Lawbiz UK

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With more than thirteen years experience in professional practice we have positioned ourselves in a leading position in Mexico and Latin America and with our services available to UK companies through our UK office.


The exhibition of forgotten British heritage comes to Mexico City from the 23rd to the 30th of September 2021.

Glocal Art Market Consultants, led by the Mexican artist and curator Dr. Pablo Angel Lugo brings this exclusive exhibition of unique paintings and drawings from the Victorian Era.

Book your place at


El doodle de Google de hoy está dedicado a Pedro Linares, artesano mexicano creador de los alebrijes, seres fantásticos que cobran vida a través de la cartonería.

Hoy los alebrijes son una de las mayores expresiones de la cultura popular en México; además, son conocidos en todo el mundo.

¿Has hecho un alebrije? ¿Tienes una pieza favorita?


We are delighted to share that our Founding Partner at LawBiz Enrique Octavio García will start his campaign to run for the presidency of Concanaco Servytur on a safe social distanced event and streamed live tomorrow, where he will talk to Mexican Entrepreneurs about his project to encourage investment and promote Mexico’s tourism industry if elected as head of this very important body.
We wish him much success! 👏👏

LawBiz Consulting Group


Join our Director for his presentation at the International Trade Council Think Global Conference - the world's largest event focused on helping businesses expand internationally.
Visit the event website at and use our discount code to receive 90% off the standard ticket price.

LawBiz Consulting Group


Lawbiz present at The Think Global Conference 2021!

If you are a small business interested in new markets, this conference is for you.

Oline event International Trade Council The Think Global Conference
April 12-15, 2021

John Michael Wright
Director of Lawbiz Consulting Group UK Limited and author of Powerful Business Rules, Extraordinary Results - UK & MEXICO

John is a marketeer by training with many years business consultancy with offices in the UK and Mexico City offering market entry and other services to businesses wishing to enter the UK and Mexican markets.



Tips para expandir tu negocio al Reino Unido – Lawbiz 01/03/2021

Expande tu negocio al Reino Unido, te decimos cómo.

Tips para expandir tu negocio al Reino Unido – Lawbiz 27 Feb Tips para expandir tu negocio al Reino Unido Posted at 00:54h in Sin categoría by Daniel 0 Comments 0 Likes No necesitamos explicar porqué es importante en este momento mirar hacia otros mercados, usted como empresario seguramente tiene clara la respuesta; pero, ¿porqué el Reino Unido deb...


Errores simples pueden costar mucho. Mira estas recomendaciones de nuestros expertos.

Visita nuestro blog y resuelve esa y otras dudas con el artículo de nuestro socio de contabilidad C.P.C Alejandro Arroyo


El E-commerce llegó para quedarse. Aprende cómo desarrollar tu modelo de negocio con expertos de Latinoamérica y China.

Cuándo: Jueves, 25 de Febrero 2021
Ciudad de México 18:00 horas
Bogotá 19:00 horas
Londres: 26 de Febrero 00:00

▶️ Regístrate aquí

Este 25 de Febrero no te pierdas este evento, gratuito. Regístrate en el siguiente link


Regulations around home offices are now part of Mexican Employment Law. Something to consider if you are expanding your business to Mexico.

We know Mexico and how it woks. 26/08/2020

Mexico’s not just about business, what about the food?
Taco’s, tamales, chilaquiles, quesadillas and salsas galore, do these names mean much to you? If they don’t now they soon will and what delights you have in store if Mexican cuisine is new for you! These are just a few of the dishes that you will find in nearly every restaurant and on most street corners, don’t be shy about trying the street food, it’s delicious and cheap. Taco’s are the staple diet, made from corn and filled with anything savoury, spiced fish or meat, vegetables, cheese and always with green or red salsa, added to taste; tamales, sweet or savoury filling inside a thick, pastry like outer shell of corn, wrapped in a banana leaf and steamed. Let me leave a bit of mystery and room for discovery. If you’re thinking about Mexico talk to us, we can help,

Photo': Evan Reimer, We're all on a journey.We will stand right there with youSolutions for your business in Latin America and here in the UK. If you need professional support in Latin America we can help, we know how things work which will save you time and money and with the ease of dealing with us, here, in the UK.We... 19/08/2020

Prácticas comerciales en el Reino Unido parte 3.
Ya hemos cubierto algunos de los conceptos básicos en los últimos dos blogs, así que pensemos en el típico proceso de toma de decisiones en un negocio británico. Encontrará que, por lo general, la estructura de gestión parece ser bastante informal, es habitual que el personal de todos los niveles participe igualmente en las reuniones, pero esto a menudo oculta el proceso de toma de decisiones más jerárquico. Es muy probable que se le solicite que presente una oferta formal, se agradece la claridad y brevedad y, a menos que haya acordado específicamente lo contrario, debe enviarlo dentro de un día o dos de su reunión; Si es probable que esto tome más tiempo, explique su horario al final de la reunión. Independientemente del nivel de sus contactos dentro de la empresa, cualquier acuerdo de importancia se firmará a nivel de Director, no hay problema en reconocer abiertamente y discutir esto y solicitar una comprensión del tiempo y el proceso del proceso de toma de decisiones y las personas involucrado. Hacer un seguimiento de acuerdo con el período de tiempo que le hayan aconsejado se considerará interesado y eficiente, no una imposición. Conocemos el Reino Unido, sabemos cómo funciona el Reino Unido, podemos ayudar.

Photo': Ali Yaqub, We're all on a journey.We will stand right there with youSolutions for your business in Latin America and here in the UK. If you need professional support in Latin America we can help, we know how things work which will save you time and money and with the ease of dealing with us, here, in the UK.We... 12/08/2020

Everyone’s invited to the transfer pricing party.
Regulations applied to businesses operating in countries with mismatched tax regimes, in other words transfer pricing regulations, historically exempted SME’s, but with a change in the UK legislation in 2019 it’s something for allof us to think about now. The law now puts the obligation on everyone trading across tax regimes to assess whether or not additional tax is due in their case, that means SME’s too. HMRC currently raises almost £2bn from transfer pricing adjustments, so no small matter. We know Mexico and we know how Mexico works,

Photo': Katie Moum, We're all on a journey.We will stand right there with youSolutions for your business in Latin America and here in the UK. If you need professional support in Latin America we can help, we know how things work which will save you time and money and with the ease of dealing with us, here, in the UK.We... 05/08/2020

Prácticas comerciales en el Reino Unido parte 2.
En el primer blog discutimos los comportamientos aceptados en el entorno empresarial británico, esta vez desarrollemos el tema un poco más. Como en la mayoría de los países, la creación de redes es un buen lugar para comenzar, si puede contactar a través de una presentación personal, entonces ya ha establecido cierto grado de confianza y casi definitivamente se le otorgará una primera reunión, mucho más exitosa que un enfoque de correo electrónico Es fácil de ignorar. Recuerde llegar a las citas a tiempo o un poco antes, hablé sobre esto en el primer blog y lo repito aquí porque llegar tarde será muy mal recibido en el Reino Unido, si se retrasa, al menos llame y explique, para el ¡Británicos, la puntualidad lo es todo!
Cualquier reunión que tenga casi siempre terminará bien, lo más probable es que se le pida que proporcione una cotización formal o más información, sería inusual recibir una decisión en una primera reunión, de manera similar, es poco probable que los británicos le informen directamente en una reunión que no les gusta su oferta, simplemente no harán un seguimiento de lo prometido. Conocemos el Reino Unido, sabemos cómo funciona el Reino Unido, podemos ayudar. We're all on a journey.We will stand right there with youSolutions for your business in Latin America and here in the UK. If you need professional support in Latin America we can help, we know how things work which will save you time and money and with the ease of dealing with us, here, in the UK.We... 29/07/2020

Why transfer pricing matters for your brand.
Is anyone unaware of the news stories circling around some of the bigger well known multinationals, Google and Amazon to name perhaps the two biggest, seemingly generating massive revenues and paying little tax where these revenues have been earned. It’s easy to become everybody’s new bad boy on the block and the public doesn’t seem to care whether the ‘villain’ is acting within the law or not, they want moral considerations to be part of the deal too. Attention to transfer pricing keeps you on the right side of the tax authorities and makes good marketing sense too, empathy for your brand is an enormous asset. We know Mexico and we know how Mexico works,

Photo': Vanveenjf, We're all on a journey.We will stand right there with youSolutions for your business in Latin America and here in the UK. If you need professional support in Latin America we can help, we know how things work which will save you time and money and with the ease of dealing with us, here, in the UK.We...


¿Son diferentes las prácticas comerciales en el Reino Unido? ¿Qué necesito saber?
Probablemente no sea muy diferente, pero aquí hay algunos consejos, la cortesía, la cortesía y la puntualidad son lo básico, y las reuniones formales pueden avanzar rápidamente hacia relaciones más relajadas si las cosas 'se sienten bien', la reputación británica de humor irónico y 'irónico' es bien merecido y algo que sin duda encontrarás tan pronto como las cosas se relajen. Raramente se encontrará con británicos con habilidades lingüísticas, aunque gran parte de la población del Reino Unido no nació en el Reino Unido, por lo que puede tener suerte y encontrar un hispanohablante, pero sería un error asumirlo.

No es necesario establecer una relación personal sólida antes de comenzar un negocio, pero los británicos buscan socios confiables a largo plazo y sospecharán de las soluciones de "solución rápida". Una vez que haya demostrado su valía, tendrá un socio comercial leal de por vida, pero la puntualidad es esencial: devolver llamadas, responder a correos electrónicos rápidamente, asistir a reuniones en el momento acordado o antes, todo generará confianza con los británicos. Conocemos el Reino Unido, sabemos cómo funciona el Reino Unido, podemos ayudar.

Photo': Robert Keane, We're all on a journey.We will stand right there with youSolutions for your business in Latin America and here in the UK. If you need professional support in Latin America we can help, we know how things work which will save you time and money and with the ease of dealing with us, here, in the UK.We... 15/07/2020

Why you need to pay attention to transfer pricing.
Here’s what our exciting new world brings us, seamless global communication and transfer of data, efficient and reliable transportation, longer and broader supply chains and global markets, so do national borders really matter anymore? And do you think the tax authorities haven’t caught up yet? Of course not, their job is to get what they can, where they can, within the law. If you are operating across national boundaries your lowest risk strategy is to do the right thing and to be seen to be doing the right thing, have a transfer pricing strategy agreed and in place. We know Mexico and we know how Mexico works,

Photo': Bernd Dittrich,
Here’s what our exciting new world brings us, seamless global communication and transfer of data, efficient and reliable transportation, longer and broader supply chains and global markets, so do national borders really matter anymore? And do you think the tax authorities haven’t caught up yet? Of course not, their job is to get what they can, where they can, within the law. If you are operating across national boundaries your lowest risk strategy is to do the right thing and to be seen to be doing the right thing, have a transfer pricing strategy agreed and in place. We know Mexico and we know how Mexico works, We're all on a journey.We will stand right there with youSolutions for your business in Latin America and here in the UK. If you need professional support in Latin America we can help, we know how things work which will save you time and money and with the ease of dealing with us, here, in the UK.We... 08/07/2020

¿Cómo promociono mi negocio en el Reino Unido?
Vivimos en una época en la que el marketing inteligente y correctamente dirigido puede obtener resultados sin costar una fortuna. En épocas pasadas, el marketing dirigido sofisticado era difícil, si no imposible, tenía que promocionar a todo el mercado para asegurarse de cubrir su nicho. Internet cambió eso, con la gran cantidad de datos disponibles gratuitamente y el mercadeo en redes sociales puede costar mucho menos. "Puede costar mucho menos", porque el mensaje debe ser fuerte y efectivo y el mercado objetivo correctamente identificado. Esa frase ofrece la oportunidad tanto para el éxito como para el fracaso, es esencial saber realmente lo que está haciendo antes de invertir y posiblemente gastar dinero. Si el Reino Unido es parte de su plan de negocios, comuníquese primero con Lawbiz UK, nosotros conocemos el Reino Unido y sabemos cómo funciona. Un chat inicial no le cuesta nada y puede ahorrarle tiempo y dinero. We're all on a journey.We will stand right there with youSolutions for your business in Latin America and here in the UK. If you need professional support in Latin America we can help, we know how things work which will save you time and money and with the ease of dealing with us, here, in the UK.We... 01/07/2020

Mexican business practises part 2.
We’ve talked about first contacts and meetings, let’s look at a few other things. What is the dress code? The Mexican business world is a formal one with dress reflecting status, so smart for both business and social occasions is important, dark suits for men, suits or dresses for women with smart shoes for both of course. Greetings are formal, professional titles, Mr or Mrs are the safe route to follow and as with everywhere, strong handshakes with strong eye contact.

Business entertaining is seen as an important way to deepen relationships, breakfast and lunch meetings are common and often last for up to two hours, the business discussion usually comes last and it is best to let things flow until things take their course but be sure. We know Mexico and we know how Mexico works,

Photo': Jexael Melgoza, We're all on a journey.We will stand right there with youSolutions for your business in Latin America and here in the UK. If you need professional support in Latin America we can help, we know how things work which will save you time and money and with the ease of dealing with us, here, in the UK.We... 24/06/2020

Are Mexican business practises different from the UK? What do I need to know?
The main characteristics of Mexican business culture are personal relationships, loyalty, hierarchy and status consciousness, perhaps a little more formal than in the UK. The decision making process will almost exclusively be from the top down and you are likely to find it difficult to impose on a timescale for this, it can be much more fluid. Personal relationships are cherished above all and these are developed through warm contact whilst maintaining a professional level of contact; leave the famous British ‘sang froid’ at home. You will spend more time conducting business face to face or on the ‘phone. Status matters and so if a first meeting is outside the office, a nice hotel, restaurant or similar is appropriate, somewhere that reflects the status of those present. Whilst punctuality is expected, timing is a looser concept and you may find yourself kept waiting, meetings may wander more than you’re used to and business will always be preceded by a good amount of small talk. If Latin America is on your radar talk to us first, we know how things work. We're all on a journey.We will stand right there with youSolutions for your business in Latin America and here in the UK. If you need professional support in Latin America we can help, we know how things work which will save you time and money and with the ease of dealing with us, here, in the UK.We... 17/06/2020

Are you planning to set up a business in Mexico City?
There’s a bit more to it than in the UK, not least of which is the language, and it certainly saves time and money to have someone on your side who knows the ropes. Here are a couple of examples of things that can trip you up; you need to know the jurisdiction of your address, this is because the state of Mexico and Mexico City pay different taxes, you also need to find your way around the three tax regimes in Mexico, local, state and federal. Both issues simply navigated if you’re ‘in the know’, but time and cost hungry if you’re not. If you’re thinking about Mexico talk to us, we can help, We're all on a journey.We will stand right there with youSolutions for your business in Latin America and here in the UK. If you need professional support in Latin America we can help, we know how things work which will save you time and money and with the ease of dealing with us, here, in the UK.We... 10/06/2020

¿Cómo se puede adquirir una propiedad en el Reino Unido?
¿Qué es probable que desee, una casa, una oficina, una fábrica? Encontrar el lugar correcto al precio correcto puede llevar mucho tiempo, y luego comienza el trabajo, el proceso legal, la obtención de títulos y contratos, la negociación de términos y precios, la organización de encuestas y seguros, es una lista larga. En el Reino Unido, una venta no es segura hasta que se hayan redactado e intercambiado los contratos y se haya pagado un depósito, un "acuerdo de apretón de manos" no tiene validez legal, por lo que mantenerse cerca del vendedor o agente para mantener la confianza es esencial para garantizar que las cosas funcionen sin problemas. Conocemos el Reino Unido, sabemos cómo funciona el Reino Unido, podemos ayudar.

Photo': Red Zeppelin We're all on a journey.We will stand right there with youSolutions for your business in Latin America and here in the UK. If you need professional support in Latin America we can help, we know how things work which will save you time and money and with the ease of dealing with us, here, in the UK.We...


How to buy property in Mexico
Whether you are acquiring a business or residential property the procedure is similar to anywhere in the world, checking for clear title, antecedents, contracts, payment terms are all things you would recognise, but in Mexico, if you are not a national, you are not permitted to buy within 50km of a national border or coastline. There’s an answer of course and we can help, you put the property into a trust, you have exactly the same rights of usage, acquisition and sale, it costs a little more but you have the added security of knowing that the bank managing the trust has undertaken their due diligence too – think of it as a free insurance policy. We know Mexico and we know how Mexico works,

Photo': Spencer Watson on Unsplash.

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Haz negocios en el Reino Unido




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