Steinmetz Pilates & Wellness

Steinmetz Pilates & Wellness

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Steinmetz Pilates & Wellness, .

I help clients such as you by creating live online 1-2-1 or 2-2-1
home-based classes where I tailor your Pilates programs to match your lifestyle, pastimes and aspirations at an affordable price.


Why all the non-pilates related stuff?

This ☝️


Week 2 Moms and Babies Pilates

Today we had a lovely small but full class and a few little helpers!
Our time was spent running through the fundamentals and focussing on that postnatal connection through Pilates.
We also did our best to make time to relax and be.

🍃Today we had the very talented Lizzie from Forever Wild at Heart who shared the details of her exciting and relaxing Mamas retreats - a place where if you're expecting or have recently had a little one (or more) that ypu can spwnd some tine in nature dialling back into yourself - bliss!

🌟We've also had some happy news that a Postnatal Yoga session will be starting up soon so as soon as we know more we'll share here!

💪With all of these classes the most important thing is that you receive the support you need in this case through exercise and movement to support you on your journey in the 4th trimester!
Each person differs so, I'll do my best to share details of other Postnatal support here including other exercise classes :)

If you are interested in
😀joining the next group of Postnatal Pilates sessions,
😃are keen to find out about reduced rates for one to one pilates be it Pre/postnatal or rehab
🙂or would like to be a guest speaker in one of our next events, drop me a dm.

Love, waves and all that jazz



Hey folks

Over the next couple of days I'll be sharing a little more about the New moms and babies pilates course I'll be running

But in the meanwhile here are a few highlights for you if you are between 6 weeks and 6 months postnatal.

🍀Gentle Pilates: Reconnect with your body safely and effectively.

☀️Strengthen & Support: Learn pelvic floor exercises, address diastasis recti, prolapse and build core strength.

🚧Functional Fitness: Pilates oriented towards your active daily living 

🏞Mindful Moments: De-stress and unwind with breathwork and stretches.

🏅Personalized Plan: Keep progressing with your own short online plan

😎Postnatal guest speakers: Folks from the island in the know on many, many things postnatal :)

I'll share the booking link in my feed and happy to dm you if you're recently postnatal and keen to join in the course.

Looking forward to seeing you there :)



The best nurses in the business - under the watchful eye of Kreefie


Yay so off on MAT leave for the next few months - all being well returning in September (part-time at least).

The little guy hasn't yet made his arrival, but based on the midwives' crystal ball predications it should be any time from this week onward

For those of you who really know me, I've never been one to keep time "immaculately" despite having a penchant for nice watches (although in recent years my time-keeping has certainly improved!) but here's hoping he's more Steven than me (at least in that department!)

I'm looking forward to returning to teaching Pilates and all being well will be setting up my own studio (and running virtual sessions) in the next few months - still focused on rehab, prehab, riding and all things 1-2-1 to keep you, my clients happy, healthy and stronger than ever.

Obligatory kidlet snaps soon to be issued out - 😉

Happy Monday all and hope this made you chuckle a bit ;)



Standing by a gorgeous print made by at the opening night of the Wildlife exhibition held at in St Albans.
Please come and take a look - some incredible works available!


I’ve always been an advocate for standing by what you believe in.

Even though my company is small, it’s always been my commitment to contribute to the health of our environment – we all only have one home!

I partnered with Greenpop shortly after starting my business and haven't looked back!
Our regular clients and classes have helped to plant 133 indigenous trees as part of their incredible Forests for Life project - regenerating forests, woodlands AND improving the lives of the local communities!
No Greenwashing here!

If you're keen to know a bit more about the swell work Greenpop does, take a look at my bio or see the link

Be the difference you want to see.


TIP 3:

Continuing my post on
“Getting started or resuming exercise”, here’s this week’s tip!

WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM EXERCISE? (What can it help you with?)

Similar to MOTIVATION but like one of those Maths concepts, not exactly the same! (Similar but different!)

Perhaps the idea of getting up earlier and taking advantage of the day or taking some time away from your desk job gets you amped to exercise.

Maybe, improving your sleep, overall wellbeing, enjoying nature 🌱 or a way to pass the time might be more your thing!

The same goes with your WANT to exercise.
What makes you WANT to exercise?

- More of a social aspect (sweating it out with friends on the bikes or having a group to be part of?)

-That time to TURN OFF your mind (and intrusive devices!) and tune into “the zone of optimal functioning? (“The zone” or “Flow” are also two other names for it)

- To feel better in yourself and your body (stronger, more flexible, alter your mood states?)

- Something else?

For me its about:

- stress relief,
- RESET time
- the added benefits of having a super strong body to boot!

Having long-term back issues as a result of pushing myself just THAT too far or literally running away from my problems, left me
re-evaluating my WANT and my WHY to exercise.

Pilates (as well as decent Physio and a mental mindshift as to what exercise actually means to me) have certainly helped me get back into the proverbial groove albeit from a different angle!

Not every run or Pilates session is rainbow and candy-floss scented for me mind you (some are pretty s**T to be honest) but I now enjoy the variation plus they contribute handsomely to my comedy routine!

What’s your WHAT from exercise?

My last pearl of wisdom today is this
Things in life are constantly in flux – so your (exercise) reasons now might very well change in the future. Cut yourself a break and be open to exploring change without guilt!



TIP 3:

Continuing my post on
“Getting started or resuming exercise”, here’s this week’s tip!

WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM EXERCISE? (What can it help you with?)

Similar to MOTIVATION but like one of those Maths concepts, not exactly the same! (Similar but different!)

Perhaps the idea of getting up earlier and taking advantage of the day or taking some time away from your desk job gets you amped to exercise.

Maybe, improving your sleep, overall wellbeing, enjoying nature 🌱 or a way to pass the time might be more your thing!

The same goes with your WANT to exercise.

What makes you WANT to exercise?

- More of a social aspect (sweating it out with friends on the bikes or having a group to be part of?)

-That time to TURN OFF your mind (and intrusive devices!) and tune into “the zone of optimal functioning? (“The zone” or “Flow” are also two other names for it)

- To feel better in yourself and your body (stronger, more flexible, alter your mood states?)

- Something else?

For me its about:

- stress relief,

- RESET time

- the added benefits of having a super strong body to boot!

Having long-term back issues as a result of pushing myself just THAT much too far or literally running away from my problems, left me
re-evaluating my WANT and my WHY to exercise.

Pilates (as well as decent Physio and a mental mindshift as to what exercise actually means to me) have certainly helped me get back into the proverbial groove albeit from a different angle!

Not every run or Pilates session is rainbow and candy-floss scented for me mind you (some are pretty s**T to be honest) but I now enjoy the variation plus they contribute handsomely to my comedy routine!

What’s your WHAT from exercise?

My last pearl of wisdom today is this
Things in life are constantly in flux – so your (exercise) reasons now might very well change in the future. Cut yourself a break and be open to exploring change without guilt!




Folks tend to do a variation of this one – the Crunch!
With the CHEST LIFT in Pilates, the focus is more on function and :
- control and precision,
- utilizing the abdominals (re**us abdominus and transverse abdominus to be precise!)
- Stabilize the pelvis and torso
and less on head-butting your bits, completing a thousand of these (why?!) or aiming for a huge amount of air (aka Height!)

Folks who could benefit might include:
- *Sedentary workers with a weak core
- Most athletes
- Folks who tend to have a “sway back” (lordotic lumbar spine – provided there are no biomechanical issues/ injuries at play here)
*I’d always suggest adding in exercises to work on your posture too – as we don’t want to exacerbate any “text neck” (kyphotic issues) with your back!

In the case of those with abdominal, pelvic floor, neck or spinal concerns, it is best to check in with your medical practitioner to see if they have a suitable alternative for you!

Best wishes


Free taster Online Pilates session (T&Cs apply) - Kerryn Steinmetz 03/11/2021


This is one I call one of my “Flight checks” which can be very useful when you’re moving onto a CHEST LIFT or its distant relative
“the Crunch.”

Although this isn’t “traditional Pilates” (no shade folks!) I do this to help individuals better understand:
- where they are in space and
- how they are using their bodies (Kinaesthetic and Proprioceptive awareness for those who enjoy the right names!)

Tomorrow (providing Social media doesn’t fail me 😉) I’ll post the CHEST LIFT so you can have a small play and see how much more effective the Rib lift & lower cue is to the Chest lift :
- in activating the correct abdominal muscles
- and not compensating through your neck/ lower back, traps (insert additional name here! 😉)

Again if you are impacted by:
- Back
- Shoulder
- neck
- hernia
- Or unlisted issues
it’s best to speak with your Physio, Chiro, Dr before attempting this at home!

If you know anyone that could benefit from one-to-one Pilates to help recovery or to get stronger (or even if it's you!) please think of me :)

Best and many thanks :)

Free taster Online Pilates session (T&Cs apply) - Kerryn Steinmetz Hi there!Want to try a free 45 minute taster session?Click here to book yours today!TERMS & CONDITIONSPlease note, limited to one per customer in total.For an additional session or if you require any further details, please mail: [email protected] thanks :)


TIP 2:
Following on from last week’s post on “Getting started or resuming exercise”, I have this week’s tip!

UNDERSTAND YOUR WHY (what motivates you?)

Motivation is a funny thing – many of us (present company included!) are more “extrinsically motivated” – finding an activity e.g.: exercise far more enjoyable if there is a tangible (real) reward at the end of it (e.g. a decent cup of coffee after a run/ a big quarterly bonus or a Like/ share of my post… which reminds me…😉)

However, more often than not Extrinsic-based reward systems wind up having to get bigger and better to keep up that allure! (Suddenly I have become quite the coffee connoisseur and that bonus starts to need a few more zeros on the right side…)

The same goes with your WHY to exercise.
What motivates you?

Is it more:
- Intrinsic/ Internally motivated (I actually enjoy this! I am stronger! I feel more energetic! I feel less stressed!)
- Extrinsic/ external motivation (I must lose weight; Others are doing this so I should too; If I don’t exercise, xyz will happen; I need *cake, a new outfit, stuff so that’ll be my reward!)
*nothing wrong with cake by the way 😉

Research has shown that often INTRINSIC MOTIVATION is (surprise surprise) the more successful way to stick to an exercise routine including Pilates, as motivation levels (and results) proved more sustainable over time!
(see above for “I need bigger rewards to get out of bed!”).

If you’re keen, cast your mind over the word “Exercise” and which motivation chord it strikes with you?
Is this a personal narrative worth a review?



“Ok, relax, take 10 deep breathes…”

Oh my goodness, historically this “sage wisdom” used to make me so angry!

Aside from the benefits of breathing (oxygenating cells, removing toxins and well, staying alive …) it was more often than not, an avoidance tactic to divert from the crises of the moment.

As I've matured, I've found several breathing exercises immensely useful, but as most things in life, in order to fully benefit , there often needs to be a fundamental understanding e.g.:
- “What is it?”
- “Why should I try?!” and
- “Am I doing it right?”

Perhaps it’s more of a me thing – I’m sure you can imagine I was a JOY to teach Maths and Science to!
I digress…

In Pilates there is often an encouraged way to breathe, aka “Lateral breathing”/ “Intercostal breathing.”

I’ve snap-shotted it below and in the super short video for those brave enough to try 😉

- INHALE: Yep, the important bit (as well as Exhale!)
- RIBCAGE: Moves out sideways (in on the way home!)
- DIAPHRAGM: moves downward on inhale (& upward on exhale)
-'ABS: remain engaged/ on but NOT strained throughout the movement
- SPINAL EXTENSORS & INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES: Activated to perform this breathing.

can help improve thoracic and ribcage mobility
Maintains abdominal engagement WITHOUT straining!
Yep, this one could be for you too – encouraging better scapular movement & relaxation!
This can help to reduce muscle tension during movements
(some clients tend to hold their breath during movements – this can result in excessive muscle tension)

- INHALE: Through the nose usually – long and slow – ribs expand sideways (into band if you have one!)
- EXHALE: As if blowing a balloon up in slow motion with one LOOOONG exhale through your mouth, gently drawing abs & pelvic floor in here!

As always check in with your Dr, physio, chiro to ensure this is for you.
Ps - this is my concentration face 😖


Yay - try me Pilates! :)

So my approach to Pilates is a little different!

I must admit, I’ve never been one for conventional – perhaps it due to the fact I am a twin, so have spent a fair bit of my life attempting to be an individual!
- Riding insane horses
- Being the one to do a fair bit of the daring sh*t
- Drill-march/ running the length and breadth of South Africa/ UK!
Although my sister tends to be the surfer and better dancer of the two (my husband kindly remarks I have “ a LOT” of enthusiasm - I believe it was my “sick dance moves” that won him over… or my sterling sense of humor – I’ll let you decide that…)

I digress - my Pilates approach focuses more on the individual (yes, I do some group classes) but I feel that folks really come into their own when they have a bit of individual attention – who doesn’t love a bit of “me time?”
(Also, no bad vibes to teachers who have a more group-centric vibe – peace, love and space at the table for all!)

During these sessions with you, I work to understand(amongst other things):
- what works well for you,
- your pain points (I didn’t use to sound like a breakfast cereal when I walked…)
- what you’re looking to achieve
- What drives you (weekend warrior, desk warrior –love a bit of cycling, chess-wrestling, decoupage and base-jumping – I’m your girl!)
- Your sense of humor – what’s life without a bit of comedy?

Dodgy back, trick hip, balance that well could use a bit of work, injuries that just keep rearing their heads worse than a clingy ex, “relaxation” a word you’ve read about but not quite sure you get the gist?

Your session = time to work on you!

Want to see what we can achieve for you but not quite ready to make a full commitment?

I have just the thing for you (told you I was different!)
My Pilates taster session (it’s live, it’s free and best of all it stars me in person – via Zoom!)
One per person and tailored JUST to you!

Hallelujah me time!

My link’s in the bio – otherwise give the below a bash and see if you come right.

Kerryn Steinmetz Owner and Founder Steinmetz Pilates & Wellness Ltd


Stress isn’t always a bad thing – in fact, optimal stress/ good stress (Eustress) is something that can help one stay motivated or focussed. However, problems start to creep in when the tension or stress exceeds that optimal level begins to become unmanageable.
For some this might begin to manifest in the body and occasionally impact one’s overall movement (amongst other joyful side-effects!)

An exercise I do both myself as well as in some client-based situations when teaching Pilates is the “Body scan and release technique.”
Again, this doesn’t always rid the body of tension completely, but I have found it starts to bring awareness to your body (proprioception) and how you are using it (kineasthetic awareness). From here we can work on improving your overall levels of physical tension and set about designing exercises that encourage better movement without “grinding teeth” or feeling like you’re about to “climb on the ceiling!”

I find this particularly useful for those who are a bit more “disconnected” with their bodies (not quite dissociated) but folks who might find it challenging to “feel the exercise” in the right spot or have excessive tension and just find it hard to let go!

Today’s video is a shortened version of this process and how it can be used.
If you’re keen give this one a try and let me know your thoughts!**

**As always, your health is a priority - therefore I would always suggest you check in with a Physio, Chiro, Dr if you are worried about your health (physical, mental or holistic) to ensure you receive the appropriate levels of support.

Best wishes



Something I get told regularly is “It’s so damn hard to start/ get back into exercise” for example if one’s:
- A taken a lengthy time out
- coming back from injury
- hasn’t followed a regular exercise routine
- Has a negative association with exercise (this is one of the hardest ones to manage!)

Again, there’s no need to feel guilt for not “being regular” – life doesn’t always allow for this – I can personally attest!

When starting or resuming an exercise routine (including Pilates!) the prospect of beginning/ returning can overwhelm even the most committed of folk.

Here’s the thing – there’s no “magic bullet” to make it easy and yes, the journey won’t always be the most palatable – especially if it’s new and unknown! Who doesn’t love a duvet day or a chilled eve on the couch?!

I’ve put together 6 tips – the first today - that you may/ may not find useful – take a read and let me know how you get on!

I’m a great one for a buffets and filling up my plate (proverbially and literally!) – including when it comes to exercise – adding everything and creating a super complex training schedule!

Human nature tends to lean toward things that are simple and don’t require expending too much energy – life is busy enough!

So how can I simplify exercise?

TIP: Have your stuff ready and by the door!

When you get home, do your best to ignore the siren calls of the couch, don your gear/ lace up your running shoes/ swim kit (insert preferred equipment here!) and head out again – no stopping! 😉

For those with “little/ large” responsibilities that might require feeding or attending to (and who might be eye-rolling right now) – possibly trying to carve a bit of time out:

- before the household is awake
- or during the day/ evening
- during the occasional lunch break which might be workable for you!

I've also met a few folk who have had their children join in (I know this isn't always practical - but there might be aspects they can enjoy too!)

I am sure that in some instances this will be a lot easier than others – but remember, even walking to and from places can count towards your daily step count/ exercise!

Let me know what works for you/ has worked for you previously – as always keen to to learn and share!

All the best



Hey howzit everyone?!

I try to run different themes fairly regularly on Pilates to show its versatility and how it can support and compliment you and your life.   

For the next short while, I am keen to share a few thoughts on Pilates from a Restorative perspective.  

Restorative (def):  

The ability to restore health, strength and wellbeing (wellness). Oxford English Dictionary.  

As with many forms of exercises, there are a multitude of benefits one can potentially enjoy - this also extends to Pilates. 
Folks might in some instances look at exercise for its "cardio" or "feel the burn" type properties - but this isn't the only way one can benefit. 

Taking movements a bit slower, focussing on the purpose of the exercise and the technique too has its attributes and in some instances leads to a more controlled, more powerful and purposeful movement - which we know can help with that "feel the burn" benefit! 

A solid base = power! 💗

Take a look at my coming content and see if any of it resonates with you - as always I'm open to ideas, suggestions and questions! 

Keep strong and enjoy!


Thanks again to  for his super marketing skills,  for her business coaching and  for her inspiration and .conradie for reminding me if the importance of baby steps!  


Photos from Steinmetz Pilates & Wellness's post 15/06/2021


For as long as many of us riders have been on horses, ponies the occasional zebra – there have always been challenges. Some you crack with kindness, carrots , perseverance whilst others need a bit of a perspective.

I’ve done a fair bit of research and noticed 6 of the most common riding issues are:

- Lower back pain

- Limited strength and necessary

- Balance issues

- Remembering to breathe!

- Not getting the right care for your injuries (you would for Neddy…)

- Riding anxiety often from
unsupportive environments

Pilates might not be able to solve all of these, but we can help you to work with on the first 5 in a supportive and understanding environment.

If you want to see how Pilates can make a difference to your riding, click on my link to book in your free 45 minute online one-to-one consultation and Pilates session!

Photos from Steinmetz Pilates & Wellness's post 14/06/2021

Posture and balance are key to riding

What is one of the best Pilates exercises for riding?

**ALWAYS check that exercises are appropriate for you before starting them**


Seated on stationary horse (or in my case, a Swiss ball!)

Through your nose and sideways into your ribcage
Allow your abdominals to relax

EXHALE through your mouth
Imagine drawing your navel towards your spine, gently engaging your abdominals

INHALE: Allow your pelvis to tilt slightly beyond neutral

Draw your abdominals in and gently bring your pelvis underneath you.

Repeat x 10 while stationary, then at a walk, allowing your spine to move with the horse


Try not to stiffen your spine (think like a military position) but aim to move with your equine friend!

Keep an eye out for a few more equine Pilates tips!


Posture on a pony somewhat questionable?
Check out my latest post on Instagram with a simple exercise you can try! :)


I've been trying to think of some clever wording or something prophetic, but I keep circling back to keeping it simple and truthful.

This post is for any and all who feel they cannot be themselves, the ones who have fought hard for the right to be themselves and those looking for comfort and support in their respective lives and journeys.

My company will always be open to you and I will always support you.

I hope this comes across as it is meant - a message of love, kindness, compassion, and the offer of safe space for you
(and of course my willingness to learn and be open!)


💜 💙 💛 💓


Why did I start doing Pilates for riding?
I started Pilates for my back injuries – plain and simple!

I went from doing ultra-marathons on no training for "fun" and riding horses that were “a little spicy” to absolutely zero following two slipped discs and a host of other injuries.

It was hard, excruciatingly so – realising you’re not invincible and actually having to slow down and train properly - or in my case be grateful to be able to walk!

How have I felt Pilates in riding has made a difference?
It’s helped me with:


Strengthening them, to help me with my posture (good old limpet pose to more neutral spine and slightly more upright!)


Evened out my hips and neck – thoracic region (chest and shoulders are a work in progress!)


You know when you’re feeling a touch tense and “Razor Withers McGree” picks it up and amplifies it by about a thousand-fold? Yep, it’s often when I found I was holding my breath (and doing the limpet thing! 😆)

I’m still not perfect and yes, if you look at my photo, you can see that for yourself…

However I have found that since starting Pilates, I am a stronger, more centred rider which helps my riding in every way.
If you want to give it a try, visit my Linktree on my profile and under "BOOKINGS" select your one free 45 minute online Pilates taster session!
Happy trails! 


Kerryn Steinmetz 

Owner and Founder 

Steinmetz Pilates & Wellness Ltd


Hi all
This month we at Steinmetz Pilates & Wellness are looking at all things Equestrian and functional Pilates and exercise for this group of folk!
Keep an eye on my FB or insta page for tips on Pilates for riders and our special Riders Pilates competition!
Plus in July, keep an eye out for our next lucky group – hint – Tour de…?
Happy trails all!


Hi all!🌈 💘

This month we at Steinmetz Pilates & Wellness Ltd are looking at all things Equestrian and functional Pilates and exercise for this group of folk!  

Keep an eye on the page for tips on Pilates for riders and our special Riders Pilates competition!   

Plus in July, keep an eye out for our next lucky group – hint – Tour de…?  🚲


Happy trails all!


Beyond thrilled with my new program format! Thank you, Almero Creative and Everett Rollin-Tidbury 🙂

Timeline photos 17/05/2021

Feeling a bit stuck? Have you been living with a pain that just won't go away? Pilates might not be the whole cure but it CAN help :) Reach out to me if you'd like to try a free 45 minute online taster session

Timeline photos 22/04/2021

The amazing team at helping to digitize my Pilates programs!

Timeline photos 14/04/2021

Did you know that since our collaboration started in February, a portion of funds from our Pilates sessions have contributed 47 indigenous trees to the South African Forests for Life Greenpop project! A huge thank you to all my great clients and for allowing us to be involved!

Timeline photos 02/04/2021

A good start to my Pilates for Riders April 2021 series. Thank you to the team at for their support and participation!

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"Battle-ready" mode or slug? It's all about "flexibile rigidity"How flexibility and control come together in your pilate...
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Feeling like yourself again after baby? 🤱🏻✨Join our supportive community at Ryde Chiropractic for the 3rd in our series ...
Feeling like yourself again after baby? 🤱🏻✨Join our supportive community at Ryde Chiropractic for the 3rd in our series ...
MY JOURNEY TO PILATESAbout 8 years After moving to the UK from South Africa to develop a career in HR, I found myself at...
Friday chill sesh
Strengthen Your Body, Nourish Your Mind 💪❔️Island-based mama? ❔️Several months to years postnatal? ❔️Like the idea of a ...
Time to tune into yourself postnatally? Our Mom & Baby Pilates Course has returned with Series 3 here to help!Join us at...
Rediscover Your Strength from Home ✨Short on time, but craving a postnatal workout? Our Live Online Postnatal Pilates co...
Need some you-time postnatally? ⏳️⏰️Timing a bit of a challenge?Reconnect with your body postpartum through 🧘‍♀️Pilates ...


Saint Albans

Opening Hours

Monday 06:45 - 19:30
Tuesday 18:45 - 19:30
Wednesday 06:45 - 19:30
Thursday 06:45 - 10:30
15:00 - 19:00
Friday 06:45 - 19:00