The Wellness Programme

I teach people how to resolve chronic symptoms at a root cause level using detoxification

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 16/08/2024

I spent so long collecting up all the information I came across.

Books, courses, Instagram posts, videos…

And whilst it helped me FEEL more empowered, it didn’t actually do much for helping me heal.

See, I only had small pieces of the puzzle. I wasn’t able to use all of this information in a way that made it easy to implement.

Not to mention how some of the information was incredibly conflicting. Without being able to zoom out and see the bigger picture, it was impossible to decipher between fact and fiction.

I was going round in circles.

Eventually, I took a leap of faith and found a practitioner that helped me connect the dots.

It was the most freeing experience because after years of searching, everything finally made sense.

And I went from strength to strength.

Since then, I’ve gone on to build out the most comprehensive root cause healing programme.

We leave no stone unturned.

Ready to heal? Then we’re ready to help! 🙌🏻

2 spots left commencing the 2nd of September. This is the last intake for 2024. Don’t miss it.

DM the word “READY” to learn more ❤️

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 15/08/2024

I see so many accounts justifying certain unhealthy foods in moderation and preaching balance… yet are happy to demonise oxalates, found in natural, whole foods.

Make it make sense.

If a food is found in nature and is completely unaltered, then it’s not a food problem. Like in this case, it’s a microbiome problem.

That is often the case with any type of negative food reaction and sensitivity.

When we focus on the foods, we end up restricting our diet further and further. This is not the way. This is not root cause.

The better question is why we’re reacting to natural whole foods? Which is where a gut healing programme will be transformational.

Gut healing is one of the key areas we focus on in all of our programmes, because it’s integral for good health.

All disease starts in the gut after all…

Struggling with intolerances and sensitivities?

Comment the word “HELP” below and we’ll reach out ❤️

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 12/08/2024

It’s not easy but it’s SO worth it!

What. A. Journey 🚀

Nothing will help you grow and evolve like a healing journey will, let me tell you.

You’ll come out stronger, more resilient and living more aligned than ever before.

You turn your greatest struggle into your greatest blessing and realise your symptoms were a gift after all.

Do any of these resonate?
Are you staying stuck somewhere?

If you’re ready to heal and you want help ensuring your healing approach is fully holistic and root cause, we have a few more spots left on the wellness programme commencing the 2nd of September.

DM me the word READY if you’d like all the info ❤️

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 08/08/2024

Your health is truly in your hands.

In The Wellness Programme we give our clients the knowledge, tools and support to help them implement the nutritional changes, lifestyle factors, detox protocols, nervous system tools and everything else they need, to change their gene expression.

This results in client’s symptoms disappearing.

Clients who were unable to conceive finally getting (and staying) pregnant.

Auto immune diagnosis dropped.

Chronic health issues GONE.

This is the power of epigenetics and becoming a self healer 🙏🏻

In the age of information, discovering how to heal is entirely possible. The main thing holding you back in your health is making that all important decision to show up for yourself and do the work. It’s never been more important.

Ready to uplevel your health? It all starts with a decision to invest in yourself and believe you deserve better ❤️

DM the word “READY” for more information. We’re looking to take a small group though the programme commencing the 1st of September. Limited spots available ✉️

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 07/08/2024

The more time I spend in the countryside, the more I crave it.

The less aligned it feels to be immersed within society.

There’s something incredibly nourishing about spending slow days walking bare foot in open space, connecting to the earth.

Tending to plants and vegetables. Picking fruit from the trees. Cycling through country lanes with nothing but fields for miles as the view.

We spent the weekend in Suffolk. We stayed in one building & my parents stayed next door. My daughter had total freedom to go between the two properties as & when she pleased.

She loved being able to explore. She enjoyed running round the grounds with my parent’s dog. She felt so content having her grandparents right there the entire time. To play games, pop and say hello & just to know they were only a few feet away.

This is how it used to be. Everyone together. Having a village. All helping out with the tasks, making meals, raising children… a simple life & an easier life.

Now we’re all trying to do it alone. Live alone. Raise kids alone. Do every chore alone. Pay all the bills alone. And it’s so incredibly hard.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

When it was time to go home, my daughter was most sad that she would no longer have her grandparents nextdoor. She said all she wanted for us all to be together, all the time.

Children get it. They already know what’s most important. They carry so much wisdom in those young hearts & we can learn so much.

I’m fortunate that I can work from anywhere. It makes most things a possibility & I’m now thinking about what a happy, content life for my family looks like.

But I’m also thinking about others who have this yearning too.

If you’re stuck in a job & you want freedom to work from anywhere & have the door open for other possibilities, like escaping to the countryside 😍 then I have something exciting to share…

In a few months time, I will be launching a course for people who want to train as a detox coach. This will give you everything you need to help people root cause heal through the power of detoxification 🔥

If you’re interested in learning more about this, message me the word COACH ❤️


As some of you may know, I don’t encourage coffee consumption. There’s many reasons but just a few are;

• that urge for the toilet you feel after your coffee, is your body trying to eject what it considers to be poison
• it’s inflammatory to the body
• long term use can lead to adrenal fatigue, caused by an over stimulation of our adrenal glands
• it’s highly acidic which irritates the gut lining
• it’s full of mould and heavy metals (decaf is even worse for this)
• it increases anxiety and nervousness
• it’s the most highly sprayed crop in the world with pesticides

With that said, I enjoy an iced latte in the summer and here’s how 🙌🏻🙌🏻

1/4 glass ice cubes or crushed ice
2 tbsp organic chicory root powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
1/3 glass coconut milk
Topped up with filtered water

Not only is this quick and easy to make, whilst tasting delicious but it’s also improving your health!

Chicory root is beneficial for our kidneys, cinnamon powder is high in antioxidants and coconut milk is the healthiest plant milk. You could also use raw milk if you tolerate it, then you’re reeeeeally getting yourself a nutritious drink 😍🤤

Who’s giving this a try this summer? 😎👇🏻

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 22/07/2024

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are recommended folic acid BUT, are they also made aware of the risks?


Probably not…

This is something I always explain to my clients who I’m helping TTC or supporting with a healthy pregnancy.

And sadly, this is just one of the many areas in pre-conception, pregnancy and postpartum that women are misled.

Folic acid is now being linked to tongue ties in babies, likely in those mothers who have the MTHFR gene mutation. Given there is no testing for this gene prior to giving this blanket advice, it is causing problems for many women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or supplementing for any reason.

Many women have experienced repeat miscarriages due to taking a prenatal product with folic acid and have been completely unaware. This information needs to reach more women, especially those with fertility issues.

This is just one of many examples where our journey to motherhood can be sabotaged 😔

If you’ve been TTC without success or are experiencing miscarriages, reach out as I can help ❤️


How to make water more hydrating?

Isn’t water in itself hydrating?

Well yes, but hydration comes down to how much we actually ABSORB.

Not all water is the same.

Structured water is easier for the body to assimilate, because molecules do not remain side by side as
isolated entities but instead gather in ‘masses,’ of varying sizes.

If the molecules form large masses, then
the water becomes less fluid and is harder to assimilate.

A highly structured water is water that consists of small masses of water molecules and thus is very
fluid. It divides and disperses easily.

Because of the reduced size of the molecule masses, the water can cross through cell membranes and mucous membranes, such as those in the digestive tract, easily and rapidly.

So what makes water structured? The presence of trace elements, just like those that occur naturally in
water. It is around these trace elements that the masses of water molecules form.

The problem is, because of the toxins present in tap water, many of us opt for distilling our water or using reverse osmosis.

To structure this water we simply need to add trace minerals, such as by adding sea salt.

Adding unrefined salt to water will both alkalinise and structure the water, making it significantly more hydrating, while also increasing its healthful benefits.

Depending on your goals, a small dash of salt is sufficient to structure the water.

To create a therapeutic highly structured alkaline water for a short-term cleanse, you can add up to a teaspoon per quart of distilled or purified water.

Do you structure your water?

Did you know this? 👇🏻

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 08/07/2024

Struggling to lose weight?

Have you been endlessly restricting your calories and exercising well, yet the weight will not budge?

This is often the case for our clients before they start the detox work.

Reducing internal toxicity is the secret sauce that sees the fat start to melt away in a healthy and sustainable way — because it addresses the root cause.

Take a look at how internal toxicity can lead to stubborn weight and weight gain ☝🏻

Written by our head coach 🖊️

For the full article, DM me the word “BLOG” and I’ll send you the link ❤️


Root cause healing is always multi-faceted.

Cystic acne always has a toxicity component —> sluggish bowels, an overwhelmed liver, parasitic overgrowth and a clogged lymph.

That’s why these measures worked so well! ☝🏻

Want to learn more about how to root cause heal?

Watch my free workshop and I’ll walk you through it 🙌🏻

Comment the word CANDIDA and I’ll send you the link.

Have you tried these approaches yet?


3 hours left to join 😱😱😱

And then doors close until January.

I don’t want you to miss the opportunity if you’re looking to root cause heal your chronic symptoms.

Access the support, guidance, tools, education, community and experts you need, to finally take back your health 🔥

We’re down to the wire now and I’m BUZZING for my first coaching call on Monday with all of the amazing members! 😍

And I’m even more excited for all of the incredible testimonials we’ll be creating over the coming months 🙌🏻🙌🏻

Check out the highlight reels on my page to see all of the insaaaaane changes we’ve helped our existing members achieve already 👏🏻❤️

This really is the LAST CALL 📢

If you’re serious about healing your chronic symptoms — for good — DM me for the link to and let’s start healing ✨✨✨


If you want to address mould in the body, the order is crucial.

This is how you can recover your health that has been sabotaged by mould.

Of course, you must remove the exposure but assuming you have done that, this is how you approach removing mould from the body.

Far too many people go straight into tackling the mould. That is not the way. This will get you caught up in a killing cycle.

Remember, when you tackle mould/parasites/Candida/etc they must have an exit route. This is why we open the detox pathway first.

When it comes to mould, this hides IN parasites — so we must also address the parasites.

Colon —> kidneys —> liver —> parasites —> metals —> mould

Ever wondered why some people are less affected by mould than others? We are pretty much all exposed at some point.

The people less affected have these pathways opened or functioning better. They don’t have gene mutations that hinder their detox ability.

But also other factors like how much stress we’re under. How we handle emotions. How regulated we are. What our diet is like. Etc. There’s always a number of factors that influence our susceptibility.

But opening your key pathway will help no end and also be key to addressing mould and expelling this from your body.

Struggling with mould? Join us in The Detox Academy and we’ll guide you though it. Doors close TONIGHT.

DM me for the link 🌟

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 25/06/2024

When we focus on only one healing modality, we are not taking into consideration that the body works as a whole.

Everything is interconnected.

Many people implement detox without considering any deficiencies they may have. This leads to depletion.

Many people try to heal their gut but don’t consider that their nervous system is in a state of dysregulation and their digestion is switched off.

Many people will implement the regulation tools but don’t move out the physical toxins, parasites and metals.

Then there’s diet, lifestyle, beliefs, sleep and all of the other factors that influence our health.

To address the various areas, I had to work with lots of practitioners and enrol in countless courses and programmes. It was time consuming, expensive and not as effective.

That’s why I’ve brought this all under one roof, to give you the tools, education and support you need to address your chronic symptoms holistically and at the root cause.

Doors to The Detox Academy will be opening… TODAY 👀

To be the first to know, send me a DM and I’ll get the information over to you 🙌🏻❤️

I am SO excited to enrol the next group of members and help them transform their health 😍

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 22/06/2024


My book had ranked #1 in 3 categories; nutrition, personal health, and diseases & disorders 🙌🏻

This is a complete PINCH ME moment 😱😍

This book is for anyone who has chronic symptoms, of ANY kind — bloating/gas, fatigue, skin issues, chronic pain, fertility problems, etc. I will walk you through the blueprint I use to help my clients heal from their health issues 🤗

My book is on promotion for another 24h so please take advantage of the current price.

And THANK YOU all for your support 🥹🫶🏻

Here’s the link:

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 22/06/2024


My book had ranked #1 in 3 categories; nutrition, personal health, and diseases & disorders 🙌🏻

This is a complete PINCH ME moment 😱😍

And a testament to what can happen when you bet on yourself 🥹

I walked away from the medical system to discover how to heal myself.

I walked away from a successful corporate career to build a business.

I walked away from the system to birth on MY terms & get the birth I wanted.

I was able to walk away from these things because I was willing to bet on myself & in doing so, I’ve been able to create a life by design 🙏🏻

I’m not saying that it’s easy, in fact these are all some of the hardest things I have EVER done — but also the most rewarding.

Giving birth at home without any medical professionals or pain relief was HARD.

But I got to choose my hard.

Building my own business has taken blood, sweat, tears & 1000s of hours. It’s HARD.

But it’s harder to wake up every day & go to a job you hate.

Discovering how to heal & then actually making the changes required to heal my body was HARD.

But do you know what’s harder? Suffering with a chronic health issue every single day of your life.

It’s all hard. Life is hard. We’ll never avoid hard — so PICK the hard you want.

I now get to serve clients all over the world & have meaning to my life.

I get to wake up naturally to the birds singing outside my window. Not to an alarm clock. Not to the thought of going to a job I hate.

I live in my dream home & set my work hours that fit around my little girl so that I don’t miss a moment. 🥰

Life is on my terms.

And now I’m here… A best selling author! 🥹🙌🏻

So my advice to anyone who knows they’re meant for more…

If you find something that lights you up 👉🏻 do more of it.
If you overcome adversity 👉🏻 help others do the same.
If you achieve something pretty awesome 👉🏻 share about it & inspire.

That’s it. That’s how you start.

Then before you know it, the momentum takes you & you’re waking up each day thinking;

“I bloody did it!” 😭

My book is on promotion for another 24h so please take advantage of the current price.

And THANK YOU all for your support 🥹🫶🏻

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 13/06/2024

If you’re trying to root cause heal then save this post! Swipe to see the process I use with my clients ⬅️⬅️

Yes there are nuances to this and more detail would be helpful, but there is only so much I can share in a short form post.

That’s why I’m running a FREE workshop where I’ll be diving into the details and sharing all of the things you need to know, to take your health back.

The overwhelming request for my workshop was how to root cause heal Candida HOWEVER this process I use with my clients, works for ANY type of chronic symptom.

You’ll see how some of these modalities overlap and that’s why, in my opinion, we get the best results when we address these modalities together, holistically.

The body works as a whole and is interconnected on every level. When we treat the body that way it responds so much better.

This is how I’ve been able to help my clients go from struggling with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, using a walking aid to get around and in bed on the days of flare ups, to off of all arthritic medications and getting her life back, within 12 weeks.

Or helping my clients fall pregnant (and go on to have healthy babies) when they were told IVF was their only option — or had even had failed IVF treatments.

Or from eczema all over their body to clearing in just 6 weeks!

Or alopecia leaving them without eyebrows and eyelashes to their hair growing back within 10 weeks.

You can see the staggering amount of results we’ve achieved with this process in all of my highlight reels on this page. Please take a look through and be inspired 😍

All of this is possible when we rebalance the body, transform the terrain, alleviate it from the stressors and live in alignment — and I’m going to show you how.

Simply comment the word Candida below to register. I will be walking you through the exact process you need to heal your body.

This information shouldn’t be so difficult to find. I’m going to pull back the curtain and help you heal your body, once and for all.

I’d love for you to join me! 👇🏻🫶🏻

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 11/06/2024

Spaces are filling fast 🙌🏻☀️🧘🏼‍♀️🥰

Here’s all the details for the South of France retreat… 👇🏻

Flying into Montpellier ✈️🇫🇷
Staying in a beautiful French farmhouse with a heated pool & overlooking the countryside 🏡
Daily yoga flows, meditation, breathwork, journaling, workshops, walks & more 🌳
All meals prepared, cooked & served by our in-house chef 👨‍🍳
A VIP welcome dinner where we’ll celebrate taking this time for ourselves & setting our intentions 📝
Forming new friendships & connections with your soul sisters 👯‍♀️
Leaving the retreat feeling like a new person ❤️

7 spaces left! If you’re interested, please message me for the full details.

Swipe to see the photos ⬅️⬅️⬅️

I am SO excited to meet you all and spend 3 days and nights supporting your growth and guiding you through this journey of transformation 🙏🏻✨

Don’t miss it! 🙌🏻


Lots of messages about hayfever this week, so here’s a reminder for you ❤️

Don’t let them blame grass for what the chemical did.

You don’t suddenly become allergic to grass.

You react to what they’ve recently sprayed on the grass.

Your body is sneezing, your eyes are watering, your nose is running and your skin is coming up in hives… because it’s trying to expel the chemical/toxin.

It’s a protective and helpful mechanism.

It’s a normal reaction by the body when you’re poisoned. It will do it’s best to get it out.

If you take anti-histamine drugs and other drugs to mask the symptoms, you’re pushing these chemicals DEEPER into the body.

What you should do instead is support the body. Help it get the toxin OUT.

If it’s hives, watch and wait. Avoid the toxic exposure.

If it’s sinus reactions, use netti pots and gentle irrigation methods.

You can also inhale beneficial plant compounds to remove toxicity from the lungs if you’ve breathed chemicals in.

Help your body. Don’t suppress it. And connect some dots.

Ellie broke out in hives at the park over a year ago. I researched on the council website, found their park maintenance programme and discovered they use a highly toxic pesticide called glyphosate.

A pesticide so toxic it’s banned in 15 countries.

The doctor told us she’d likely become “allergic to grass”.

No, her body reacted to the toxic pesticide sprayed ON the grass and tried to expel it. Through the skin.

We give her gut support and a natural detox supplement daily anyway, but are now increasing dosage. We have also added in fish oil as another natural detox aid.

The body will give you the messages and it’s your job to work them out and respond accordingly.

Want help supporting the body to detox? The doors to open soon…

To get on the waiting list, join my free workshop airing soon: “transform the terrain”. Linked in bio ☝🏻

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 05/06/2024

I spent so long trying to figure things out by myself.

I waded through endless articles online and inspirational blogs penned by those who had managed to heal themselves.

But it never got me anywhere besides chasing my tail.

There was so much I was missing.

Healing is simple yet so nuanced.

Straightforward yet multi-faceted.

Here are the 6 things I wish I’d learned sooner. Swipe to see. Perhaps then it wouldn’t have taken 6 years for me to heal.

6 years of needless struggle.

If you’re ready to change direction and start on a path to healing, message me and let’s chat.

I’m here to help ❤️

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 30/05/2024

Things I wish I’d realised before my acne made an appearance.

Too many times I cried in the shower before work, wanting desperately not to go in.

Too many times I said yes to people when inside I was screaming no.

Too many times I made life choices based on what others expected of me, even when those choices weren’t the same as what I personally wanted.

Too many times I stayed silent and plodded on, despite being chronically unhappy and unfulfilled.

I often dreamt of travelling, but was too scared to go alone.

I often dreamt of changing careers, but was too scared of failing.

Eventually, I became chronically stuck.

Stuck being someone I wasn’t. Stuck in circumstances I didn’t want.

I hadn’t realised that with every choice I’d made, I’d slowly been locking myself in a prison.

And by the time all of the bars were up, it felt too difficult to break free.

And then my acne showed up. It was the final straw. And it was finally enough for me to make the big changes I’d been knowing for some time, I needed to make.

And after that, everything got better.

It started with my health, but it rippled out into every part of my life.

We are all victim to the programming and conditioning, from society and our parents.

We are all victim to various traumas throughout our life that shape us into who we are.

And so we have to go on a journey to peel back the layers and discover who we are underneath all of that. To find out who we really are!

This is the work we do in the wellness programme. Yes, it’s a health programme but it’s also more than that.

It’s a journey back to who you really are. It’s a way to create balance in the body on all levels.

It’s a transformation physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually.

And I cannot wait to guide 8 people through this experience 😍

If you’re interested in working with me, please send me a DM.

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 29/05/2024

How to work with me… ☝🏻

I will meet you where you’re at ❤️

Whether you just want to dip your toe in and start changing your eating habits or you’re ready to commit to a process and undergo a radical health transformation, I have something for you.

Please swipe to see how I can help ⬅️⬅️⬅️


I am currently looking for 9 people to join me in The Wellness Programme starting on the 1st of July. This is my most intimate and transformative process, which is a culmination of the study and experience I’ve gained in the last 10 years.

If you’re ready to heal from chronic symptoms at a root cause level, this is the programme for you.

What we cover:
• reprogramming your subconscious beliefs
• cultivating a growth mindset
• rebalancing and replenishing minerals
• rebuilding nutrient stores
• opening up detox pathways
• cleansing from harmful organisms and metals
• bringing safety and stillness to the body
• regulating the nervous system
• resolving past traumas and healing wounds
• healing the gut
• reducing systemic inflammation
• supporting you to live in alignment
• finding your life’s purpose
• reviewing and improving your environment
• running hair tissue mineral analysis
• plus much more

In addition 👉🏻 monthly workshops, group calls, group coaching, a dedicated Coach and being part of an intimate container, that’s designed to help you grow and transform over the course of 6 months.

You get LIFETIME access to the programme and monthly workshops! 😱

Please reach out if this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of. Spots will fill up fast!


Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 23/05/2024

Do you have a vitamin B12 deficiency?

Did you know good liver function is important for ensuring adequate B12 levels?

Swipe to learn more ⬅️⬅️⬅️

The gut and liver work we do with clients helps us address B12 deficiency once and for all, so our clients don’t have to rely on injections or supplements.

Want to get to the root cause? Message us and we can help! ❤️

Photos from The Wellness Programme's post 20/05/2024

I am speaking to people DAILY about their frustrations on their quest to heal from chronic illness.

The investments they’ve made into their health that have given them ZERO return.

I have come to realise that there are very few people offering what is a truly root cause, holistic approach to healing the body, that operates under the understanding that the body HEALS ITSELF.

There are no cheat codes. No one health product or protocol. No magical herb or supplement. That’s not how BUILDING health works.

It’s the consistent effort applied daily into various tools, modalities, techniques, exercises and therapies, that all work together to change the TERRAIN.

This is what I teach.

How to change your terrain through detox.
How to change your terrain by healing your gut.
How to change your terrain by addressing and resolving your deficiencies.
How to change your terrain by regulating your nervous system.
How to change your terrain by living in alignment.

A combination of all of these modalities to address your health on a mind, body and soul level.

This is what it takes. This is what we need. And it’s actually simpler than you think.

It’s a logical and methodical approach that just makes sense. And the best part? It works for all chronic health issues! 🙌🏻

BUT — root cause healing does take time. It’s a commitment. It’s a process. And ultimately, it needs to become a way of life (at least for a while).

If you’re ready to discover The Wellness Programme, send me a message and let’s chat ❤️


I had two parts to my healing journey.

I did the work to heal my cystic acne, bloating, chronic ear infections & UTIs, but once I was healed, I went on a whole other journey.

Who I was before I became chronically ill & who I was once I’d naturally resolved my symptoms, were two very different people.

I no longer wanted to be working a 9–5. I wanted to exit the matrix. I wanted a life on MY terms.

I wanted to understand who I really was, at my core. What did I stand for? Why was I here? What was my purpose? What motivates me? What makes me happy?

Because to be honest, I had no idea who I was.

I had always lived my life based on the expectations of others. I went to college, I got a job, I earned my keep, I bought a flat, I worked hard for that promotion…

I was going through the motions. I was doing what was expected with the assumption that this would bring me success & happiness.

But it didn’t.

I was not living in alignment. I was not being my authentic self. I was not speaking my truth.

I was a chronic people pleaser. I stayed playing small for the fear of standing out. I had no opinions because I’d never taken the time to explore who I was & what I stood for.

And so my second healing journey began.

I started to unravel the layers. My traumas. My beliefs. My conditioning & programming. Understanding my behaviours & triggers.

Ultimately, I woke the F up. I woke up to my LIFE. I woke up to the matrix. I woke up to everything & began a journey of self-discovery & personal development.

And my entire life changed. It flipped 180.

I now speak my truth no matter the consequences. I now live authentically & am unapologetically me. I have escaped the 9-5 slave system. I run a business that lights me up & serves people all over the world. I found my mission & I’m living it out every single day. I live in my dream home & have a beautiful family. And I’ve also learned to love myself.

Waking up was hard & involved doing a lot of work on myself. I had to walk away from a lot of things & trust that there was more for me out there.

It turned out to be the best thing I ever did.

Wake up to your life because we need more people to bring their magic ✨✨✨

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Videos (show all)

This comes up time and time again.There’s so much to consider when taking supplements.Getting good quality.Avoiding chea...
Struggling with Candida overgrowth?Don’t buy ANOTHER anti-microbials.Don’t follow the anti-Candida for “just a little lo...
I’ve been helping people resolve their health issues using detox as a primary healing modality for over a decade.When it...
The frequency of a healthy human is62-68 MHz. The dying process starts at 25 MHz. When zero MHz is met, death occurs. Fa...
You have symptoms of Candida… a white coating on your tongue, digestive issues, skin problems, yeast infections, dandruf...
Don’t get too hung up on diet. Yes it’s important but dirt alone won’t heal your body.Whilst the right diet is important...
Do you feel like you’re going round in round in circles trying to heal your body?Do you start to feel better only to go ...
Struggling to eat foods?Do you have a long list of intolerances?Is your diet becoming more and more restricted?THIS IS N...
We need to stop complicating disease.We need to stop accepting a lifelong diagnosis.We need to stop giving up on our bod...
Parasite cleansing is finally getting the recognition it deserves!I’ve been talking about parasites for the past 6 years...
What do all self healers have in common?…they never gave up. They stayed the course.They BELIEVED they could heal.They I...
Helping you with your health is my passion.👉🏻Whether you’re someone who is struggling to find a solution to their chroni...



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Hooks Hall Farm, The Chase, Rush Green
Romford, RM70SS

Adult riding club based at Eastminster School of Riding - part of the Eastminster community.

Romford raiders ice hockey club Romford raiders ice hockey club
Sapphire Ice And Leisure, 24 Western Road
Romford, RM13JT

Raiders ice hockey club in Romford

Raiders 2 NIHL1 Raiders 2 NIHL1
Sapphire Ice & Leisure Centre

The Romford Junior Raiders have formed a second senior team to continue the development of our junior players. This enables a continuous flow of talent that starts at U11 and runs ...

Ramgarhia Badminton Club Ramgarhia Badminton Club
Romford, RM64XX

Ramgarhia Badminton Club caters for all ages and standards of players and participants at the club l

Essex shooting syndicates ltd Essex shooting syndicates ltd
Waverley Crescent
Romford, RM38AJ

THIS IS THE NEW "ESSEX SHOOTING SYNDICATES LTD" PAGE !!! old page is no longer in use by essex sho

Curvy Fitness Essex Curvy Fitness Essex

Welcome to Curvy fitness friends fitness and fun

Romford United Romford United
Romford, RM77AY

Teams ranging from U7 - U12 all playing in the Echo league.

2-3 Avenue Industrial Estate, Southend Arterial Road
Romford, RM30HS

FREE 30 Mins Session • BOOK NOW!

Avon Coaches Avon Coaches
Danes Road
Romford, RM70HL

Convenient, reliable and efficient private and contract coach hire catering to your transport needs

romfordrockandboulder romfordrockandboulder
Unit 5 Brooklands Approach
Romford, RM11DX

Indoor climbing center with cafè and Pilates studio

Shannon Royal PT Shannon Royal PT

� Level 2 Fitness Instructor � Level 3 Personal Trainer � Romford, Essex | Mobile � 1-2-1 | Group Training � DM to work with me

Pinoy Basketball club Romford Essex United Kingdom Pinoy Basketball club Romford Essex United Kingdom
Romford Essex United-Kingdom
Romford, RM11NX

Pinoy Baller's ��