We are a leading supplier of brachytherapy, successfully treating prostate cancer for over 25 years

We are a leading provider of LDR brachytherapy treatment to hospitals and clinics across the UK, Australia and New Zealand. We deliver high quality products with an expert, efficient and reliable service.


This past year, we give thanks to all the clinical teams we work with globally who strive to improve outcomes for those men and their families dealing with prostate cancer. We are proud to have played our part in this, training 743 clinicians and nurses through BXTA organised courses, in the UK and Australasia since 2018, to pioneer a technique with the use of PrecisionPoint® in local anaesthetic transperineal freehand prostate biopsies, leading to a recommendation from NICE UK.

We look forward to the New Year as we endeavour to support the focus in diagnosing and treating prostate cancer. Wishing everyone the happiest of holidays with friends and family in 2023 and the best in 2024


🎉🎗️ Join us in celebrating BXTA's 10-year milestone of making a difference in the battle against prostate cancer! Since 2013, we’ve grown from a start-up supplying brachytherapy seeds to becoming a leading international uro-oncology business, transforming cancer diagnosis and treatment with innovative solutions. Over the last decade, we have been committed to eradicating cancer and providing better outcomes for patients. Discover our inspiring journey here https://bit.ly/44RxJ3Z


Prostate cancer affects thousands of men in the UK, but the odds of timely diagnosis and effective treatment vary dramatically depending on where they live. In London, 1 in 8 men are diagnosed with advanced metastatic disease, rising to more than 1 in 3 in Scotland. Wales, Northern Ireland, and the North and Midlands are also severely affected. The latest National Prostate Cancer Audit (NPCA) highlighted that men in more deprived areas are more likely to be diagnosed at later stages, when the cancer may be less treatable. This postcode-dependent discrepancy in available treatment options can limit men's lifestyle choices and affect their overall quality of life. Let's unite to tackle these regional inequalities, ensuring every man across the country has access to timely and equitable prostate cancer care. Together, we can make a difference and provide fair support for patients, regardless of their location. Read the full article here: https://bit.ly/3KcIzt2


Prostate cancer affects 1 in 8 men in the UK, making awareness crucial. Positive news reveals a rise in treatment and check-ups, but the pandemic caused delays in diagnoses. Unfortunately, a disparity persists in late-stage diagnoses across regions, with alarming rates in Scotland and other areas. Unlike breast cancer, there's no automatic screening, leading to overlooked symptoms. GPs can play a vital role by engaging at-risk men and encouraging PSA tests. We must tackle inequalities and provide fair access to support and treatment options nationwide. Patient choice is essential – let's end the postcode lottery for prostate cancer care in the UK. Read more: https://bit.ly/3KcIzt2


Associate Professor Gogna and his dedicated colleagues at Greenslopes Private Hospital are committed to delivering the best care and support, using proven world-class treatments for patients living with prostate cancer and other urological conditions. Their adoption of low-dose-rate (LDR) brachytherapy, involving the insertion of radioactive 'seeds' into the prostate, has revolutionized treatment while minimizing damage to healthy tissue. Let's celebrate two decades of innovation and raise awareness about this life-changing advancement. Read the full article on Health Dispatch https://bit.ly/3OesFkp


When it comes to prostate biopsies, there are two main methods; Transperineal and Transrectal. The safer and more accurate transperineal method offers a much lower infection rate (as it bypasses the re**um and avoids contamination from bowel bacteria), and is generally considered to have a lower risk of complications, such as infection or bleeding, compared to a transrectal biopsy. Most importantly it has a higher and more accurate cancer detection rate. If you find yourself needing to get tested for prostate cancer and biopsies are discussed, be sure to find out more about transperineal biopsies and your options. More information can be found here https://bit.ly/3EHA44O


Over 20 years of groundbreaking work, the team at Greenslopes Private Hospital has been providing low-dose-rate treatment for prostate cancer. Their innovative approach involves inserting radioactive 'seeds' into the prostate, targeting cancer cells while preserving healthy tissue. One remarkable success story is Ken Hurling, who underwent this treatment 15 years ago and remains disease-free. His story emphasizes the importance of early detection and proactive health management. Join Ken in advocating for annual health check-ups for Australian men over 35. Let's prioritize our health and spread awareness about this life-changing treatment. Learn more by visiting Age Care Guide's article https://bit.ly/44IHjG2


2023 marks a major milestone for BXTA & the prostate cancer community. This month commemorates two decades since the introduction of low-dose-rate (LDR) brachytherapy to Greenslopes Private Hospital.

LDR-brachytherapy is a targeted, minimally invasive treatment for prostate cancer. This form of radiation therapy works by damaging cancer cells, & preventing them from multiplying. Via insertion of permanent radioactive ‘seeds’ directly into the prostate, localised radiation is emitted gradually over a period of several months to kill cancer cells.

This innovative treatment option plays a central role in the management of early-stage, to locally advanced (higher risk) prostate cancer.

According to Consultant Urologist, Dr Glen Wood, Brisbane, offering a full spectrum of care for patients living with prostate cancer has always been, & will remain, a priority for Greenslopes Private Hospital.

For more information on prostate cancer & treatment options, head to: Let’s Tackle Prostate Cancer Together | BXTA .


This year is a year to celebrate for Ken Hurling, OAM, 76 – one of the first patients to undergo low-dose-rate (LDR) brachytherapy treatment for prostate cancer when the procedure was first offered at Greenslopes Private Hospital, Brisbane.

Today Ken is joining the 95 per cent of patients who remain disease-free, 15 years post-treatment.

Ken was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2008, at 61 years of age.

The disease profoundly affected his subsequent perspective on life.

“Fortunately, I elected to undergo treatment, and now 15 years later, I’m still here,” said Ken.

This year, Ken is reflecting on his many accomplishments post-diagnosis.

His passion for serving his local community earned Ken both a prestigious Order of Australia Medal (OAM), & a nomination for Australian of the Year in 2015. Ken has also enjoyed watching his granddaughter grow up.

This year marks two decades since the introduction of LDR-brachytherapy to Greenslopes Private Hospital.

To learn more about prostate cancer & available treatment options, head to: Let’s Tackle Prostate Cancer Together | BXTA .


Have you recently battled or are currently fighting prostate cancer? We need your valuable insights and experiences. At BXTA, we are passionate about prostate cancer. As part of this, we are conducting a comprehensive questionnaire to gain a deeper understanding of prostate cancer patients' journey. If you or someone you know has faced prostate cancer, we kindly request you take a few minutes to complete our questionnaire. Your responses will remain strictly confidential and only be used for research purposes. https://bit.ly/3O2cB4X Together, we can create a brighter future for those affected by this disease. Please share this post and spread the word. The more participants we have, the more impactful our research will be! Let's come together and make a difference. Thank you for your support! https://bit.ly/3O2cB4X


Prostate cancer is Australia and New Zealand’s most common men’s cancer.

It is crucial to recognise the potential early symptoms of disease, so that you can seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Symptoms include difficulty urinating, loss of bladder control & back, hip, chest or pelvic pain.

Many of these symptoms are common. They may not mean you have prostate cancer. But if you are worried about your symptoms, it is important that you talk to your doctor.

If you are over 50, a simple screening blood test could help save your life.

To learn more, head to: Let’s Tackle Prostate Cancer Together | BXTA .


Did you know almost 30 per cent of male cancer cases diagnosed in 2022 were prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is most common in men over the age of 50 & has a significant impact on the lives of both patients & their carers.

At BXTA, we understand the challenges of navigating a cancer diagnosis & its effect on family & loved ones.

If you have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you are not alone. There are many support networks & resources available to you.

To find out how you can access quality support in your prostate cancer journey, visit: Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia or Homepage - Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand .


Knowing the signs of symptoms of prostate cancer is extremely important for the best chance of early detection, but you should not wait for any before you get tested. Regular check-ins with your GP are crucial. There are various ways in which doctors can detected prostate cancer. The first step is normally either a PSA test or even a digital exam, and if there is anything abnormal they may do more tests. These can include MRI scans, ultrasounds and biopsy. To find out more about how prostate cancer is detected, visit our website https://bit


A group of Australian researchers have discovered what is being dubbed a possible ‘game changer’ in prostate cancer. The findings have identified a key immune function enabling the body to better fight the disease. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia. It often spreads to the bones, making it harder to detect. This discovery unlocks the ability to flick a switch in cancer cells, allowing the body’s immune system to better find and attack them. While research is ongoing, these positive developments are a source of hope for the one in six men at risk of diagnosis by the age of 85. Watch the video for more information.


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in UK men, with one in eight being diagnosed. While treatment rates have increased by over 25% in England and urological checks have risen, there is still a regional disparity in early diagnoses. Prostate Cancer UK warns of late-stage diagnosis variations, with Scotland heavily affected. GPs have a crucial role in encouraging PSA testing for high-risk individuals, leading to early detection and improved outcomes. Access to advanced treatments remains limited based on location, hindering patient choices. Read Saheed Rashid's article on PMLive for more information and join the fight against prostate cancer. https://bit.ly/3Mb4GQL
Source: PCUK and National Prostate Cancer Audit (NPCA)


Giving patients control over their choice is key; as the side effects of the different treatment options can vary and may have an impact on a gentleman’s lifestyle, and therefore, quality of life post-treatment. John Whitehouse, a prostate cancer patient, was fortunate to have access to LDR Brachytherapy and he discusses his experience in our article. Read more here bit.ly/3LyFaFR


If you or someone you know has recently received a prostate cancer diagnosis, our prostate cancer guide is a must-read. It's packed with essential information about the disease, signs and symptoms, risk factors as well as the treatments you need to be aware of, with a particular deep dive into LDR brachytherapy. To access our guide, simply click on the link below or visit our website. Remember, knowledge is empowering, and by arming yourself with information, you can make informed decisions about your prostate cancer journey. Share this post with anyone who might find it helpful. Let's ensure that nobody faces prostate cancer alone and that everyone has access to the information they need. Together, we can overcome this challenge! https://bit.ly/3XOgFYx


It's troubling to learn that more that a third of men in Scotland are diagnosed with prostate cancer only when it has already spread to another part of the body*. In fact, this rate is higher than in any other part of the UK. While the reasons behind this gap in diagnosis are not entirely clear, one thing is certain: early detection is key to fighting this disease. That's why it's crucial to raise awareness about the importance of regular check-ups and the symptoms of prostate cancer. Visit our website to get more information on prostate cancer. https://bxta.com/
Source: PCUK


We are looking for people that have had LDR Brachytherapy as a treatment for prostate cancer or are currently undergoing treatment that would be happy to share their story. We are committed to raising awareness of LDR Brachytherapy and ensuring patients are well-informed about their options. It might not be a treatment option suitable for everyone but for those it is, it is a proven, effective and *minimally invasive prostate cancer therapy with significant quality of life benefits over alternative treatments. Visit our website today to get in touch and share your story. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against prostate cancer. https://bxta.com/
ref: european J Urol. 2018;71(3):270-275.


At BXTA we are passionate about prostate cancer care. We believe that all men and their families, who are concerned they might be showing symptoms of prostate cancer, deserve access to the best possible support and care – from diagnosis to treatment. LDR Brachytherapy is a proven effective and *minimally invasive prostate cancer therapy with significant quality of life benefits. If you've had LDR Brachytherapy for your prostate cancer or are currently undergoing treatment, we'd love to hear your story. By sharing your story with us, you can help us better understand the treatment pathway you experienced and inform others about the benefits of LDR Brachytherapy. Visit our website today to get in touch and share your story. Together, we can make a difference in the fight against prostate cancer. https://bxta.com/
ref: european J Urol. 2018;71(3):270-275.


John Whitehouse shares his experience of being diagnosed with prostate cancer and how he navigated his treatment options. It's an enlightening read that highlights the importance of being given equitable opportunity and control over your treatment options. The article sheds light on how access to the latest biopsy techniques and treatment options are often postcode dependent. Read more here bit.ly/3LyFaFR


NZ has government-funded cancer screening programs for breast, cervical, and bowel cancer. Why don’t they have one prostate cancer?

Prostate Cancer Foundation New Zealand (PCFNZ) has set up a petition to implement a funded, risk-based, equitable prostate cancer testing program in NZ!

Show your support by signing PCFNZ’s petition here: Prostate cancer testing petition open for signatures - Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand .


Prostate cancer treatment options can be overwhelming, but you don't have to navigate them alone. We take a look at two common treatment options, external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and brachytherapy. It is important that you are well informed about what treatment pathways are available to you so we’d encourage you to do your research and speak to your GP. Take a look at our website for more information, starting with our latest article on the matter. http://bit.ly/3Wyxw0q


Dr David Malouf, Urologist and Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgeon, is one of the many Australian clinicians calling for an innovative prostate cancer treatment be covered on Medicare for men living with the more advanced form of the disease.

Both low dose-rate (LDR) brachytherapy and external beam radiation therapy are approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and covered under Medicare for those living with intermediate-risk prostate cancer.

“Following the largest cure rates seen in the landmark ASCENDE-RT trial involving men living with more aggressive, higher-risk tumours, we can’t understand why MSAC has yet to expand access to the combination treatment on Medicare for this group of men,” said Dr Malouf.

The Australian Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) is currently reviewing whether or not to list the combination therapy for men living with high-risk prostate cancer on Medicare.

Clinicians want to be able to offer this treatment to patients. Every Australian man deserves the right to choose from every available prostate cancer treatment option approved by the TGA, and implemented globally as a standard of care.

To learn more about how you can help back access to , for Australian men, head to https://backingbrachy.com.au/


Australian cancer experts are calling for low-dose rate (LDR) Brachytherapy in combination with external beam radiation therapy to be covered on Medicare for men with high-risk prostate cancer.

Their calls follow the landmark ASCENDE-RT clinical trial, which invested this combination therapy in men with high-risk prostate cancer and showed the largest ‘cure rates’ ever seen in radiotherapy.

However, the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) is currently reviewing if they should list the combination therapy on Medicare for men with high-risk prostate cancer, the most advanced form of the disease.

You can help back access to to ensure no Aussie man is left behind, by heading to https://backingbrachy.com.au/


According to Dr Joseph Bucci, Radiation Oncologist, Australia is at risk of falling behind the global standard of care for men with high-risk prostate cancer.

Despite being the standard of care across the UK, USA, Canada and Europe, low-dose rate (LDR) Brachytherapy in combination with external beam radiation therapy is not yet listed on Medicare for men with high-risk prostate cancer.

“Within 24 months of the landmark ASCENDE-RT research, medical organisations world-wide updated their clinical guidelines. Yet six years later, Australian men living with cancer that has spread beyond the prostate, still lack access to the combination treatment on Medicare,” said Dr Bucci.

The Australian Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) is currently reviewing whether or not to list the combination therapy for men living with high-risk prostate cancer on Medicare.

To learn how you can back access to , so Australia does not fall behind in prostate cancer care, head to www.backingbrachy.com.au


After being diagnosed with intermediate-risk prostate cancer in 2018, Tasmania great-grandfather Stephen “Basil” (76), accessed LDR-brachytherapy and external beam radiation therapy on Medicare.

Stephen is now joining forces with Australian cancer experts to urge the Australian Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) to list the treatment combination on Medicare for men with high-risk forms of prostate cancer.

“My treatment was covered by Medicare, but it never occurred to me that this may not be the case for everyone,” said Stephen.

Stephen believes every Australian man deserves the right to choose from every available prostate cancer treatment option, which is why he is this month.

To find out how you can too, head to http://www.backingbrachy.com.au


Did you know that the five-year survival rate for prostate cancer in NZ drops from 98% when localised to the prostate to 16% once it spreads outside the prostate (metastasised)?

Early detection can help save lives!

Which is why BXTA is supporting the Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ (PCFNZ) in demanding a national prostate cancer screening program.

Join us by signing the petition today: Prostate cancer testing petition open for signatures - Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand .

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Videos (show all)

10 News First ran a national story about the thousands of Aussie men who are currently being denied access to innovative...
Welcome to our brand new website
Transperineal prostate biopsy approach
Donald Patterson's story
Beating prostate cancer
A prostate cancer patient talks about his treatment with LDR brachytherapy #prostatecancer #ldrbrachytherapy
Tom McGrath talks about prostate cancer treatment
Tom McGrath talks about his prostate cancer treatment
Townsville 400th patient
Townsville brachytherapy patient
400th LDR brachytherapy patient at Townsville
Townsville 400th brachytherapy patient



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