Bearta Tattoo Studio

private studio * appointments only * tattoo southend * piercing * semi-permanent make-up * henna * fine art * clean and modern style * custom tattoo

Dear Tattoo & Art fan,

BeARTa Tattoo Studio is waiting for you in a friendly environment. The studio has been designed in a clean and modern style to promote a relaxing atmosphere for all our customers in Southend-on-Sea. We have a separate private area in a beautiful and hygienic setting. We use Cheyenne Hawk Spirit tattooing machine which has got less noise and vibration, highly sensitive react


What is your tattoo dream?

📩Tell me and let's turn it into reality;)

Hi Tattoo & Art Lovers,

👋I'm available on TikTok from now on. Say "hi" to me there!
Please like, share and follow me for more content.

📩 Please send your enquiries if you're planning to have a personal and custom Tattoo!
I would be happy to help you with your idea

🇭🇺🇬🇧 I'm working in 2 countries so check my dates out!

I have available dates 20th - 24th June in the UK 🇬🇧

I look forward to hear from you soon,

BeARTa Tattoo Tattoo


Dear Clients,

I have my last available appointments if you would like to book a Custom Tattoo by me.

📩Message me for more details and I would be happy to help you with your idea.

I look forward to hear from you soon,
BeARTa x

BeARTa Tattoo Studio


Dear Tattoo lovers,

I have available tattoo spots 24th-29th April.
Please message me to book your custom art.

Many Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon,
Beata x

BeARTa Tattoo Studio


Part of a Titanic sleeve
Frozen in time pocket watch that stopped the moment its owner went down with Titanic

This chimes with the time the Titanic sunk at 21 minutes past two on April 15, 1912.

The timepiece was owned by Oscar Woody, who perished along with 1,520 others when thluxury liner struck an iceberg and sank in Atlantic Ocean in 1912.

The pocket watch's glass screen had smashed.

I hope you like it as the the new owner of the pocketwath does.


Thanks to .upc and .1 - the organisers of Southend City Jam, I had the chance to attend on this famous Street Art Festival.✨️🙏🏻

Southend city centre has been transformed into a burst of colour, as more than 200 artists take part in what is believed to be Europe's largest free street art festival. Known as the Southend City Jam, guests from across the world were painting a hundred walls across a three-day period in September, 2023.

Have a look at this article about me and the artwork that I have created:
Thank you for the fab article to Street Art Cities 🙏🏻

If you're interested to have a custom artwork by me such as a canvas, digital painting, tattoo, or a mural, etc. please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help you with your request.

Many Thanks,
Beata x

BeARTa Tattoo Studio

Mother Nature by BeARTa - Street Art Cities 19/11/2023

Thanks to Ster.upc and .1 - the organisers of Southend City Jam, I had the chance to attend on this famous Street Art Festival.✨️🙏🏻

Southend city centre has been transformed into a burst of colour, as more than 200 artists take part in what is believed to be Europe's largest free street art festival. Known as the Southend City Jam, guests from across the world were painting a hundred walls across a three-day period in September, 2023.

Have a look at this article about me and the artwork that I have created:

If you're interested to have a custom artwork by me such as a canvas, digital painting, tattoo, or a mural, etc. please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to help you with your request.

Many Thanks,
Beata x

BeARTa Tattoo Studio

Mother Nature by BeARTa - Street Art Cities Beautiful portrait painted for Southend City Jam 2023.A few minutes away from Southend town centre is BeARTa Tattoo Studio, run by Beata Nemes. Originally from Hungary, BeARTa is registered and licensed by the local authorities and has many


💥16th- 19th June Available 💥

💬Which day is suitable for you for tattooing? Comment it underneath it.

📩 Please send your enquiry and I would be happy to help you to turn your TATTOO dream into reality.✨️


💛Supporting Southend Fibromyalgia Group this time

Tattoo Gift vouchers at the Raffle!

Check their event tonight and their page to help:

Thank you 🙏✨️

Visit TikTok to discover videos! 14/05/2023

Hi Everyone,

I have just started using TikTok app.

Check it out for more info:

Visit TikTok to discover videos! Watch, follow, and discover more trending content.


👉12th- 15th MAY

💬What is your dream tattoo? Tell me in the comments ❤🤗

Please send your enquiry and I would be happy to help you with your request!

I hope to see you soon,
Beata x

BeARTa Tattoo Studio


👉12th- 15th MAY

💬What is your dream tattoo? Tell me in the comments ❤🤗

Please send your enquiry and I would be happy to help you with your request!

I hope to see you soon,
Beata x

BeARTa Tattoo Studio


Köszöntelek Benneteket

Jó hírem van Számotokra!
BeARTa Tattoo Studio Nagy-Britannia után hamarosan nyitja kapuit Zalaegerszegen is a Köztársaság útja 17. szám alatt. Még folynak az előkészületek, szépen lassan lesz olyan, ahogy megálmodtam, de várhatóan 1-2 hét múlva már elkezdek itt is tetoválni. Nyugodtan vegyétek fel velem a kapcsolatot, ha egy igényes, egyedi, SZEMÉLYRE SZABOTT tetoválásra vágytok egy tapasztalt szakemberrel.

Aki még nem ismerne, elárulom a művészet kiskorom óta a szenvedélyem, művészeti iskolákat végeztem és 2011 óta tetoválok. A studiot Nagy-Britanniában nyitottuk meg 2013-ban, ami azóta is működik: Bearta Tattoo Studio

Elsősorban itt Facebookon várom az üzeneteiteket az ötleteitekkel kapcsolatban:
* referencia képekkel
*fotókkal a testfelületről- ahová szeretnétek, ezt kicsit távolabbról fotózzátok kérlek nappali fényben, a felülettel párhuzamosan.
*Valamint írjátok meg mekkora méretben szeretnétek
*Fekete-fehérben, színesben, avagy takarásról van-e szó.

*HA szeretnétek nyugodtan írjatok kicsit magatokról, hogy kicsit jobban megismerhesselek Titeket, mivel egyedi tetoválásokat készítek, szeretnék a designotokba is valami rátok jellemzőt is belecsempészni, ha igény van rá. Valamint ha úgy gondolod, hogy a tervezés miatt fontos lehet, meséld el kedvenc sztoridat, illetve, hogy milyen jelentést szeretnél a tetoválásodba belevinni.

*WhatsAppon is elérhető vagyok már, az alábbi telefonszámon: 0036307132302 De kérlek itt csak konzultációs időpontot egyeztessünk, a referencia képeket, stb. facebookon várom továbbra is.

***A KONZULTÁCIÓN minden más részletet meg tudunk beszélni személyesen. Ekkor lehetőségünk lesz kapcsolódni, egymásra hangolódni az előttünk álló közös munkához. Együtt feltérképezzük, HA nyitott vagy rá, az érdeklődési köröd, életutad, körülményeid alapján, hogy jelen helyzetben milyen motívumra, szimbólumra van szükséged, ami előbbre visz az életedben. Megbeszéljük, hogy milyen jellegű tetoválások tetszenek, készülj példa fotókkal mindenképp, amit lehetőség szerint előre küldj át itt facebookon. Valamint javasolni szoktam, hogy meséld el kedvenc történetedet, amit megéltél, ami lehet akár egy emlékezetes nyaralás, családi esemény, bármi, ami megfogott és képkockáit ma is őrzöd. Úgy gondolom, hogy a tetoválás nem csak díszíti a testet, de annak egyben therapeutikus hatása is van az adott egyénre nézve. Sok esetben megoldandó problémákat a szimbólumok-és jelentés tartalma segítségével, valamint a művészet terápia erejével kioldunk. Tehát nyugodtan írd le előzetesen, HA szeretnéd, hogy milyen feladatok foglalkoztatnak, amik megoldásra várnak. Az intuitív tervezés során beépítek a designba minden olyan elemet, amire az adott személynek szüksége lesz. A gondosan elkészített, személyre szabott tetoválás során pedig folyamatos energia munka történik, ami nagyjából felér akár egy hosszú akupunktúrás kezeléssel, ami alatt feloldunk blokkokat, és segít kifejteni hatását, pozitív útra terelni a negatív élethelyzeteket, áthidalni a nehézségeket. Természetesen ez is egy folyamat, nem feltétlenül egyből fejti ki hatását, hanem fokozatosan. A tetoválás is jó esetben egy egész életre szól, a hatását is folyamatosan fogja kifejteni.
így tudok Neked segíteni akár az önfejlődés útján, hogy Magodra találj, hogy még inkább kapcsolódj ÖnMagadhoz egy motívum által, mely akár meg is változtathatja az életedet pozitívan. Mivel minden minta jelentéssel bír, viselőjét is felruházza az adott minta jelentéstartalmával , ezáltal lehetőséget biztosítva a változásra.
Természetesen nem kell benne hinni, ezt Te döntöd el, mindenki olyan tetoválás mintát kér, amilyet szeretne, és olyat kap nálam, amilyet szeretne, ettől is személyre szabott, mivel mindenki olyat kap, amire igénye van, amit be tud fogadni. A designon pedig addig dolgozom, amíg a viselője rá nem bólint. A legfontosabb, hogy mindenki elégedett legyen a végén.

Remélem, hogy tudok Neked is segíteni megtalálni a Hozzád illő mintát, amit büszkén viselhetsz egész életedben.

Várlak Szeretettel:

BeARTa Tattoo Studio

insta: bearta_tattoo_studio


👉👉12th-16th MARCH
💬Do you like Japanese culture? Tell me in the comments ❤🤗

Please send your enquiry and I would be happy to help you with your request!
I hope to see you soon,
Beata x
Ps. Upper inner arm is HEALED, forearm is fresh on the photo.


👉👉12th-16th MARCH

💬Would you like me as your artist? YES or Yeeeesss in the comments please ❤🤗

🤘🦉"Be OWLsome" and get a custom tattoo by me!!!

Please send your enquiry and I would be happy to help you with your request!

I hope to see you soon,
Beata x

Ps. This is a HEALED tattoo, only next to moon is fresh on the photo.



What is your tattoo dream?
💫Let's turn your idea into reality together.

Send your enquiry here or by email to [email protected]

I hope I can help you to create a custom design.

See you soon,
Beata x

BeARTa Tattoo Studio



💬Would you like me as your artist? Yes or no?
💥💥💥Limited spots available in February by BeARTa💥💥💥

👉👉15th February is available to BOOK

If you would like a custom quality tattoo please send your enquiry and I would be happy to help you with your request!


👇Do you like this style? Please let me know in the comments!
Do you know what is surrealism?

Surrealism balances a rational vision of life with one that asserts the power of the unconscious and dreams. We can find magic and strange beauty in the unexpected and the uncanny, the disregarded and the unconventional.

Features of Surrealistic Art:

*Dream-like scenes and symbolic images.
*Unexpected, illogical juxtapositions.
*Bizarre assemblages of ordinary objects.
*Spirit of spontaneity.
*Techniques to create random effects.
*Personal iconography.
*Visual puns.
*Distorted figures and biomorphic shapes.

📩Send your enquiry and get your dream tattoo💫

I hope to see you soon,


What is your tattoo dream?

💫Let's turn your idea into reality together.

Send your enquiry here or by email to [email protected]

I hope I can help you to create a custom design.

See you soon,
Beata x

BeARTa Tattoo Studio



💥💥💥Limited spots available in February by BeARTa💥💥💥

BOOK is now OPEN for
👉the 15th February

If you would like a custom quality tattoo please send your enquiry and I would be happy to help you with your request!


💬Do you know which movie he is from?
Tell us in the comments what do you think?

📩If you are planning a quality tattoo please feel free to message us with your enquiry.

Let us know your idea and we would be happy to create your custom tattoo for You.

We hope to see You soon,
BeARTa Studios Team


💬Are you planning to have a custom art tattoo in September?😯

📩If you are planning a quality tattoo please feel free to message us with your enquiry.

Let us know your idea and we would be happy to create your custom tattoo for You.

We hope to see You soon,
BeARTa Studios Team


💬Are you planning to book an appointment in September?

📩If you are planning a quality tattoo please feel free to message us with your enquiry.

Let us know your idea and we would be happy to create your custom tattoo for You.

We hope to see You soon,
BeARTa Studios Team


📩If you are planning a quality tattoo please feel free to message us with your enquiry.

Let us know your idea and we would be happy to create your custom tattoo for You.

We hope to see You soon,
BeARTa Studios Team


Let us know your idea and we would be happy to create your custom tattoo for You.

We hope to see You soon,
BeARTa Studios Team


📩Don`t hesitate, just send your enquires to us!

Let us know your idea and we would be happy to create your custom tattoo for You.

We hope to see You soon,
BeARTa Studios Team

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Videos (show all)

Interested to have a custom tattoo?📩PM me for more details!Let's turn your tattoo dream into reality!...#tattoosouthend ...
BeARTa Tattoo Training is ON❣️It was fun to teach today. It was the first attempt for the ladies on 🍌s. 🙈Well done all o...
"You give a little something to the world."Custom Tattoo Art available to book📩 *23rd June*24th JuneI help to turn tatto...
Dear Tattoo Lovers,I have available spots 20th-24th June. 🇬🇧If you would like a custom Tattoo I would love to help you t...
🐟A custom fish tattoo by BeARTaBeARTa has created this custom personal fish tattoo. Her client, Donna loves see creature...
🙏Raising money for a little girl, Skye🙏 Please help if you can (link below 👇 Thank you)Hi lovely people out there,So ple...
🎨How do you like unusual tattoos?💬Yaay or nay?🐶💚A green dog? Why not?BeARTa has created this custom personal memorial do...
The Get Up Kids sleeve by Évi📩Please send your enquiries to or by email to bearta@bearta.c...
We LOVE colours. Do you? 💜 This is one of my favourite tattoos I have done on the neck of my lovely client.Thank you Fre...
Full sleeve Tattoo
Are you living to work or working to live? 🙂
Do you want a tattoo? 💉



37 Clarence Road

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