1LS. Class time is 10:00 - 11:15 am so you can still get out on to Rochester High Street for your morning coffee! Win-Win! Price is £8. Beginners and regular practioners welcome. Contact me at [email protected] or msg or rock up!

Hope to see you on the mat!


Let me in! Can't wait for Thursday evening when I return to my own yoga home! St Peter's in Delce Road was where I started by regular yoga practice with .uk - awesome! I went to be me a British Wheel Of Yoga teacher myself and Megan has now gifted me her class.

This Thursday 8pm - join me and the other cool kids as we take 90 minutes to turn off, tune out and drop into ourselves!


The kindness Experiment! A little programme in BbC Radio 4 about kindness and how in benefits you as well as others. This is yoga off the mat - Yoga in Action! Think it is running all week. copy this link to listen. An engaged smile counts, a hi how are you or even buying a coffee for a stranger in the queue as suggested by friend and fellow yogi

Feeling focused ready to pounce with kindness! Oh those poor people of Medway... thanks for bringing to my attention Jules! If you give or share an act of kindness let me know - I could do with more ideas!


Lovely class this evening in Rainham. Thank you so much for coming out this evening and shifting the energy with me. So good that you all surprised yourselves with your Salabasana Variation. Hope you spend the week carrying on the feeling rejuvenation, open hearts and a youthful spine! # # #

Photos from Yoga At Play's post 20/06/2021

Fun . Just back from a wonderful yoga retreat with the phenomenal yoga teacher/teacher trainer/avatar that is Zoe Knott

So wonderful to spend time with my teacher and some of my fellow teachers. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Pictures of friends, food and obligatory yoga pose.

I didn't take any of the pictures which is why I am in most of them!



Thursday night relaxation class starts tomorrow (Thursday) 8pm for one hour. No yoga experience required.

Benefits of Relaxation:
1)Research is unanimously in favour of relaxation for maintanence for a healthy heart.
2)Boosts your memory. A number of studies have also found that stress increases the amount of certain proteins in the brain that have been linked to Alzheimer's.
3)Lowers risks of stroke
4)Can keep you slim. If you are more relaxed you don't turn to food and drink for comfort
5)I also think that it keeps you feeling and looking younger but that is just my gut feeling!

Email me for details [email protected]


Release The Pressure…

So the big news is a new online class is a-comin'. This class is about practicing being chilled out. The class is an hour long on a Thursday evening 8 - 9pm (Lets face it - the weekend starts on Thursdays!). 30 minutes will be spent just moving the body all nice and easy and then 30 minutes in relaxation. I recommend blankets, possibly a cushion for relaxation, easy lighting and maybe an incense stick to nice it all up for yourself. If you are wondering, PJ's are a great look! Can't wait to see you online as we take up residence in the chill out zone starting Thursday 6th May. Feel free to pass info on to family and friends that can do with the down time. Check web class times for details get in touch if you want in!

Be Kind… (

This life marlarky is still tough isn't it? Kids - we are experiencing extraordinary times. History books will be written about this, Hollywood will make films, BBC Dramas will be made. But we are living it right now in this moment. I am informing you that you cannot be kind enough to yourself. You cannot treat yourself compassionately enough. You cannot show yourself enough love. I want you to treat yourself as if you were looking after and comforting, cheer-leading your child self. Tell them how brilliant they are and how well they are doing at this time. Then put on your big warrior pants and take this love, understanding and compassion to everyone. Think of everyone as children trying to find their way in the big new school - getting it wrong but still trying and learning or hoping no one noticed when they make a mistake.

Get in touch probably best emailing me [email protected]

Big Love
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Wanna Be Starting Something....

So what is stopping you from starting your Yoga Journey? Are you thinking you should have started (or kept it up), years ago? Is it because everyone is going to be better than you? Is it because you aren't flexible?

I've got good news! No one is going to be as totally brilliant as you are practicing yoga asanas in your body! Only you can ace it because it is your body. None of us are the same. Whilst you might be able to hold plank pose for a couple of minutes, I will be very red faced and shaky and have to rest before the one-minute mark. I can interlace my hands behind my back, you might use a belt because you haven't got 'selfie' arms. Do you get me? We are all at different places in life. Older, younger, different limb lengths, tall, short, thin, large. When you practice yoga - you ace it.

Do you want some of this good stuff? Come along then. We can smash this together. If you want to start your yoga practice or get back on the wagon I'm here for the chat. We can have a talk first if that helps. I love the chat!

Dates for
April AM/PM Time Duration
Tue 6th AM 9:15-10:00 45 minutes
Tue 6th PM 8:00-9:30 90 minutes
Thur 8th AM 6:45-7:30 45 minutes
Thur 8th AM 7:45-8:45 60 minutes
Fri 9th AM 9:15-10:00 45 minutes
Fri 9th PM 6:00-7:00 60 minutes
Sat 27th AM 9:15-10:15 60 minutes

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